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Tony Anderson May 2019
Passion is red
Sorrow is blue
Greed is green
What color are you
Purity is white
friendship is yellow
Like a good and gracious fellow
Death is black
Like a knife dealt harshly in the back
With all these colors and all these hues
I ask once again what color are you
Tony Anderson May 2019
Angry at the world
On going heartache
No one seems to care
Emotional turmoil
Tony Anderson May 2019
When I play my drum
Every beat
Every pulsating rhythm
An extension of
Joining together as one
To praise and glorify
It's maker

When I play my drum
It is like an electric current
Flowing through me
A band of energy
Whose origins I can not explain
I feel closer to
The universe

When I play my drum
I feel a freedom
I feel pure joy
God is with me
God joins me as I sing
As I worship
As I praise his awesome name
Tony Anderson May 2019
When I asked you if you wanted to dance I gave you no reason to pick a fight
I gave you no reason for your attitude

When I asked you to dance
I thought it would
Be nice to share a moment
As we glide across the floor

Instead you accused me of things in your heart you know I would never do
Instead you yelled and screamed at me
For crimes I never committed against you or any other woman

When I asked you to dance
I wanted to waltz over the floor
With you

Instead I have been given nothing but hate
I don't understand this
I'm leaving
Find yourself another date
Tony Anderson May 2019
Peer preasure
The media
All want to keep us on a leash
All want to control us
I say enough is enough

Time to stand up
Time to fight back
Be who you are
Do NOT let them decide
Break the leash
Free yourself

You are your own person
Stand firm
Sound your voice
Rejoice in yourself
Be all you were trully ment to be
Tony Anderson May 2019
The machine is taking over
Indavidualty is being lost
Everyone acts the same
Everyone looks the same
Everyone moves the same

The machine is taking over
Like a well oiled peice
The true self is no more
Only the machine is left
The true self lost
Lost in the crowd
Lost in the void
Lost to the world

Steping in time with everyone else
Marching to the same
Rythme and beat
Even eyes blinking
At the same time
All one mind
All one soul
All one thought

No more fun
No more free spirits
The machine will not allow it
No more free thinkers
No more joy
The machine is stern in its ways

The indavidual now part of a system
A system that demands control
A system that demands loyalty
Loyalty or death
That is how the machine works

The indavidual no longer free
Free to think
Free to be themselves
Free to learn and laugh
Freedom is lost
Just as the indavidual is lost
Now part of the machine
Tony Anderson May 2019
My heart was ripped out of my chest
This young lady was just like the rest
Playing me for the fool I am
I should have known it was all a sham
I want a woman I can hold onto for life
Take her home and someday make her my wife
This woman was more like a witch
Casting her spell, boy what a *****
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