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Tony Anderson May 2019
My heart was ripped out of my chest
This young lady was just like the rest
Playing me for the fool I am
I should have known it was all a sham
I want a woman I can hold onto for life
Take her home and someday make her my wife
This woman was more like a witch
Casting her spell, boy what a *****
Tony Anderson May 2019
To venture into the unknown
To stretch my limits
To boldly go where I have never gone before

If I never try somthing new
If I never teke on new challenges
I will never truly grown
In person
In mind
In body
In soul
In spirit

At times there will be points where I want to quite
I can not
For I can not and will not let the wolrd win
At times there will be great heartaches
I will not let it keep my down

The challenges of life
Are not stumbbling blocks
However they are stepping stones
Each step takes me
Higher into selfawareness
Fuller in the knowledge of
My own abilities
My own streangths
My own desire to progress and move foward
Tony Anderson May 2019
I love you like that of a galactic starry sky
My love for you rockets out of sight
You keep me staring for the sight is more than I can take
Like the flower of a rose
I fear if I move this image will break and be lost forever
I do not wish to loose you
For if ever I do I will surely die
Or at the least my heart will be ****** into a black hole from which there is no escape

I love you like a patriot loves his home land
Let the enemy come let them fight their war.
My love shall remain
My heart pounds with the sound of the canon
The rifles are the sound of my footsteps
Running for you to make sure all is right
My love shall never fail
My love shall never fall
For you my love has no strings attached
There is no medal won in battle that compares with you
For you are worth so much more than these

I love you like that of a rose
You are the sweetest thing that I have ever known
You are like a rare gem, you are priceless to behold
I am stunned by your beauty, I am unable to take my eyes off you
I am caught forever in your spell
Lost forever to the world around me
Nothing else matters when you are around
My heart longs to know you
My soul longs to be near you
I long forever to hold you in my arms
For there is no other that could fill this space in my life
There is no other who my will so bends to
Tony Anderson May 2019
Ten thousand soldiers
Upon the hill
Ten thousand bodies
Now lay still
Ten thousand souls
Cry in pain
For freedom’s light
For freedom’s gain

Ten thousand wounded
Battle scared
Ten thousand soldiers
Fighting hard
Ten thousand feel the strain
Through the heat
Though the rain

For freedom
They came to fight
For freedom
They sparked a light

Ten thousand soldiers
Upon the hill
Ten thousand bodies
Now lay still

Freedom is not free
Tony Anderson May 2019
Riding on the tailgate of the pickup dragging a stick cuting grooves in the dirt road
Jumping off the tailgate running behind the truck then jumping back on
Walking through the dry creek bed looking for rocks
Splashing in mud puddels
Finding turtles under haybails
Just walking through the field exploring

I could go on and on
Childhood in the country
Is the best childhood to have
Tony Anderson May 2019
Face to face
With the beast within
Face to face
With the darkness of your own soul
Tony Anderson May 2019
In the land of fairies, goblins. And kings
In the land of elves, dwarves, and other things
Where anything can happen
Where there are treasures untold
Adventure lurks for the fearless of soul
You never now what lurks ahead
One false move and you might be dead
In the land of dragons
In a constant time of war
You never know what is hiding
Just outside your front door
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