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Tony Anderson May 2019
In the land of fairies, goblins. And kings
In the land of elves, dwarves, and other things
Where anything can happen
Where there are treasures untold
Adventure lurks for the fearless of soul
You never now what lurks ahead
One false move and you might be dead
In the land of dragons
In a constant time of war
You never know what is hiding
Just outside your front door
Tony Anderson May 2019
I am the freak
Bleed me
Destroy me
Burn my soul if you want
I can not change who I am
All I wanted was a friend
You all shun me
You all turn away

I am the freak
I am human
I have feelings
I have emotions
I fall in love
So even though I am a freak
I am not much different than you

I am the freak
Peirce my side
Make me bleed in great waves
You can destroy my body
My spirit
My soul
Can not be destroyed

I am the freak
Though I get laghed at
Though they throw their mud
I still dream
I still aspire
To better myself
To better those around me

I am the freak
You all have pointed that out
You do not know my story
You do not know my background
You call me a freak
You know nothing about me

I am the freak
Though you laugh
Though you throw your mud
I will go on
For I have better things to do
Than standing here
listening to your ****
Tony Anderson May 2019
Let's go on a magic carpet ride
Fly through the air
See new places
See new faces
Our imagtnation has no limits

Let's go on a magic carpet ride
See castles
Meet kings ans Queens
Find dragons
Lost gold
And other wonderful things

Let's go on a magic carpet ride
Go and go and go
No stopping now
Tony Anderson May 2019
I am the poet with my words
I can rip out the very fabric of reality
I can replace it with what I choose
Destroy one’s own ideas of life itself
Encourage one’s faith in GOD
Or make them face their darkest demon
I can crumble the government

With my words
I can bring two lovers together
Explain the mysteries of the universe
Let them know pain exists
That they are not alone in how they feel
Shine a light within this dark world

With my words
I can bring joy or cause pain
Calm fears and dry tears
Make friends

I am the poet
I am the poet
Tony Anderson May 2019
The waterfall splash
Down upon the rocks below
The mist rises up
Tony Anderson May 2019
I'm not going to take it anymore
You have pushed me to my limit
I am ready to explode
With a mighty force
That is awesome to behold

I'm not going to take it anymore
You've called me names
Laughed in my face
You push me down
You've spit in my face

My fists are tight
My anger high
I will start throwing blows
As soon as you come into sight

Blood will fly
Blood will be spilt
As I beat you and beat you
And never quit

I will give you a taste
Of the rage that's been brewing
I will give you a taste
Then keep feeding

My fists will come fast
My fists will hit hard
Let's see you laugh
When you're cover in scars
Tony Anderson May 2019
Hot wings
Buffalo wings
Tangy sweet
Or spicy hot

Bake them
Grill them
Fry them
It's all good

Enjoy them
Eat them
Savor the goodness
Lick the sauce from your fingers

Hot wings
Buffalo wings
Tangy sweet
Or spicy hot
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