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Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Woman, don’t taunt me
Don’t play games with my mind
Yeah, I admit your body looks fine
What’s going on up top, that’s what I want to know
Don’t play with my emotions, my heart, my soul

Don’t flash me your wares
Yeah, great pair
Those I could well do without
What, are we gonna pout
Because I’m not impressed by the size of your *******
I don’t want a woman who looks like great art
If she doesn’t show me she is at least a little smart

A good looking woman will talk about herself all day
That kind of talk just pushes me away
Or they talk about things that don’t matter
Man, I can do without all that chatter
Looks are good
Looks are fine
I however want to know your mind

Let me know your feelings and your thoughts
Yeah, personality first that’s what I was taught
A good looking woman likes to strut
So do those call-girls on the street and they’re just *****
One night stand, no I want more
So do me a favor stop coming at me like a *****

Honey the last thing I will say
Babe if you don’t show me some class
You can pucker up, bend over, and KISS MY ***
Because honey I’m out of here
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
The machine will find you
Once it does
It will destroy you
Or tag you
To be part of the system
Just going through the motions
Following orders
Never caring
Never loving
Never an individual again

The machine owns you
You have no choice
From the day you are born
The Machine owns you
The machine tags you
You become a part of the system

Still there is hope
There are those who resist
Though they know it is a lost battle
They fight anyway
For there is always hope
To keep the individual person alive
To sound a voice
To release a cry
To let the machine know
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Don't judge me
I am not what you see
I know I have Birth defects
I know I was born different than you
I have risen above my problems
To show you my heart beats true

Don't judge me
For the scares upon my skin
They do not define me
Nor the soul that lies within
I just want to be accepted
I just want to be friends

Don't judge me
You have no idea what I've been through
The surgeries
The pain
The heartache
The rain
Cuts and bruises from defending myself
from bullies like you
So shut your mouth

Don't judge me
My birth defects
My problems
Are just a small part of my life
Look beyond all that
See me through new eyes

Don't judge me
Thou I may not be
As smart as you
I am not dumb
I do have a brain
I do know how to use it

Don't judge me
Yes I have birth defects
I am not ashamed
I work hard to rise above
So please stop calling me names

Don't judge me
I just want to be loved
Is that asking to much
To look beyond my outer shell
To see who I truly am

Don't judge me
I am human
Not a freak
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
What's on my mind
Do you really want to know
Are you willing to travel
Those dark and twisted tunnels

What's on my mind
Do you wish
To explore
The emotional and mental state
Of my thought process
The cobwebed corners
The dusty nooks and crannies

What's on my mind
Are you ready
For such an adventure
It may scare you
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
She huddles in the corner
Tears flowing from her blackened eyes
She cries in silence
Afraid that he will hear
Afraid her cries will make him mad
Afraid the beatings will continue

She bleeds
Where he has struck her
The salt from her tears
Sting as they wash over the wounds

Still she is silent
For to let him her hear cry
Would mean a victory on his part
That she will not allow
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Just bring it world
Whatever you wish to throw at me
I am ready
I am willing
I will face it head on

Just bring it world
I stand firm
You can not hold me down
You can not shut me out
I am here
I will fight you
And you know
I am a fighter

Just bring it world
I am not afraid
I am not moving
Just bring it
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
How dare you
Touch my daughter in that way
How dare you
Treat her in a manner as this
You S.O.B

The words of that day
Ring clear in his head
That awful day he found
That man naked
With his 10 year old daughter

This one
He had once called friend
Being an only child
Had even let the kids
Call him Uncle
Now the real beast had emerged

The rage grew within him
His desire to protect his daughter
Was strong
He grabbed a metal baseball bat
And started swinging
The beast
The monster
Wasn dead
Fallen quickly

He was convicted of ******
He pleaded guilty
Though his case for protecting
His child was strong
He was still sentenced to life
Without perole

He has no regrets
He would not have changed
His reaction to what he saw
The monster
The creep
Got what he deserved
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