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Tony Anderson Oct 2018
How dare you
Touch my daughter in that way
How dare you
Treat her in a manner as this
You S.O.B

The words of that day
Ring clear in his head
That awful day he found
That man naked
With his 10 year old daughter

This one
He had once called friend
Being an only child
Had even let the kids
Call him Uncle
Now the real beast had emerged

The rage grew within him
His desire to protect his daughter
Was strong
He grabbed a metal baseball bat
And started swinging
The beast
The monster
Wasn dead
Fallen quickly

He was convicted of ******
He pleaded guilty
Though his case for protecting
His child was strong
He was still sentenced to life
Without perole

He has no regrets
He would not have changed
His reaction to what he saw
The monster
The creep
Got what he deserved
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
He was the whiskey
In the relationship
Rough neck
She was the wine
Upscale life

A relationship grew
Between those two
That created a brew
That was the best
Of both lives

He was the whiskey
She was the wine
Together they built a love
To last for all time
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Come Into the jungle
Get in touch
With the savage beast within
Come Into the Jungle
That primal voice
Is calling again

You've held it in to long
Now you feel it coming strong
That savage yearning
That has been there
Since the dawn of time

The heat
The sweat
The pure joy of being one with
The whole universe

You hear it calling
It howls at the full moon
The flames of the fire
The wild dancing
To the rythum and beating
Of your heart
The savage calling
Flows through your blood stream

Come Into the jungle
Get in touch with the beast within
Come Into the jungle
That primal voice is calling again
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
I am a solitary traveler
I walk alone
I've been all over this country
From time to time
I take a small job
As a farm worker
Most of the time
I am on the road
Trodding my path
Toward places unknown

I am a solitary traveler
I make my own rules
I forge my own path
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Her name is Amber
Or at least
That is the name she has been given
For nobody knows her true name
She is 6 years old
Or at least that is how she appears
For she is a ghost child

Raven black long hair
Blue eyes
Pale white skin
She wears a white nightgown
And always carries a teddy bear

I said she is 6 years old
However she is much much older
Her exact age is unknown
However some guess 2-3 hundred years

She is mostly harmless
Wandering here and there
In the dead of night
Farmers have seen her
Walking through their Hayfield
One claims that while he was out
Hunting one early morning
He saw her rise from the depths
Of the pond

She can be seen wandering the streets in town as well
Some say that sometimes
She carriers a lantern with her
She always has her teddy bear

Some say she burned in a house fire
Some say she wandered away from home and got lost in the nearby woods
There are even weirder and more gruesome tales about her dimise

Most of the time she is harmless
When she gets into a mood
Her eyes turn bloodshot
Her hair turns to flames
Some say her teddy bear
Becomes a real bear
She uses other worldly powers
To create much mischief
Throwing objects
With the wave of her hand
She could stand on one end of the street
Her screeching yell could break every glass object along that street,  and some tales say the whole block

After she's had her "fun"
She'd turn back into an innocent child
Holding her teddy bear once more
And continue on her wandering ways
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Here on base
Bat in my hand
Focused and ready
I have taken my stand

The pitcher on the mound
Ball in his hand
Waits for the signal
From the catcher's hand

The pitcher looks left
The pitcher looks right
Then the pitcher winds up
Sending the ball into flight

Closer it comes
Floating in air
Untill it reaches the home plate
Then "CRACK" it's out of here

Faster and faster
It spins up and up
It flys past the fence
"HOME RUN"  what luck
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
With these hands
I have healed the sick
I have laid my hands upon them
I have prayed over them
I have doctored their wounds
To the best I could

With these hands
I have caused much injustice
I have done wrong
I have crumbled the nations
I have brought down their governments

With these hands
I have planted seeds
That have brought forth living plants
I have built a city
Erected walls
Brought homes and jobs
To those in need

With these hands
I have caused much destruction
Torn down buildings
ripped out fences
Cut down trees

With these hands
I have caused much joy
Made people laugh
Surprised people with gifts
Comforted sadness

With these hands
With these hands
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