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Jun 2020 · 15
It won’t matter
When I needed help
I get nothing but
Hundreds excuses
But when you needed my
Help to get here to
I don’t hesitate
But I do it
When comes to me
You ignore me
As far that
It’s doesn’t matter
You wasn’t there for me
When you think once’s again
That your bless
When she bring you down
With everything you have
Than what
You still going to forgive her
A person like that
Don’t change
You cannot change them
You need to wake up
Because I wasn’t the one on the
Calling that person
I wasn’t the one
Messing with him
People in the court yard
See’s me
They see whom I go to
They see who I talk to
So, how could be
The one messing with him
When I left him
I deleted his number out of
My phone
I don’t have no contact
What’s so ever
With that person
God’s know that
Everything was just fine
Until someone
Can’t leave stuff alone
The past is the past.
This how I see it
Honestly, someone
Don’t like to see you
Happy nor get
Head with your
Life. That person
Rather see you struggling
She doesn’t want you
Getting any help from anybody
That fault is not yours
To claim
Only the person
Who started everything
Jun 2020 · 68
Dear; Racheal
What I just saw warmed my heart.

I didn’t get one, but two pieces of information about you, one after the other.

These are nice things, truly.

The situation changed, and the person hiding their feelings from you wants to tell you everything.

Something will come of this.

Perhaps I shouldn’t say anything, but if I were you, I’d want to know about it
Jun 2020 · 16
If I had a man
Come out my bedroom door
Do you know
What that’s look like
I’m a woman
It look bad
More bad in my part
Let’s say
If a man walk out my
Bedroom door
Early in the morning
Whomever see it
The rumors will start
It’s bad enough if some
Guy tried to talk to me
People will say
His trying to get
With me
Jun 2020 · 17
This how I look at things
If I never said anything
About ***
Don’t put stuff in my mouth
Someone who
Could say
I’m not having ***
Is guilty one
None of my Conversation
Was got to do with
Don’t twist my words
I know what I said.
It’s natural
Things happen for a reason
I cannot say
Things just happened for
No reason.
If we look beyond are self
See what’s surrounding us
Than you will find what you looking for
But if you blinded
With bad karma
You won’t understand
What message is about.
In are life we live in
There’s always someone
Going to be jealous
Whatever you trying to
Complement in your life
There’s always someone
Going to try there best to ruin
Your happiness
Jun 2020 · 35
Dear; Vanessa
God knows I don’t talk to you
I forgive you
What may your desire did to me
Doesn’t mean I forgotten
It’s easy to forgive someone
It’s harder to forget
Why can you just move on
Why cost all this trouble
Why won’t you be grown about it
My not the type of person
To look for trouble
I got much better in life
That’s concern me
But you costing someone life
The proofs on the
Jun 2020 · 24
I got a good advice
From a child
Everything is going to be okay
Just focus on myself
Meaning step out the box
What they was use too
They cannot get
Because when they call
Your the one to save them
Cuz all the stuff happening in
The world we live in
Do you think, you wanna
Lay same with that person
If his not faithful to you
You might get something
A child has a better advice than
Only time will tell
They will miss you
In there eyes, the people are
More around him
He will defend them
But the person who been there
Help him
He will reject her.
The woman who help him
Is doing everything right
She’s not jumping because she love him
Because he doesn’t see it.
Are you sure you’re aware of all the things going on in your life ?

For example, how do you know that there isn’t a jealous person hindering your love ?

Your whole life could be turned around in a way you never even imagined.
The moment where everything can change for the better may finally have arrived for you !

But are there are still some obstacles on your way ?

Is there a jealous person around you ? Who can you trust ?
Jun 2020 · 63
If I gave what you want
Nothing going to change
Because I did my part
What Did anything change
Still same song
Is playing.
Who’s the liar now
With all this corona virus is going on
Jun 2020 · 16
I see why
Who’s cheating on who
I know I’m not
Well man does have
Does needs
Don’t need to explain anything to me
I won’t believe you
You made me feel
Low myself already
When first we did anything
You made it sound like
That’s all I ever I want
From you
Sorry I cannot get that out my
I could go years and years
Not having *** .
Jun 2020 · 29
Dear Anthony
Your situation is blocked, and you are causing the blockage yourself.

A person who is very close to you is offering help, but you constantly reject her.

However, between you, this could be the beginning of a beautiful story.

How and when?

I know that you are a sensitive person.

You will live through a week full of emotions, the kind that lend you wings.
I will remember you
As very strong woman
Always put her front foot
Never give up
For any fight
Believe in herself and what
Life brings
Very hard woman
She always takes care
Her business and family
This woman I’m talking about
Only one
Very close to me
Not only she stood up
For her family
She made sure everyone
Is well take care of
I will always remember you
No matter what happened
I will never forget you
I love you
Jun 2020 · 31
Dear; Grandma
Thank you for raising me
I know I’m hard headed
Sometimes I don’t listen
Thank you
Not only you are my favorite grandma
You also stand as a mother for me.
I will miss you so much
Even though we don’t see eyes to eyes
But I did learn something from you
Or you pass it on to me
Willing to help others
And always stay true full
To your love one
And honestly too.
Thank you grandma
Mahal kita, you will always be
And fight for the one you love
Is what you did for grandpa
You fought for grandpa because you love him
In my puso
Everything was doing good
You have someone
Who’s love you and
Willing help you
Maybe most of the stuff.
But you don’t know-how
To hold on to it.
Believe I have a patient
But one thing I learned
When someone
Is helping me
Does are the person I want to keep
I’ll be extra nice
I’ll hold on to that person.
Jun 2020 · 18
What have you done for me
Always ignoring me
What have you done for me
Make a promise you
Cannot keeps
You haven’t done nothing for me
Not even be nice
You cannot do that.
You don’t speak much
But your actions
Tell me a lot
Especially when you
Try to tell me something
Because it’s only half
Way. When I ask
You hesitate.
That’s why I rather
Look at your actions
Especially when I’m around
You wanna leave right the way
Jun 2020 · 60
Focus on your own self
I know it’s hard to focus
Especially if you get sidetrack
It’s easy to lose Constitution
When we see something different
Are mind wonder
To beat that
Remind are self
In one thing’s
I wouldn’t do stuff
For you
Sorry but I do care about you
And also love you deeply.
All I ask is to treat nice
Don’t be rude with me
Don’t ignore me
Especially I **** some
The stress out your back.
Appreciate what I do for you
Stop being an
*** hope that you are
Jun 2020 · 17
You did this
I when with someone else
My friend asked me
What’s wrong nothing
Just don’t like
How people treat me
They don’t know how to be nice
I hate the most
When your the one
Who’s showing them, how
Much you cares and love them
But they still
Treat you like dirt
Than late on they going to say
They bless
But honestly god
Watch everything what we do
You want to be treated nice
Than treat them nice as well too
But you ask for
A favor
Really now after you
Treated me
Someone who loves you
Someone who will try to help you
I guess.
If I was in your shoes
I’ll treat that person better.
You won’t like if
Karma is watching you.
All I have show
Some kindness
And love too
I didn’t do anything to you
To be treated the you treated me
Sorry to say this
But you was rude to me
When I was coming to you
I felt bad negative
My heart was going so fast
Something in your side
It’s costing that
I’m not rude to you at
Your rude to me
A solider
Who been to wars
Nevertheless I thought
Of them being okay.
They PST
Is very strong.
Right now a solider
Is sound asleep
Screaming help in there sleep
Screaming again and saying
Being in a normal life
We all think life is easy
Not for the solider
They have harder life
Just being in
Makes me cry
Jun 2020 · 17
If I’m in a situation
Someone ask me
To help them
I know myself I
I can’t even help my own self.
I wouldn’t promise anything.
I’ll focus on myself first
Before I start helping
Someone else.
The bad part you
Trying your best
To pleasant others.
When you’re own self
Can’t managed.
Be realistic here.
You got to help yourself first.
I know so much
About things
Some people are so jealous
Wants to know
What I do
Why am I the one
She chose to be her right hand
Because when
It’s comes to business
We separated are self
There’s are times to be friends
But it’s comes to work and business
It’s all about business
We are not friends
Jun 2020 · 16
You could tell me
Whatever later
I’m not going to believe you
Now my question to you
What can you do for me
Because I been doing a lot for you
Like someone told me
If I didn’t push them
To do anything
Like fix something
You will be waiting for long time
Someone told me today
Why am I doing stuff for you
You don’t pay attention to me
They even said
I don’t ask for anything
A little respect and pay attention to you
Meaning me
I don’t like telling you who said it
Cuz you tell them back
And they come back to me
And tell me why did I told you
I’m not saying anything
Who told me
Jun 2020 · 20
If there’s someone else
Say it
Don’t hide it
I rather hear the honesty
Than you making excuses
To everything
I do read between the line
I’m not dumb nor stupid
Ever guys
They rather lies to me
It’s not like I don’t see right
Through you
Honestly is what I look for
I been judged before and doubted
I been called a liar.
Now I put everything on the table
They turned around
Lies to me
I’m not a fool to fool with
I might act dumb
Far from being dumb
Jun 2020 · 27
It’s funny
How someone you
Love can’t answer your phone call
But so fast
To forget what they did
Makes me wonder
If he likes someone else
He does a lot of favors for others
But when comes to me
He ignored me
Okay, it’s fine
What’s comes around goes around
Jun 2020 · 30
You don’t need it
In order to withdraw from the negative influence of jealous people, it is crucial that you know who they are. This kind of people tends to gossip behind someone’s back, but at the  same time they can pretend to like you. And listen,  you don’t want these people around you!
I strongly advise you to read the information below. This will help you to protect yourself against people who slander about you and against other negative forces that influence you.

Banish the jealousy of others from your life. It is damaging to you and to the happiness that is waiting for you. You will miss a beautiful, prosperous future if you don’t intervene now.
Jun 2020 · 21
Jealous people
You actually get someone
Badly hurts
Because your to ****
Some woman are very jealous
They will do anything
To hurt someone else
Because they are unhappy themselves
Now I’m having
An panic attack
Because off someone
Being jealous
That’s how I see it
One person called me
Talking stupid ****
Sorry I got no time
With people like that
I’m cool
Jun 2020 · 37
People will try anything
To see you not happy
To see you not Successful
They will try there best
To ruin everything
If that involving someone else
And even go do extra miles for
And take a job
Because all she does
Thinking about you
She’s willing to
Take any job
To get extra money
Make sure
When you call
She has it. That’s not
Enough for you
Everything she does
It’s for you.
She never have time
To do her business
It’s all you
To someone who
Care for you
When you tell me
Something I’m
There to listen.
But when I tell you
Something you
Avoid what I’m saying
You don’t care
For me
But I care for you.
Do you think your being
Fare what you doing.
You want someone to do
Something for you
Meet them halfway
Don’t Nicolette them
That’s exactly you doing
Rather the one
Is always there for you
The one
If you called
Willing to do almost anything
For you.
People who’s there more
Financial for you
You don’t ignore
You pay attention to them
Jun 2020 · 38
I always jump
When you call
When you text
But when I want something
You can’t do same for me
I can’t just drop
What I’m doing
Because you want me to
You ignored my wishes
I’m always there
When you call
I have important things
To handle right now
Sorry I can’t just pretend
You don’t Knowledge me.
I didn’t get to do
What I needed to do yesterday
Because what had happened to me.
I had to cancel my appointment yesterday.
Today is my day
Jun 2020 · 23
If someone ignore you
The way you ignore
That one person
Who dearly love you.
You will be mad
You wouldn’t like it.
Please can you tell me what
Is that bad about me
That you cannot give your times
I ask simple things
To just be around at night
I can’t get that
But I’m still there for you
When they have there own secrets
That’s pretty hard to do so
First they have to be truthful
To themselves
I was as an question
If I could trust my man
Honestly I don’t know him
That well
I only know basic stuff about him
What he likes to eat
Nope I don’t know
What he doesn’t like
Nope I don’t know
Right there he doesn’t
Say much
If we couldn’t have a good
Conversation on the phone
Rather to talk to someone else
That’s tell you
He keeps things from me
Please someone tell me
How do you get know
That person.
To get where you want to be
Than life will take it
All back
You will sit there
Wonder what happened
Your answer you
Looking for
Is right there
Look within your
Inner self
You will find your
Answer to your question
Woman doesn’t have to work hard enough
To get what she wants
Men’s in other hand
They make promises
Sweet talks
Tell you they love you
Some women will believe it.
But honestly they don’t
Love you
Men’s play to much game
Especially playing with a woman
Emotions is not cool
Especially to my love one
But one thing
If your my friend, you
Will stay as my friend
If you step out that box
And trying to take something from me
I will take you out my friend circle
But if you are the person I dearly
You keeps ignoring me
Not caring what had happened to me
I’ll be in silence. I’ll do what you do to
Ignore me
Jun 2020 · 25
I’m not myself today
I look at man in
A different level now
They sweet at first
They want to get to know
Be your friend
Inside there big head
They want more.
I remember everything
It’s feel like was just
My childhood wasn’t that great
Memories I kept inside
No wonder I have
The hardest time trusting
A man.
When your less expected things
**** happen.
I don’t like this feeling at all
I’m not the prettiest woman in the block
I’m very insecure myself
99% I feel I’m ugly.
I was dress normal like
Any woman would
Dress like
Skinny jeans and green shirt
It’s not like I was wearing
Something ****
I wasn’t showing
Any skin
Any my breast
I’m covered
I just want to know
Why something like this
Keeps happening to me
You can’t never realize nor feel
Something bad will happen
When you thought everything was ok
You didn’t expect
The person you thought was
Your friend
Can’t take No for the answer
My heart started to jump
The looks he was giving me
That same question keeps asking
The hands was going all
Over the place
I escaped
Never again
I put myself in that situation
Jun 2020 · 20
Tarot reading
Some what they read about
Some come true
Like they always say

Somebody is trying to get closer to you. I already told you this in a message last week.
In same time
They want you to guess
Who is it.
You have no idea
If is ex number one
Or ex number two
It’s a head games
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