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Jun 2020 · 13
Not stressing
Today I refuse to
Stress myself out about
Things I cannot control
Or change .
Jun 2020 · 42
Been through
I have been through
enough to know it
would be easy to give
up hope on the hard
days, but have survived
enough to know that
sometimes it’s all you
Have .
Jun 2020 · 16
Is life hard or easy
Life is like a flowing river
Full of opportunities. It’s
up to you whether you
stand with a bucket or a
Jun 2020 · 23
What is life to you
Life isn’t
Life is about
You have someone
You could actually
Turn around and ask
A little help
Without that person
You will be struggling more.
Unless she’s
Willing to take some
Of your stress away.
What is the main
Major issues or areas
You need in life.
To reach your goals.
There’s are types
We need to Consecrate
It’s easy to wants something
It’s harder to look into
What we needs to do
Jun 2020 · 92
Why put someone aside
When you need them
They always there
For you.
Nevertheless, ask
For anything
Not even a return.
A simple task
A little Gratitude
And attention.
Simply ignore
Jun 2020 · 25
Just want to know
What’s the meaning
Very close friend.
If I look it
As a woman side point of view.
You wouldn’t like
What’s my answer will be.
I have very close friend too.
That’s without ***.
Very close could be
Especially if your best friend
A woman.
What is your definition
Very close friend.
I could rundowns
My mind
Tell you exactly what is my definition
Very close friend
Especially she’s a
Jun 2020 · 16
What would you do
If that one person
Was helping you
Out and Trace.
Would you look
For her/him.
People could only
Help for so long
If there’s no change
One day
What happened
There no longer there.
Jun 2020 · 45
I am glad
The family I met
They trust me
Good people deserve
To be treated equally
With honesty.
Not push to one side
Not kept a secret
Not to be lied too.
I’m very happy
I met them.
I have more good
Jun 2020 · 17
I have a good things
Going with my life.
I’m not letting anybody nor anyone’s
Ruin my life.
I have positive energy.
I could wake up in
The morning
And say
Thank you god
For Guiding me.
And giving me a sign
Who’s negative in my life.
Jun 2020 · 14
Like you tell your
Best friend everything
I tell mine to my best friend
Not only she’s my best friend
I work with her.
I’m her right hand.
She comes to me
Before she makes her
Decision. I trust her
With everything I have.
Everything I do
She appreciated it. I
Won’t change myself for anybody
I have a feeling
Your other half will
Always blame
Sorry I have a
Witness. Does kind of
People I don’t let it
Get under my skin.
Because I’m better than
Jun 2020 · 25
The best feeling is when
Someone  appreciates
Everything about you That
Someone else took for
1234 mistakes in
The world we calls
That we got to put are self
In greater danger.
There’s more
In life
To do.
I don’t understand
Some people
Why rise your
Life’s for
May 2020 · 33
You rather give a change
To does people who
Disappointed you all your life
When behind your back
Talk all kind of ****.
Not once’s
You look into
Another people
Who has actually did
More for you
And your love one.
Who never give up
Some people’s
Out your life
Especially does one
You think are your
Especially does who
Use your kindness for weakness.
You know exactly
Who they are.
Your life will be better
Only keeps
Does who cares and love
Bad karma
Only come around
When you have done something wrong
Yourself won’t admit you did.
Good karma
Stays with you
Because good karma
Know that your a good person
So good thing’s
Will keeps happening to you.
May 2020 · 33
Life is beautiful
Life could be beautiful
But you have to make it
Beautiful for your own
Imagine how would
You like to live your life
Picture them in your head
Would you like to live
Your life in peace
Without all negative energy
Especially the people you
Invited into your life
Or the people always around you
Is the one
Creating all that
Negative energy into your life
May 2020 · 34
Things happen
For a reason
They just don’t happen
Because it happened.
You always got to
Look, what did you
Do for stuff to happen
In your life.
There’s two things
In life
Sometimes you get
Bad karma
And bite you in your ***
Never speak with a sentence
It’s not finished.
Deeply look
In your life
And ask why
Stuff keeps repeating in my life.
My grandma always says
Don’t do bad stuff to
Others are good to
You. Because karma
Is just waiting around the corner
For you.
After the man I truly love
That he had to hide me
I been thinking myself
I been fighting for him
Not even once of
Life time
Ever stop loving him.
Now I come to a question
For myself.
Isn’t worth
For me fighting for him.
Part of me
Don’t want to give up
Because I believe there’s something
Good to come .
Another side of me
Is very tired.
So isn’t worth me fighting for him.
May 2020 · 67
It’s very sad
When you been hurt
So many times.
Your reply to it
I’m use to it.
I don’t believe anything
Is coming out your mouth
It’s a big disappointment in
My eyes.
Because in the end
Long day or night
The last person who see us
Is God himself.
Never say your bless
God don’t bless people
Who lies and hide
May 2020 · 19
Man forgot there issues
Right the way
They are so fast to say
We are only friends
And we are not having ***.
When the issue is
Not about that.
When is totally something
They did.
Do why they forget
Because they think your stupid
And they don’t care about you
When you care for them.
Then they wanna make you
Feel guilt
Like you did something wrong
When they say
Is that you keeps listening
To other people
Because they using it
As cover up
Simply you
May 2020 · 29
If A person got to hide
Another woman from another
Meaning his hiding something
Thats he don’t want
The other woman to know.
In my own opinions
If a man gotta
Hide a woman
His not a real man.
Sometimes we got to show them
Thus love
It doesn’t mean
We completely give up
To show them
What they did is wrong
On their part.
Hiding something
Could become more
Worst later.
Being true to your own self
And people you love
Is the better key
In life.
I tell the truth
I always tell the truth.
Maybe that’s why
My life is easier
I’m honest to the people
I love the most
May 2020 · 72
As A Mother
I’m always there for all my kids
Even though some say
Not mine
They are mine
Because I’m a loving mother
I’ll protect them
And more understanding
I always want to know
If they are okay. Doesn’t matter
They live with me or not
I’ll always be there
For all my Kids.
I’ll support them
Whatever they
Make decisions on.
There’s way to deal with that
Talk to the child
But never use cuss words
Around a child
If you were raised up
With your parents not using
Cussing. Don’t do it to
Your own children.
Make your children understand it
The only way that will work
You have to understand your child
Understand them first
But never use cussing words
A child will remember that
I for sure didn’t use cussing
When I was raising my kids
And for sure I own let nobody
Dare has someone
Cussed my children's
I learned to stay to myself
I learned to be a wiser mother
And a friend to all
My children.
I’m very sorry
I don’t take a order
From any man
I take orders from myself
Because in the end of the day
What may I say today
I will remember it.
Every wrong turn
I made
I still
Don’t let no
One bring
Me down
Some guy kids
Why would you cussed out
The child
That’s not how you do
Anybody child.
Especially is not yours.
That’s the kinda
Woman you don’t bring home
To meet your
What is a good woman is like
And what’s not a good woman is.
When someone is good to you and your kids.
Your eyes will open
Aww and he needs to realize  it how I feel towards  u because  your not our mom u take care of us to and your always  there for us and to support  us and you never cussed  us out and we gave u the respect  to I mean I did.
May 2020 · 24
Is my love
Not good enough for you
Please tell me
Because I love you
You could
Give me million dollars
I won’t trend my
Love for
May 2020 · 85
Are Mother’s
Is the most beautiful woman in the world
They the one
Who carried us for 9 months
She gave us a lot of loves
Protect us
In many ways
She even thought us
From right and wrong
Supported us to
What we may made
Decision in life.
Mother’s overcomes
Everything whatever there
Family do.
That’s why
A mother is a beautiful woman in
The world
Happy Mother’s Day
Because great
For the better
More positive energy
Self love and happiness
Not only in the career
But successful life beings
More respectful and
No headaches and pain
New beginning
Of new chapter of
Your life.
Is letting go
That person always
Tournament my life.
If I’m going to better my life
And my kids.
I need to take you out
My circle.
Don’t matter
If you played with my
Emotions and hurts my
Feeling. In the end
I will raise again
Better and stronger.
May 2020 · 27
It’s feels good
To tell someone
Everyday their life
How you love them.
There’s nothing wrong
Telling someone you
Love them.
For sure
They cannot stop
You for loving them.
Be glad
Someone deeply
Loves you
Apr 2020 · 30
Let it go
Was is the pass
Is a pass
Everything was done
For a reason
There’s no explanation
I’m living my life
You should be too
What you had
You cannot have
The trust is gone
Let me be
I’m happy now
And you work
Your the king of the hill
Doesn’t proof anything
You don’t make
Any different from
Doesn’t mean you got
A little money
That’s give you the right
To flash it.
It’s only show
What kind of person you are.
Apr 2020 · 35
What you feel
I feel it too.
That heat I feel
Last night
It’s very strong
I had to heal my own self
Not only jumping
In the tub
Something you don’t know anything
Salted my front door
Inside my house
All the windows
Something you don’t believe in it.
To keep all the negative energy
Out my house
Are you feeling
Like your inside
You feeling very
Few nights
I woke up
My inside is burning
I feel something I can
But I know I want
To do something
******. I have
To jump in the
I thought I was
Getting heat flashes
But it’s different
Feeling than
Apr 2020 · 40
So you had to gas out
To cover what exactly you
Was doing
Than you turned it around
Trying put a guilt on me
It’s all my fault.
The real picture here
It’s not my fault
You just set me up
Like someone told me
They really don’t
Know what’s going on
It’s all a game.
Apr 2020 · 39
You first meet me
You already know about me
You wasn’t looking for a girlfriend
You more looking
For someone to
Invest into
Your passion.
So, you played with
My emotions.
That’s what I’m looking
At now.
Reading all your
I see the picture now.
Not all about being with me
More the investing
On your passion.
I made two mistakes in my life
I’m not very proud of it
See in my case
I don’t look for them
It’s just come to me .
First guy I got involved with
Everything is fine
At first. But when you
Truly get to know them
It’s ***,
They called him
Pretty boy.
Ever heard the saying
What’s look good for you
Is not for you.
It comes with a *******.
Second guy
His not bad looking
But man it’s
Comes with everything
Everything you could
Thing off.
That’s why women
Be saying
Whatever happened
To good man
Is there anymore
Good man left
In this earth we live in.
They not looking to be with you
One is looking for sugar mama
The others are
Looking for someone
To invest on there’s
They don’t feel love
Apr 2020 · 35
Nobody has time
To play your games
I got better things
To do
Trying to create attention
For who
**** I didn’t pay attention
When I was outside
I surely didn’t pay
What may you or whomever
My life don’t stop
Because you guys wanna
Act like kids.
Apr 2020 · 18
If you has nothing better
To say
Why would you say
Thank god
I didn’t hear you guys
Say it.
Someone told me
How old are you
Start acting your age
If you said something
If I didn’t hear it
Meaning I wasn’t listening
Or I didn’t care at all
Grow up.
That’s show you
I’m not mess
Like you
Apr 2020 · 26
I remember
When I was young as a child
I remember
Night before Easter
Me and all my
Cousin and nephew
Will sit at the table
Design are eggs
Are parents
Will do the same
But they always
Have something different
Golden eggs
With either
Money inside
I always wonder
How they put that money
Than at school before Easter
We have a Contest
You have to draw a
Picture of a eggs
And design it yourself
Who’s ever was
The best one
Win a prize
I was born
As an artist
Apr 2020 · 24
Things you ignore
I had a flash about you and another person you like a lot
drew my cards to learn more, to verify if my insight was right.
cards revealed a thing I really wasn’t expecting…
And I think you weren't neither.
Everything could change because of this.

But in a better way.
could be the start of a nice story, but I sense negative waves coming from a third person that could destroy everything.
about this, this seems obvious to me.
Apr 2020 · 49
Someone you know
Could be a best friend
A person
hiding information from you.
It will be preferable to rebalance things,
endure the effects of the bad energies.
and to reverse the negative trends established over the last
impact this could have on your life Anthony!
I saw a beautiful thing that warmed my heart.
Thanks to somebody who loves you a lot,
The love is someone who’s
Just waiting for you.
Who’s there and kept you
Play music that’s
Remember the things
The moment they where
In present.
A person
Will never stop loving you
Apr 2020 · 26
Going to bed
Before I lay my head
On my pillow
I always sits
On my bed
And pray
God, please hears my prayers
Please protect my kids,
Grand babies.
And also
God even though
The people who I much
Love and care for
Please dear Lord
Watch them and protect
The name of father and son
Apr 2020 · 46
If I had one wish
I wish for love
I wish for normal life
I wish I’m
The only one
I wish for beautiful
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