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I think I feeling someone
When you bond heart to heart
You feel there’s heart
As well too.
The power of the heart
Is much powerful.
Every woman, you get with
You think they playing a game on
When they are not
When they do everything out of
There heart
It’s still a game for you
A woman might take it seriously with you
You will take it what if it’s a game
Life’s for you
Won’t get anywhere
If you think it’s only a game
Nevertheless, play with someone
What comes around
Might come back harder on you
May 2021 · 183
Especially A woman like Me
I want a man
Who could do for himself
Not depend on a woman
I want a man
Who’s going to love me in conditional
Not because I said I love you
I gotta give something back
I want a man
Who’s not going to take away my desire
I want a man
Could make his own decisions
Not listening to others
I want a man
Will fight for me
Not I only fight for him
Don’t get with someone
Because all wants is finance
Relationship will not work at all
Relationship will fall
It will not last
Stability most people look
For out of a woman
Even that will not work out
May 2021 · 207
Everything must doing good
Life is it self has a funny ways
Whatever goes up
Must come down
Because if you not true within
God will take it way
In blink of eyes.
Always tracks yourself
Where you might not realize
You think you did something good
But in lords eyes you
How I deal with mind
If the stress to much
I’ll run away from it
That depends on
What situation is it.
If you are with someone
Is okay to hangout
With two woman
In there house.
I thought
When you in a relationship
You don’t do that
Because if you say
You love that person
Just not right
At all.
You will end up hurting
That person you
Say you love
May 2021 · 183
Same Gift
I wouldn’t give someone
The same gift
I gave my boyfriend
I wouldn’t tell someone
Same saying to whatever
The case maybe
Because ***
Down the road
The person you really care for
And deeply love
Will have hard time believing you
And accepting anything from you
Because she thought
The gift you gave
She was very special to you
And she thought that gift
Honestly coming from your
Heart ❤️
May 2021 · 141
A judgmental person is like a porcupine. If you get too close, you could get hurt! Judgmental people have three common traits: They are overly critical, they show no respect for the person they criticize, and they justify what they say because they believe it is the truth. People can become judgmental due to their pride, their hurt and anger at being wronged, and a lack of love for others. Three ways to overcome being judgmental include self-reflection, forgiveness, and seeing the whole person.

The word judgmental is defined as “having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.”1 The first trait of a judgmental person is they criticize too much.

No one can handle being criticized all the time. It puts a strain on a relationship because the person being criticized feels unloved. Further, when someone is too critical, it is human nature not to like them.
May 2021 · 139
What is Generosity
Give away what you can spare,

Everyone must learn to share.

Never hoard what you don’t need,

Eat enough but don’t exceed.

Reach out your hand to those worse off,

Offer them a bed that’s soft.

Save the wildlife and the trees,

Incite protests to protect the bees.

Try not to use more than you need,

You must avoid the lure of greed.
May 2021 · 138
Love And Forgiveness
Forgiveness in a relationship of love is essential. We all make mistakes and we must make amends and fix the relationship. There is a certain sadness in breaking the illusion of the perfect relationship. However, for those that pass the hurdle of forgiveness, they will find that their relationship is stronger and more meaningful than ever before. Before the first fight, the relationship is like a fragile egg. Once that illusion is broken the relationship becomes much stronger. You become aware that your relationship can survive a disagreement
Yes I am
Living my life to the fullest
Someone told me long time ago
To live my life
To the fullest
Now I am
Living the life I
Want to be
Apr 2021 · 136
I’m Sorry
Everyone of us
Is easy to say
I’m sorry
Sorry for what
I’m sorry
For lying
Some of us say
I’m sorry
Honestly, they are not really
They want you to feel and believe
What they are saying.
Sorry I cut that out of my life
Burn out with the words
I’m sorry
With my experience I had
In my past
I don’t jump right the way
When someone promised
Something I just shine
Them off.
Promise don’t last
They always break that promise
Now how I take it
Don’t make a promise
Just do it.
The promise could always break
How many promises
You going to tell
At the end of all that promises
Is nothing but a big
Fat lies
I never tell anybody
What’s my plans are
Sometimes when I get enough
My plan
I don’t actually follow them
I just get up
And do it right there.
Why wait
If you could change your life
For the better.
That’s what exactly
I did
If someone can’t understand
How truly I feel
They only see or read
What they wanna read.
I’m not sharing anymore my
Unless I tried
But I felt
They don’t understand
Me at all
Apr 2021 · 121
I don’t care what anybody say
That memories
Will always be there
Regardless everything you say
It could be good memories
Or bad memories.
There’s always something
Will bring it back.
It might be something
Someone says
Or someone doing something.
Memories is there
Apr 2021 · 97
All obstacles in my life
I finally raised up
And achieve my goals
I told myself
No matter how many people
Tried to use me
And hurt me.
I will walk taller
And be better for me
And my family.
Does people
I pray
Hope they put god first
Before anything else
The rent was cheap
So, I live in an apartment
For over 12-years.
One day
I woke up smell
The coffee.
It’s time to move on
And makes something better.
I did
Imagine that
I when from small apartment
To a bigger
Not all my life.
I’m going to stay in a apartment.
Almost pay same amount
House is
Apr 2021 · 135
Independent Woman
I’m not bragging
That I’m a independent woman
I never in my life
Ask anyone’s or
Anybody’s for anything.
I never depend on a man either
I do
On my own.
The morning sun brings about new hope for today,
It is a promise that troubles are washed away with yesterday.
Today is a brand new day so make the most of it,
Live as if it were your last and enjoy every minute.
For every single day is a gift from God up in heaven,
Waste it, and you'll only be pleasing the devil.
Good Morning!
Apr 2021 · 106
Night Is Young
Hold me tight in your arms
Let us explore the young night
Let us see through the ****** night
We could feel each other's warm
Take my soul to your longing heart.

We can break each other's ribs
With the undying love which we
Peep through its eyes at the back of affection
The sensational theme of the movement
In our body could take us to the other phase of life.

Hold me in your hands into the night
Let's walk to the isle of love
The night is still young and thirsty
Of experience that could savor its longing eyes;
We could penetrate through its ****** and break its pride.

Us against the world, you and me against them all
Our minds are still young and promising
Our hearts are still waiting to explore into the depth
Of the craving night,
Spell bound my soul and make me groan into the night.

Kiss me here, touch me and take me into
The darkest part of the night,
Hold me tight and make love to me;
For I found love in your eyes
When men see the dark con of a man in you.
Apr 2021 · 119
To all Mom’s
Mom, you're a wonderful mother,
So gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.

You're patient when I'm foolish;
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most anything;
You're the master of every task.

You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.

I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select!
Apr 2021 · 126
Today is Monday
I just wanna greed
A happy Monday
May y’all
Have a pleasant and blessed day.
Remember to
God first
Before anything else
Some people like to embarrass
Others because they think
There cool.
Some do it
Just to do it
It’s not only other people
Family or friends
Does it too.
Family and friends
Who does it
Has nothing better to do
With themselves.
Apr 2021 · 117
When I look at you,
It makes my heart overwhelmed with love
flowing from my spirit through my itty bitty tiny veins.

The glow that your face gives
when I look into your eyes
as I stare at you,
it's like your love
for me spells out in the air saying
baby, I will always be there.

Thinking 'bout that day when we met,
it was like we were meant for one another...
The way we connected,
the thoughts we shared,
the love we showed,
if only everybody could see and know that
my heart is a passionate reflection of you
that no one can ever undo.

My passionate heart...
It cries for you,
but only if you knew
that my passionate heart is
a reflection of how I feel about you.
Apr 2021 · 343
What is Love
What is Love
Love is what
We feels, when we
Fall in love.
What is Love
Is that what are parents
Always tell us.
What is Love
But yet
We all use the
Everyday are’s life
It could be
My love
Love you
Or I love you.
So, what is Love
There’s are millions
Women’s and men’s
In our world
We are living today.
They always say
They're not satisfied nor happy
What they look like.
They rather go and pay
Millions of dollars
Just to change there
Faces and bodies.
For what exactly
Is it for yourself
Or that way the world
You’re so beautiful.
What I have seen
Men’s and women’s
Who does
Not only they changed
Their faces and body’s
Also there
Inner self.
Why don’t you be happy
What god’s gave you
Be yourself
You will have the same amount
And love’s
Not only from yourself
But others as well
If a woman not beautiful
And not a knock out either
Just Average
Never go for a good looking man
Sweet pie
They are not for you
Get you Average one
Just like you
Because they will love you
More than a good looking guy
Average guy
Has more respect for a woman
They know how to treat a
Woman good.
Being with a good looking guy
He loves to compare
Himself with others
They always use there looks
To get whatever
They want
Apr 2021 · 102
Let Go the past
There are so many bs
In my life
But one thing I
Is to let go.
So I chose to let go of my past
And stay with my
New life
Is a new beginning
Apr 2021 · 114
Little two
I never saw your twinkling eyes
Or touched your precious feet.
I never shared a tiny yawn
Or rocked you fast asleep.

I never kissed your tiny hands
Or saw your little smile.
I never held you in my arms,
But I carried you for a while.

Although I never saw your face
Or heard your precious laughter,
You're still my child whom I love
And will always
Apr 2021 · 108
Is hard to be honest
With someone you
Say you love
Apr 2021 · 211
Where Can I find a island
Where I could yell my lungs out
Say what I need to say
To let everything out
That’s is inside
That way I could
Feel much better
Keeping things inside
Don’t help
At all
All I want to do is to take care
Of you
I saw it in my mind
They only said that
To make you feel good
And believe them.
Apr 2021 · 288
Sayon ang tawo
Dali ug pagsulay pagsulay pagdala duha ka mga bata.
Kung mahimo nimo ako mahimong malipayon nga babaye sa kalibutan.
Tawo bisan butang nga ingon niana kadali ang pagsulti.
Kung naay nahitabo
Nasakitan ko karon
Nakasabot ka nako ingon babaye
Apr 2021 · 226
If The Negative To Strong
Remember you the only
Could help your own self
Cleanse yourself
Away from
Negative energy
Or people
Has a bad
I wrote a poem. It was the kind of poem that rhymes and has a certain rhythm to the words and phrases. After several revisions, and through the process of reading the poem aloud to myself, I thought: “This could be a song.”
So I added music to the poem. Then I felt it needed more of a “hook,” so I wrote a chorus that would be repeated a couple of times. After several hours work, voilà: I had written a song. And it wasn’t half bad, I must say, at least by my modest standards.
Apr 2021 · 206
I Can’t Wait
I can’t wait to be with you
I can’t wait to be with you, to hold your hands, to touch your face, to see your eyes, to feel your lips
I can’t wait to be with you, to dry your tears, to hold you close, to give you comfort
I can’t wait to be with you, to hear your laugh, to laugh with you, to see your smile,
I can’t wait to be with you, to tell you how much I have missed you, to tell you I love you, to say that you are all ive ever wanted
I can’t wait to be with you, to thank you for loving me, and wanting me, and having me, and giving me a reason to believe, and helping me to see me
I can’t wait to be with you, to take your hand, or your last name, and your commitments, and your admiration and promises and devotion
I can’t wait to be with you, to spend my day with you, to spend my afternoon with you, to spend my night with you
I can’t wait to be with you, to share my life with you, to give my life to you, to give a life to you
I can’t wait to be with you, to journey life with you, to experience life with you, to endure life with you
I can’t wait to be with you, to grow old with you, to grow wise with you, to grow in love with you
I can’t wait….to be able to show you how much my heart has wanted and needed you
I believe in you, I believe in me, I believe in us, I believe in we
I can’t wait to start the rest of my life with you and only you
Have you seen her?
The most beautiful girl in the world!
I have! And she is a wonder to behold
She stops traffic, no need for police
She lights up a room, she's that electric
She shines brighter than the brightest
diamonds and pearls
She's the most beautiful girl in the world

There's nothing that compares to her
nothing else to look upon, to gaze upon
for she is the sole possessor
of all the beauty that exists.

Her smile, her kindness, her grace
entrances, mesmerizes, paralyzes
Have you seen her? I have!

To be close to her for a moment
to catch a glimpse of her elegance
is all that is needed to take your
breath away, and once that is done
you can die in peace
as you are breathless anyway.

Have you seen her? I have!
Now there's nothing left to do
but to wait, until she appears again
So ...I'll just stay here...waiting...
Apr 2021 · 141
My King
I will submit… not to your command, but to your needs as a man.
You hold the power- the drive and stance… Ready to rule with pride- I had to have you… You were mine at first glance.

You’re my rock, my comfort, my ****** dream - you are a strong man, you are superior and you’re my King.

I see your fight- your willed might. The knowledge you hold…you’re ****, strong, black and bold.

I’ll calm you’re anger; I’ll embrace your fears.
I’ll hold your heart; I’ll even wipe your tears.
I’ll sing you a song, and you know I like to sing.
I will do all of this for you baby, because you’re my King.

You’re hand on my heart; you’ve been there from the start.
You’ve protected me from all negativity.
Kept me warm with your chemistry.
I love this man… he’s always there for me.

As we lay on the phone I slowly drift away to the sounds of your voice.
A Deep baritone rhythm -caressing my inner ear… Oh how it makes me rejoice.

The fire in your eyes… burns just for me.
The soft kiss of your lips pressing against my cheek, taking me higher and higher to this unknown place of ecstasy.

So I submit to you… my King of Hearts.
I’ll give to you only what is needed…something no other man could part.

Will you take my hand in this journey of life?
There’s no more for you to give me… except to make me your wife.

I’ll accept with pride…open arms and grace, you’d make me the happiest woman alive. There’ll be no more of me to chase.

On my hand you’ve placed an engagement ring,
Forever I will love you – my soul mate, my friend, my sunshine in spring, But most of all you’re my hero… And now I’m you’re Queen
Apr 2021 · 145
Music In My Ear
Music is the ocean
That pulls me to the shore.
Music is the rhythm
That moves me to the core.
Music is the therapy
I need when I feel blue.
Music lifts my spirits
To make sure I pull through.
The times when I'm most cheerful,
It's clear music was there.
Music is the needed friend
When no one seems to care.
Apr 2021 · 168
I Wrote A Song
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.

Mull was astern, *** on the port,
Eigg on the starboard bow;
Glory of youth glowed in his soul;
Where is that glory now?

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.

Give me again all that was there,
Give me the sun that shone!
Give me the eyes, give me the soul,
Give me the lad that's gone!

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.

Billow and breeze, islands and seas,
Mountains of rain and sun,
All that was good, all that was fair,
All that was me is gone.
Apr 2021 · 115
Life is what you make it
Life is what you make it, so it's
strictly up to you, if it doesn't
meet your expectations, then
change whatever you do! You
don't have to accept the way
things are, if it's not what you'd
like it to be. You can make the
difference, because of your
individuality. Too often we stay
in a rut, for fear of trying anything
new. If you have faith and believe,
that's all you need, to pull through.
Never be afraid to take chances,
as it doesn't come along everyday.
Take the bull, by the horns and seize
the opportunity, before it slips away!
Your too focused
To what you want
And the people around
As for me
Not I only focus on myself
I focus on the people
I love.
There’s no way
I ever put myself first
All the people
Who knows me
They know I always focus
To the people I
There is a tree
A wonderful tree.
The tree of kindness.
It is the fastest growing tree
In this world, God bless

There is a tree
The wonderful kindness tree
Taking deep roots forever to last
In a million people's heart
Spouting and growing enormously fast

There is a tree
That wonderful kindness tree
It grows so fast, that soon enough
The whole wide world on sea and earth
will be filled with comfort and love

There is a tree
That wonderful tree of kindness
Roots spreading in another million hearts
spouting and growing reaching high and wide
And then in another million hearts it starts

And then another two million
And five million more to come
A billion hearts soon will follow
I already smell its wonderful blossom
Roots in everyone's heart will show

Oh, it is growing so fast,
this tree let's sit and enjoy
in its amazing shadow
And just let the roots
in your heart grow!
Apr 2021 · 134
What is True love
True love is something so elusive that many refuse to accept that it exists. Their incredulity is understandable considering what a me-first world we live in. When people seek only to please themselves, they will never be capable of finding true love. True love is self sacrificing. True love is not blind to faults, but it is willing to look for the best in others, focus on their good qualities. True love is not principally about receiving, but rather true love looks for opportunities to give. True love between two people is the most precious of gifts. It is the one of the few things left in this world that can endure an entire lifetime, for true love is stronger even than death
Apr 2021 · 135
My definition of love
To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side,
and then smile with pride,
as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise,
to take time to share,
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special,
one on whom you can always depend
to be there through the years,
sharing laughter and tears,
as a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall,
of all the good things
that sharing life brings.
Love is the greatest of all.

I've learned the full meaning
of sharing and caring
and having my dreams all come true;
I've learned the full meaning
of being in love
by being and loving with you.

I  also learned to fight
Stand up for what you believe
I learned I was the only person
Who love from the beginning
Until now
I have hard time expressing my feelings
In front of people
I could express my feelings
On my poetry
When I do
Let out my feelings
Nobody is listening
So I learned to keep
All my feelings
Apr 2021 · 95
I remember something
Is not I don’t
Want to come home to you
It’s my experience
I had with you
What if ****
You going to put out my
And kick me out
Remember you already did it
That’s why I hesitate on
Staying in your place
Apr 2021 · 110
Social media
I don’t really care for
Social media
1. There’s to many
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend
Will get jealous
On some comments
I myself don’t understand
They get mad
But they do same
I learned something
I shut down my Facebook account
In Reality
I get more comments
From other people
Don’t matter what I look
Like in the morning or night
There’s enough people
Will say it out
Your beautiful.
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