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I might be a child
I might be crazy
But I think everybody deserves the same plate
Would you trade me for your life?
Would you believe me even when all evidence contradicts my words?
Tell me the worst thing you think I can do
Can you convince me that I am not wrong even when I feel bad?

Will I be able to find in you that friend that I need ……
Are you my friend in need or will you prove to be my friend indeed
If you don’t have faith in me, why then do you laugh with me
I feel scared because I am surrounded by phonies
Like though am In Hollywood
How then do I act when I have fake friends?

I had trusted but wasn’t trusted in return
I had cared but wasn’t cared for in return
You claim you love me
But behind you stab me
Why then should I love you?
Your words are like that of an experienced poet
Sweet and soothing
But in truth you are venomous

Do not get me wrong
You made me this way
You created this version of me I never knew existed
But I ask myself why then should I give you that right?
The right to mar or make me
In truth, I doubt you are worth my time
Fake friends don’t fall in my list of love

Trust when broken cannot be repaired
You lost the best thing that can ever happen to you
Now I wonder where these thoughts come from.
Are my words cruel or is it deserving?
I am in a state of confusion
Tell me where my faith lies
How then should I act with fake friends, I ask again?
Ladies of Hawaii

Once in a blue moon
I see a wishing star
Once in a blue moon
We get an opportunity
Once in a blue moon
I make lasting bonds

Here we got a chance
To decide
We get friends each day
But the question is;
Who is going to be there for you?

Voices whisper
From the heart they say
Make bonds that can’t break
Have crazy friends
Have funny friends
Have real friends

Like the moon, Betty smiles
Like the sun, Patience sparkles
Like the stars, Maryann twinkles
Like the sky, Karen is bright
Like the rain, Celsia is cool
Like the cloud, Josi is crystal
And I the wind

To my dorm mates, I dedicate this
Hawaii we named it
Through adversities, we fall
Through accomplishments, we rise
We stand tall
We stand strong
We stand proud
We’ve moved forward
We’ve achieved all

To them to Hawaii girls
You make my day.

— The End —