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Tina Apr 2019
you finally got in,
your happy as hell,
cheers for you,
now your marrying,
the girls of your dreams,
Cheers for u.
you finally got everything you want,
you got kids and your happy,
Cheers and cheers.
I am truly happy for you,
you finally don't want to die,
you got everything you wanted,
what else do you want,
you are happy as hell,
cheers for you,
you finally look at life,
at a bright light,
your happy,
cheers to you,
lets throw a party now.
Tina Apr 2019
your in pain,
do you see mine too,
you think it ain't hard for me,
you got to be kidding me,
your the one in pain,
Laughing my *** off,
your **** funny,
your pain is my pain,
don't got pain,
well fine,
but see the pain,
i cry blood,
i don't feel like i am alive,
hard to breath with the,
amount of blood i lost,
your pain is a game,
your so funny,
for not even thinking about me,
your pain is mine,
go on and give me pain,
you know u want to,
put a knife in my back,
there blood already,
you can add more pain,
you know you want too,
just do it.
Tina Apr 2019
do you see me,
do you see the pain you gave,
the blood coming,
you see i am hurt,
my back all ****** as hell,
you want to scare,
so much ******,
i know this,
it don't hurt like you think it does,
it's just blood that comes and goes,
you got to scream,
you said it will hurt,
your only playing in my blood,
you used me,
now i am ****** ******,
you think i am going to forgive,
your just a ****** murderer,
you think i should give up,
you think this pain is there,
your funny,
the pain is gone,
i ain't even alive,
do you see me breath,
your just gone and dead,
do you see i ain't playing games,
your just the player.
Tina Apr 2019
i love you,
cant you see,
you blind to my love,
i showed you everyday,
i tried with all my heart,
you are the one that left,
so i moved on,
get over with it,
i found someone better,
your gone and i am happy,
stay out of my life,
your a *******,
but i loved you,
i was so sweet and loving,
i cared about you so much,
your the one that left,
so grow up,
self love is what you need,
i don't care about you anymore,
i found my true love,
so thanks for breaking,
my heart into pieces,
i found someone better now,
someone that loves me,
someone that cares for me,
someone that loves me for me,
so thank you.
Tina Apr 2019
alone cant be found,
on a boat,
you will see,
beside a land,
you will find,
me on it,
alone untouchable,
fight for life or death,
can't breath,
living alone,
holding on with a hand,
about to slip,
about to fall,
hurting inside,
what is going to happened,
you only going to cry your eyes,
you will forget me,
i only on a boat by land,
surviving and holding on,
you don't ask questions tho,
you only care about u,
i am down and scared,
i only holding on,
alone and scared as all hell.
Tina Apr 2019
you are the one,
i never felt,
happiness, love, caring,
i never felt,
that you ain't the one,
you are the one for me,
i never want to lose you,
your the one,
i love and care about u,
hold me tightly,
never let me go,
sweet talk me to sleep,
calm me down with your powers,
holding me tightly,
never let go,
i want you forever,
you are the one i been looking for,
hold me tightly,
because your my safe and sound,
you are the safe house,
you are my protector,
you are my key to my heart,
you are my everything,
Tina Oct 2018
Should I give up
Is there anything to life for
Giving up must be right
I am in to much pain
Your not here that's why
I am giving up
I need you in my arms
I can't give up so easy
if you are right here.
You said you would marry me.
But now you are millions miles away
Tell me how this will work.
Just let me give up.
Stop trying.
Just stopping fighting for me
You never cared in the first place
I am with someone better anyways.
Will you stop.
Just give up on me.
You will never get me.
You will never succeed.
My man will hurt you.
I would back off.
If you know what's best
Then give up.
Give up on me.
This is to a guy that wants me but can't bc I am with my true love.
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