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Tina Oct 2018
is it wrong that i like you,
could be if only,
my feeling would leave,
funny thing is that,
they will not leave me.
and i don't care,
i love that i love you,
that will never end,
that might be wrong but oh well,
should i care about what people think,
they probably will not find out,
this is nothing wrong that i love you,
i want to tell you but can't
i don't know what you feel,
your feeling matter to me,
you love me too.
and i love you so much more.
bestie/boyfriend i love you.
Tina Oct 2018
with you
i just want to cuddle.
all day long and never leave,
with you,
i just want to kiss,
all day and forever,
with you,
i just want to lay on top,
and sleep with you,
with you,
i want my dreams to come to,
with you,
i am happy,
i never want that happiness to end,
don't leave me.
i can't sleep without you.
i just want to be in your arms.
i don't want to be with anyone else,
i want to marry you.
would you marry me.
i could kiss you forever.
i would sleep on top of you.
i would never leave your side.
Tina Oct 2018
i never know what happiness was,
until i meet you,
you make me happy,
when i see you,
you make my heart skip,
what love i have for you.
i never know what that felt.
what is this feeling i feel,
butterflies in my stomach,
would you be mine.
Tina Oct 2018
everyday i walk,
everyday i talk,
does anyone see me,
words hurt you know,
don't you care,
my feelings do matter,
words don't just go right through me,
only can i wish that it does.
people are haters.
does that matter to me,
why should that,
matter everyone is different,
love yourself,
don't change at all,
people should not change you.
Tina Oct 2018
People ask me whats wrong
I cant tell
My lips are quite as a wolf
I want to yelp and be heard.
Can i cry and be heard.
But people just are them
Them to the point they just can’t hear.
Others seem to just don’t care,
Well at least i have my family.
People that can’t leave me so easy
People care about me mostly family.
I love them as much as they love me.
We fight and have down sides.
But at the end we all love one another.
We can’t leave because when we need one another
We are there for one another as family
I love them so much and to much.
I never want to leave or say goodbye.
I never wanted more than my family in my lifetime.
My family holes a great place in my heart.
I love u guys so much.
Tina Oct 2018
i ask myself why,
people say only time can tell,
but only people fail to reason,
that not only people fail to reason,
that time is it own thing,
what u act on is u,
can't stop that from changing,
this world is mean,
never going to end will it,
people will hurt me,
i can only tell myself,
it is only words,
they can't hurt me,
fight them,
make them hurt,
change the world,
make a difference,
make it great again.
Tina Oct 2018
Have u looked at the night sky,
How it shines at night.
That's everyone that u lost.
They are with u every step of the way.
They never leave unless you forget.
They leave a big hole in your heart.
There footsteps will never,
leave the greatest of all of use.
Every lost that we lose is,
only shapes us into,
the person that we are today.
With everything gone by people will never forget.
When they always
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