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Tina Oct 2018
To the two i could not say hi
I was happy that i was going to
have two babies.
I could have held u and been ur sister
I could have said i love u and meant it
Someone that i could mottle for.
Someone that could have brought
The brightest out of you.
Someone that could have shown u the light.
Someone that could have made u smile.
Someone that could made u laugh.
But you were gone and,
now sadness has came over are heads
And know we can only think of you guys
What greatness this family would have been.
Tina Oct 2018
People ask me whats wrong
I cant tell
My lips are quite as a wolf
I want to yelp and be heard.
Can i cry and be heard.
But people just are them
Them to the point they just can’t hear.
Others seem to just don’t care,
Well at least i have my family.
People that can’t leave me so easy
People care about me mostly family.
I love them as much as they love me.
We fight and have down sides.
But at the end we all love one another.
We can’t leave because when we need one another
We are there for one another as family
I love them so much and to much.
I never want to leave or say goodbye.
I never wanted more than my family in my lifetime.
My family holes a great place in my heart.
I love u guys so much.
Tina Oct 2018
Why is life so mean
I did nothing to hurt anyone.
And everyone hurts me i retire.
I asked myself what i can do to change
People push and pull
But my heart remains in pieces.
I sit in pieces just asking
Why am i here.
Once left here in life
Next thing i know i am left alone.
noone wants to be around me
I want to cry but can’t
I try to find the words to say,
But can’t unless its mean.
I tell the truth and everyone leaves.
Why am i still here.
Can i get out.
Is there still time.
They turn on me like its nothing
Like i have no feeling
Everyone thinks i am mad but i am not i want to hang but just leaves me heart broken.
Oh why do i care i just be me.
Because everyone turns on me.
Tina Oct 2018
Oh friend
Oh friend
When i see you cry,
All i want to do it cry,
I ask you why,
You just pushed me away,
I just want to help.
Oh friend,
Oh friend,
Why oh why do you do this to me,
Push me away,
When i didn’t do anything.
Oh friend
Let me help you,
I want to be there for you,
Stop pushing me away,
You hate it when i do it to you,
so stop doing it to me.
I love you sister.
I love you friend.
Tina Oct 2018
I have fallen in love and can't get out.
I pushed and pulled but nothing came out of it.
I screamed and yelled but was never heard from.
I tried to leave love but that was hard to do.
As you have taken my heart for good or worst.
You taken my hand to gid me to my path.
When i had lost it.
you taken my hand just as easy as you taken my heart.
You were the one that never left and you were the one for me as I was the one for you but could not see.
I could not reason I had a friend and a great guy by my side at great times.
Which then cause me to fall in love and i beat myself up for only to reason with myself to see that you were never going to leave so easily.
You are my soul. You are my everything.
But i have fallen in love never want to get out.
Tina Oct 2018
when i first met you, i known that you were the one for me. i was always lost in your eyes for hours and days as well. i lost my words it was like the primalar triangle. you came into my thoughts as well as my daydreams. i never could not think of you. your name was like the big ocean blue. i never thought for once that i would end up with you. but i did and i am glad that you were the one that i found. my love is like the big ocean.
Tina Oct 2018
Help me!!
Can anyone hear me,
I am scared,
I can hear fear,
I can’t breath,
Someone anyone,
I am losing it,
I can’t hold on,
Help me now,
I need help,
Can someone hear me,
I am calling your name,
Please come,
Don’t leave,
I am scared,
I have never felt,
This much fear,
I can see the light,
It is coming closer,
I am not ready to dead,
I have so much more to life,
Please save me,
not a death kind of thing
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