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Yenson Apr 2024
Cloud Oppressors Studios
proudly presents
the first Soap-opera
where the Viewers are the cast

See our Tyrannical power
as we herd them
zap their gullibilities
we are spin masters who rule

But, but nothing Mister Freewill
go look History
divide & rule our game
unbeknown the viewers act for peanuts

Rev them up & let them loose
this soap has legs
we're dab hands at this
and they'il make it up as they go along

New Interactive Soap-opera
puppet viewers
jerking their own strings
their heads in the clouds of Cloud control
haha  haha haha
“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am -- not stuck in the middle, but hovering above the entire farcical spectrum, weeping as I behold my fellow man's devotion to political illusion and self-absorbtion.”
― Robert Higgs
Yenson Mar 2024
It is what it is
the thinkers know the score
the non-thinkers join the queue
and when the confused
are sent to confuse
its a laborious task in shoddy
and even in glaring neon light
its still all dim dum dim
clowns to the left of me
jokers to the right
here I am
still laughing at it all
Mar 2024 · 129
You don't say!
Yenson Mar 2024
People who were raised on love
see things differently
than people who were raised on
Yenson Mar 2024
In Biblical tones
it is stated
help the afflicted
so lets help
and stir their vices
for in there
they find comfort
bring mangos
garland in yellow
scream No
how about betrayal
forget not
to harp on trust
how about
that Merc stolen
in anchorage
Nationality angle
why forget
triangles and poly
there was
no Anna incident
a red herring
tired of hurting
was a bait
if real the reply
why why
stick in the lardles
stir madly
till yer blue in face
and in raving
madness & stupidity
call a straight
disciplined and moral
man gay
You can normally tell how intelligent people are by how stupid they think you are.....Anon
Yenson Feb 2024
To maintain their enslavement
keep them away
from the top table
and leave them in their caves
is to concentrate
their simple minds
on one target to distract them
refocus their angst
whip them to frenzy
blind them from the bigger picture
mix & confuse them
with fake ideologies
stir in dumb populist propaganda
fool their dumb *****
encourage ignorance
its really that simple
they are simple people
with big little egos and little big insensibilities
Politics jokeeeeers and the clowns....the Revolution is in your pants and at the Fish and Chips shops....
Feb 2024 · 138
Yenson Feb 2024
Subtle folly
were it be known
is still unsubtle folly sublime

and in aching hubris
witless minds pose triumphant
in inglorious ignorance ignobly crafted

the common factor
resistant sensibilities aplomb
awash in the mesmeric pinnacle of idiocy

Subtle folly
fine *** philosophy
is still unsubtle folly sublime
Yenson Feb 2024
see the abundance of limes from ivory grooves
in sunken stealt
crawlers slither on ranging copius grapevines
the baleful harvest
for in the homeland thieving daughters rages
their spite is law
call the knaves and vagabonds and kilt the clans
drink bile from red lips
hunt down the moor and make all the rest of days
so very difficult

see the world but alas not how the world sees you
for innocence is clean
brown earth reflects vividly on snow covered land
dare deny its a given
for the homeland thieving daughters and sons rage
their madness governs all
rapacious minds and voices sing the blues for blues
and hounds are baying
red mist descends and in fog cold whispers cover
the emerald isles

see hordes gnawing carrion of chicanry and deceit
belching odious sirocco
and gated barbarians hidding stunted swords pose
in clouds of smoke
for homeland thieving mothers and clans are raging
give us a lion sacrifice
death to the stallion in the arid desert of hot thighs
where quick-fire reigns
come in unison to drink regal blood in snow tempest
the son of king will pay
“Democracy will prevail when men believe the vote of Judas as good as that of Jesus Christ”
― Thomas Carlyle
Mr Carlyle, sorry to disappoint you, but they do now and democracy has prevailed...
Yenson Feb 2024
They tell the afflicted mugs
this is People power
that they had figured him out
and made him a puppet
and they the poeple
can now pull strings and ****
him about
and have him dazed and confused
The mugs are totally convinced
we know all his moves
we are ****** his mind and terrorizing
his soul
we are destroying his happiness
and raining on his parade
we are doing his head in
this is pysche warfare
No you are not!
You are just a bunch of misguided mugs
and stale unfulfilled nonentities
fooled, double fooled and then some more
by crass criminals, lowlifes and scums
you are just a bunch of contemptible mugs
doing what contemptible mugs do
but then
you don't come from good stock
are wellbred or from a well heeled background
hahaha hahaha hahaha
ok, come on get madder even more
get back to your pysche warfare
“When your mind is full of assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs, it has no *******, it just repeats past impressions.”
Yenson Feb 2024
She has been sacked
I'm happy to tell you dear Grapevine members
This is the type that would date Jaffa Wayne HRM
you know...those arrogant ones who refuses to obey us

And if it needs telling again
this is why you cannot afford to ease up comrades
you must maintain the momentum and drive the hate
if they do not know their place then show them hell till they do

## News 05/02/2024

A SENIOR BBC staffer has called white people a "virus" in vile posts.

Dawn Queva, a senior co-coordinator who supports the scheduling team for BBC Three, shared a number of hateful posts, repeatedly attacking white people, calling them a “virus” and “mutant invader species”.
Her identity was confirmed to be the BBC employee by trade publication Deadline. In response to her posts, she told her Facebook followers today: "Come at me, my shoulders are broad."
This BBC person, ( no, wipe your mind clean and stop watching **** ) whose location is listed as London on her Linkedin profile, also brands the UK “bigoted” and “genocidal” and claims white Europeans are “melanin-recessive parasites”, reports the Telegraph

Other posts say that white people have disturbed the natural order of the planet, and that they are a "barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed".

In other Facebook posts, the BBC employee referred to the UK as the 'UKKK' - a reference to the Klu Klux ****.
Feb 2024 · 92
yap yap yap......
Yenson Feb 2024
so so boring.............................
but also so funny hahaha hahaha
I did not know its possible for a yawn
to suddenly morph into giggling laughter
The hazing experience and then the subsequent participation in the group forces its members to maintain the status quo and traditions at all costs. It demands mindlessness and unquestioned loyalty, resulting in boring people who have little ability to think for themselves or have an opposing viewpoint from those who have fried their minds and feed it back to them as subservient sandwiches for the mentally challenged......hahaha...hahaha...oh..oh..hahaha.....hahahaha
Yenson Jan 2024
The Flip script on me became a best seller
it even has a calypso version
its called
I drive a daily wedge
the lyrics begins
My proud ambition is to drive my bro
followed by some nonsense lines I never
really listen to
why should one dignify a ***** strirrer
who sadly has no dignity

The real dignity
is that of the Lady involved
in the incident encased in the clip below
and that renowned man who
stood up to a gang of thieves and his life
was made a living hell for daring to do so

Yip! we know about flippers
we know there is always a 'one sided narrative'
and we know their story is always the one that
is to be believed
They are goddesses who declare themselves
Jan 2024 · 102
Gangster Vlogger begging...
Yenson Jan 2024
I was born and raised in the ghetto
Talk with me and you'll know
I was satisfied with living mindlessly
I started looking around for any scam going
But listen to my story,  

I know the Babylon gangsters
Who said they got some friends back West in Bow
Said, "Why don't you work for us
we'll help bring you west
Well you will be a mandem at least"
and we'll throw some peanuts your way

We'll bring you west make you proper mandem
But you must spout our ******* as we tell you
since you have so much time
and nothing better to do
Just do as told
but the joke was on me
They had me just making a fool of myself
left me flat to see

Staying in the Island
( begging to come West)
Yes I know, I'll scam some easy money
and make out alright
Staying in the Island
( begging to come West)
Where I can be proper mandem
and can make some bread
Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Think I'll do alright

Struggling for recognition, identity and easy dollars
I got a lot of problems, they told me not to fret
Said, "We will stand by you if you do as told
and If the going gets rough"
you know how to harrass, intimidate, bully lie and stalk

But when I started as their errand boy
They just said just continue bluffing
you're a scammer and gangmember
we will help you get to the West in yer dreams

Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Yes I know, I'll scam some easy money
and make out alright
Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Where my music's can make some bread
Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Think I'll do alright

'Bout years has come and gone
And left me standing here
yelling my head off till no hair left
preaching scams and serving western gangsters
Thinking how it could have been
'Cause still I ain't nowhere

They surely taking me for a ride
Trample on my pride and stupify me
But I'll hold my head up high
and do all to flog my poor quality merch
the scam sideline to etch out some dollars
Man, I gotta lot of tears to cry

Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Yes I know, I'll scam some easy money
and make out alright
Staying in the Island
( begging to come West)
Where the gangs are racking it in
Stuck in the Island
( begging to come West)
Think I'll do alright
Jan 2024 · 57
Robin Hoodwinked....
Yenson Jan 2024
If you know
the true version of events
like I do
You will feel so misled
misguided and manipulated
and you will
have to accept that most times
stupidity isn't
a state of mind
Its a mind stated to
by those who know your state
You may help yourselves
by taking a closer look
at your state
But I already know you can't do this
for those that fool you
already know you go through life
lying to yourselves
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King, Jr. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Yenson Jan 2024
Lucifer will use you
in all his nefarious assignments
giving you room to pollute your soul
in every fetid cracks and demented corners
and since you are your dark thoughts you are his
and thus in his contempt derison  control and damnation
he smirks and curses you - child of God gone rogue
whats more he will heap more hell on you
as you ingest his toxic biddings
so will you poison the
fruit of your womb
watch and see
Satan does
no good
“A wicked mind is a devil advocate.”
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”—Charles Baudelaire
“The second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is the good guy”—Ken Ammi”
Yenson Jan 2024
Their masters planned
that the placements of the abberatting
black pawns into negative prominence
is to elicit a disfavourable or disliked sensitization
which in their banal assumption reinforces a repulsion

Given that such premise
originates from Social engineers
with next to nothing knowledge
of Emotional Intelligence not to mention maturity
its pitifully obvious these are minds rooted in egocentricity

A fool thinks himself
to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to
be a fool, never is an adage so relevant here
does the pawn spewing dressed garbage in nature
know he is merely a garbage-man never an influencer

No, the lesser minds
have no introspection either morally
or even spiritually as semblance is key
sham people sham minds and sham pontifications
without the self respect to know they have no self respect
Yenson Jan 2024
Did they not set the wild dogs
in pursuit
as a hapless forsaken soul runs
trampling through forest seeking
as hide flaying soulless miscreants
give chase
Hahaha hahaha  Its a game isn't it!

Did they not  tie and strip grown
men down
in view of others such beleaguered
to **** them
and order their blood brothers to
**** them too
ain't it inherent for subhumans to
to dehumanize
Hahaha hahaha  Its a game isn't it!

Did they not invade your lands
and stole
looted plundered your worthies
and laughed
were you not told you're nothing
and they gods
who rule everywhere and everyone
in everyway
Hahaha hahaha  Its a game isn't it!

Did they not put you in iron chains
an leg brackets
put harnesses in your mouths to gag
you speechless
and make you as horses and donkeys
to plough fields
and tell you you#re mere cheap labour
to do as ordered
Hahaha hahaha  Its a game isn't it!

Did they not inform The Black Prince
we hate you
know we deem you arrogant for coming
with no chains
for knowing who you are and owning
your mind
for being honest wise decent and refined
not a chattel
No! No! this is not a game....this is War!
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt. Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.
Yenson Jan 2024
The overiding disappointment
was the realization
that the expected intelligence
was  non-existent
Tinker and tailored only to see
the grey were
lustrous silver strands in folds
of sheen semblance
dazzling softly in olive hues
but in deeper reaches
the small was to become tiny
as a wisp in the wind
blowing a gust to sail afloat
not a port in sight
but a busy vibrant compass
on tempestuous axis
and a surviver's guide by any
means possible
And who is to say that is not
your poison may be your medicine
and do as do knows to do
some realizations do disappoint
not all that glitters
can rock diamonds
Jan 2024 · 79
....they can't add up....
Yenson Jan 2024
Little wonder they lament
in lower reaches
while gumption and simple
reasonings traverses
blissfully over their heads
and horse sense
gallops nonchalantly in wake
of their dimness
The witless wonders of
percerption control stage
placements of stale wenches
in thoughtless imagines
to titilate
alas foolhardy nonsense
for simple deduction would know
the type does inclined
to be excited thus
would in roaring drought
would long ago have gone
to pay for it
for those so easily excitable will nurse
compulsion to do as such
or in dire desperation would have made
a call to the Gold Coast
home of an old friend if just for a dip

Face the truth
your impacts are even lesser than you
and your ignorance and insignificance
is as ignorable as you
your stale wenches flatter themselves
I don't see useful idiots and
flying monkeys
even in drought nor do I allow
them in my dreams
“There’s no room for demons when you’re self-possessed.”
Jan 2024 · 60
Out here in nature....
Yenson Jan 2024
A river does not stop flowing
to ask for a drink of water
what do you call or say about
the villager
who every single day goes
telling the other villagers that
the river is thirsty
and that the rains leaves the
river parched
Some things are definitely not to be dignified with attention
and cheap talk is always cheap talk
what else can it be
Yenson Jan 2024
Hey! come-on
be a bit more charitable
how can you expect the semi-illiterates
and the mentally challenged to undertsand
the difference between being alone and loneliness
and please donot even try to dissect an explanation
this will only confuse them more and donot to them dare state
"That lonliness is a state of mind" they will tell you that's a record
more than half of them walk around truly lonely yet in crowds
but they lie to themselves they are amongst friends
that they are connected valued and appreciated
but deep inside they know its all false
merely illusion and distractions
they are all superficial
empty and lonely
73% of Gen-Z report feeling alone sometimes or always.28 Jul 2023

Loneliness is a state of mind linked to wanting human contact but feeling alone. People can be alone and not feel lonely, or they can have contact with people and still experience feelings of isolation.
Yenson Jan 2024
Follies aplenty
steaming Mugs full of hot air
stimulant for dunces power tripping
faffing and goose-stepping about
its the vacuous elixir
immediately dissipating
into nothingness
and in magical thinking
they willingly and eagerly
brew and sip
this rage against themselves
Yenson Jan 2024
The world, viewed without sugar-coating,
remains a series of slave camps,
where you citizens
– the tax livestock – you all are
labor under the chains of illusion and delusions
in the service of your masters.
Yenson Jan 2024
For Ton

Her voice was strident over the line, quick brother, turn on your TV, he's on, he's there, he's appearing on BGT right now. Quick go see him.
Who, who are you talking about, who's on BGT I countered
Its that boy Virgil, you know that horrible boy from my Drama class
she replied. Even now I can still feel the pain and anxiety in her voice and with that came all the visions of what she had experienced.
I never got to see Virgil that evening on BGT, I really didn't want to but anyway he had finished his stint by the time I turned on the TV.

Till today, I don't know what he looks or looked like or anything about him or his whereabout presently, and yet I know so much about him and what he did to my sister. I know Virgil was a big lousey coward bully who made my hapless sister's college days a misery and eventually would tip a very vulnerably young woman into a nervous breakdown.

She had already been through hard times and went to Drama School to fulfill a passion she had and rebuild a new career path. Initially she felt she had found a home at last and was enjoying her new adventure, that was until Virgil started picking on her, Virgil and another girl, whose name I now don't remember. They both did all the things bullies do and more. Gradually, these horrible pair in particular wore her down and dimmed the light in her eyes, in her passion and in her soul. She returned from school, tired, miserable, bewildered, annoyed and befuddled. She unburdened herself to me, I tried all I could to help, but short of following her to school and sitting by her side all day, there really was little I could do. I pained for her so much and could only imagine what she must be going through. Every day was an ordeal for that poor girl and vacariously for me too. Her only consolation was another girl who never joined Virgil and his gang and was always kind and friendly to my sister. This lovely person later became a very famous member of a very famous Girl band. Which goes to show that more often than not, good things do happen to good people. Even now when I see that ******* TV or in the news, I always in my mind, say thank you to her.

Shortly after finishing her course, my sister had a Nervous breakdown and was hospitalised for some months. Apart from myself she never discussed this bullying experience with anyone else. Years, years years later when Virgil came on TV that evening, my sister's voice was raw, scar-ladened and bleeding, she never really got over it.

My sister is no longer with us, she sleeps with the angels now and I doubt any of her school mates remember her, though a repeat of a TV series she appeared in might rekindle some memories if they ever came across it. Its a fitting legacyand I'd like to think a testament to victory over darkness and inhumanity. I hope Virgil, wherever he is and whatever he's doing is living his best life, if he has kids I pray they never get bullied and I would like to remind him, there's something called KARMA, either down here or above.
That girl never did anything wrong to Virgil.....
Jan 2024 · 108
Day trippers.....
Yenson Jan 2024
Hurray hurray
we rain on the parade
of our delusions

Hurrah hurray
we make smething
out of nothing

Hurray hurray
we make it up to
to make it up

Hurray hurray
we are trippers tripping
on ignorance bliss

Hurrah hurray
we are the party poopers
at parties in our heads

Hurrah hurray
we see somethings in nothings
and nothings in somethings
We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.
But the inadequate dare not find reality, this will merely compound their miseries more so please let them find release in delusions.
Dec 2023 · 82
Majority mumbo jumbo
Yenson Dec 2023
Nope, don't drag me in
before I pledge alliance to any group cause
I wanna know why how and for what result
You can't just tell me your side
I would want to know the others' side too
I will go to an alleged offender
look right in their eyes and say
Listen, its being said you're so and so
or hey! they're are saying you did this and that
what have you got to say for yourself
Now, therein lays the difference
between Men and Boys
between Women and Girls
between Adulthood and Childish
between Maturity and Immaturity
and in most cases between Truth and Lies
and most importantly
between FEAR and HONESTY
and while most are governed by fear, fear, fear
Honesty knows no fear
If I make the wrong call I'll put up my hands and apologize
rather that than join the majority because I am afraid not to
I'd rather be unfiltered and hated, ostracised and pilloried
than live as a cowardly sheep full of hidden fears, secrets and
ravaged by insecurities and weak at core
hiding in Groupthink and Groupspeak
how demeaning and undignified is that
Yes, the're times when one has to be diplomatic
but it is positive diplomacy and that is not cowardice or fear
I am not perfect, nobobody is
but don't ask me to follow the herd or side a one sided narrative
That's the difference between you and I
or I and them
and I am not afraid to admit that
call me a ***** if you like
cause I call
a ***** a *****
“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”
― Anais Nin
Yenson Dec 2023
Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
unhinged and feral in thoughts
just do and no evidence required

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
who cares about depth or skill
in the swim all heads above water

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
stables of the the herds to frolic
swaying splashing in ignorance bliss

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
we believe and do as we're told
we know nowt bout still waters run deep

why think to make thoughts your master
or use senses to see and dive deeper
rather than turds of mindless floaters
wallowing in shallows
shallow shallows
in murky muck
full of it
If you can keep your head when all about you  
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
Yenson Dec 2023
****, fiddlesticks and ****, ****, ****
this is not a good look
no, no, no this is not good enough
Us Salt have thrown everything, even the proverbial kitchen sink
at this person and what have we got
This Special operation normally takes a year
three years max before the inevitable result
and decades down the line what do we have
a Target laughing at us
like its a game at the park
and its not like all our operatives weren't in play
We twisted the Extortionists and criminal gang into posing as
The weak innocent Underdogs
The bitter ignorant Racists are posing as Leftwing politicians
The Envious frustrated women are posing as Ferminists after
we've framed the target as a Misogenistic chauvinistic
Our Expert Liars are posing as Lily-white Truthers
and spreading misinformer, smears and disinformation
all over the place
Our discrediting Propagandists have disingenuously painted us all as Solid Salt of the Earth mob rallying against an Elitist
Most know the Haters are insecure jealous inadequate lot who need to rant and vent and project their inadequacies on people with
qualities haters can never possess
So, why with all these operatives in action
we still have the ****** Target living like nothing is happening
He should at best have been driven out of the country
He should have been driven mad and dribbling in a Mental Hospital long long ago
if not six feet under
This is supposed to be Covert gangstalking
and we've done all the diabolics as required
this is not a ****** game in the park
Imagine what this is doing to our credibility
People are beginning to wise up
****, ****.......****
You cannot **** the TRUTH..sooner or later the whole Truth wii be revealed, You may have all the CONNECTIONS in the world, but you are thieves who stole from an innocent person, who treated you with kindness and you thought you could bully and blackmail for more.
Yenson Dec 2023
play it out
with the menchilds
at your local exchange level
where your brain drains are mutual
and thought processes wired alike in base tones

think you not
in my premise alignment
random bewitched strangers
in silly staged drama resonate at will
all roads do not lead to Rome and your latin is crude

you err in epics
for my mind collects
worthy offerings from sages
not whimsical ***** dreams of fisherwomen
nor does it keep rooms for gainsays of pawn hostesses

speak to brain
thats one of your ilk
show to eyes sharing your vision
our tongues differ and my sight is discerning
I cannot see darkness in light for it fails to my gaze

a spartans sword
knows craftmanship at best
and made not to slice cheap offcuts
or gleams unsheath in frivolous sways
where unknowns in empty gestures frolic in wisps

go play commons
where your menchilds
hear your laboured whispers
go give brews of your mud chalice
to your kinfolks with the penchant for dregs

a chasm rears
in deep faithless divide
incantations are your limitations
your altar rebuked as are your rituals
vain priestesses and witless oracles prancing in disregard
what fool feeds the hands that bites him....or see beauty in enemies.....or sensibilities in nonsensicals
Yenson Dec 2023
I have not found misery
But contentment and liberating Light
amongst ladened pygmies I stand head and shoulders above

So lets pity the Dividers
and the sordid indulgences of shysters
charlathans liars blamers decievers scallywags and larcenists

Tis the sweat off my brow
my aspiration and endeavours upholds
as does millions of others who in honest toil thrive and profit

Sham politburo hooligans
state half-wits spit anachronistic slogans
our Witchfinder General seeing silver spoons in meritocracy

Lazies do as lazy does
Never learning but heedlessly agitating
Puerile minds dividing projecting smearing and intimidating

Maniac fantasists deluded saps
Disingenuous failures hiding in plain sight
Cheats and sinners in glasshouses throwing stones

Dime store mobsters
Confused minds in haze exporting confusion
Mired in hate envy and jealousy they alienate enterprise and success

It’s monarchs it’s the elites
Well worn lies and excuses for the work-shy
There’s opportunities aplenty but dumb blamers point fingers

You can’t tell the truth
That you want something for nothing
That you’re the greedy and entitled sourly prodigals

Reds with red faced shame
dunce revolutionaries in Quixotic faux pas
the problem rests in you as you wallow in the divisive stench
whirling in the windmills of your rancid minds

He who took on the mantle stands
he who toiled hard to better himself stands
he who crossed oceans stands and even built more than you
with all your privileges what have you done to make yourselves
feel proud - oh yes, you throw stones and hide hands - bravo!!........ bravo!!
Dec 2023 · 103
Wipe Him Out...
Yenson Dec 2023
Never been such described
a Characterization never afore beheld or levelled
so it was quite a shock
then way down the line I realized it was
The Nuclear Option
and once launched there is no shelter
no antidote, no effective deterent, remedy or cure
it wipes out and disintegrates what was before

The waring Antagonists are mad
it was scorched earth, total **** or bust
thier hatred was beyond compare
only the Nuclear option will do
So they pressed the button and launched
now know this
only the very few who have experienced
the fall-out would know
and they would all be brown successful people

Here, let me expansiate
Firstly, that Nuclear Option is just one word
Yes, as simple as that
the minute that word is hung on a successful brown person
they are stitched up and immediately attract HATE
at once all perceptions of them changes
nothing riles like an 'arrogant' black person
As Kevin said
'they will hype you UP to break you DOWN'
take a sledge-hammer to crack a peanut

So they put the word around, spat  it out with a snarl
see that brown one there, sooo arrogant! blah blah blah
at once the mud start flying
Suddenly if you smile, its an arrogant smile
you walk, its an arrogant walk,
you say hello, its arrogant, you don't say hello,
its arrogance. you sneeze, its arrogant
you get my drift, perceptions has been tainted
and one is now a 'marked person.
And everyone is now ready to tear a strip off you

Equality and Diversity, yes my mama, the Pope is Hindi
as long as you know your place and diverse accordingly
you can fling it about till it flings you about
just stay in your lane
if you excell make sure you doff your cap
but do nothing wrong but stand tall and own your talent,
they will launch the Nukes bomb on you hey presto
Heaven forbid you have a Title
What! who are you? go ask Mergan Markle
and look up what 'uppity whatsnot' means in Blighty parlance

So our dear unmentionable here
didn't know standing up to bullying thieves
and Extortionists was an act of arrogance
despite the fact I'd never exchanged a cross word
with anyone brown, blue. yellow, white or pink before
but come see hostilities aplenty, come see pettiness in droves
Careers are destroyed, lives ruined
come see all and sundry taking a pop
intent on reducing you, intent in making you feel small
because of a perception that is subjective rather than real

And the Brown colour that seem to accentuates
certain fits so fetchingly and corrosively
Go ask Naomi Campbell
She's called ARROGANT as well,
and though still standing she hasn't escaped unscathed
And there's a radio-active man walking around now
because he stood up to a gang of thieves
“Cognitive schemas—thought structures—influence what we notice and how the things we notice get interpreted.”
― Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Yenson Dec 2023
Less than two hundred years ago
your ancestors were still being dehumanised
as they have been for centuries and centuries before
So hurray and bully for you
that now you stand tall and proud
and like The bugle-master or Drivers of old
you are tasked
with trying to dehumanise one of your brothers
Hey! you are a free man
your Handlers tell you
forget your ancestors were once mere chattels
but look, you are one of us now and we all stand together
This is about Power and Revolution and destroying
anyone we gratuitously determine is an 'elite'
this is our 'one sided truth' and as always you cannot disagree
Less than two hundred years ago
your brothers who talked revolution
soon floated down a southern river or hung off a tree
they, of course did not have a 'one sided truth' to tell
what do dehumanized chattels know about effective propaganda
or fabrication, distortion, misinformation or misrepresentation
when even now, you and some of your brothers and sisters
still do not have a clue
Look how easy it is turning you against eachother
mixing and boiling your little heads till you're shanking eachother
and chasing pennies or dancing and singing
So stand tall and proud
Its them and ua, we tell you
Do as you are told and cry out your solidarity, 'brother'
Show how far you've come
in over two hundred years and centuries and centuries
Dec 2023 · 87
Downtown Funk....
Yenson Dec 2023
Birthed by Strugglers into struggles
the slaves crys inherent tears
festoon in dark complexes as bangles
arrives the narcs with fears

Christened narcissisists in muddles
divide destroy is all they rear
sharing their pains are their battles
inner contentment never near

The lame minds celebrating troubles
crippled toxic and so so weak
manipulated manipulators in ruffles
our sad doyens of doublespeak

Haha the inglorious blowing bubbles
craving to share miseries bleak
own yer chains and spin in yer hovels
yer complexes leaves you pique

There they rage no substance no mettle
the unhinged at their lowly peak
nonentities crowing in dense cowardly fettle
infamous laments of pipsqueak
"Narcissists try to destroy your life with lies because theirs can be destroyed with the truth"
"Hypocrissits: A narcissist whose head is so far up their **** they can't hear the hypocrisy coming out of their mouth"
Dec 2023 · 79
Yenson Dec 2023
I never even tried
to know them
because I know them
too well
Yenson Nov 2023
It was after two o'clock in the afternoon or thereabout, he was alone indoors, a knock at the front door rattled the noon silence. Not again, he thought, for he already knew who it would be. He grimaced inwardly and headed to the door. He was wrong, it was'nt the pest neighbour woman from next door, this time, it was her teenage daughter and her younger brother. They tood there like two sour thumbs, presenting an inquiring sight for my already bored eyes.

Oh hello, my mam says can you lend her £5 till her giro arrives tomorrow? says Joan, plaintively, her brother peering inquisitively
behind her. He disguised the bored look and smiled benignly, he was about to say, ' but your mam hasn't repaid the £10 she borrowed last week' but he stopped himself. He hates embarrassing others, do unto others as you want others do unto you, was a strict edict to him. Instead, he opened the door wider, 'come in, I'll get my wallet. Like rats into a cheese larder, they scuttled after him as he turned into his lounge. Turning to face them, he immediately noticed their wide-eyed awe-struck gazes and immediately realized he had never invited anyone of this family indoors before.

He was later to learn, they had stated there was a hidden Palace full of treasures next door. To him, it was just a tastefully decorated and tidy flat. Little did he know what laid ahead. Take a pew, I get my wallet, he said, as he made for the bedroom. He return to see them starring at his record cabinet with the neatly stacked LPs and the gleaming Bang & Olufsen sound system. I see you like your music, says the girl, her eyes darting all over the room, the brother just sat there as if mesmerised. He was now wondering if it was a good idea inviting them in, for he could see from their deportment and gazes, they were overawed and almost ill-at-ease. He mused they might think he was showing off. he handed over the unreturning £5 and hoped they leave.

In years to come he would regret this afternoon. they did not leave after taking the money and he did not have the heart to usher them out. instead they settled in and the girl talked about them moving from Scotland and living in hostels, about not fitting in at school and how communication was difficult because of her accent, about her liking Reggae Music and Bob Marley. I watched her in her worn dress and stained sandals and the boy in faded t-shirt and ***** jeans, I'd listened to the commotion regularily emanating from their flat, was aware of the regular Police visits and the various anti-social happenings around them. Now she's six months pregnant and Bobby who got her pregnant didn't want to know.

I felt sorry for them, my wife and I had felt sorry for them from day one, on numerous occasions, they had come to beg food, eggs, bread sugar and even milk, it was obvious they were dysfunctional and Jim the father was always in and out of jail. I didn't know how to help other than just keep on being their Lender. Sat on our comfortable divan, she continued about missing school and leaving early because she was bullied by her school mates. Now I made a mistake, I had read somewhere that a good way to emparthise is to try and relate with the issue, yes, I said I know what its like to be bullied, I said. I had never been bullied, I was a Class Prefect from Form One, I was an A student, always capable and well adjusted. I was popular, liked by both the Tutors and my school mates and known for my humour and effortless coolness, even if I say so myself.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, Little did I know, when in trying to empathise by saying 'I know what its like to be bullied' I was making a rod for my own back. Unsuspectingly I was talking to feral people, to predators and extortionist, little did I know, these are damaged morally bankrupt people, little did I know that what I thought were appreciative glances were my properties been scanned and listed for misappropriation, little did I know that in East London and suchlike areas, your neighbour can actually break into your house and steal from you. Little did I know that envy and jealousy can be such potent forces and little did I know that white is right and black is always wrong.

I managed to usher my guests out that afternoon by promising a Musical day to listen to Bob Marley, I shut the door behind me and buried my head in the book I was reading earlier. If you were to tell me what laid ahead for me and mine, I would have told you, you are crazy and would make a super imaginative Fiction writer.
Yenson Nov 2023
As if we're all of the same ilk
as if ignorance is my cup of tea
as if any common filly is worth my while
as if I'm one of their substandard specimen
as if I am not the one who holds them in contempt
as if they can ever be gracious enlightened and noble
as if their crude crass thuggery is not the norm of blunt minds
as if
as if
as if
pedigree blue blood
does not agitate them
and plunge them into red mist
where they find semblance never substance
Nov 2023 · 88
grab your rags....
Yenson Nov 2023
when you sell them a pup
they don't even have the gumption
to check if it barks
we sell them triggers too
we know they have two plus ******* makes seven
and fiction is their factual
why do you think
babies' fathers are a dime to the dozen
here's two pints of lager
and a packet of crisp
no rich Prince Charming is ever coming their way
attend our free Hate Classes
to relieve your frustrations
Nov 2023 · 88
Fleet cows Mac....
Yenson Nov 2023
Hear to want they what them tell
in the still of raging calm
stop not to chew cud
as cattles galivant over the latest noise
in excess rumen acidity
they will find the festooned price
and bowels will Sing sing
cattkes wear bells in the Alps
hear of the tell and tell of the hear
we help them to graze
noses in the dirt and muck
Nov 2023 · 146
Mediocre Neo-Colonialism
Yenson Nov 2023
Alea iacta est

Nonsensical deconstruction of the sublime
by the Lowest common denominations

Fatuous misrepresentations of diluted empricism
in the mangle of adious incapables

The mass strangulated death of reasoning
luxuriating in copious vacuities

Hail the Power of bacon as it is to Pigs
sizzling fried Imperialism
BLT sandwiches for all the pyschopaths
throw in
a round of chips
each to its own....various levels of understandings or psychosis
but Inferiority Complex is the killer
Yenson Nov 2023
We will **** him up
We will bug him non-stop
mess up his head and alter his personality
We will terrorize his mind and **** it
He won't know who he is
He will only exist, not live
( as if that's not a classic oxymoron )
He is banned from ever making a meaningful relationship
Anything he says will be used against him
He will never trust anybody again
By the time we finish with him, he would wish he was dead

Hey! hey, what did he do?

We, the Red Left Wing, Nihilisism Faction and in colaboration with Local Criminal Gangs solemnly declare above proclaimations in
solidarity with the MaCarffety Criminal family, who as underdogs
exercise their Human Rights to break into their next door neighbour's flat and burgle them.

Hey! hey, what did he do

This neighbour were two decent hardworking, Law-abiding couple, with double income, a good car and a prosperous future ahead, so why should they complain when the Macarfetty Criminal Family burgled them. Though the MaCarfetty are a dysfunctional drunken Layabout bad'uns, they are the underdogs and thus deserve our solidarity and the couple burgled deserved to be ruined and sent back to Square One.

Hey! hey, what did he do

THUS THE PROCLAIMATIONS ABOVE IS HELD AND EFFECTED.....So be it, we look after our own...Innit..!!

Those of you with a sense of humoir may enjoy the article below by Jeremy Clarkson, published recently ....

WHEN the Labour Party was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, its main aim was to turn Britain into a proto-Marxist state.
But among all the communistical twaddle, there was always a noble goal. It wanted to look after the little guy.
The miner who spent 27 hours a day at the coal face. And the factory worker who spent all week not quite making Austin Allegros.
The trouble is that today there are no pits, and robots do most of the heavy lifting in the car plants.
So the Labour Party has switched its focus to a new type of little guy.
The oppressed minorities. It doesn’t matter how mad these minorities might be, Sir Starmer’s merry band of weird beards is always ready to give them a hug and a cup of ginger-infused nuclear-free peace tea.
Transgenderists. Vegetablists. People from the far end of the LGBTQIAP+ acronym.
The Just Stop Oil mob and their mates in Extinction Rebellion.
All these people are the new miners
And this is what frightens me about the inevitability of a Labour victory in the next general election.
Sir Starmer may stand there under his Playmobil hair, pretending to be sensible, but behind him there’s an army of Corbyn enthusiasts who don’t really care about the economy, or law and order, or immigration.
Those are middle-class issues, mainstream issues, so they don’t matter.
What does matter in the socialist heartland — the sixth-form common room — is the little guy.
So, there will be new laws to ensure that if you so much as look at a ginger in a funny way, or you express displeasure at some herbert who’s glued himself to the road, or you employ a man, you will be charged with a hate crime.
It’s already hard enough for older people to keep up with the changes.
I had 60 years of knowing for sure that women didn’t have penises.
And then, in the past three, I’ve been told that actually, some of them do.
And I must accept that or else. And there’s more.
All of the jokes we laughed at in the Seventies will become illegal.
All the things we said to our friends. All of the TV shows we watched. All the chants we sang at football matches. Every WhatsApp we’ve ever shared. We must forget them all and accept that everything we’ve ever thought or learned or said or done is now offensive and wrong. That’s going to be hard. Let me put it this way.
If you took a kind-hearted lefty from an uber-woke town like Brighton and made them live in Tehran, they may try to fit in.
But at some point they’re going to accidentally do something they didn’t even realise was a crime. And they’ll wind up with no head.
Red-baiting, also known as reductio ad Stalinum and red-tagging (in the Philippines), is an intention to discredit the validity of a political opponent and the opponent's logical argument by accusing, denouncing, attacking, or persecuting the target individual. The phrase, red refers to the color that traditionally symbolized left-wing politics worldwide since the 19th century, while baiting refers to persecution, torment, or harassment, as in baiting.
Yenson Nov 2023
Mind control...?
Ahh....I see
okay, lets
pay attention
Garbage Carriers
are teaching Nuclear Physics
to Mr A. Einstein

Hey! don't be
so dismissive
we know its bull-*****
but remember they are Garbage Carriers
so they are Experts
in *****
racking, carrying and disposal
They are full of it

Just don't tell them that
A fool thinks himself to be wise,
but a wise man knows himself
to be a fool.
If they say they can do subliminal mind control
let them
if one deals constantly in ****
as they do
they need poo-tent distractions
hahaha....haha.... hahaha
anyone who think I am sad, honestly don't know how I laugh myself silly every day, wow! I tell you there are tons of uber-morons about.....
Yenson Nov 2023
Pray be silent
as we cordially extend
our esteemed comtempt to our
Slave Traders, Pirates and Barbarians
who have tirelessly endeavoured in the fight
for their birthright purloined from every corners of earth
we should note in particular the gallant cowardly ongoing battle
against a Black Prince purportedly out to divest them of these birthrights

In neon light
let us give a standing ovation
to the thieves and extortionists who
burgled this Black Prince and have compaigned
ingloriously with our usual *****, murky and insidious tricks
to discredit, harrass, intimidate, hound and stalk this black Prince
and make dishonorable mention of The Macarfetty Gang for their role in orchestrating this compaign

Let us do our worst
and be as unfair, unjust and diabolical
as possible, for we are the salt of the whole earth
and its our birthright to ****, plunder, loot and steal
proud of being bullies, no one does wanton vandalism better
a special mention to that hero who cut the Sycamore Gap Tree
nothing is below the level we can sink to, our indulgence paramont
Class war is classy, innit?
Yenson Nov 2023
Come go and go come
hail, hail, hail us the hoi polloi
united in powerless power we control
creating our delusions to control these delusions
for in witless semblance not substance
we live, act and muck around
dense and blinded is ok

Push pull and pull push
hail, hail, hail us the hoi polloi
ours is to obey as inglorious puppets
in Plato's cave we find our realities in shadows
we donot need the brick of education
for we can make it up as we go
ignorance is bliss innit

By Hoi Polloi for Polloi
hail, the salted fundermentals
herded in prideful dunces' group think
amock in their heads evoking delusions to chase
tell us no truths, tell us lies an fantasies
lead us gladly down garden-paths
for reality is just a dream

Union in union disunited
gainsay faffing faffing around
art for art sake, money for charlathans
paying peanuts to flying monkeys on fools' errand
hey comrades, its all remote control
we manipulate you simpletons
and fool you to believe
you are controling
“The Allegory of the Cave” likely serves as a wake-up call for people to seek the truth and not settle for what they see in front of them as reality and truth. In the allegory, the prisoners in the cave symbolize what our human existence is like if we do not question things and seek the truth.
Nov 2023 · 221
That G O A T.....
Yenson Nov 2023
one in ten million
one of a kind
and what does that invite
good and bad
that's just the standard formula
natural equation
but the blessing here is
he could still be a  face in the crowd
sit on the next seat in a bus
and budget like any other working man
and that glow
tells of inner grace and peace
a good heart
and a constant reminder of God's Love
Its what's inside that counts
Nov 2023 · 83
We mean business.....
Yenson Nov 2023
Dear Sheeples of our dense green isles
sheeps of every land and realms
dear proxies and flying monkeys so fair
united we stand as strong as elms

Note the puppetry but an empty vice
just songs and dances for nought
tests you all obey orders without a price
for you behave with no thought

The real crux if you saps must know
is to isolate without any support
we cowards know that's icy as snow
mobbing to weaken with no abort

We batter head to drive him insane
**** his fine mind to confusion
rip his feelings to shreds let him wane
we're barbarians with compulsion

Arise you labourers of depravity
we want our pound of flesh
he mocks us an laughs at our travesty
we of the ghettos not some creche

So dear sad servants hang in there
we've cut off his donkey ****
his head is next for us all to share
we're thick but he is elite tick
(at least that's what we've decided, but remember we're thick)
Yenson Nov 2023
Do you see what I see
can you
even know what I know
can you
see the hypocrisy of liars
cons and morons
who now turn on their Leader
and fight amongst themselves
crying cease-fire
injustice and atrocities
when selves sames
in their own backyard
have legitimized a burglary
and attempts at extortion and intimidation
and our vituperate selves sames have orchestrated
and conducted
the most vicious campaign of bullying, vilification,
harrassments, smears, misrepresentation,
libelous slander and toxic distortions
not to mention varied contraventions of basic human rights,
against one lone innocent brown man
they urdained to 'wipe out' a blameless man
because they possess the power to do as they please
Telling themselves
that is Democracy in modern today
Do you know
You can fool some of the people all of the time,
and all of the people some of the time,
but you can not fool all of the people all of the time
and do you know that Politics is a con game for scammers
liars, self-serving opportunists and narcissists
Scarlet Fever is a selective contagion
that is resistant to the antibiotics of truth,
fairplay, intelligence and commomsense
Nov 2023 · 82
Signifying nothing......
Yenson Nov 2023
I wonder if
the ones they have
mentally manipulated
in acting in their street theatre
pantomime of the Useful idiots
will ever be
aware of the scarthing
and sad disingenuous slants
being attributed to their characters
perhaps its taking one for the team
or maybe its
simply a case of thinking
everyone is as stupid and malleable
as they are and thus a hegemony of dimwits
simply playing with themselves for play sake
for who buys
into this but themselves
acts full of sound and fury
tales told by prime dolts for dolts
in vacuous dolts' drama - ” Signifying nothing.”
Oct 2023 · 123
Sister sledging.........
Yenson Oct 2023
This is not Roberta killing me softly
or singing my life with her words
neither was she Aretha's rose in black at spanish harlem
No, this is our modern day viral influencer
our tick talk charlatan
smooching mental wellness from the craven
and advice from the vipers' cyrpt
with evangilical zeal and maniacal jest
she pours fourth surface knowledge in elementary bias
intermittently cackling, flashing tombstone pearly whites
and preening
and oh! how she preens
a hand shots upwards to preen the glossy black mane
that hangs luxurious over her shoulders
Farrah Fawcett Majors eat your heart out
and right there lies the rub, no pun intended
for the glossy tresses are false
Walmart special Offer in latest nylon, buy one and loose visiting
a hair salon forever
the unkind would say probably as false as the wearer
but I see how minds are colonized and the chains are never broken
and Aunties Toms can preen their locks like Madam Inglander
from the plantation mansion
and how, though now in modern times
she's still indented aiways to be 'Becky with the good hair's' proxy
So will our heathen viral infuencer influence
No, stooges just do as ordered
but we smile benignly and grieve lost sisters
as we hail those,
the au naturale who takes pride in curly and *****
for in that confidence lies truth and self esteem    
No fakes peddling fake news
no real ebony queen seeks to softly **** their Kings
for they know the know and history speaks
So No cover ups on heads and no twisted truths and foul justice
Be set yourselves free....
Oct 2023 · 112
Darker shade of Pale......
Yenson Oct 2023
Somewhere, a nymph-like platinum blond
resplendant in a sleek Versace evening number is sashaying
into that trendy restuarant, clutching that priceless Gucci purse

Somewhere, a nymph-like terrified woman
in dusty blood splattered Niqāb with a tattered woven bag on
her back, clutches the hands of two dusty kids along a dusty path

Somewhere, a man in black Armani tuxedo
cream Chinese silk shirt and snake-skin loafers hops into a
gleaming Ferrari, the scent is Creed Aventus and he has a hot date

Somewhere, an ashen faced sweaty man
in ragged dusty tunic and ***** trainers is running helter-
skelter, he is looking for his wife and two little kids in dusty rubbles

Somewhere, in grand State buildings
and lavish residential homes, tall short portly thin suited men
talk, give orders, arrange meetings and give interviews to the Media

And on a lava hot molten crevice in Hell
the Devil stands and rubs his gnarled talons, gleefully cackling
see! how I **** em up, how I tease em, mess em up and play with em
give to some and not the others
confuse them and divide the **** outta em
And the ****** fools call themselves Humans and God's children and talk about LOVE....!!!
Oct 2023 · 111
and that's their best......
Yenson Oct 2023
satanist spawns **** satanic verses
rallying from their infernal channels
in deciets they ooze their deseases
gargoyles in smiles spewing flannels

slithering the tree of good and evil
conquered spawns of the father of lies
eat, sweet plump red apples ain't vile
why be dumb and be mock in follies

mocked by satan they worship satan
vying for craftiest top loader influencers
giving sweet lyrics in toxins for cretins
hell's lyricists in satans poxy flatuences

they smile gamely in demonic throes
proudful slaves and messengers of Hades
conning the decieved for tithes et monies
jeweled hatted they fake to throw shades

condemned spawns your day will come
and unmasked ye shall reap consequences
the Tree of Life is the Divine's forum
in discernment we unhear your trespasses
but pray that the eyes of your hearts be opened
Oct 2023 · 97
Stay well....
Yenson Oct 2023
I loved my Eve and she me too
in her own simple way
in angel-mind pure and thoughtless
I lit her in still waters ways
and harvested the blooms of gentle tides
then serpentine clarions called
in darkened mist I suit steel armour and shield
Eve had struggled carrying my sword
I know by my side was no place for one such as she
but she trusted her warrior will fight for her
hers was no betrayal but a punt to play Hobson's choice
in belief her knight and love will come in rescue
But in valiant chilvary and love I choose for her to fly unreturn
it is my battle let me take the stress

Tell no knaves and charlathans
the recesses of knowns
****** to beggars their penniesworth
their farthings to nothing
are the banquets for scatterlings raging angst
drinking snakes' venom in gulps
in blindness they shall remain dancing in dim fog
like its unknow the stirrers seduced
basting the innocence of Eve in doubts galore
who did in belief her knight will come
I know he loves me as much within and without
to keep my powder dry in sternness I relayed think twice
for chicanry merely wanted another gambit in twitch
you get better treatment as their prisoner

When in latter years a twin emerged
the girded warrior held you
and his eyes again revisited the story untold
shinning in noble pardon relaunched
he sought to second the emotions unkept afore
but wise head use sturdy timbers for rafters during the rains
and wait for clarions before the gallops
so when the vipers came we had already manned barricades
they got the story they wanted to hear and repeat
and we sent them north rather than south
once again I saved the dignity of a fair maiden
be not me allow an independent soul compromised and tainted
why foster the noble vigour on an unprepared
it is my blood that speaks so your twin will not go to my war
but know I can never hate either of you
am sorry you are victims of yourselves as well as victims of theirs
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