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Yenson Jul 2023
And in the scant arenas of ungracious limited
they mill and cavort in talentless skits
frailing adornments in the fineries of nothing
it is as always to do what they do best
for in foggy mists blazes the inherent rituals
of overcompensating moribund minds

And age old fears embraces the samenesses
tasting damp salts in unison breeds
red diktats snaps out ingloriously force fed
overeact overseason overcompensate
herds free will and actions die to commands
and in fear weak heads acquiesce

Like sheep like cattles like leemings et all
overcompensating as wont
dare yo talk smile befriend or show kinship
to the regal fellow in crosshairs
all go and batter thine inferiority complexes
be base be crude be rude

And in the scant arenas of ungracious limited
coralled in fear of expulsion
fragile egos crave mass invite and acceptance
in dread to be thought kowtowing
they quake and flip overcompensating for show
yet just cowards showing calling cards
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain

Sometimes the majority just means all the fools are on the same side. John Kennedy

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. G. H. Hardy
Yenson Jul 2023
The Intelligent one
said, I seek knowledge and try to learn
knowing there's more than meets the eye
you're God's nobliest creation and so should your mind be

The sage believes
love, respect, look, listen, learn but above
all, know to own your mind and keep your counsel
for within you is the god you, find it and bow Namaste

The Judge said
patience is a virtue, weigh probabilities
think judiciouly and remember they're always
two sides to a story and even more atimes

The Journalist said
Shed light, truthfully and objectively
tell your story, educate, inform, expose wrong
and never go to print without facts-checking and verifying

The Spiritual Ones say
Love one another and believe there's a
Higher Power far greater than us, be kind, grateful
and do unto others as you want others do unto you and yours

The wise one said
I keep an open mind and treat others
with integrity, respect, due consideration and on merit
but step on my toes delibrately and I will stand up for myself

The Brave one says
I believe in peace but courage and boldness
are essential parts of me, I do not seek trouble but if trouble troubles me I will trouble trouble in more troubling ways than one

The Real One says
I am open, honourable and possess self-respect
and I say it as it is, my intentions are good and worthy
with no ulterior motives, I cannot condone or relate to fakeness, falsehood, chicanry, deciets machinations, superficialities or artificialities.

I am the real deal
I keep it real and you will find me
in all of the above, for our world is not one dimensional
we can soar with eagles and dive into deepest reaches
we carry long sabres yet give the warmest gentlest softest kisses
I am The Genuine Article........
Yenson Jul 2023
From start to whenever
presenting the Con of our days
Macafferty and Racist Associates Production
directed and edited by Red Soc  Incorp Ltd
Screenplay and Scripts
by We make it up as we go along
Slander and character Assasination
Misinformation, misrepresentation, misdirection
Lies, Fabrications, distortions, Framing and Sabotage
Twisting, Minimasation, Undermining and demonization
Welcome to a vista of disingenuity
a diabolical creation packed full of the demented foulness
of criminal minds
the appalling manifestations of Deciets and ungodly Manipulations
where white is turned black and right becomes wrong
where we turn otherwise sensible people
into Useful Idiots and gormless Haters
Welcome to the magic of Mass hysteria and histronics
Welcome to the Nonsense Arcade
Come enjoy the thrills of Interacting escapism
and help your local Criminals understand how gullible and stupid
the Nine to five punters are
Manipulate them right and they'll believe anything
and even help you get away with a crimine and condone
Hey! its the way we tell' em
Its what we do.......
Yenson Jul 2023
exerting more than dost I
its inherent in thou kith and kine
to scavenge toil graze and nitpick as your bile sac
camps with your lily-livers in cyanide shame
millions comfort my heart
as my essence imbue all as your limitations lessens you
and your wailing tones addresses fancies
yet only delivers the oysters of discontent
and the fiobles ingrained

And your child mind kicks and screams
see yonder he has more than me
as indeed does those who seize the bull by horns
while ******* hails birthrights in alehouses
and in maddened hate and ubequitous rages
curse the Giver and those like moi
because you know when you sight downwards
you are nowt but a child with small things
Alas you are not blessed
so go pen dirges about sovereigns
and count the farthings you own
Yenson Jul 2023
here's a whisper in your ears
you do know
that the fixation, obsession, unhealthy interest
call it what you like, hahaha
in my estwhile love life
is actually quite natural, predictable and foreseen
you see
they are mostly the dicked and dumped
spending their lives where their choices are
from their pool of the dim-wits, half-wits, limp *****,
men-childs, over-grown kids, wimps, chavs,
mummy's boys, buffoons and apologies-for men
Now tell me
what's exciting or interesting about that
a love-life with dregs in a continuous circle
the unwashed for the unwashed
make babies
absent fathers
start again
they like their cheap thrill
and their cheap entertainments
and how else do you pertuate 'the majority'
but they're madder now as the Government's stepped in
they only pay Child Benefits for two kids
you make more you work or steal for it, knicker-droppers
yeah! so its bull for Red rags and coalition of dicked and dumped
Off course! a solid man with glowing qualities aplenty
intelligent, dependable, trustworthy, clever, smart,
charming, caring, sincere, wise and honourable
is going to stand out like a sore thumb, to them
Oh my God
Such a male is going to put bees in their bonnets
get their knickers in a twist and their flabber truely gasted, hahaha
Obsession, fixation, blue ****** most likely
how can we have
a Prince Charming amongst the dicked and dumped
and expect peace
like Chris the thief said
its throwing the cat among the pigeons
talk about how to manipulate the frustrated
so their fixation is understandable
ain't it so
Hahaha....go on, you tell me.....
Yenson Jul 2023

In ivory towers cold blood run cold
the centuries hang to minutes of now
The diabolicals age but never get old
as it was it is now and do not ask how

Clouds rise and command the flood
heinous hearts here to make you bow
Dare you stand to be choked in a hold
with impunity we take what is thou

The only crown is Western and bold
mahogany is stripped bare to hollow
By soot **** well do as you're told
till morrow there's room in the cargo

We steal all your riches an your gold
leave you grief an miseries to swallow
its what we do in bloodlust we're good
we even get your kith and kin to follow

Ours to subjugate humiliate an enfold
we crush foreign nobilities to a fallow
Us the Chosen Sparkling whites unmold
gods & goddesses of control with no sorrow
Yenson Jul 2023
How can you even begin to think you can
think for me
when our values are so vastly different
and to compound your fallacy
it's demonstrably obvious you don't have a mind
what you have are echoes beatboxes
its comprehensive without comprehension
homogeneous factory produced
ready set and programmed
portable and extremely easy to manipulate
the very antithesis of Artificial intelligence
bred to do as told
So how can you even begin to think you can
think for me
Isn't it so obvious you have no minds of your own
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