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David R Jul 2021
perchance 'twas no feline
that killed my little robin
but plastic polystyrene
that was to be his coffin

i saw him there a-coughin',
his red breast there a-bobbin,
as if he was trying to swallow
but something wouldn't follow

so again, man's the killer,
earth-pollution, natural spiller,
poor robin was no tom-cat's dinner
but a victim of the human sinner
David R Jun 2021
gold of kings cannot touch it
their robes o' scarlet cannot match it
the wonder that is the flying goldfinch
that holds me in a boxer's clinch

which master craftsman formed this bijou
of rubies carmine, soft white 'n champagne,
its auric bands on wings of two
proclaims aloud 'twas no birdbrain.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
  Jun 2021 David R
life is what you make it so the saying goes
what is round the corner no one really knows
we cant see ahead to make our dreams come true
you just never know what life holds for you.

we just do our best live life day by day
learn to handle life what ever comes our way
try your very best in everything you do
then life will do the same do its best for you

make the best of life handle it with care
then the things you want  will be waiting there
it is up to you to do your very best
take it day by day life will do the rest.
David R Jun 2021
a blank canvas
infinite potential
a new-born babe
of life essential

smallest dot
gives restriction
no longer naught
of revelation

for constriction
of light and dark
is no malediction
but vessel to spark

though gold the silence
and silver the speech
what good is silence
with none to teach

silence offers form to sound,
the tread of wisdom for life abound,
but without sound, as fallow ground,
lies the canvas, in whiteness drowned.
David R Jun 2021
Mind. Whisper your secrets,
Speak unto me,
Pierce this bleakness,
This mystery.

When all is still,
When heart opens
To drink its fill
Of heavenly notions

You are there,
You beckon.
You are prayer,
But as cretonne

that ***** over portal
Thou art impenetrable,
so long as I'm mortal
the distance inestimable

but I cry hail to Your Presence,
with salt tears do penance,
and in dissolving of my essence
make entrance

Step aside corporeal wonder,
silence yer noise, your awesome thunder,
for when body doth so slumber,
thickest veils are rent asunder

Streams of oneness, eye to Eye,
Give wing to soul, allow to fly,
Upon the thermals of spirit's sky,
To find its seat, to rest on high

Language here has other form,
no letters or numbers forced to conform,
the beat of a love, hot and warm,
drops like dew amid a swarm

of tongues that yearn for sweet elixir
of brightest light that hideth here,
that healeth all, that makes a seer
of blindest man, gives vision clear

that makes the weak hale and hearty
with joy of song, of spiritual party,
allows the meek become a part o' Ye,
Where close is far, and all One be.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
David R Jun 2021
with ears aloft
claws like glass
pads silk-soft
she treads the grass

spies her prey
with laser vision
with last survey
makes decision

quick as lightning
bird is caught
caws are frightening
but all for naught

no more encore
for little robin
for he's no more
the cat's his coffin

and on the sod
as garnish'd cod
one feather lies
as proof of prize
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Jun 2021
life circles the drain
with every breath
chaff with the grain
approaches death

what oaf am i
when death is nigh
to waste the time
on poetry rhyme
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge :
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