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18.0k · Aug 2018
Tess Aug 2018
Why do all colors have a description to them?

Red- For strength or anger
Yellow- For sunshine and happiness
Pink- For all girls
Blue- For the boys and for when you're sad
Black- For hate and fear
Purple- For luxury and ambition
Green- For nature and energy

We force people to be someone by giving them a label.
Should we do that to colors too?

Why should black be the evil one?
Why can't yellow be a way to express sadness?
Why is pink for girls?
Just why?
I wasn't so sure on posting this, but here it is. So yeah.
13.5k · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
I never thought I'd matter
To anyone

Until you
Came along

And changed my perspective
Of the universe

You made me feel
Like I matter

And I'm grateful
For you.
1.5k · Mar 2019
Finals drive me crazy
Tess Mar 2019
WhOoP De DoOp

tHeRe GoEs My LaSt BraIn CeLL
1.2k · Oct 2018
Silly Tadpole
Tess Oct 2018
Silly tadpole
Swimming in his tank
Keeping races with his friends
And enjoying while he can

Silly tadpole
Suddenly with the urge to jump
Up an  out of the tank
To go discover the world outside

Silly tadpole
Bidding goodbye to his friends
And taking a breath
And finally the big leap

Silly tadpole
Lying on the floor
Suffocating and dying
Wishing he never did that

Silly tadpole
Wriggling on the floor
Taking his last breath and realizing
He wasn't ready for the world yet.
This is something very different and weird. I thought I'd give it a try.
1.2k · Aug 2018
A Lie
Tess Aug 2018
They ask me how I am, so I put on a fake smile, pretend like everything's all right and say " I'm doing great, how about you?"
1.1k · Oct 2018
Society sucks.
Tess Oct 2018
"You need help"
"I know"

"Then why don't you ask for it?"
"Because they wouldn't understand"

"How do you know that if you haven't tried?"
"Because they are society. They never understand"
1.0k · Sep 2018
They say life is good.
Tess Sep 2018
They say life is good
But I don't believe it.

What is good
In millions of people dying every year

What is good
In global warming

What is good
In school shootings

What is good
In floods, earthquakes, tsunamis

What is good
In being diagnosed with a chronic illness

What is good
In divorce

What is good
In your home being destroyed by a fire

Maybe there is no good
Maybe they're just lying.
876 · Nov 2018
Smile at a stranger
Tess Nov 2018
Today I smiled at stranger
And they smiled back

I felt warm inside.
853 · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
I wish I were dead.
I wouldn't cause any more troubles.
I wouldn't be a burden.
I wouldn't be missed.
Please take me away.
Into the darkness.
Take my life.
I don't care anymore.
Everything would be so much easier.
It's better this way.
Oh, how I wish I were dead.
733 · Oct 2018
To my best friend
Tess Oct 2018
I'm sorry.
For the way I've been.
Like you said, I'm a sailboat in the middle of an ocean.
Water surrounding me on all sides.
Knowing, there is no way out.
I watch the days turn to nights, and nights to days.
The cycle goes on forever.
Sometimes the moons light gives me hope.
But the clouds cover over it,
Just as I was beginning to get hopeful.
Sometimes I like to curl up in my little boat,
and count the stars at night.
But I never make it to the end,
Just like how I won't in this world.
But I see you,
In the distance,
Coming towards me in your strong ship.
You're coming to rescue me.
But the waves are too strong,
And they take you away from me.
So I sit back down once again,
And stare at the night sky,
Waiting for the clouds to shift.
This poem is dedicated to my best friend and our friendship which is slowly crumbling, no matter how hard we try to put it back together.
This is also a reply poem to the one she wrote to me first.
710 · Sep 2018
What is it like
Tess Sep 2018
What is it like
To have a heart
With no feelings

What is it like
To have a mind
That controls you

What is it like
To have a mouth
That won't work when you need it to

What is it like
To have hands
That make you choke yourself

What is it like
To be normal?
But the thing is, I know what it is like to have all these things except normalcy.
659 · Jul 2018
Tess Jul 2018
I'm a young girl with her entire life still ahead of her
But it's my moods that are holding me back

One day I'm on top of the world and the next day I'm at the bottom of the ocean

Nobody understands this
They think I'm just another spoilt kid from the city

But I'm not and I just want to make them understand
Just for once in my while entire life,
I just want someone to understand me

Just for once
648 · Sep 2018
Tess Sep 2018
Are like

Some are pretty
Some are plain

Some have a saucer
Some don't

Some carry warmth within them
Some turn cold in a blink

Some are the favorites
That we see everyday

But some are lost in the dark
Without their existence being known

But in the end,
They're just teacups
636 · Jul 2018
Demons in my head
Tess Jul 2018
The demons in my head
They're mine
Mine to fight

I don't need your help
You don't understand
You never will

The demons
They're multiplying day by day
And growing stronger

They're slowly eating my soul
Until I have none left
They're destroying my feelings

They're going to take over me one day
But until then,
I'm going to keep fighting

Fighting until they're out of my head
And somewhere else instead
There are demons in my head and I have no control over them.
633 · Sep 2018
Pretty girl.
Tess Sep 2018
They tell me I'm pretty
That my smile is the best-
They've ever seen

They tell me I've got lovely hair
They say they're jealous
And ask me the secret to such beauty

But they wouldn't be jealous
If they saw,
What was inside this pretty girl.

They wouldn't be jealous
If they saw she was losing her mind
And her smile disappeared when left alone

They wouldn't be jealous
If they knew she pulled her pretty hair
From anger and frustration

They wouldn't be jealous
If they looked more closely.
577 · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
Isn't it ironic,
That people who hang themselves
Struggle to breathe
When their feet no longer touches the ground
They're struggling to breathe,
To live,
When their intention,
Is just the opposite.
Fact: Everyday on an average, 121 people commit suicide.
557 · Feb 2019
Rest In Peace
Tess Feb 2019
I stare at the stars at night
And I think about you
About your smile
And how you played with me

You were a lovely person
You made me happy
You helped me hide while playing
A game of hide and seek

But you were sick
You had breathing troubles they said
They kept you in a room
Connected to machines and tubes

I visited you once
You didn't recognize me
You couldn't speak
You just stared

And then one day
You left us
And joined the stars
But I still love you

And I know
You're watching over me
And I'm sorry
If I've ever disappointed you

But I know you love me
And I love you too grandpa
I love you so much
You have no idea
My grandfather passed away 10 years ago. This is dedicated to him.
483 · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
I hear all of this
In my head

Am I going insane?
473 · Aug 2018
I talk to myself.
Tess Aug 2018
I talk to myself
A lot

Maybe It's because I know,
That I'm the only one
Who will talk to me

Only I understand what I'm saying
466 · Oct 2018
Tess Oct 2018
I'm sorry
I've done it again.

They forced me to,
The voices in my head

Telling me I'm not enough
Worthless and a burden

No one's going to love me
And there isn't any point in trying.

They told me to
Go back to my blade

And seek comfort in the pain.
And that's what I did.

As I held my blade in my hand,
I felt the beautiful feeling of home.

Old memories fogged my mind,
The beauty of carving my skin and the pain that followed

It's an addiction
And also a hard one to get over.
I had a relapse tonight. But I enjoyed the pain. It helped me forget reality.
461 · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
Some say that
People who read books
Live in a fantasy
And know nothing of the real world

But books have taught me
More than anyone ever could
They've taught me
The difference between good and evil

They've taught me
What is real and what is fake
They taught me
How to escape this world

They've taught me
That all humans aren't alike
And everybody is beautiful
In their own way.

Books have taught me
More than anyone ever could.
458 · Dec 2018
The rainbow
Tess Dec 2018
It was a day full of rain
A gloomy one
A depressing day

But once the rain went away,
I saw it
The most beautiful rainbow ever

All seven colors
Shining brightly
My eyes were pleased

I wondered,
What it would be like,
To bite into that rainbow

What would the colors taste like
Exploding in my mouth
And leaving my tongue colored

Ah, but I can only imagine
420 · Oct 2018
We are made up of stardust
Tess Oct 2018
We are made up of stardust
Or so they say

I look down at my hands
And see they are glittering

Is it glitter?
But no, It' not coming off

Shining radiantly
Almost as if It's a dream

But It's not possible
My mind says so

But the voice in my head
Tells me

To stop for a while
And let my imagination run wild.
389 · Oct 2018
Stockholm Syndrome
Tess Oct 2018
A normal day
Walking through the park
When suddenly grabbed by the waist

You throw me over your shoulder
And run
To your van

You throw me in the backseat
And tape my hands and mouth
And start driving

I'm mesmerized
By everything
That just happened

You drive fast,
And reckless,
A really long distance

When we finally arrive
At your house
You push me into a room

You look at me now,
And laugh,

You punch my face
And kick me hard
You spit on me

I don't even scream
Or cry
But just stare at you

Every time you touch me
And hit me
I start liking you even more

Somehow, the way your touch
Makes me feel,
Is a feeling of home

As each day passes
Your hits grow worse
My body is bruised and broken

But my love for you isn't.
I long for your hand ******* my face
And your spit on my body

I'm not a victim of kidnap and abuse,
But rather, one of Stockholm Syndrome.
353 · Oct 2018
I'm an artifact.
Tess Oct 2018
When I tell people that I used to self harm,
They ask to look at my scars.

They examine my arm,
Like I'm an artifact at a museum

They pretend to understand
But they never will

They will never know,
The true history behind this artifact.

They will never understand It's worth,
Until one day,

It's stolen.
Snatched away from this world forever.
352 · Sep 2018
Demons. [Trigger Warning]
Tess Sep 2018
It's late at night
I'm in bed

I hear sounds that aren't there
I see shadows shifting around

Then there they are
The demons in my head

They force me to get up
And make my way to my desk

They tell me to grab my blade
And bring it my wrist

'One cut' they say
'And the pain will be gone'

And I give in
As I bring the blade to my wrist

And I  realise they were right
One cut and no more pain.
346 · Aug 2018
Something and Nothing.
Tess Aug 2018
I wish I had the courage to say goodbye.
But I don't.
So I'm still here.
Eating away the days.
And never asking for a second helping
At night,
I celebrate my victory
For having survived yet another day,
In this stupid world, with stupid people.
This is meant for the outside world, and no one living in this site. I highly like everybody here. Its just that the outside world can be very ******* sometimes. If you know what I'm saying.
340 · May 2019
Tess May 2019
339 · Oct 2018
Nearing the end.
Tess Oct 2018
Voices in my head
Shadows everywhere

I'm curled up all alone
In the darkness of my room

I can feel the demons next to me.
They keep chanting

The same words until I give in
"Die" "Die" "DIE" "DIE"

I finally whisper.

I've given up.
They've won.

The tallest of them stands up
And comes near me

He smiles all creepy and whispers,

I nod
While tears run down my face uncontrollably

He lifts his hand up
The one holding the knife

And brings it down
And stabs me in the heart.

I whisper
"Thank you"

Before falling over
And my heart stops beating.
I'm losing my battle. I doubt I'll make it out alive.
337 · Sep 2018
Tess Sep 2018
I am afraid
Very afraid

There is something inside me
That is controlling me

The people around me,
They are conspiring against me

They whisper behind my back
And watch me from all sides

They are planning traps for me
To change me into one of them.

All I do is watch.
I feel helpless.

And afraid,
Very afraid.
Last night, I felt like everyone I saw were conspiring against me and plotting against me. I was paranoid. I feel like I'm losing my battle.
337 · Aug 2018
Tess Aug 2018
Im stuck
Inside my head

There doesn't seem to be a way
For me to get out

I'm scared
And lonely

Stuck with my demons
It's my nightmare come to life

I can't see
Or think

My words are stuck
I can't make a sound

My cries
They're held within me

I'm stuck and afraid
For ever and always.
I wish I was just like everybody else sometimes. I hate being stuck.
320 · Sep 2018
End it.
Tess Sep 2018
I can end it all
Right here
Right now.

The demons
They're chanting
For me to swallow the bottle of pills

Looking out through the window
I see the moon
And the night sky

I could be with them
A star in the sky
More than a star I'll ever be here

The voices in my head
They're telling me I don't have a purpose
That I'm a waste of space

But maybe
They're right
They know the truth.

And maybe
I should just end it
Right now
While I can.
It's weird how the entire day I can be so happy but at night, when the demons choose to take over me, I don't remember what it feels like to be happy.
I don't remember anything. I can't even think straight. All I see is me leaving this world.
But I'm not going to end it. Not right now.
316 · Dec 2018
Tess Dec 2018
I'm still breathing
For what reason,
I do not know.
309 · Jan 2019
Tess Jan 2019
Why do I cut?
To remind myself that I'm still alive and breathing.
300 · Feb 2019
Tess Feb 2019
A word I dislike.
Something I don't do.
A word for cowards.

For the people,
That are afraid
Of the dark
And dislike the truth.

They sleep,
When others,
Others who I like to call

These warriors
They wait for nightfall
To chase their dreams
And to be who they want to be

And cowards sleep
While the warriors scream
And cry in desperate
Struggling to win their war.

And when dawn arrives,
And shines light on the world,
The cowards wake
While the warriors hide
299 · Sep 2018
Tess Sep 2018
I'm screaming
Out loud
In my head

But I look around and smile
I don't want people
To think I've lost my mind.

I'm not me anymore
Something else is controlling me
It's not me anymore.

Everything is a joke to me
Nothing makes sense
Like me.

I hate this
And at the same time
I love it.
298 · Nov 2018
Tess Nov 2018
Quick question:
Do the demons ever leave you alone?
290 · Jul 2018
Stupid humans.
Tess Jul 2018
The world is falling apart
In front of our eyes
We are watching
We see It all

Yet we don't mind
We give more importance
To finding life on other planets
When the life here is about to end.
I'm done.
285 · Dec 2018
Tess Dec 2018
Life is temporary

So do whatever the **** you want
284 · Sep 2018
Hey boy
Tess Sep 2018
Hey boy
Remember me?

We were great friends
And talked everyday.

I thought we would grow closer
Like two clouds in the sky.

You made me laugh,
And made me feel like someone cared

But then I told you something
It changed your mind.

Summer passed
And you still have't texted me

Maybe I was wrong,
Maybe we were not meant to be.

I just miss you making me laugh
And talk about myself

But It''s not like I
Liked you anyways.
I usually don't write poems about boys but this one, Isn't just  about any boy.
278 · Feb 2019
Tess Feb 2019
266 · Sep 2018
Stuck in a void.
Tess Sep 2018
Stuck in a void,
I accept the fact,
That I won't be coming back.

Stuck forever,
Lost forever,
Till the judgment day

But I like it,
Being stuck
And surrounded by emptiness

It feels like
The home
I wish I had

Stuck and lost in a void,
May feel frightening to some
But it feels like a bliss to me

Too much like a bliss
That it makes me
Want to never come back
259 · Sep 2018
Tess Sep 2018
Ever losing sanity
Mind crumbling to pieces
Heart pumping for the last time

This is how it ends
There will be no sequel
This is it

Mind filled with noises
It's never quiet
Can't wait for this to end

Bruises on my body
Pain spreading everywhere
All of it

Will end
Can't wait.
255 · Jan 2019
Going home
Tess Jan 2019
The moon shines radiantly
On the ocean,
As she takes her step towards it
And lets the waves
Carry her home.
253 · Nov 2021
It's not you
Tess Nov 2021
You ask me why I stopped talking to you
You ask me what's wrong

How do you not realize
I can't do this with you
You're not for me

We're so alike
And yet so different, don't you think?

You would never leave to start an adventure in a new city with just your backpack on your shoulders
But I would.

You think dancing together at a party is embarrassing
But I've been dying to do that.

You think museums are boring
But I could spend hours getting lost in it.

You don't like meeting new people
But I find it fascinating.

And I need to be with someone,
Who gets me,
Who wants to do things I love,
Who laughs at my stupidest jokes,
Who I can spend hours with and it feels like minutes.

I'm sorry but I have to let you go
It's not you
It was never you.
246 · Sep 2018
Tess Sep 2018
I keep writing
But I can't find the right words
To get out this feeling in my chest
I feel sick
And I cannot think straight
Oh, how I wish everything would go
Back to the way it was.
I wish I was happy
I wish I could at least fix it.
But I'm broken now
Like you, and everybody else
And we can't be fixed anymore.
240 · Sep 2018
My childhood.
Tess Sep 2018
Everyone says
That their childhood was the happiest
And as they got older
Things got difficult

But for me
My childhood and
Are the same

I was abused
I was forced to fear
I was yelled and spat at
For things that were not my fault

I was never given the same love
Given to my brothers
I never even felt love
Like they did

I was forced to lie
So I don't get beaten
I was forced to withhold my screams
That would get me in trouble

I learnt not to share my opinion
Because I knew
That they
Would insult me on it

I was never allowed
To express myself
My feelings
My ideas

My childhood wasn't a happy one
But I've learnt to survive.
Sometimes I want to run away and never come back.
239 · Oct 2018
Sun and Moon
Tess Oct 2018
The sun shines bright
And so does the moon.

But the sun hides behind the moon,
And helps in shining light on the dark

They work together,
To keep us in light

To never let us experience darkness.
Because they know,

They've seen things,
Felt things.

But whatever it is that they saw,
They do not wish for us to experience it.

Because they think we deserve light,
And not the dead dark.
Tess Sep 2018
Life isn't always
What they say it is.

Childhoods aren't always the best
Adulthood isn't always so hard

Depression isn't always just a phase
Happiness doesn't last forever

Heartbreak isn't always something you can get over
Love isn't everlasting.

Life isn't always good
Not for everyone.
237 · Aug 2018
Stranger me
Tess Aug 2018
Everytime I look at my own picture
It feel like I'm looking at a stranger

It takes me a moment
To realise that's me

I've changed
In ways I don't know

I'm not my old self
I'm a stranger to myself

I'm a stranger
Who I'll never get used to
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