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Born out of wedlock, from the producers of out of bed rock. Thus I exist to be.

But what they didn't tell you was there was a contract for you to read, that you have to prepare to nurture the moment you planted that seed.

Obviously you did not, because if you did I'm pretty sure you would've rid yourself of that forming rock.

So because no one told you how this business worked you ran the first chance you got, pretty sure I was in a Prom Night Dumpster baby episode left to rot.

And the male content was no different than you, perhaps a little older but at the least he knew the truth. Which left him with what to do.

You ask to let you be, and they did. But what did you do? You pulled a her on me.

But for some reason someone picked up where you never started. To be taken from her would leave her broken heart.

To keep that from being what happened, she wrote something epic that would be the reason this is lasting.

And she was amazing at it, the very best. For 17 years she gave her all and died with hopes you two would take over the rest.

Thinking because you both was much older than before, too bad the only realization was the world was colder and your mom's a *****.

So what happens to the seed that was formed out of wedlock, from the producers of out of bed rock?

Well he's much older now and he likes to make people smile because that numbs his broken heart for awhile. He's learning though, even got his taxes filed. He's taken his fare share of Ls, he's lost a child.

But what you don't know is that seed is destined to be something great, he's slithered with snakes and study dolls to realize what's fake. He's taken on his fare share of hate and there's still people that'll debate to help because they can't relate.

But he's gonna be just fine, with every contract they hand him, ninety percent of them are rejected because he reads between the lines.

Someone who was called a misshapen from a mistake takes a sit on a throne with his naysayers heads on stakes.

So understand something before you want to star in family matters or your own version of house.

If you know this isn't a long term goal for you both and neither one wants that call back, then be sure you read your contracts.
There's a lot of parents that are unfit to actually be parents. They don't understand the full thing that comes with having a kid. I use to watch a lot of T.v as a kid. And I heard about a bunch of people that gets messed up because they don't read their contracts. Kinda like how parents don't take time to understand what it means to be a parent. Thus this poem was created.
You climbed the mountain alone, even when friends and family gave up on you, you remained strong and followed along.

You had a girlfriend who said she supported you through it all, kudo's to her only she left you the moment it seemed you were about to fall.

It hurt, the pain was unbearable and very real, you finally realized you were alone and a moment of doubt set in, maybe I should quit, fall and go back home.

But what's there for you now, just a past sad life and a broken town that's been run down.

You keep going and start to notice something about yourself. You're by yourself, you feel better and everyone says you're beside yourself.

And that's okay, you don't care anymore because the ones that you once deemed real you can see that are fake. The ones that calls you friend and brother sound a lot like snakes, so you go be like a Kit Kat and feel good after every break.

And oh family are the worse. They never believed in you. Your value to them was compared to the dirt. And it hurt, to see others get so much praise, when they didn't even say congrats to the time and the work.

But at this point you've gone numb to everything else around you. The people once tried to down you, mama wish she drowned you, daddy just isn't here and your friends tried to clown you.

But now you're here at the top, and there aggression is no longer there cuz they're asking for a spot. And you think to yourself, no one helped you walk, climb or run. So up here there's only room for one.

But here comes the congratulations and salutations that they feel were only right to say, but wave it off this is your day.

You made it on your own all alone, congratulations.

It's time to build your successful monument and in the middle you should plant something like a fountain. Better yet, you plant whatever the hell you want because it's your mountain.
She's an amazing performer with body of a goddess. I can raise the bar in a more higher manner, but I'll stick to being modest.

The way that she moves when the music turns on put everyone on the edge of their seat. The star of the show, even blind people think she's a must see.

It's clear to see she's gifted in an art far beyond that of what she knows. She dance away the pain in her heart as she defeats inner foes.

And as the years progress and she's done her best, the cards will be set, her conditions will be met, and she'll be a legend for the world to see.

This has been her life's dream since she was able to talk, and now look at her, look at the journey she walks.

She's very much older now and she's made it in fame, unfortunately her feet doesn't dance the same. She's lifts one leg but her balance she can no longer maintain.

She feels it coming and she's okay with that, no more walking or running, she's on her way back.

She's left behind a legacy and she's paved the way, and even though years have past since she's gone away, she's still the brightest star here today.
You were perfect in every aspect of the word.. Perfect. Didn't have to worry about owing the world, no because you deserved it.

The way you walked, talked and how my heart stopped with everything you said. I should've known there was a reason you looked so amazing in red.

The way you'd dance all over the place, gave my mind a race, you voice soothing gave my heart a break, but the more I fell the more of my soul you'd take.

But to a man as blind as me, I don't deserve these eyes because with em I still couldn't see.

The more I thought we were building up, you were burning it down, the higher my feelings were, the closer you pushed me to the ground.

And now I'm left with nothing but an empty place, a shaded dim room and curtains with a smiling mask on my face.

You gave me a choice and it had nothing to do with fun, you said I could either get away leave this behind and run, or I could end this nightmare and let it go with this gun.

So I simply smiled the smile I normally do, because no one sees the what my thoughts allow me to do.

Life is lame, I'm full of shame, on this bullet is your name, I pull the trigger and your the last thing that goes through my brain.

God's condemned me, I now walk into the gates of hell and what I see makes me realize why when red was on you , you looked so well.
This has driven you mad, no one can understand the pain or loss of you for your dad.

Revenge has cost you a mother, a lover, and a kingdom you meant to cherish like a brother.

Your heart is breaking and this world you no longer see as habitable, but you have to stay 2 steps ahead like Hannibal.

But you don't have to worry about the hurt anymore, because In the midst of your frenzy, your plan worked, you've finally settled the score.

So rest now your magistey, your life is depleting but you'll be passing on with a smile on your face, at last you're happy.
I use to talk about these type of people, but now even I've submitted to this evil.

I have a chain on, one silver three gold. Posted on Instagram with a gun to show no matter what's to these streets I'm bold.

Cash on my face like it's a phone, you'd be surprised to know there's nothing in the inside of my home.

Post to show the girls I have and the guys praise me and say they see no end, but did I forget to mention that I have a girlfriend?

My insecurities are covered with all the high end designer fashion, I say this lifestyle is to be forever, to be honest it's not lasting.

But I try my hardest to hide all the pain I have inside, as strong as I seem, the weakest part of me is pride.

But I'm in too deep, everything I have to have it. So it's no wonder by the age of nine-teen I have a meeting with a casket.
I waited too long
Daydreamed about my future
And the world finally moved on.
Don't procrastinate too long, otherwise life passes you by .
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