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CJ Tims Oct 2017
You were like a kite in the wind
I was the hopeful little child
Who could never get you
To where you needed to be.
Running for hours
Hoping you would catch up
And fly
Ever so delicately.
But you never did.
I couldn't control you.
Maybe that's why
It was so hard
To say goodbye?
  Oct 2017 CJ Tims
you were
clumsy & dainty
vibrant & caring
just like a yellow dandelion
dancing in the wind
without a care in the world
until one day
you began to turn grey
& everything started to change
you were now
careful & rustic
dull & negligent
you acted like a burden
no longer cheerful
& dissatisfied with everything
what happened to that yellow dandelion
i once knew?
just felt the need to write & this is what spilled out. enjoy :)).
CJ Tims Oct 2017
I try too hard.
I know, I've been told.
But I just want to fit in
I just want to be liked.
I guess that's too much
To ask for.
I can't please you
And you don't accept me either way.
I be myself,
You hate it.
I try changing,
I'm 'fake'.
Who do you want me to be?
CJ Tims Oct 2017
It's been a long time
Since I've seen you happy.
I miss those days.
I wish I could go back in time
To fix whatever broke
Your beautiful smile.
CJ Tims Oct 2017
So many of us
Can only find despair.
We are just traveling through
A dark tunnel we can't find the end to.
Don't give up yet.
Because for all you know,
You're just two steps away
From the light at the end of the tunnel.
CJ Tims Oct 2017
I don't like to express myself
Because I know I'll be put down.
You say you wouldn't do that to me,
But darling,  don't you see?
You already have.
So now I sit silently
Having nothing to share.
No individuality.
No importance,
No need to be here.
I'm about as needed
As a white crayon is
On white paper.
CJ Tims Oct 2017
Sitting in the dark,
The soundless void consumes me.
Where did I get to the point
Where even my thoughts have no sound?
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