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Jun 2020 · 72
need constant moisture
need heat, water and manure
fragrant tuberoses
On an August summer night,
Moonflowers were in full bloom;    
Their beauty and  sweet fragrance,
Was  satiny with  perfume.      

By the moon's light . one could see,
On the limbs of the peach trees;      
Peaches of red hanging there,
It was seventy degrees.

The Milky Way could be seen,
Easily in a clear view;
The crickets' sound could be heard,
Real clearly the whole night through.

It was on this August night,
I had taken much delight.
Jun 2020 · 142
The Sulphur Yellow Rose
kind of yellow rose
yellow leaves and black blotches
Sulphur yellow rose
Jun 2020 · 75
Bo Tree
serotonin rich
used to treat epilepsy
Asian fig, Bo tree
Jun 2020 · 78
Qureen Anne's Lace
a biennial
resembles poison hemlock
dainty queen Anne's lace
Jun 2020 · 263
grow in sun and heat
makes  an outstanding perfume            
delightful freesia
Jun 2020 · 49
blooms make a purple dye
edible and nutritious
the plant of fuchia
Jun 2020 · 75
Joe--Pye Weed
edible wild food
draws beneficial insects
the joe-pye **** plant
You're a real treasured friend of mine,
With happiness my life you fill.
My heart when it needs bright sunshine,
In my heart, there, ,it, you instill.

When the stars' dust is lit up by,
Their positively charged atoms;
There's an incredible light show,
Most everybody sure welcomes.

The Aurora borealis,
Is a beautiful sight to see;
Mary Anne, it's your awesome smiles ,
That I always find so lovely.

You have a heart with a gold core,
That's covered with diamond chips;
Your heart radiates bright sunshine,
Even in a solar eclipse.

The gold that is found in your heart,
Is worth more than Spanish doubloons;
Your TLC sure lifts me up,
Higher than large, hot, air balloons.

Diamonds are precious jewels,
And can sparkle with sunlight bright;
But won't outshine your lovely smiles,
As they glow bright both day and night.
May 2020 · 160
vitamin C rich
repels the  greenhouse white flies
pretty nasturtiums
May 2020 · 146
grows best in full sun
real useful companion plant  
the nasturtium plant
May 2020 · 38
The Rose Of Love
named Austrian rose            
grows wild throughout Germany
the wild Rose of Love
May 2020 · 606
Autumn Clematis Flowers
Autumn clematis flowers,
Bloom in spring and in the fall;
Bees notify other bees,
Come in for the nectar haul.

From summer's Dutch white clover,
And autumn clematis blooms,
From these flowers sweetness flows,
Filling air with sweet perfumes.

They are sweet, poor, man's flowers,
Autumn clematis climbs trees;
When people walk near their blooms,
Folks attention, they will seize.

Autumn clematis flowers,
Some people pay money for;
I'll go where they're unwanted,
Weeding them will be my chore.

When their bloom time is over,
Next years blooms, for them I'll wait;
For their heavenly perfume,
That I always find is great.
May 2020 · 143
A Season Of Flowers
Crocuses and forsythia
Herald spring is close at hand;
A time when seeds shed their coats,
And the days become more grand.

A time when the flowers wake up,
With foliage robust and green;
When freezing weather says farewell,
And the spring flowers can be seen.

In April  there are sweet lilacs,
Bradford pear petals fill the air;
I wish they would be eating pears,
As real profuse these trees would bear.

When May's catalpa trees blossom,  
The trees' flowers have a  are bell - shape;      
Their white flowers have purple throats,
Light fragrance from these blooms  escape.  

Roses and so many flowers,
Make a real, rare, picturesque  sight;
Amidst drapes of catalpa blooms,
There is a sight of grand delight.

With  limbs of white catalpa blooms,,      
The catalpa trees are well draped;
Their blooms release a light fragrance,     
What a lovely place well landscaped.
Help me care for others, Lord,
The way that you care for me.
Show me, Lord, how I'm to live,
Make my life one truly free.

Help me, Lord to not envy,
The things that others possess;
Help me to strive every day,
For a life of holiness.

Help me take care of myself,
The way that you want me to;
Make my heart shine with bright light,
Everyday my whole life through.

Help me know how to succeed,
In life by doing your will.
Needed peace, Lord, bring to me,
In my heart,.it there instill.

When I am no longer here.
And my earthly days are done;
Then,  Lord, take me to heaven,
To be with you and your Son.
May 2020 · 79
Ugli Fruit
helps improve vision
the Jamaican tangelo
the sweet ugli fruit
May 2020 · 41
Brown Framed Glasses
My friend wears brown framed glasses,
Even if they were ones blue;
To me it wouldn't natter,
It's her heart that I'm drawn to.      

When gold from her smiles shine,
In her brown frames I can see;
Gold enhancing their color,
Making them very lovely.

They highlight her brunette hair,
And to her blue eyes they bring;
Bright sparkles that I cherish,
That I find so uplifting.

The sweetest of all lasses
Wears these prized renowned glasses.
May 2020 · 48
Syringa Mock Orange
white, fragrant flowers
state flower of Idaho
syringa mock orange
May 2020 · 64
source of dopamine
fresh juice used for Parkinson's
zinc rich nectarines
May 2020 · 63
used in French cuisine
makes eggs especially good
French parsley, chervil
May 2020 · 68
is calcium rich
for stress and anxiety  
steady nerves, skullcap
Lord, help me be courageous,
And stand up for what is right,
Heavenly things, Lord, help me find,
While on earth, and in them delight.

Lord, give me wisdom that I need,
So that in life I won't worry;
To obtain your peace here on earth,
Help me respond in a hurry.

Lord, help me to be courageous,
Even when others will not be;
When they see me at peace on earth,
They might then start following me.

Lord, help me to be courageous ,
It might start being contagious.
Apr 2020 · 43
Starlit Bouquet
Glistening dewdrops on roses,
Makes a lovely sight, that is rare;
They have a bright, golden sparkle,
So much beauty each rose does bear.

Awesome are these lovely roses,
That make a real beautiful view;
But the sweetest of all flowers,
Without doubt, my dear friend is you.

A stream of light that's from your heart,
Is a stream that is one of love;
Although in it I can not swim,
It is one  I think highly of.

It'syour heart, friend, I highly prize
Your beauty each day surely grows;
You've a heart that is surely sweet,
Without doubt. this my heart sure knows.
Dear Blessed Mother Mary,
I have this request for you;
Show me how to be holy,
By the things I say and do.

I Help strengthen my faith, Mother,
To God's ways help me be true.
A life that pleases our Lord,
Always help me to pursue.

Help me put God first in life,
And love others as I should.
Help me do things , dear Mother
On earth the way that you would.

Mother, I'll open my heart,
So love there you can impart.
Apr 2020 · 129
Antartic Pearlwort
has yellow flowers\
Antartic native flower
ASntarctic pearlwort
The brightest of all diamonds,  
Is the one that your love weaves through;        
From your heart it gets bright sunlight,
jewelers and I are drawn to.

A jackpot of awesome beauty,
That's highlighted by your heart's gold,
Has colors of awesome splendor,
In your heart is where they unfold.

A kaleidoscope of beauty,
Whirls about in your rainbow heart;
It's made its way to the art world,    
Where talks of it quickly did start.
Apr 2020 · 38
hAPPY Mother's Day 2015
God sent to me an angel,
When my life first came to be;
At the time of conception,
He was in your womb with me.

He knew that he had a free will,
For letting me live, thank you.
I loved you dearly mother,
And to this day, I still do.

As each second passed away,
As I developed and grew;
I remained the same person,
Before birth and after too.

You've always been dear to me,
And you still are to this day;
I  will still will love you, mother,
Even when I'm old and gray.

Though you've died and left the earth,
For the Pearly Gates above;
I want you to know mother,
You, I'll always dearly love.
Help me have a heart, dear Lord,
One that is loving as yours;
When I open up my heart,
Your love lavishly there pours.

Help me see you in others,
Help me to have peace of mind;  
When others think bad of me,
Lord, then help me to be kind.

Bless me, Lord, with your good gifts,
Others hearts, help me to touch;
Help me know, Lord, what to do,
As to you each heart means much.

Lord , help me  strive for heaven,
Holiness help me pursue;
Help me be truly grateful,
And always, Lord, turn to you.
Apr 2020 · 49
If Cupid Had A Valentine
If cupid had a valentine,
I'm sure he would send it to you?
The most special person he knows,
To your heart his is sure drawn to.

Decorating it with sweethearts,
Such as ''I love you'' and ''be mine'',
He'd ask you if you'd row with him.
For a trip on the river Rhine.

There's no doubt Cupid wants your heart,
And have you as his valentine.
Did you know today I'm Cupid?
I'm asking if you will be mine.
'm should that person would be you.
Apr 2020 · 64
California Poppy
four petaled flower
California's state flower
a small orange poppy
Apr 2020 · 310
Edelweiss Flowers
white mountain flowers
that prefer rocky limestone
edelweiss flowers
Wrapped inside of loving hearts,
Is found gentleness and care.
It wants God's will to be done
And good acts it wants to bear.

Understanding is also
Found wrapped there with love and care;
Joy found inside of such hearts,
A Hundred-fold there does bear.

Loving hearts find comfort in
Living out God's holy will.
Found wrapped inside loving hearts
won't be hate that makes us ill.

God wants us to be happy
And show love for everyone;
He sent Jesus as Savior,
His only beloved Son.

God gave us his Commandments
To help us to know his way;
Following the Light of Christ,
Bright will be the darkest day.

God wants us there in heaven.
His ways, we all need to heed.
We need faith and trust in God,
His laws, much, we all do need.
Apr 2020 · 56
Befriend Me, Lord
When I find life full of grief,
Lord help these times to be brief.
When crazy, me others drive,
Still I give thanks, I'm alive.    
Times in life when I'm in pain,      
Times without it there's no gain.
How do you want me to live?
To me, Lord, an answer give.
When most everything  I lose,          
Speak to me through 5the Good News,
When it seams worse life  can't be,
When I'm ill, Lord, please nurse me.
When it seams life soon will end,            
Times like this, Lord, me befriend.
Apr 2020 · 107
Jesus, Our Eternal King
Jesus, lighten life's burdens,
When they are too much to bear;
Help us be truly loving,
Like you, help us also care.

Bring true joy into our hearts,
And help us find peace of mind;
Help us be understanding,      
And help us to live lives kind.  

Jesus, be the living Spring,
Who washes our sins away.
Be our bright light and sunshine,
To help us see night and day.

True happiness and joy bring,
Jesus, our Eternal King,
Apr 2020 · 110
name means mouse's ear
state flower of Alaska
myosotis plant
Apr 2020 · 109
Amidst Life's Many Problems
Life has it's share of problems,
They are found in everyday.  
At times we're lifted from life's pits
By kind things folks do and say.

Sometimes life's griefs seem too much,
That we seldom realize,
In some of life's dark moments,
Answers can be in disguise.
Apr 2020 · 48
stout conical bills
most world- wide pet birds kept  
don't migrate, uinches
It's your heart, gentle I find,
Blessed Mother, ****** Blessed;
You're welcome as my heart's guest,
My heart, Mother, put at rest.

Blesssed Mother, heaven's queen,
Help me obtain true freedom;
At rest, help my heart to be,
Like you help me to become.

Endless is my love for you,
Blessed ******, peaceful Dove,
All throughout my life, Mother,
Of you I'll think highly of.

Blessed Mother, ****** Blessed,
All sin help me to detest.

Help me Lord, to know your will,
Peace in my heart, Lord, instill.
Wisdom in my heart , there sow,
So in holiness I'll grow.
In your grace, help me to live,
Pure love, Lord, help me to give.
Help my heart to brightly shine,      
With your love that  is divine.
Lord, bestow on me mercy,
In your grace, Lord, there keep me.
When life appears beyond hope,
With life, show me how to cope.
Help my heart be one to love,
Lead me to heaven above.
Apr 2020 · 136
Moonflowers(stanza poem)
Fragrant blossoms of moonflowers,              
Release sweetness during the night;
Their sweeet fragrance like sweet perfume,
To noses, does bring much delight.

Moonflowers  cling to trellises,
Like your love does around my heart;
Your sweetness excels moonflowers,  
With its sweetness it does impart.

Your heart is surely more sweeter,  
Than moonflowers will ever be;
By me it is highly treasured,
And it means very much to me.
Apr 2020 · 88
need plenty of dun
can propagate by  runners
fragrant moonflowers
Help me, dear, loving Jesus,
To know what you call me to;
Give me the strength and courage,
To do the things I should do.

Help me to love my neighbors,
And to take care of my health,
Love for you and my neighborss
Is how I cab find true wealth.

It is not things of the4 world,
That can bring to me real peace;
Earthly things are bought and sold,
But real peace won't come to cease.

Help me, dear, loving Jesus,
How to live, show me the way.
I should do.
Apr 2020 · 132
Doctor's Promise
We were never promised,
A rose garden life would be,
But something so much better,
That God wants to set hearts free.

We're asked to open our hearts,
There, God wants to come inside;
And make each life happier
Having Joys there multiplied.

God promised that He'd love us,
And listen when we do pray;
The greatest heart Physician,
Answers our calls night and day.
Apr 2020 · 226
Koi fish
lives in fresh water
national fish of Japan
omnivores, koi
Apr 2020 · 88
Parrot Fish
some reach foot in length
eat algae off coral reefs
pretty parrot fish
Apr 2020 · 62
the strawberry bass
feeds mostly at dawn and dusk
small lures for crappie
Apr 2020 · 57
Golden Wattle Plant
have a sweet fragrance
Acacia cycantha,
yellow blooms, wattle
Flowers open in splendor,
Mother, as queen we crown thee.
You're our universal queen
With a heart full of beauty.

The love and care that you show,
To each of us, Mother dear;
Is found \to be prolific,
To you, Mother, draw us near.

With God, the saints and angels,
In heaven, you'll always be;      
Someday, we'll be there with you,
For all of eternity.

From your every smile showers,
Needed light to open flowers.
Mar 2020 · 70
Guide Me holy Spirit
In my life, Holy Spirit,
Guidance that I'm in need of,
Give it to me every day
And help me know how to love.

Help me know what I should do;
Give me courage to be strong.
Help me enter heaven's gates
where forever I'll belong.

Holy Spirit, please guide me
From evil and help me flee,
So on earth I will please you.
Holy Spirit, I love Thee.

Help me love you forever;
Help me so I'll sin never.

Joseph G. Schelling
Dear Mother of our Savour,
When we're in need, come to our aid.
Encourage us to seek guidance,
From your Son when we are afraid.

You know how much he does love you,
And how he also loves us too;
Help us to put our trust in him,
As he helps us draw close to you.

Dear Mother, help us to be strong,
When temptations in life are here;
So we can denounce what's evil,  
To God, dear Mother, draw us near.
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