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Apr 2020 · 94
need plenty of dun
can propagate by  runners
fragrant moonflowers
Help me, dear, loving Jesus,
To know what you call me to;
Give me the strength and courage,
To do the things I should do.

Help me to love my neighbors,
And to take care of my health,
Love for you and my neighborss
Is how I cab find true wealth.

It is not things of the4 world,
That can bring to me real peace;
Earthly things are bought and sold,
But real peace won't come to cease.

Help me, dear, loving Jesus,
How to live, show me the way.
I should do.
Apr 2020 · 145
Doctor's Promise
We were never promised,
A rose garden life would be,
But something so much better,
That God wants to set hearts free.

We're asked to open our hearts,
There, God wants to come inside;
And make each life happier
Having Joys there multiplied.

God promised that He'd love us,
And listen when we do pray;
The greatest heart Physician,
Answers our calls night and day.
Apr 2020 · 230
Koi fish
lives in fresh water
national fish of Japan
omnivores, koi
Apr 2020 · 93
Parrot Fish
some reach foot in length
eat algae off coral reefs
pretty parrot fish
Apr 2020 · 64
the strawberry bass
feeds mostly at dawn and dusk
small lures for crappie
Apr 2020 · 62
Golden Wattle Plant
have a sweet fragrance
Acacia cycantha,
yellow blooms, wattle
Flowers open in splendor,
Mother, as queen we crown thee.
You're our universal queen
With a heart full of beauty.

The love and care that you show,
To each of us, Mother dear;
Is found \to be prolific,
To you, Mother, draw us near.

With God, the saints and angels,
In heaven, you'll always be;      
Someday, we'll be there with you,
For all of eternity.

From your every smile showers,
Needed light to open flowers.
Mar 2020 · 75
Guide Me holy Spirit
In my life, Holy Spirit,
Guidance that I'm in need of,
Give it to me every day
And help me know how to love.

Help me know what I should do;
Give me courage to be strong.
Help me enter heaven's gates
where forever I'll belong.

Holy Spirit, please guide me
From evil and help me flee,
So on earth I will please you.
Holy Spirit, I love Thee.

Help me love you forever;
Help me so I'll sin never.

Joseph G. Schelling
Dear Mother of our Savour,
When we're in need, come to our aid.
Encourage us to seek guidance,
From your Son when we are afraid.

You know how much he does love you,
And how he also loves us too;
Help us to put our trust in him,
As he helps us draw close to you.

Dear Mother, help us to be strong,
When temptations in life are here;
So we can denounce what's evil,  
To God, dear Mother, draw us near.
Mar 2020 · 40
Tar Pits
natural asphalt
there're lack of workers for them
asphalt lakes, tar pits
Blessed Mother, you're ourqueen,    
With splendor unlike flowers,        
Flowers aren't sweet as your heart.
Your love upon us showers.

Some roses are put on show,
At a fair for their beauty;
If you also would be there,
First place would be won by thee.

You've no need for roots or stems,
Your beauty comes from your heart;
It warms us and guides our way,
So life's dark times soon depart.

Queen of beauty, Mother dear,
Help us someday be with thee.

Mar 2020 · 71
have speed of rabbits
tree hugging marsupials  
round ear koalas
Mar 2020 · 76
Crown - Of -Thorns
blooms almost year - round
a thorny, succulent plant
Christ's crown, crown - of - thorns
Mar 2020 · 125
it fights infections
cleans and vitalizes lungs,
 fights virus , mullein
Vrbascum thapsus
Mar 2020 · 30
Pink Butterfly Plant
fragrant pink flowers
preferred food and host for Monarchs
pink butterfly plant
Mar 2020 · 81
Bright, Shiny Blue Crabs
shiny, blue, sand *****
Bako National Park shores
bright, shiny, blue *****
Mar 2020 · 45
beautiful hardwood
national tree of Belize
prized mahogany
Mar 2020 · 66
Butcher's Broom
for varicose veins
treats dropsy, circulation      
the butcher's broom herb
Mar 2020 · 119
Kapok Tree
the silk cotton tree
reach two hundred feet in height
lightweight wood, kapok
Mar 2020 · 56
Morpho Butterflies
gem of Ecuador
wingspan up to eight inches
morpho butterflies
Mar 2020 · 269
Sea Otters
preys on sea urchins
teddy bears of the ocean
marine sea otters
Lord, give me strength to not give up,
And persevere to do your will;
When life seems to cave in on me,
Peace in my heart, Lord, then instill.

With strength I need to not give up,
Your way of life help me affirm.
No matter what others may think,
From your ways, Lord, help me not squirm.

Help me that I will not give up,
During times, both trying and good;
I know you want what's good for me,
Lord, by me, this is understood.

Lord, help me not give up on life.
Lord, help me during times of strife.
Feb 2020 · 135
Komodo Dragon
world's largest lizard
very aggressive lizard
Komodo dragon
Feb 2020 · 80
Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree
has colorful trunk
trunk of tree can reach six feet
rare eucalyptus
Feb 2020 · 92
The Golden Rain Tree
flowers dye yellow
A Hawaiian landscape tree
the golden rain tree
Feb 2020 · 32
Guardian Angel
each person has one      
received him at conception
guardian angel
Feb 2020 · 84
Guardian Angel
one near unborn child
spotted in ultrasound case  
guardian angel
Feb 2020 · 37
England's beverage    
a wet bag soothes pink eye pain
helps absorb iron, tea
Feb 2020 · 40
some are omnivores
having a tad of Polish
a wee frog, tadpole
Feb 2020 · 68
nut screws on its threads                
metal firearm cylinder
roll of cloth, bolt
Feb 2020 · 91
improves one's brain health
Mexico's national fruit
avocado fruit
Feb 2020 · 92
a wheat substitute
extracted from cassava
tapioca flour
Lord, help me to be loving,
Even to my enemies;
As you commanded me to,
By doing this, you, I'll please.

Help hearts become more healthy,
With love, them, let us preserve;
Let me be salt to the earth,
Others, show me how to serve.

When hearts are in need of light,
From my heart I'll send them mine;
But not bright as is yours, Lord,
Unlike mine, yours is divine.

Lord, help me be tsalt and light,
Needed to make hearts delight.
Feb 2020 · 44
Corn Smut
a delicacy                          
It's known to reduce corn yields      
edible corn ****
Feb 2020 · 34
Stone Crabs
regenerates claws
season starts mid October
has sweet taste, stone *****
When life seams like it is hell,
Lord, I need to turn to you;
Help me, Lord, to do your will,
And make my life one anew.

Show your love for me, dear Lord,
Ardent is my love for you.
Life the way you want it lived,
Dear Lord, help me to pursue.

When life seams like it  is hell,
During such times as these, Lord,
Help me during life's journey,      
For my Eternal Reward,

When life seams like it is hell,
Such thoughts, Lord, help me dispel.
Blessed Mother, please help me,
Through another day on earth;
Help me love God, as you do,
Also help me see my worth.

To God and also neighbors,
From my heart, help me show love;
When I get mad or angry,
Have Christ calm me like a dove.

Give me the strength and courage,
To love God the way you do;
And my brothers and sisters,
Lovely Lady, dressed in blue.

Blessed Mother, please help me,
To live my life, more like thee.
Feb 2020 · 28
Zero In My Heart,
Won't you zero in my heart.
Your love and your TLC?
In my heart there's a bulls - eye,
That you've made so tenderly.  

Gently come and touch my heart,
With peace and tranquility;
I hope you know Mary Anne,
You mean very much to me.

Won't you zero in my heart,
And there bring your bright sunshine?                                                   By me your heart is treasured,                        
And worth more than a gold mine.

Your warm heart is full of love,
That my heart is in need of.
Your heart is full of sunshine,
It is where your smiles get theirs;
Your heart is brimming with love,
I love the way your heart cares.

My heart lights up like a star,
It's your love that makes it glow;
Your friendship lights up my heart,
Friend, I hope that this you know.

You don't light my heart with fire,
And you don't use batteries;
Lightning you never do use,
Nor other ways such as these.

You fill my heart with sunshine,
With your smiles' light that is fine.
Feb 2020 · 71
extract for hair growth
living for four million years
strengthens bones, horsetail
Feb 2020 · 56
pandas' staple food
used to make yarn and fabric
makes paper, bamboo
Give me the strength to obey,
Dear Mother of God, help me;
Dear Blessed Mother Mary,
Help me show God love freely.

Like you showed obedience,
Help me to obey like you;
Help me pursue holiness,
Blessed Mother dressed in blue.

Mother, help me be loving,
And show God my gratitude,
Those who are in need of love,
Them, help me never exclude.
You're a very special friend,
Making life lovely, it's true;
Because you're my treasured friend,
I do dearly care for you.

In my life you're a real friend,
Joys in life you help me find;
At times when I am real tense,
You then help me to unwind.

When life is full of darkness,
In it, you then bring much light;
When hard times are depressing,
You rid them like dynamite.

To me you are a swell friend,
Always there when I need one;
Your heart is one that is warm,
Yet still gives light like the sun.

I know I've been very blessed,
Having a friend such as you,
Mary Anne, you're quite a gal,
Gals like you are way too few.

To me you're someone who's swell.
Your heart is one that is prized,            
Sweeter than linden flowers,
And welcomed like sunny skies.

I find you very thoughtful,,    
With a heart that understands;
The more love that's in your heart,            
The more your heart then expands.

When your  smiles reach the heavens,
There they ricochet about;
Hitting stars to make them spin,
Yet the stars light won't go out.  

Mary Anne, you're a swell friend,
I  cherish your heart that's dear;
Keep living as God calls you,    
And to you joys will draw near.
Jan 2020 · 38
Tiger Lily Plant
soil needs to stay damp
plant is poisonous to cats
tiger lily plant
Jan 2020 · 71
worn under a dress
used to start plant from cutting
an action verb, slip
Jan 2020 · 53
Tule Tree
two thousand years old
Mexico's national tree
Mexico's Tule
Jan 2020 · 57
used in cosmetics
a chocolate substitute
no caffeine, carob
Jan 2020 · 104
source of flavonoids
purest form of chocolate
boosts moods, cacao
Jan 2020 · 34
Your Heart
has a brilliant glow
shines bright twenty four/ seven
charged with love, your heart
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