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Lord, help me be slow to act,
When patience I'm in need of:
Lord, give me wisdom I need,
So I'll know how I should love.

Help me live as you want Lord,
With heaven my destiny:
Help me live my life for you,
Living a life that's holy.

When I encounter hardships,
And lemons life gives to me:
Put in my life some sweetness,
So I won't be so grumpy.

You know what I can handle,
And things that are hard to bear:    
Help me that I won't lose hope,
When I need you most, be there.
2d · 41
Boil 2
way to heat water
a group make a carbuncle
*****, painful boil
When troubles in life start to brew,
Counsel us, Lord, what we should do
Lord, give us wisdom that we need,
Holy lives help us to pursue,

Tell us what you want us to do,
This request, Lord, we ask of you.
Lord, heal both our hearts and our minds,
And let our lives become anew.

Lord, help us to know right from wrong,
To your ways help us to belong:
Help us so we'll stay close to you,
Help our souls, Lord, to remain strong.

When our souls, rough times try to taint,
Then give us help to be a saint.
written    March 1st 2025
Feb 28 · 34
trim limbs for vigor
disagreeable person
was once a plum, prune
Feb 23 · 48
the birthstone of May
in the beryl family
gorgeous emerald
Feb 23 · 44
is a woman's name
diamond is its birthstone
April cherry blooms
Feb 19 · 126
Begone Winter
As the sun glistens on snow,
The flakes then begin to melt:
Bitter cold makes its way in,
And its brutal pain is felt.

It is hard for snow to melt,      
When the degrees get this low:
The blizzard is in full steam,
And the temp is ten below.

We'll go in and make a fire,
Where no bitter winds will be:
I want weather hot or warm,
Cold days I don't want to see.

Keep your cold and snowy days,
Give me them warm, sunny rays.

written 02-19-2025
Feb 12 · 120
metal water pipes
used in making cigarettes
**** on one end, tubes
When I find life burdensome,
Help me Lord to turn to you:
Dear Lord, give to me your wisdom,
Help me know what I should do.      

Lord, help me to realize,
The depth of your love for me:
Give me what I'm in need of,
Bestow on me your mercy.

Dear Lord, infuse in my heart,
Your tranquility and peace:
Joys in my life have abound,
Have them increase and not cease.

Lord, make each day much brighter,
And make my burdens lighter,
Feb 3 · 54
Help Us, Lord
Help us, Lord, know what to do.
Give us strength to follow you.
At times in life when we're weak,
Make us strong and make us meek.

Help us Lord in times of strife,
Our lives help us live for you,
Help us Lord, grow close to you,
Holiness, help us pursue.

Lord, when people need our help,
Them help us to not ignore.
At times when we are tempted,
Help us Lord to sin no more,

Lord, instill in us your peace,
And each day make it increase.
written     02-02-2025
Jan 21 · 60
they have green feathers
Guatemalan currency          
endangered quetzals
written 01-12-2025
Jan 20 · 43
Sky Blue
How lovely a sight it is,
When sky blue the sky is then:
It gives beauty on clear days,
As sunshine highlights the glen.

Sky blue is soothing to eyes,
Even on a winter's day:
It adds beauty to the sky,
In a real delightful way.

When weather is really brisk,
And snow clouds are in the sky:
You'll find the kids bundled up,
Eyeing snowflakes passing by.

When the skies are of sky blue,
To them my eyes are drawn to.
written January 2025
When life is topsy turvy,
During times Lord, such as these,
Help us know what we're to do.
And how you best we'll please.

Help us Lord in discerning,
How you're calling us to live:
Help us Lord to be grateful,
For our lives that you did give.

Help us Lord to clearly see,
How to avoid iniquity:
And please you by the way we live,
That's one of integrity.

When we find life hard to bear,
Don't forget to show you care.
When life becomes trying Lord,
Help us in times such as these:
Help us Lord be your children,
Show us how you we're to please.

Help us to be courageous,
When we're pressured to live wrong:
Give us needed strength we need,
So to you Lord we'll belong.

Help us seek the narrow path,
That to heaven leads us there:
To be with you forever,
With your never-ending care.

To sinful ways help us say no,
Lord, help us to do your will:
Help us be open to it,
Peace in our lives, there instill.
written 01-05-2025
Dec 2024 · 76
A star shone o'er Bethlehem,
Upon that first Christmas night:
The shepherds came from the fields,
In search of such brilliant light.

They gathered at the manger,
Where the baby Jesus laid:
Homage to the newborn king,
To Jesus Christ they had paid.

It was a cold and starry night,
Hearts were warmed with love and care:
Animals came to greet him,
Coming in from here and there.                  

The king of kings was born this night,
He came to help us turn out right.

written 12-24-2024
Lord, help me to do your will,
Show me how to love and live:
What I am most in need of,
Everyday Lord, to me give.

To love, Lord, open my heart,
To your heart, Lord, there lead me,
Help me to be courageous,
And live my life, Lord, for Thee.

For good things that you give me,
Lord, I give you gratitude.
Help me be kind and thoughtful,
In times when I've a bad mood.

Lord, help me to do your will,
Peace in my heart, there instill.
written 07-11-2019   sent 12-23-2024
Dec 2024 · 42
Honey Badgers
Honey Badgers
they are great diggers
they can survive snake venom
the honey badgers
The road that leads  to  heaven,
Promises hope but is narrow.
By living as God wants us,
In holiness we will grow.

When we stray off the road,
God can help us to return:
To show respect for others,
And also show them concern.

The Ten Commandments are signs,
That are found on heaven's road.
Showing us how we're to live,
To us wisdom they've bestowed.

Heaven's road worldly is not,
But it's by staying on it,
Despite troubles we may face,
We'll find joys if we don't quit.

The road thast leads to heaven,
Is a wise road to travel.
This road will lead us to God.
There's no asphalt or gravel.
written 08-26-2016          sent 12-15-2024
In life's darkest moments,
We're most in need of hope:
As it's life's kindling spark.
Trusting in God helps us cope.

As hard as life may be,
When all seems to be lost,
Recall why we are here,
And past bridges we've crossed.

New bridges are sturdy,
Some old ones creaked and swayed.
While some fell giving way,
Better ones then were   made.

While crossing life's bridges,
With Christ the Carpenter,
On the bridge to heaven,
With him, we'll there enter.
Dear Lord be our Ph. D.,
For love, Lord, our hearts do make.      
Our hearts heal and set them free,
When troubled and when they ache.

Lord, you also were conceived,
To show when life first has worth.
Other stages then do follow,
As long as we're here on earth.

Help us obey your commands,
So mind and heart both are free:
Bestow on us your wisdom,
And also. Lord, your mercy.
written 12-15-2024
Mary Anne you are special,
Your heart is sure world renowned:
My heart thinks it is a king,
As with love it you have crowned.

Your heart shines brighter than gold,
And makes my heart shine real bright:
It's always full of sunshine,
In which my heart does delight.

I hope St. Valentine's Day,
To you will bring much delight:
I know you love chocolate,
Whether it is brown or white.

As Valentine's Day draws near,
Which is not too far away:
When your smiles shine forth bright light,
They'll highlight this special day.

written 12-14-2024
Dec 2024 · 54
flown with string, has tail
belongs to the hawk family
large bird of prey, kite
Nov 2024 · 97
Bonito's Awesome View
A report has been cited,
On Bonito Avenue:
Of apple blossoms profuse,
Waltzing making quite a view.

From the heart of a good friend,
Sunlight travels from her heart:
Igniting every petal
Like a neon work of art.            

To see a sight such as this
Anchormen come here to view.
For sights like this they'll go far,
This one they long to pursue,

Lovely as this is a sight,
In my friend I take delight.
Nov 2024 · 49
Thanksgiving 2024
For our loved ones, thanks dear Lord,
Their good don't let be ignored:
But pay heed to it each day,
Dear Lord please show us your way.
Thank you, Lord, for all you've done,  
For sending us Christ, who's your Son.
To be our Lord and Saviour,
Whom we worship and adore.
Thank you, Lord, for our good health,
And for friends who are real wealth.
Dear Lord, help us come to see,
You in others whom we meet.
Showing love to friends and foes,          
Evil we'll come to defeat.

All evil help us to abhor,
And in our hearts your peace release:
Show us how we are to love,
And daily have it increase.

You're the God of endless love,
Loving like you help us be:
Help us live out life's journey,
Preparing to be with Thee.

Help us Lord in times of strife,
That we'll choose what's right in life
Lord, help me love all those in need,
Help me seek to live for you:
To you Lord, help me to heed,
Holiness, help me pursue.

The strength I need to live each day,
Bounteously give to me,
When I find life a burden
Life's joys then help me to see.

Be my light in life's dark times,
This request I ask of Thee:
Show me the path to heaven,
And Lord, draw me close to Thee.
written 10-29-2024
Oct 2024 · 130
Human Life We Must Protect
During the time of conception,                              
Babies get their humanity:
Two cells unite to bring new life,
An individual baby.

A woman became a mother,                          
As pregnant she then had become:          
Let's  pray and help her protect life,  
So her baby she will welcome.    

As life keeps on developing                                    
The same person that one will be:
Let’s respect life of every stage,
And better off we all will be.
written by Joseph G. Schelling APRIL 2023 RESENT 10-19-2024
Let God Come In Our Hearts
God wants to help us in hard times,
As well as the easy ones too:
Let us let God work in our lives,
And to him let us remain true.

Let's strive for lives of holiness,
Saints these lives will help us become,
God wants us to enter heaven,
A place of joy where there's no glum.

Help us Lord in search of wisdom,
Help us find it abundantly:
Show us how we're to be patient,
Humble dear Lord, help us to be.

Help us in life's hard times dear Lord,
Touch our hearts so they are restored.
When life is far from rosy,
And is a thorn in our side:
We need to turn to Christ our Lord,
So He can open our hearts wide.

Christ wants us to be at peace,
Happy he wants us to be,
He wants to come in our hearts,
He wants us holy and free.

Guide us daily Jesus Christ,
So in life we will not stray:
Be our Light that shows the way,
Listen to us when we pray.

When we find life hard to bear,                    
Show us then that you'll be there.
Aug 2024 · 92
Sea Bream
omega three fish
low in saturated fat
doraba, sea bream
Aug 2024 · 139
where dead lay to rest
and dance where no tombstones are
a cemetery
Aug 2024 · 98
Come To Me Dear Jesus
I come to you dear Jesus,
During holy mass once more:
Give me your body to eat,
My spirit once more restore.                

If I am in mortal sin,          
To confession help me go,
Before I will receive you,
With a soul as white as snow.        

Jesus, I know you love me,
And want me  to visit you:
I adore you loving Jesus,
With a heart sincere and true.

Dearest sweet Jesus, come to me,
Holy each day help me be.
Lord, help me in life's trying times,
And when difficult life I find:                
During these times dear loving Lord,
Grant to me a real peace of mind.

At times when my heart is broken,          
With your love, Lord, you can mend it,
And with your love brightly beaming,        
I can see my heart brightly lit.  

You are the one I can turn to,
Especially when I am in need:      
When I need a friend you are there,
Dear Lord, you are a friend indeed.        

Protect me Lord from all evil,
Graces Lord. please grant unto me:  
Draw me real close to you dear Lord,    
Flee me from every enemy.        

When you help carry life's yoke, Lord,
Life's burdens become lighter:
You're the Light who shows the way,
Making life so much brighter.
written: 07-29-2024
Jul 2024 · 120
best remedy for scurvy
helps fight skin problems
fights ulcers, bael
Help us know what to do, Lord,        
Courageous help us to be:      
Make us wise, give us your Light,
So what we should do we'll see.

We give you gratitude, Lord,
Our love for you has no end:          
You are not only our God,
You are our forever friend.

God wants us all to be a saint,
So with him someday we'll be.
In his glorious kingdom,
For all of eternity.

In order to be a saint,
Clever we don't have to be,
We are called to be loving,                            
And live lives that are holy.
written June 2024        July 1- 2024
Jun 2024 · 80
Black Beans
got magnesium                              
have much fiber and protein                
heart friendly black beans
written06-24 2024
Jun 2024 · 86
enclosure for sheep
bend so that it overlaps  
geologic fold
Jun 2024 · 196
soothes anxiety
has a wonderful flavor
purple lavender
Strength, we need each day dear Lord,
Generously, to us give,
Lord, please give us your wisdom,
Show me the way we should live.

Virtues matter in our lives,      
Help us Lord to live them out:
Help us know what we should do,
When in life we have a doubt

Help us thirst for what if is right,
That is what's pleasing to you:
Help our lives be ones holy,
To you Lord, help us be true,

When we repent from our sin
Help it to be genuine.
Jun 2024 · 98
lives near hundred years
not lizard or dinosaur
the tuatara
Jun 2024 · 92
Vitamin P
in deep colored fruits
also known as flavonoids
the vitamin P
Jun 2024 · 89
Vitamin U
is found in kiwi              
role in regeneration      
he vitamin U
Jun 2024 · 84
Scurvy Grass
has vitamin C
it is used for wound healing
the scurvy grass plant
Jun 2024 · 140
Cat's Claw
used for arthritis
enhance DNA repair
yellow cat's claw blooms
Jun 2024 · 124
high quality wood                                              
Indian mahogany
the padauk tree
Jun 2024 · 101
wide range of sunlight
pollinator favorite                
blooms long, spiderwort
Jun 2024 · 76
China Root
raw fruit quench the thirst        
is used to fight leprosy      
climbing China root
May 2024 · 111
it treats memory
it is used for chronic pain                      
full sun, bacopa
May 2024 · 92
Coconut Oil
improves the brain health
it is massaged for back pain
coconut oil use
May 2024 · 122
help to prevent strokes
cleans and deodorizes
fragrant lemon blooms
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