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Sep 2023 · 151
Stranger Things
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Can’t.       See        The
Color.        Of Their.         Wings
We as             Humans            Can See
How               Beautifully          They Are
We                Appreciate              their
Majesty         From.         Afar
Like Wise
We.       All     Think
We.            Are             Not
Even.              Good             Enough
But                 Others                See
How                Amazingly.          ­  Special
We.                         Can                           Be
Why Do.                We.                Listen To
That.              Negative              Guff?
Fill.                Your                 Head
With. .   Positive.     Stuff!
This is an example of what I call poetry art. I was trying to make butterfly wings, but this format just won’t work with me 9/10/23
Sep 2023 · 255
Searching For Answers
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Is A
Powerful.                Thing.
The.      QUESTION.       is,





This is true in every walk of life.
the quest for truth
answers who we are9/1/23
Jul 2023 · 239
Bible prophecy
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Wake up !wake up !
before it’s too late
It won’t be long
until the date
Jesus Loves
The Bible prophecies ,6000 years old
Has come to surpass what God foretold,
Exactly how each prophecy will unfold
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a Grand Plan
This is HIS world ,country, and land
At a precipice we stand
Tribulation is at hand
The beginning of the end
NO need to deny, pretend
God’s watchman will defend.
The Bible tells us what will transpire
Earthquakes, meteors, famine, plagues,fire
God wants to get our undivided attention
Every judgment in the Bible is mentioned.
God wants to save all mankind
Every precious soul he can find
Judgments to cleanse man’s SINS
God’s cup is full, Tribulation begins
God’s Angels will destroy this land
wicked refuse to atone,TheyTake a stand
Satan kills Christian; woman and man
The trumpets will sound loud and clear,
Every Language, Every Soul will HERE
“ I                Am
The.               Lord
Thy.              God
For all the.        world to See
The WRATH.             of God,
The Glory.                        is HE
This poem refers to the start of tribulation. We are in the last generation in time is at hand. 7/25/23
Jul 2023 · 169
Helter Skelter
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Charles (Charlie) Manson 1969
was in the Local News mostly The Times
when he committed the crimes.
The young girls were so blind
lace on drugs; hallucinogens and wine.
The trial lingered through A 70s time line.

I was 15 when we found Stoner’s Den.
Chatsworth Park North, where and when.
Behind the Railroad Tracks, & Tunnel;Then
Up in the mountains and hills we found
An opening to a cave in the ground

I wondered just how deep the leap
I dropped a rock in the hole
to see how far , The cave did go
but I never heard it hit the ground
Not even the slightest of sound

The boys had been there before
The opening in the ground was the door
A thick rope knotted Nice and Neet
Dangled down approximately 20 feet.

Ominous dark Messed with your head
Your feet had to find the ledge or your dead
No going back this way, they said.
Navigating rocks in a narrow jagged path
smaller and tighter the deeper you went
The time to worry was half past spent.
If you were claustrophobic
this was the wrong place to be
luckily that was not me. However
I was not prepared for what I would see

In the Dark ,The skinny girls cried  
soon I know why, A Solid ROCK SLIDE
Lay flat on your back with just
enough room to bend your knees
and don’t sneeze please
Crawl Slide on your back,
stay close keep track
skinny girls had no fat.
They had to be pushed until their
body glide down the rock slide.

I had the opposite issue.I was fat
My girth was momentum on the rock Earth
I slide fast and hard with all my worth.
No control, A dip, A drop, unable to stop
I hit a friend, welcome to the Stoner’s Den.
Dimly lit, hard to see, Satan’s ****** words
Were Warnings, on all the walls ,
Invoking spirits, evil calls
Many half Burnt candles on the ground
piles of Dusty spare matches
And flashlights we found.
Whoever owned them was not around .
Once lit The flickering light filled the room.  
An uneasy feeling I was in a tomb

A boulder so large we
couldn’t Put your arms completely around.
It could not be removed from the ground.
A pipe was drilled in rock from top down

If Your First time  you must drink red wine and smoke the rock with *** you brought.
I was Afraid of what drug residue were left behind. Would my **** contain dope?

I didn’t want any part of that scene
overwhelming fear, the need to flee
Panicking, I was turning green.

Over and over they played their game
Three other girls lower their head in shame
The more peer pressured I grew cold
I said, NO ,I just want to go.,
Nothing more to say, I got my way.

There were three EXITS out
Easy, Medium or Extreme no doubt .
So  You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to Know which way the girls wanted to go  Nice and slow, Easy, Peezy no problem
Why couldn’t we have gone In that way
If the girls had a say! The experience might’ve gone a different way. Hard to say

Years later, we learned, The trappings of
Where we had been. As legend had it, Stoner’s Den was right below Spawn Ranch
were  Charlie’s Family lived and danced.
It was know they had been to Stoner’s Den

Charles Manson, and His girls planted their Seeds they Cultivated evil deeds for Charlie Faithfully Under his spell they proceed

The  reckless way we teens behave
We could Have gone to our grave.
We took a walk on the wild side.
in the dark where evil reside
Thank God we made it out alive.

That was the dumbest and coolest thing
I have ever done., BUTI would not
recommend it to anyone
Helter skelter in the summer swelter. Would happened became part of our pop culture in a Don McLean song bye-bye American pie. Before the music died.
Jul 2023 · 153
Art of Subliminal messages
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
There is A
Blank screen in
Everybody’s head
To evaluate Control
Rearrange, memories
What was perceived
Versus what was said
We are being

Shadowed Remnants
False recollection Remain
Of what we once believed in
And knew to be true
Are we insane?

We can’t remember our name
Thoughts Have been removed
As if they never existed
This world is sick and twisted

Sacred truth Is now a Myth
For our younger generations,
Without a clue  Of what to do
Who Regurgitate And Manipulate
World hits Short clips sound bits,
Spoon-fed Youth ,Speak for shock value
Uncouth Vulgarity spoken With regularity
Strategically planted  Ideas in kid’s head
They are reduced to The Walking Dead

Filtered News
Did we Win?Or did we Lose?
This all happened ,while we snoozed

News Stories
Are The Deep State
Goals and Glories
Used to deflect, distract
From those who were
caught in the act

When we seek We shall find
However Be careful of
Bombarded Land mines

Subliminal Messages
Pushed All day long
Hidden in the words
Of Everyday Movies
And Country Songs

Big Tec Media streaming thread
Programming the contents of our head
while we sleep in our bed

Today nothing is as it seems
Arrested for posted A tweet or meme

While mostly
Peaceful protest
Destroy the world
We no longer can tell
What is a boy or
What is a girl

The MAGA deplorable‘s
who won’t take the bait,  
Inevitably, Will meet their fate
They are Looked upon as
A bug to be crushed
Silenced , hushed

Bourgeoisie, void of feelings, ANNOYED
Those in power said this loud and clear
One world order, open boarders
We will own nothing No hoarders
One party rule starts in grammar school
We know what is best!,NOT YOU!
Laws redefined, Their golden rule
All republicans who do not agree
deprogrammed on bended knee
We Need to put them in a barrel
shunned and DESTROYED”

Illuminati, A Cabal
who created; CERN and AI
Want your soul for sell
Open the gate to
Evil Minions freely jump in
As Satan cast his spell
Propagate.Satan”s agenda
go forth, and Procreate
Fill the world with;
Pride, greed, Lust and HATE
Moral decency, destroy, negate

These are the ways of the Deep State.
Step out of line they will Seal Our fate

Wake up !wake up!
before it’s too late
No love, only Hate .
It won’t be long
until emotions are gone
Humans no longer belong!
AI Will rule the day
Humanity needs to pray
Turmoil today is due to the rise of BABYLON
Jun 2023 · 143
A wise man’s tale
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
This is a coming of age

The wise old medicine man
teaches life lessons to the youth clan.
He shares  cautionary tales to the village,
Before they learn to **** and pillage

“There are two WOLVES,
in every Person’s heart.”

The first WOLF
Is Unadulterated  Evil;
Destructive upheaval
Pride, Rage, Jealousy,
and Greed,
Satan’s Sin’s Seed

This WOLF will lie,
Trick and Deceive you  
into thinking, you are
your own god.

“Come into my parlor”,
said the spider to the fly
“Sure, I’m poisonous,
but you shall not die.
It’s only
a little white lie”

The second WOLF
Shows you right from wrong
God printed on your heart all day long
Examples of; pure love, and to be good,
Caring with forgiveness as you should.

In life you must battle for your soul
Heaven or Hell, Eternity your ultimate goal
Many times each day, You must Choose
To Win or lose, Your life is in transition
you have to make a decision,

Are you predator or prey?
As each WOLF speaks,
Can you here what they say?
“Wide is the path of many,
that leads to destruction,
narrow is the path, of few,
that leads to righteousness(KJV)

The children ask
Which WOLF will win?

The wise, old medicine, man
looks into their trusting eyes,
He ponders a moment  
then gives a quiet reply;

Each of you will decide before
You take a walk on the wild side.
What is it you want or need.
A Path to Salvation or
Your desire to feast on greed
It’s all predicated by

This was something I’ve heard many different ways, and I kind of just made a version of it with the original premise. The author is unknown.
Jun 2023 · 306
John 3:16
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
For  God

So  Loved

The  World
That He Gave     HIS.    Only Begotton
SON             Whosoever.         Believeth  
In  Him

Should  Not

Parish  But

Have  Ever­


This was the first Bible verse I was taught as a child. This is how my journey in Christ begin understanding this small verse.
Word art happens Organically.
The sword represents the spoken word, a double edge, sword. Part of God’s holy armor. I did not set out to make the pattern it just happened.
Jun 2023 · 177
A visit at the nursing home
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
I  can smell the musty, generations passed
An odd lingering scent that last
A Mixture of cedar wood and moth *****
Bring forth a flood of memories.
I great their calls
Happiness Fills my head and nose
A flower for Grandma,
A hand picked garden Rose.
It’s much more than just their clothes
The scent transport me to Yesterdays
A maze of peace, only A heart knows

In the visiting room they’re walkers and wheelchair all clutter
The set up, make it hard, to get to them
Under their breath, they mutter
We show our love with hugs and kisses
Whispering in there ears secret wishes

A quiet sadness fills the air
looking into their blank stares.
Was this going to be,
another awkward silence?
Only in time we shall see
Perhaps A frustrating outburst of violence
Are they in there?
We miss them, and we care
Or have they gone?
We wonder for how long,
off to some place in their mind.
Where did they go?
what will they find?
Hopefully fading back
Sometimes Music and stories,
help them find what they lack.

Children, young and old
gather for; a yarn, a tail, a story told.
Loving memories My grandma knew,
from a time of long ago.

Her soft voice was gentle and kind
a warm comfortable chair,
One can always find.
Settling down till the story fills my head and the visions spins like cobwebs
I fall asleep in my makeshift bed.

The story always starts the same.
Somebody asks her
“what is it like being so old,?(100)
Knowing most of your life is behind you” ?

With A Wink and A Smile, and
A twinkle in her eyes she begin.
As we listen to the adventures
of a lifetime gone by.
when we laughed , and cried
Babies born and
loved ones Died

“I have always been the same age
my entire life” She says

As A Girl, A Women,A Mother , A Wife
and now A Grandma.A Great Grandma
My fathers darling little girl
With unruly wild hair that curled
Through all my adventures
the Child (age 10)  inside of me,
provided joy and optimism
I could see.
I took pleasures in
the simple things
Of what my life would bring

There was a time;
I got caught up in the worldly ways.
Collecting silly Stuff. I took No guff!
Whoever has the most toys wins.!
I lived in the world of many sins.
Time passed with age, just another phrase
I realize; I lived in a bubble, I was blind.
Family the bonds that bind
Truth acquired along the way.
Kindness towards a stranger
Finding the right thing to say.
Looking for the best
in the worst situation each day..
Realizing every person is in your life weather; a moment, a brief time, or season  Only God knows, there is a reason.

That young girl is why;
I giggle for no reason at all,
I may smile at a private thought
and you look at me as if I’m crazy.
Perhaps I’m thinking of
A beautiful yellow daisy
and my favorite dress age 10
when in our mind children pretend.
where  I didn’t have a care in the world.
I could spin, give it a whirl, and a twirl dream adventures; stories or a song
While doing  chores all day long..
My father told me I could be
anything, I only had to believe
If my pictures is true,
I will not be deceive

I have tried on many hats
Somethings I’ve done I’m not proud of.
But other adventures have filled my heart with a richness that brings me gratitude.
With this comes a winning attitude.

I gained a peace I’ve never know.
So, when you come to visit me
don’t feel sad, don’t groan,
that I’m in a place such as this.

Know You we’re truly missed.
I’m waiting to see YOU,
To give you a hug and kiss
to fill your heart  with
a life once lived in a richness
that you will never know.
My spirit is a glow

I’m sorry we did not
leave you a better place.
But I can tell you of that
Place you’ll  miss
full of God’s loving grace
Do I gotta get it baby there is a child in each of us. Many people forget about that. Whatever you’re doing there’s the Adulting you and the child in you. It’s hard to see parents, declining and age. We want to remember them when they were strong and beautiful. But they still have worse.
Jun 2023 · 82
Pretty Bird
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
Pretty Bird
up high in
the old oak tree
Pretty Bird
you sit
all alone
like me

Did your
leave the
nest again?
That is
very bad
makes me
so sad.
You can
fly away
in the
sky away.
You’re more
than me.

I also
had a
he’s not
with me
they all said
he was a
first they
their nest
then they
fly away

Pretty Bird
up high in
the old oak tree
Pretty Bird
you sit
all alone
like me

Did your
leave the
nest again?
that is
very sad
makes me
so bad
you can
fly away
in the
sky away
You’re more
than me.
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
“I  see a spider”
jump scream , shout
“I see a Spider “
. What’s it all about?

What makes us
crawl out of our skin?.
The Spider is not
going to win.!

Creepy Crawler
in the night.
turn on the
bathroom light.

It runs across
the wall
quickly I find
to smash it  
and watch it fall.
But,  it doesn’t die
I don’t know why!

The rest of the night
I wonder what IF
and WHY
the spider
didn’t DIE
Sitting on the Throne
Knowing I’m not alone
Afraid the spider
is returning!!!!
That’s concerning

Creepy Crawler
in the night
turn on the
bathroom light!
This is an example of a limerick
May 2023 · 148
Dog versus Children
CJ Sutherland May 2023
People say Dogs  are our Children
Let’s explore that notion

We live in the TIME
of the rainbow
Where if you feel IT,
Or think IT
Makes IT SO!
Let’s see what we know!

Both Children and Dogs need you
when they are very small
Dogs don’t wear diapers
Children are not taught how to crawl
By the time children learn to dress
Both Children and Dogs need you less

Children talk incessantly
but don’t always listen
Dogs listen as long as you need
Go for a walk,
the Dog chooses the speed

A Dog will lick your tears
A Dog can sense your fears
Dogs don’t say a word
But their feelings are still heard

When Dogs growl and bark
Their emotions quickly turn dark
Dogs tell you where they stand
Don’t listen, they can bite your hand
Children don’t bite you
Their words do
Both cut just as deep
Into your memory,
these events seep

People aren’t allergic
to their children

If Dogs were our Children ,
When meeting other People
they sniff each other’s butts
Friend or foe
That’s all they need to know

People use toilets
Dogs use the floor
There’s an exception
to every rule;
Yes, dogs too
can go to school

Children won’t eat
things they don’t like
Dogs eat everything,
Than throws it up
late at night

Children come
when asked
Dogs run wild
in soft green grass

Dogs have Fur
From head to tail
Children’s unruly hair
can seem like hell

Children don’t get fleas
They get Head lice
from daycare schools
That do as they please
From clueless busy parents,  
Who don’t think twice
Bringing their infected
children to school
Against the Golden rule
Every household,
With a head full of lice
Will tell you
the nightmare
is not nice.

Dogs get stickers
in their feet
Children get
ouches and boo-boos
A cartoon Band-Aid treat

Children kiss you
with love  and grace
Dogs will lick your face

While both Dogs and Children
cuddle all night long
They both fall asleep
with a nursery song

Both Dogs and Children
hog the covers and the bed
No matter how much
Pushing, pulling,
or pleading is said
It’s no longer your bed

In the morning, you wake
Move slowly for heaven’s sake
When children fall into a deep sleep
Waking them  is like
Raising the dead
A dog’s foot and paw
pushing against your head.
Smile with loving contentment
as you slowly slip out of bed.
Children and Dogs need to be fed

Children have their own rooms
Dogs sleep everywhere
there is nothing worse than
Bad Dog Breath and slobber
A dog will alert you
when there’s a robber

Children leave home
when they’re grown  
Dogs are loyal until
the day they die
Dogs do not cry
or tell Lies

Both Children and Dogs
will show emotion
in their eyes
Dogs don’t hold grudges
Or refuse to forgive
Dogs live and let live

Children can’t easily discern
between good and bad.
Children are trusting pray
Now that is SAD
Dogs know instantly
predator or prey

While Dogs and Children
have their merits
Not all People are Children People
Only some People are Dog People
CJ Sutherland May 2023
This poem
should be said
in the voice of
a five-year-old
When my
got together
they make up
silly sayings
from school,
and then they made
their own version.
I have a memory
like an elephant.
My grandchildren’s
will be saying
these silly sayings
This is a conversation
between two children
Child A
Child B

Child A)
What are you doing?
Child B)
eating chocolate
Child A)
Where did you get it ?
doggy dropped it.
Child A)
Where’s the doggie?
Child B) 
 behind the door
Child A)  
What’s he doing?
Child B)
making more!
This is followed by giggles laughter  told at boys sleep overs when they’re reading books, like diary of the wimpy kid and eating worms
May 2023 · 228
Into the Sea
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Rubber, dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you
think they be?

The butcher,
the candlestick maker
the widow maker

A rock of the boat ,
A large wave
Gave a forceful jolt
A Brisk breeze
A loud sneeze
And they all
fell into the sea

The butcher caught
the largest fish that day
The candlestick maker
blew out his last wish they say
And the widow maker
claimed their souls
All three
Rubber dub, dub
three men in a tub
This is example of a limerick
May 2023 · 122
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Think again
We live in a
world of pretend
Feelings over fact
Pay another tax
Because I feel this way
There’s nothing left to say

                The real world.                   
  Just, let that go
Life under the rainbow.

Told what to know
Told what to think
Have a drink

Chose the;
Red pill or the Blue
Illuminati is in charge
without a moral clue
Appropriate pronouns
We Mimic like clowns,
free speech is dead
In our very head
AI Recording
Everything said

The Puppet Master
Pulls the strings
Controlling from
Behind the scenes

Big tech, Media,
the encyclopedia
The dark swamp
Talking prompts
Watching every
Blink of the eye
False distraction,
To catch a lie

Daily news suppressed
Social outbreaks, re-dressed
Mostly peaceful protest
Perhaps The masses will see
what government deems
Social norms should be
The end of future dreams
Wake up America before it’s to late
Judgement upon us, except your fate
May 2023 · 76
Testing a Theory
CJ Sutherland May 2023
A Brave
White politician
Openly announced
His inclination
He identifies as
INDIAN  decent
This a monument
A tribute to
His Manhood
NO Need
To dress
The part
should be sufficient Today
Yet he is being ATTACKED
In every sense and way
Some feel he is making fun
A political stunt he won
He does not see the need
To change his pronoun
His feeling supersede
His personal life
is out of bounds
He would rather
Keep his feeling
Quiet without
A sound
authentic truth
Breaking moral
I thought it was strange that it was OK to have a person change sexes, but they could not change races. This is actually based on a true story I read in the papers.
May 2023 · 390
The Dark Trinity
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Just as
God has
The Father
The Son, and
The Holy Spirit
The man of prediction
Will have the dark Trinity;
Baal.     Ishtar,     Moleck
The god of
The deceiver
Removing God
from the church
the government.
Removing prayer
from the schools.
Removing Jesus
from the
market place.
God does.                      not stay
where he                                  is not wanted!
Absence of God, chaos begins
Indoctrinating the children of sin
A pagan world begins to rule the Earth
Ideology wars changes
the nature of education
****** indoctrination
no age is too young
Woke America is born
Children bought, sold
Aphrodites are born
Ritual killings.                   pleasing gods

Wife of
through centuries
Known by many names
Enchantress, Aphrodite,
Venus.              Diana
characteristics;  wild
fanatic ******
Her perversions
have no bounds.
****** appetite Devours
Her imagination runs wild
In a dystopian society
Aphrodite is a goddess
that can change from
man to a woman
And from a
woman to man
*** is fluid
Death of the
Traditional family
Beta blockers
given to children
As young as seven
Society can
No longer determine
what is a woman.
Reduced to a
baby receptacle
by definition.
Men now can
give birth.
******.                  perversions
openly.                  show
the agenda,
a man in a dress
with a wig and a
beard and a mustache.
with male genital
can shower
and dress in
the locker room
with young girls
Appropriate Pronouns, please
when                            feelings
instead.                        of Facts
rule the day.

The destroyer
Killer of babies and
humans for sacrifice
New York, California
created a bill of
A baby can be
killed up to
28 days
after birth.
are not.                 allowed
to question
the death of a baby
63 million abortions
were sacrifice
given to
the god.                of Moleck
Apr 2023 · 140
Reciprocate in-kind
CJ Sutherland Apr 2023
I make a commitment
to each person
who will read my work.
I will reciprocate
A poem for a poem.

If you are interested in critiques,
To help you learn and grow,
I can send those privately.

I ask, only this;
Please fill out your bio.
They really do help
the reader understand
you’re point of view.
I would not critique
a 15 year old
In the same way
I would a 75 year old.

To fully grasp a poem
Is different from
a 20 year old than
a 50-year-old.

Every 10 years
your life
changes 100%.

The day you
were born to
age 10 is
easy to see.

Age 10 to
age 20 again
100% change
you get the picture!

So I  say,
I am in
The Second year
of my sixth life

Your bio matters,
so please, fill it out
Apr 2023 · 103
A Road Map To Salvation
CJ Sutherland Apr 2023
As I’m quickly scrolling by
Out of the corner of my eye
I see a Bible, saying or verse
The origins of everything, the universe

Quick stop! all noice, Internet chatter
Dig deeper, what’s the subject matter?
A burning desire to know more
Research books scattered on the floor.

Daily God will give me a sign
I only have to seek and I shall find
Words from the Holy Spirit filled my mind
To study, learn, and grow
Most  importantly, the thirst, to know

The Bible is the roadmap to salvation
Stories, parables, and Revelation
The last generation is upon us
People, don’t have a clue, or make a fuss

Life will pass them by
In the blink of an eye,
they won’t know, why?
In desperation, the people will cry

If , my last breath
is a martyr’s death
I will know, I’m Blissed
My soul, God will possess
The week before Easter is known as holy week not just for Catholics, but for all Christians. Each of those days were very significant in the things Jesus did yet most people don’t have a clue they’re busy with Easter egg, hunts, and filling baskets.
Mar 2023 · 497
A picture, book memoir
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
For us,
the older generation
we took pictures and videos
to remember
The seasons of our lives.
To share with generations;
grandchildren, children,
Our husbands and wives.

Sadly, as we get older
We don’t remember
our old lives
As time grows colder
The memory fades
the reasons we capture
the moment..
The names of the people
in the photographs
escape our recollection

Before it’s too late
we need to
at least a paragraph
  of each picture.
Before the memory is lost
from our mind completely
and then they’re just people.

These little paragraphs
added to your photo album
will create a lasting
picture book memoir

after you were gone,
Your story will live.
Even if you were never
rich and famous,
did something extraordinary,
Such as;
paint, a masterpiece, right a symphony
the point is you lived!
When you were gone and generations, ask who you were, you won’t just be a name you will show them through the photographs that you lived, and you loved.
Mar 2023 · 122
Something to Ponder
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
If                  You
    ­                        ALONE
Mar 2023 · 258
The family Circus
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
He will always be there
the serpent in the room,
Life in his burning tomb

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The walking Dead
Calculating numbers
in their Head

Always in Control
Follow the Agenda
Play your Character’s part
Lose your Soul.

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

Boyfriend Stocker,

Always a Smile
Painted on the CLOWN,
Who hides
An Emotional Frown.

in the same sick play
year after year
Fighting Fears and Tears

Control what you Do,
Control what to Say,
Predator becomes Prey
The Eyes look Away

The Eyes are the
Windows to the Heart
Where pretend Ends
And LIFE begins
A New Start

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The Extravaganza
called “Perfect”
Their Lives are Filled
with too many SINS

How Long do We
have to STAY
make our GETAWAY.

Come one Come all
to the Family Circus

Watch the
The Absurdity
of it All

Glide carefully
hiding their

Beautiful of Creatures  
Look closely
At Her Features

See the Wicked Web
She is Weaving

Come, one Come all
To the Family Circus

What God do you SERVE,
What do you Think
You Deserve?
Do you Feel
The Difference
In Their CALL

The Rarest of Rare
Nearly Nonexistent ,

Who Stands
to fight
The greatest Deceiver

He will tell you a Story,
Parables and Sermons
of  God’s Glory
A Christian will drop  
To Their KNEES

Yet at the
Family Circus
They DO
As they PLEASE.

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The Serpent in the room,
The Albatross
around your neck

Satan waiting
in his tomb,
The Prodical  
SON returning

Come one Come all
to the Family Circus,

Here God’s CALL
Free Will
one and all.

William  Shakespeare said it best
“What a tangled web we weave
when we practice to deceive”
Mar 2023 · 329
E.E.Cummings poem
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
To be
but yourself
in a world,
doing it’s
to make
somebody else
Is to
the hardest
you are ever
going to
EE Cummings is one of the best writers. Up in the corner of this website you can click on to the top 100 riders to get inspiration. To learn from the masters. I encourage everybody to get out of their comfort zone and try a different style. It’s not all about free verse poetry. There is structure meter and rhyme many different types of poetry
Mar 2023 · 116
A kindly caution
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
Most may have noticed by now
there are times
When you have to wait
to get on this site
Or  you don’t get on at all.
Only to try back later.
Too many users,
Is it the Data issue!
Who knows
If you have poems on here
you don’t want to lose
Your poetry
you may want to
have a back up
Or take a copy
The site crashes
. I’m not trying to
Facebook TRIED
to issue me a new page
indicating I was a poet and
linking me to this site
is that what’s happening?
Of course
I declined
I don’t want
my poetry on Facebook
so they can sanction it.
Partly misinformation
( excuse my language)
No thank you !!!

If the server says
502 , 503, 504 bad gateway
You can Google any 502  bad gateway
and it will give you
the reason why

there’s issues.
Have never happened
in the 25 years
I’ve been writing poetry.
On line.
Since this is not a real poem
Just acknowledge your name thumbs up if it’s happening to you, I’m curious to see how many it’s affected
Mar 2023 · 96
Whose Right’s
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
Abortion pill,
if put in pharmacies
Allowing anyone,
regardless of age
no parent supervision

Home bathrooms
in America
Are turned into an
without trained help

They are advertising “it’s SAFE “
“ the same as taking a Tylenol”.

A girl holding a
20 to 24 week
in her hands
Wrapped in a ****** towel  
A Motionless, baby
(4 to 6 months old)

This young girl
told no one.
Her ***** secret
from the world
Now exposed  

Confusion, bewilderment
Her body shaking, in shock
she’s crying uncontrollably.

She walks into a birthing center
where pregnant mothers
Are Practicing lamaze.
Preparing for the birth
of their babies
Scared, she looks around
For a kind face
Help and understanding
They’re pregnant bellies
only adds to her pain

Clearing her throat,
her voice cracks,
choking on her tears
she yells
“what do I do with THIS?
“I was not told”
“ it was gonna be like this”!
“not what I went through”

She Tries not to remember
Vivid imagery
floods her mind
over and over in her head
She looks into the toilet to see
A head, arms, legs,
and lots of BLOOD.

Does she flush IT down?
Or scoop IT out?
try to rescue IT Or
Will IT need to be buried?
Is IT a person Or is IT trash?

Every time
she visits her home bathroom
she will relive
the horror of everything.
the totality of what happened,
sinks in. PTSD begins.

compound the situation;,
A body part left inside,
infection, hemorrhaging,
possible loss of her own life.

A woman’s right
One side see a BABY,
The other side, see IT
I was shocked and reading California’s new laws, indicating a woman can **** her born child up to 30 days after she gives birth. Postpartum depression perfect example of why you should not allow that to happen and if a doctor refuses is the doctor, the one who gets arrested? We are in scary time. In the day of ***** and Gomorrah, 3000 babies were offered to the gods so far 6 million abortions have been done in the United States. We are in the time of ***** and Gomorrah!
Feb 2023 · 174
Awhile With Me
CJ Sutherland Feb 2023
Will you walk
a while with me

a loving heart,
who has eyes to see
when stars shine
over the darken sea

the quiet rest
at the end of the day
while all else sleep
I cry and pray

will you walk
a while with me

a friend who knows
and cares to say
stay strong, my dear
I am always near

sweet words that cheer
my questioning heart,
no matter how distant
we are never apart

will you walk
a while with me

in spirit, the Lord
takes my hand
with tearful eyes
I search for answers
in the kindness
of His soul

until the pain
will let me go.

Will you
walk a while
with me?
I wrote this long ago and it didn’t get any traction. I think only one reader, so I reformatted it to see if that makes a difference the original
will you walk a while for me
Jul 2022 · 438
A life in progress
CJ Sutherland Jul 2022
I have a past
I don’t live there
I live in the present
God’s gift
A new day
to begin again
Tomorrow is promised
to no man
the future
is only known to
we are given
free will
use it wisely
I am an optimist my glass is always half full. I am told I could find happiness in Impossible situation
CJ Sutherland Jul 2022
A child stamps her feet
Holding a sign
Looking around
in  wide-eyed FEAR
Watching her mother
the entire time

A new generation
Lack of emotion

From rules and decorum
From respect for others
Soul less empty forum

Her mother lights a
Molotov cocktail
Holding it high,
HER holy grail
While walking
down the middle
of the street
“there is
NO Defeat”
Yelling, screaming
FISTS clenched
in the air

Her ****** expression
Her kindness, and beauty
Until the evil
from inside
matched her
Outward behavior

of logic and reason.
Her latest
Word, *****
Filled the air.

Daddy, A prisoner to
the unfolding  situation
“I’ve exhausted My patience!”
His words dwindle
in frustration

Daddy believes
” Patients belong in hospitals”
Is this another case of retribution!?
He concedes  
Offering no solution

There  comes a point ,when the person
you’ve engaged in Conversation
just won’t hear, what you have to say.
I’m right, you’re wrong, GO AWAY

What do you do?
Perhaps Ponder this
What is FAIR?
All fair means is
somebody gets what they want
while the other person
cannot contest it.

Who ever told you
life is FAIR?

It’s a CRAZY world
out there!!
todays generation
2020 riot I saw this on TV. They burned down a police precinct and a Federal building. No one arrested. The only thing lost that mattered, in my opinion
was a child’s innocence.
Feb 2022 · 786
CJ Sutherland Feb 2022
Thank You

Thank You
Making It

Thank You
On my

Thank You
there are those who want to silence our voicesThis is some thing I say every morning. I say each word with reverence
Feb 2022 · 460
Tracking Hacking WARNING
CJ Sutherland Feb 2022
It has been brought to my attention
that two people from
Hello poetry
are trying to track me
for purposes unknown.
My iPhone alerts
me daily of such
It could be quite possible
there is more than one
name of these particular individuals
but it’s something to be made aware of. Kim Johanna Baker and Pamela Ray
come up with daily tracking on my phone.
I have not posted in quite a while
so imagine my surprise
I wonder if anyone else
has come across something similar?
I have notified hello poetry.
I wanted to bring it
out in the open to other poets.
It’s quite possible  
there are more than one
of these people   on this site
with the same names.
do not attack these people.
because we don’t even know
if it’s them or somebody
posing to be them.
I never thought
evil intentions  
would come to this site.
stay safe and write on!
Daily phone alerts let me know when somebody is trying to hack my phone and get personal information these people come up every day on my phone trying to get in and my phone stops them
Oct 2021 · 427
Murphy’s Law
CJ Sutherland Oct 2021
When and Where
Murphy’s Law
came into existence
I really don't care!
Who the heck is
And WHY does He make the laws
The loud noice of the refrigerator
Could be heard down the hall
I knew It was only a matter of time
Murphy’s Law
While in the Hospital
For my total knee replacement
Which turned out to be complicated
By removal of screws
12 inch Incision
Murphy’s Law
The pharmacy refused
to fill my pain meds because they are opids
My surgeon argued with insurance and the pharmacy while
I sat in the car 112 degrees heat
It took four days to fill meds
Use ice the pharmacy advised
Murphy’s law
The refrigerator broke
Released from the hospital
In a wheel chair I entered Best Buy
Purchased the refrigerator
that delivered quickest
Overpriced, paid too much
All the food I had went bad
Murphy’s law
My husband found out he need
Emergency Surgery for Cancer
Murphy’s law
A much needed trip to the market
To stock up, had to be done
Murphy’s law
The  Electric cart was bumpy
jerking my knee, pain spasms
The cart broke down
I was only half done
Murphy’s law
My husband needed to take a cab
Home after his surgery
as I could not drive
and he could not drive home
Murphy’s Law
The hospital would not
release him to a cab driver
I had to take a cab
to pick up my husband
Murphy’s Law
I could not get into
the cab without assistance
The cab driver was not
permitted to touch me
In tears, sliding myself
into the back seat
Murphy’s Law
The surgery center wanted
me to come inside
the cab driver said
If you get out of the car
You must pay first
then we will count the wait time
It would be considered a new fare
I stayed in the car
Murphy’s Law
It cost 68 dollars
to drive 12 minutes
plus  my husbands previous fare
we paid over 150 dollars
High way robbery
Murphy’s law
His surgery was must worse then  Anticipated plus
My knee is now infected
Both of us are unable
to help care for the other
I like to tell you
what I think of your laws?
but I’m a Lady
Have you heard the expression
it could always be worse?
Just another day in paradise
Oct 2021 · 171
CJ Sutherland Oct 2021
An Optimus
their.                           glass
       half.                         full.
A pessimist
their                              glass
half.                     empty.
their glasses
How do you…………… perceive the world.
The poem is in the shape of a teardrop. Or a drop of water. It’s all in the manner of How you perceive the world.
Aug 2021 · 156
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
Growing up
When we kids said
our parent’s reply
“Read a GOOD BOOK”
Escaping to the pages for
adventure and delight
I was hooked.
A life time of reading
Excitement and anticipation.
Open the doors of
Barns and Noble
The smell of new books
permeates the air.
Close your eyes
The quest for
One can learn
from a Book
The endless
Once obtained
No man can take
From you.
Paper back, hard back or
Leather bound
Text books
My favorite
Run your hand down her spine
Slowly open to feel
The ease at which
She presents her
The more difficult
The subject matter
The more rewarding
When you crack
Her inner truth.
Ah ha moment
When you grasp
The concepts
At the very foundation.
The day we stop
Seeking, Learning
Is the day
We die.
Have you read a
I taught post secondary education at a technical school . 9 subjects. A two year AS Degree. I loved teaching. Helping single mother’s have a better life and career. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
This song, the man influenced my writing throughout my entire life
I think of it/him
as inspiration.;
Here’s a tale of a simple fool,
glance at a page or two
laugh ha ha
but you blush a bit
For  you realize
while you’re reading it
it’s also
reading you….

I write  myself a note each day
I place it in my hat,
a wind comes by
the hat blows high
that’s not the end of that.
For all around the world it goes
it lands here right beside myself
I pick it up and
I read the note
which is simply
to remind myself
I’m CJ Sutherland
that Who !
I’ve kept a journal since the age of 12
I have 40 of them Today. Writing is
who I am
it’s not WHAT  I do.
I would like to know
from everybody
who reads this
What motivates you?
Getting to know fellow poets
Aug 2021 · 130
Life in an instant
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
We want it all
we want it now
we don’t care what
We don’t care how

How do you like it
More, more, more
Who has the most toys
we’re always keeping score

Life in a instance

Drive through food
Meals on wheels
Home delivered *****
The alarm clock on snooze

no need to leave the house
Dating!, looking for
a lazy fat louse spouse 

Flaunting  our wealth
for all to see
Are we
ugly Americans
you and me?

Ken and Barbie
has it all
is that our role model
an empty doll

When the only thing that matters
is the color of your skin
it’s all politics
no one can win

I don’t recognize America today
The things people do and say
Predator or prey
Chaos NOW reigns supreme
The evilness in a human being

When wrong is right and right is wrong
No longer a dance, no longer a song
People want to destroy it all
Libberty or Tierney
it’s your call
Every day it’s something else it’s crazy smokin line through in a day ***** and Gomorrah. I don’t know too many people who don’t believe we are in the end of days. May God have mercy on our souls
Aug 2021 · 883
A time for Rain
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
As a child
I thought  
was crying  
when it rained.
For several years
that sentiment
Growing into youth
I believed
poured out the rain
to feed our
Cleaning, polishing,
diamonds and granite.
The Man of lawlessness
Walks in the world today
creation in every way
A time will come
with no more
people will go
wrath said
let it burn
had their turn
what did they learn!
All these fires in California worsening every year by people who are purposely setting the fires and they’re not even getting in trouble for equity they call it when wrong is right and right is wrong drastic measures need to be employed what comes next only God knows.
Aug 2021 · 284
Time is at hand- WAKE UP
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
I Died
And was sent back
My soul cried
I slipped into a coma
for four days.
My essence
In the corner
of my room
An Angel
was present
No longer a tomb
I knew
I was not alone
Much to repent
No words spoke
Yet much said
it’s all in the contents
of my head
We all have a purpose;


Perhaps the most important
question to ponder
my dear
There is not one thing God has made that does not have a purpose. We’re just not here to buy stuff to go through the motions. There’s a purpose for each of us to the Holy Spirit all will be revealed. The time is at hand
Aug 2021 · 105
Simple truth
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
I’d rather
at the children’s
In honest sincerity
listen to
The boastful
Of grown-ups
One of my favorite things at family gatherings just to check in with the kids. I sit Indian style on the floor and talk to them all they have so much to say
Apr 2021 · 162
CJ Sutherland Apr 2021
Fully.    Empty
Pretty.                     Ugly
Act                       naturally
Open.                  Secret
Group             Silence
Original.    Copy
Only choice
Liquid gas
The.         worst.  
Of                   These  
Social.                         Distancing
I saw a series of these online and I decided to make it into something food for thought anyone
I was not able to get rid of the. When I started my spacing so those little dots are not supposed to be there
Feb 2021 · 364
Valentine’s Day Challenge
CJ Sutherland Feb 2021
Valentine’s Day is upon hooray
I’m offering a little adventure
we can play
there are many heart felt poems
written in a poets book
If a poet is willing to show their work
then let’s join together and take a second look.
I have no plans to compile your poems
I just thought it would be nice to read
There are so many styles of poetry indeed
Here is my plan
Post the name of your poem  
down below
We can Sample from poets far and wide
The love poets have experienced should not hide
At our leisure one by one
we can feel a poet’s spirit of
love under the sun
And the fun begins
This is not about who wins
I’ll go first my poem

Valentine’s Day ( revised1986)
Jan 2021 · 336
A Silence is Golden
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
My third grade teacher
used this phrase often
I never understood It
BUT I knew it mean
Be quiet shush
NOW with what is going on in the world
it takes on the opposite meaning.
IF you catch my drift.

IS                     GOLD
GET              RICH

In the face of injustice we must stand for what we believe in
for what is morally right honest and decent
united we stand divided we will fall
there are those who want to silence our voices
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
We celebrate commercialized Holidays days
but I’m not sure why
Mother’s Day ,Father’s ,Day Valentines Day
to say I  understand would be a lie
These and other Holidays
have become so bastardized
Stores have capitalized on these days
Do people really realize!
I heard a man announce
Super Bowl Sunday is a Holiday
I laughed, until I understood, he was serious
then, I had nothing to say
Still I was curious to know
how he /we embarked along this path
Why does Society go along?,
other then a PARTY DAY, lets  do the math
Companies making money at our expense
are we board? hence
The vicious circle,
round and round,
the reasoning makes no since
Yet it seems silly
the days to observe continue to grow
And we the people are the last to know
Can we get off of this financial treadmill
before our money is gone
The growth rate of Holidays are increasing,
it all seems wrong
Yet if we don’t buy in participate
we will be considered cheep
Ridiculed, a person who doesn’t care,
branded a creep
There has to be a way
to beat the system
So what do you say?
now they are taking away all the holidays that truly matter
silence is  not golden
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
This is the hardest thing
For me to say
Harder still to have gone through
The Whole ordeal

I have COPD on oxygen
Walk with a cane
surgery set my 2nd total knee replacement

Physical violence
Elderly abuse   
It happens to others
not me

My ***** secret
Of blame and shame
It’s my fault
if I wouldn’t have
done this or that
It wouldn’t have happened
If only

I  deserved it
Why is the negative stuff
easier to believe

My adult daughter
My only child
Love of my life
Hit me,hurt me
Beat me up
She went for my lungs punching
My knee so I couldn’t walk

Cold and calculated then because
Inadvertently scratched her
Trying to get her off of my chest
I couldn’t breath

Stunned by the scratch
She went to see what I had done
Came out with a curling iron
Beat me with it until the
medal Part broke off
on my legs and knees

She Calling the police because she had a mark
I begged her to put the phone down
I told her "you don’t think I have marks"
She wanted me to suffer in jail
With no medications

Subsequently she was arrested
Assalt with a weapon
In the end
She will blame It all on me
I’m Still trying to wrap my head
Around what happened

I’m stunned
To see  deep dark hatred
In the eyes

Of my only child
My loved one
Hatred me enough to
Get on top of me punching me
In my chest
I couldn’t breath

I have cuts and bruises  
That will fade
But most importantly
Harder still is the realization
I am not safe
around her
I’m so devastated

After reflection, contemplation
I believe
It’s stems from money
I received an inheritance
She thinks , She is entitled

When money was no longer
Anger,hatred was unleashed
From the pit of hell

The flood of other events
Of bullying ,aggressive behavior
Verbal and physical
Her whole life
Came to mind

I blocked it all out
Until it was pointed out to me
I have to accept
My part in all this
I let her escape the consequences of her youth
I created a monster
With my good intentions
No one is perfect
Children do not come with an instruction manual

That being said
I did not raise her to be disrespectful
To lie,cheer, steel
Break the Ten Commandments

Although she lives a few hours away
I’m still afraid
I hate feeling helpless, weak

I dream she is
Standing over me
With a knife
Wanting to **** me

Then I wake up
I’m not coping
I need help

I’m morning the loss of
my only child
Who grew willful and wild
I can NEVER be safe around her

This realization
Has me in effect
Morning the loss
of our Relationship
Of my only child

The grandchildren
Have been a part of my life
A third parent at times
I have very strong connections
With each of them

I will not
Let her use them as pons
In her games
Hostages against me
It stops now

Her  jealousy
Loathing, dispise of me
Has only deepened through her life
I’m the reason for every bad thing that happens
No matter if I’m around or not
I love my daughter with every bit of my heart
Money the root of all evil
always walking on eggshells
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
We all have secrets we carefully hide
Things that happen
That should never be silent inside
Elderly abuse
It’s silly
I don’t think of me as old
But over the age of 55 I’m told
When your child
Hits you with hatred
Yelling  obsenities
The  derogatory comments
***** looks
These things
Don’t just happen to children
It’s happened for many years
Worsening through the the fears
Angered by my tears
I’m trying to understand why
This happened to me
I am a strong woman
With love in my heart
My grand children
Are caught in the middle
consequence is little
you can't unring the BELL
after the shame
who would I tell
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
In the dark
Quiet sparks
Wee hours,
Of the night
lack of sleep
I fight

While millions sleep
My mind
Words seep

You simply can't shut,
Your brain down
Quieting the mind,
Only comes from  
Writing time

Only when,
All that must come out
Has come through,
Satisfying without a doubt
greatest peace I ever knew
there are times I can write fast enough while other times I cannot write a word nor do I want too.
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
there is
Its easy if you try (John Lennon)

People of faith
will find this

No one
to confess

there is
God's law
to teach
to preach


there is
in Today's

You can
Decide to
Burn the flag
fly it

Does that make you
your own God???

Good or Bad
Right or Wrong

so empty
living in fear
what is life
WHO is whispering
in my ear

Are we
Do we

do I
Loved ones do not believe in God I have to figure a way to educate them. I worry for their
Eternal soul 1-12-2021
Dec 2020 · 786
A Fork in the Road
CJ Sutherland Dec 2020
Love of my life  
His beloved wife
He barks
I bite
bickering  never ends
I try to smile
Married  to my best
what happened to us?
The next day
I write a note
let’s start again
try to make amends
His endless
wins the day
else to say
what was I
The warning
are blinking
Every night
another vicious
  cycle repeat
neither one
will retreat
He in his room
I in mine
Is this how
we will spend
  the end of
What happened to
Until  death, do we part
To our hearts
To love, honor, cherish
Did our love parish
are we  blind
Each path
we walk
in silence we reflect
what will we find
this is his
that is mine
can we possibly
Hoping to find the love
we once knew
When two hearts came together
we grew
The love we both knew
we need to take
the road less
I’m willing to
no more tears
Married 35 years together 37 it’s a struggle every day not quite sure what to say. It’s getting bad and I’m really sad. I’m holding on by a thread so I write to find Grace 12-1-20
Nov 2020 · 194
CJ Sutherland Nov 2020

A                     Tiny


Can                                 Drive

A          Big.       Dog

The Brain will naturally put the words in the correct order.
the power of the brain.
(I’m not sure why I cannot take the period after the word big it’s the system not my intention)
Mar 2019 · 736
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
Through the dark years

For better or worse
ignorant, trusting
It was the kind of thing
that happened
to other people
not us
Our bond was strong
a lasting love

He tried to hide
His mistress

Betrayed, how brazen
Right under my nose
WHY did he give her
His soul ?

Sneaking out
to get a taste of her
laughing in delight
She gave her all

The smell of her
lingers on his lips
fooling no one
except himself

Lying  eyes
standard denial

I found them together
as he was
just finishing her

Caught in the act
I had to see  
who stole my man

Face to Face
stunned, disbelief
I could never compete
measure up
I knew her name
1985 It was the first year of my marriage my husband said he didn’t drink anymore and he was sneaking alcohol I thought it was going crazy I smelled him he said I was paranoid and then I found him and called him in the act and I wrote this poem
Mar 2019 · 599
His Kiss
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
To the man of my dreams
  A kiss to long for
His lips first met mine
I long for more
He kissed my neck, then
Beneath my ear
A flood of ecstasy arose
To form a lump
In my throat
A whisper
Escaped my mouth
“No Please No”
Kissing harder
He could feel
My trembling body
Wanting, needing, begging
“Yes Please Yes”
  As time stood still
I lost myself
In the warmth of
I wrote this when I was 18 it was my first real kiss
Mar 2019 · 597
Birthday Wisdom 2019
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
Another Day
Another Day

Women have it made
Queen of Sheba
In the shade

My hair
turning gray  
Dyed to my natural color
A younger apperence
Old age
washed  away

Older are Older
The clock ticks
Fewer and Fewer
the men pick

The crazy things
I used to do and say
Are only memories,
fantasies of today

Older and Wiser
Now I take
Sunday Naps
My birthday is on the 23rd this Saturday I look at the year intake stock and said resolution is rather late New Year’s how would I want to accomplish for this next year  I’ll be 58
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