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CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
Media mogul critics
Die hard, cynics

Are all capricious by designs
Don’t step on their land minds

Factitious information
Bait and switch tactics creation

If they say it’s not
It’s what you’re got

Rhetoric and hyperbole
Don’t believe what lying eyes see

Regurgitate Same talking stance
News determine in advance

They want useful idiots. It’s a shame.
While choosing someone else to blame

All the while with a smile
The song remains the same

Song inspired
1) Signs by The five electrical band
2) these times are a Changan’ by Bob Dylan
3) The song remains the same Led Zeppelin
( Robert Plant believe Music is universal 1973, every time I sing this song, I just picture, I’ve been around the world, and at the root of it all, there’s one common denominator.)

FYI song remains the same has a very long intro but there are lyrics it’s worth the wait
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Lacking firmness, or steadiness, as in purpose or devotion. Suggest motivation by sudden whim, fancy and unpredictability. Fickle, and constant, volatile.
CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
That would be, unique
What if they could actually think?
The brain may never
have another drink

As a baby, our hands had
A mind of their own
As a child, we played hand games
Patty cake, Rock paper scissors,
shadow puppets
Now all grown so much life,
our hands have shown

“Cogito ergo sum”
I think therefore, I am
(Rene Descartes )

The Thumb
short in stature yet
strong and In charge;
Thumbs up A OK

taskmaster; sensitive
Gets the most action,
Will Go where  
NO other fingers  Can
We don’t want to know
where that finger has been Yuck

The tallest of the bunch
Can hold the most lunch
Claim to fame; one finger solute,
flash the bird, The royal flip off
With both hands( in stereo)
Means( A louder gesture)

The ring finger
admired by all
adorns important jewelry,
Elegant extension
when the Ring is Presented

The pinky,
The Dainty lady accessibly fastidious easily disgusted, small, delicate pretty
Proper etiquette;
when drinking a cup of tea,
extend the pinky for all to see

Individually there’s a fraction of their force when they’re united they can pick up
extremely heavy objects
Hold their might tight even in a fight

This is a very special day
Their Wedding Day
A celebration of hoopla
Things are not going as planned
There seems to be a little drama
when it comes to getting their nails painted

Ring finger said to *******
You smudged my nail color on your back
Stop moving “

******* said “I didn’t move. I’m right here.””You keep wiggling about Stop it”
Ring finger” I have to be perfect. Everybody will be looking at my new ring” “ there will be pictures as well!”
The smudge looks like hell”

******* well, it’s taking
too long to dry! I’m losing my cool
I’m gonna flip the bird.”.
I am large and in charge,
I need to be heard”

Ring finger” all the days
you choose to act up really today”
This is not the time to play!”

All the fingers started
wiggling in unison
to dry the nail polish quicker

The polish is removed
from the other parts of the hand,
The day continues on as planned.”

When the groom slowly slides the sparkling diamond on Ring Finger
she whispers,” I will wear this ring forever”

Both hands ready for the dance,
A spin, the dancing dip
It’s been a long courtship
It all starting with
an innocent gesture
The groom whispered in her ear
I want to Holding your hands
For the rest of our lives

Songs inspired
1) I want to hold your hand by the Beatles

2) we’ve only just begun by
Karen Carpenter and
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

3) Through the years (lyrics )and song
by Kenny Rogers Original 1981

4) Put your hand in the hand
by ocean 1971 original live
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
8-4-24 hoopla to make a commotion, bustle, or fuss.

2-24-24 my husband gave me the title. He had the poem in his Myndzeye. But when I started telling him about my process and my version, he asked me if I can write a poem more than once.
A personal challenge
Use my title and make your own version. Let me know when it’s done and I’ll post it on my page.
CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
         ­          Don’t

Inspired song
1)Dust in the wind by Kansas

2) they call the wind Maria
from the movie, paint your wagon red
A little harder to find 1960s)
7-30-24 weatherman actually said, don’t breathe. Nobody corrected him..🤔
Aug 2024 · 77
The Gift Of Gab
CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
My first night of teaching
post secondary education
medical billing program
Two year a.s. degree

there was so much
I still didn’t know.
It was during my
introduction lecture
Going over the fine points,

A student raised your hand.
she asked, “isn’t it break time”?
Not knowing when Break time was
I was in a quandary

I didn’t want the Students
to know I was an ignorant
new teacher. I called on my inner
confidence then gave a short
extemporaneous speech;

“OK class let’s make sure
we’re all on the same page
can anyone tell me
when is Break time ?”
all the hands go up

Susie beamed
with the knowledge,
She would be answering
the first of what would be
many questions in
our time together.

With conviction she blurts out
From 7 PM to 7:15 PM  I looked around
the room and said“Does everybody agree? The class looked a little puzzled then, nodding in unison  I said OK I just wanted be on the same page. So no one should be late . let’s take a 15 minute break and everybody should be back here at 7:15 PM.

The next morning
in the teachers lounge,
I told my first day story
(Death by fire)

The teachers had a good chuckle
They were impressed with my impromptu
Handling of the situation without
The students becoming aware

I flashed my smile and said
Sometimes you have to
fake it until you make it
The teachers laughed.
We’ve all been there.

Inspired song
1) Another brick in the wall,
part two with lyrics
By the  Pink Floyd
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
Extemporaneous 8-2-24
Impromptu conversation, off the curb, not memorized. Something that is not made or done without special preparation.
Aug 2024 · 102
Wildflowers Haiku
CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
Opulent, beauty
Wild Flowers **** bushes trees
Seeds float in the air

Inspired song
Sunshine on my shoulders,
By John Denver
Wildflower show up everywhere choking other plants they’re not something we had planted . In fact we have to **** them or they will take over the yard
Aug 2024 · 91
Achoo Haiku
CJ Sutherland Aug 2024
A person sneezed
we used to say “God bless you “
people offended

Song Inspired
1) Jesus loves Me
By listener kids
2) Glory be to the Father Hymn
It’s subconscious whenever I hear a person sneeze I say God bless you. But lately the luxe I get from that unconscious act surprise me. I certainly didn’t mean any harm.
Jul 2024 · 83
My Oh My
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Oh What a beautiful morning
Oh, what an impeccable day

I have a fantastic feeling
Everything will be going my way

I don’t always get what I want
Thankfully I get what I need

A hunger to feed
The Holy Spirit to lead

Compassion and love
Grace from up above

Inspired Songs
1)I can see clearly now by Johnny Nash
(One hit wonder)
2) oh, happy Day by
BLT word of the day
Perfect, flawless free of both, error or blame
I’ve been told
I could find happiness
in a
Sh@t storm
Jul 2024 · 55
The heart of the matter
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Life.                                     Calling
Pick.                                                           Up
The.                                 ­                         phone
Your                              ­                    Children’s
Children.                                                  Will
Remember.        ­                                    All
You                                               Are
Part.                                              Of
History.                                   It’s
Time.                                To
 Tell                 Yo­ur

Song inspired
1)My generation by the who
2) California dreaming
By the mamas and the Papas
3)Where have all the flowers gone
by Peter Paul and Mary
4)Respect by Aretha Franklin
5)Good vibrations by the Beach boys
6) (I left my heart) in San Francisco
By Tony Bennett
Jul 2024 · 93
Bullet Points
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Trump shot in the head
Attempted assassination
Bullet grazed right ear

Trump alive and well
Fist in the air yelling FIGHTl
Secured in minutes

The ear all he got
The shooter missed the **** shot
Blood ran down Trump’s face
They use their bodies as shield
Adrenaline pumping through veins

Who’s responsible?
Conspiracy Theorists
Cast aspersions

Foreign evolvement
Maintain composure
The world is watching
A bullet ripped through his ear

Randomness is at play
No matter what you say
God saved the Day

Inspired song
1) for what it’s worth
by buffalo Springfield
2) The eve of destruction
By Barry  McGuire
3) Ohio by Neil Young
Webster’s Word of the Day
7-29-24 aspersions
Someone who is criticize, harshly or unfairly..

I wrote this poem on the day Donald Trump was shot 7-13-24 I’d like millions of other people were watching on TV the moment it happened. The thing that said, in three days later. Somebody was willing to not only **** Donald Trump and wanting him dead, but to do it on national television. His head splattered for all to see. How sick is that too much that doesn’t add up it keeps nagging me we still don’t know the truth about JFK assassination.
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
A random act of kindness
Imagine a better life a better world
one we can all be proud of
A  pipe dream,Perhaps
But what if?We gave

A random act of  kindness
to just one person Imagine!
Lives changed Love is in the air
forgiveness everywhere
Peace in every heart It ‘s plausible.

Where do we start?
A friend,A neighbor, The homeless
People don’t bother to see them.
Driving I saw a man sitting on the ground
Holding a sign with three letters on it VET

A small dulcet voice said, “help him”
as I passed him by Do I  turn around?
That would require 10 minutes
on the freeway out of my way.

I reasoned, On the way back,I bought
lunch and a cold bottled water excited
I hoped The man would still be there
But Scary Thoughts creeped in what if?
When I roll down the window to let the outside in, something bad happens

it’s a Quandary I look like easy prey
Friend or Foe,In Today’s climate, it’s dangerous,On the side of the road, by a freeway offramp I honked my horn.

Heart pounding I unrolled the window
I asked “What Branch of military Did you serve? “Army first battalion infantry
He snapped to, pop tall, and smiled
He had one tooth a thin ***** body,

  I saw A HERO,with respect and dignity. I thanked him for serving our country. I
Apologized for my meager attempt to make it OK. He asked,” I saw you before what made you come back? I heard a beautiful dulcet voice I said God told me to help you

He studied me for a moment Then grinned
God bless you, he said, as he walked away
I wondered Who was helping who. Do onto others, as you would have them do unto you. That man bled in battle to defend us

A random act of kindness will feed your soul Don’t let the right hand know
what your left hand is doing
Offer generosity in silence of others

Don’t help somebody and boast about  
how good you are
Your rewards are not of this world
You may not think it matters to the person you’re helping But what if it does?
“What would Jesus do? “ WWJD

Inspired songs
1) We Are The World
  By many famous singers
U.S.A for Africa 1985

2) Lean On Me 1972 by Bill Withers

3) Put Your Hand In The Hand
by Ocean 1971
BLT word of the day challenge
dulcet 7-28-24
Sweet to the taste, pleasing to the ear generally agreeable

RAOK acronym for random act of kindness or ARK a random kindness . If you think about it, when God destroyed the Earth in Noah’s day, he used to random act of kindness for the animals, and those God deemed worthy.
Jul 2024 · 101
The Inner Sanctum
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Of a woman’s heart
Discover surreal pictures
Mysterious thoughts
Freedom hidden from the world
Always a lady within

Inspired songs
1) Always a woman to me by Billy Joel
2) Lady by Kenny Rogers
3) Afternoon delight
by Starland vocal band
4) ******* by soft cell
5) Let’s hear it for the boys
By Deniece Williams
I was overtaken by the songs, normally, I can’t come up with this many that fit perfectly,.
these are just a few facets within the mysteries of a woman’s inner sanctum
Jul 2024 · 87
The newborn King
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The announcer ;
Hark, who goes there?

It is I the village physician
“I have come to bring forth
the birth of the newborn KING”
Physician ; Pray your name kind sir

The announcer;
“I am tasked to
Harold in the birth
Of our blessed King”

Time is it hand?

“Hark, the Herald Angels sing
Glory to our newborn King”

OK this is a little lame but it’s the best I could do for this word of the day lol

Inspired song
Hark, the Herald Angels sing, with lyrics
By   Christmas songs and carols
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
7–26-24 Herald
To give notice, announce publicize and foreshadow to greet, especially with enthusiasm
Jul 2024 · 82
We Deserve Better Tanka
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Don’t be cynical
              Dial down The rhetoric
           The world is watching
       Better class politician
          America still best Hope

Song inspired
another break in the wall part 2
by Pink Floyd

We don’t need to be at each other’s throats, fighting race, creed, color, woke politics
With all the threats coming to America, we need to hold fast stand strong together
more than ever we need unity.
And prayers
Tanka is a haiku consisting of five lines
31 syllables 5-7-5-7-7
Jul 2024 · 252
The Kingdom In Peril
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The once beloved Knight Sir Lancelot
and his loyal trusted men at
The threat of death were forced to kneel before the entire royal court and pledge their fealty to the King.

They were admonished for their actions.
The King had a more useful purpose for these men. They were given impunity. Which led to the discriminate slaughter of the peasants they sought to protect.

This harsh reminder and lesson for the other Marauders in the land,  going against the King, would have dire consequences.

Song inspired
The monarch song by horrible histories
There are several different versions are all funny
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
An old-fashioned word, somewhat literary word that refers to intense, loyalty or fidelity
Jul 2024 · 134
Sanctimonious Tanka
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Smart and sincere not
              Moral Sanctimonious
                   It’s my way or the highway
                      I’m right and you’re wrong
                             We can do this all day long
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Sanctimonious 7-24-24
Describe the behavior as thought they are more superior than others. Suggest a moral superiority.
Jul 2024 · 141
Inevitable Modern Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
A Catastrophe
Guarantees change forever
Broken eggs happen
Reality, Webster’s Word of the Day
A monumental tragic event and utter failure
Jul 2024 · 163
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Every once
in a                 while
you.                 need
to         talk
to a
child.                 just
so you
life  again
willful And
freedom        through
the.                       eyes
Of                               A
Little.                                 child

Song inspired
1)Both sides now by Joni Mitchell
2)The sound of music movie song, my favorite things
Innocence 7-21-24
At family gatherings, I like to sit at the little kids table. It’s a more honest conversation. The way they look at the world is a beautiful thing they miss nothing yet parents don’t seem to realize..
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The Joker who is Batman‘s
Arch enemy and life nemesis
learned of Batman‘s true identity
And started asking real questions

How could a shooter
A seemingly untrained
Young adult without
Obvious motives A boy\man in
a Black Rock commercial

get past seasoned secret service
A calamity of errors Poor planning
A ladder on the side of a building
Bystanders spotting the shooter prior to Trump going on stage Alert, police

A policeman has a confrontation
with the shooter and runs away?
WHY was Trump allowed to go on stage?
The father alerts the police. He’s worried about his son.? Father’s missing gun

The timelines don’t add up
Secret service story changes
I’m sure they’re going to say
extenuating circumstances!
legitimately Will be presented

All Questions will be answered
they claim to have transparency
Pun intended
IT ******* AWAY
The Picture I have in my head;

The intention behind the shooter(s)?
Was for the American people
To watch Donald Trump’s
Head blown off On national television
witnessed by Millions around the world.

Why? what is the reason, the lesson;
Americans know your place!, get in line
The bigger picture It’s not all about Trump
He’s just in the way, We are next
It’s the American people they’re after

“Profane wicked people
Whose day has come
when iniquity shall have an end”
Ezekiel 21:26

That is the extent of their hatred
How do you reconcile
Hate derangement ?
Take a moment to fathom
The Gravity of the situation

News media moguls
Love to parody Trump hatred
The grotesque mockery on cue
Insinuating Character sabotage
“it’s a stunt Trump merely fell,
And had to be carried off stage”

“Trump is using his bandage as a prop”
“He staged The whole thing”
The cesspool of lying through their eyes
Biden’s campaign
Unconscionable rhetoric

ramping up hate
Trump is called a ****
Trump will be a dictator
There will be no more democracy
Trump hates black people

Public figures saying
“someone should take him out”
“The shooter had one job and he missed?”
It doesn’t matter what side you’re on
doesn’t matter what you think of the man

If they could do this to  
a president elect
What do you think
they have planned
for you and me?  

  Biden has stepped down
For  the next round
A change of tactics
The Cat Woman

Inspired by Songs;
1) Orchestra and chorus Batman theme song Neal Hefti
2) Buffalo Springfield song stop children what’s that sound? 1967
3) Crosby stills, Nash and Young “Ohio”
( Kent state shooting) 1970
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Extenuate 7-22-24 to lessen the strength or effect of some thing
Jul 2024 · 182
Word Salad
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024

Kamala Harris
repeats this
phrase to
ad nauseam
Are they her
words of wisdom
Her authentic truth
Is this an otiose
Or what!
But what
does it
that with

want to

She is a
away from
The next
The woke

Inspired songs
1)Helen Reddy I am woman 1972
2)Led Zeppelin stairway to heaven1971
3)Simon and Garfunkel, I am a rock1964
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Visage 7-21-24
Refers to somebody’s face or ****** expressions. The general appearance of someone or something.
A formal word typically used to describe either something that serves no useful purpose or something that has no use or effect

Can someone tell me what this phrase means
I would greatly appreciate it.
I posted this at 7 o’clock this morning. Since then Joe Biden has decided to step down and will not run for president and Kamala Harris  is stepping into the lead role for President elect. That was an ounce just today.
Jul 2024 · 145
Choices Problems Solutions
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The rumblings of government
People say, “Joe Biden is too old”
“He’s not up to the job”, truth be told. Hypothetically say he steps down
the next in line is Kamala Harris
She speaks in rhyme . Embarrassed.

she laughs like a hyena that’s a start,
she makes Joe Biden look smart.
running for office, she told protesters
to continue fighting She makes a gesture
(Uncontrollable laughter) rightly so
they’re not gonna stop Nor should they.

BLM will continue after the election
Kamala and Many in her party created, a get out of jail fund For the rioters,
Those arrested In most cases,
Were back on the street in 90 minutes looting and shooting again for reparation

Recruiting stealing , destroying businesses
Lite fires Burning down police stations
Desecrating, statues, monuments, history
The sounds appearance of an insurrection.
Kamala Harris Resign or Impeach
A harsh lesson to teach

American is on her knees
Terrorist Isis,Hzbollah  Hamas
Illegal immigrants made their way here
Open borders, there is a third choice
President pro temp nominated  2023
On paper, she sounds really good.

Patty Murray Democrat Washington DC has held various positions and has been reelected five times Elementary school, teacher mother. The media ask Kamala questions she is constantly non-plus
really?  not a good look for a president

At this point, what could it hurt
Open mind Consider all options
Americans want an amiable leader
Democrats party in peril
We need a road to recovery
We are at a precipice
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Amiable 7-20-24
Friendly, sociable, congenial, pleasing admirable
Nonplus 7-19-24
Someone is perplexed or in other words who caused them to be at a loss of what to do or say, or think
Jul 2024 · 110
Wrong Street Neon Sign
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Blinking sign got us thinking
Closest bar, a nightcap drinking
We came from the Opera culture refined
Dressed to the nine, a cocktail to unwind

Blur the lines work versus play propriety
Different views, cautious words Society
Two Upper echelon bosses and wives
Innuendos, cautious, eyes Pretenses lies

The bar “Faces” pink glow On a dark street
twilight zone, Shuffle sounds of our feet
Youngest of the bunch they asked for ID
My grandchild was twenty three

Many rooms each contrary would appear
Ladies restroom are progressive here
A man in drag standing to ***
No stall door open for everyone to see

Excuse me, are you in the wrong restroom?
******* at his knees No need to assume
It’s OK ladies I’m out of here lickety-splits
As he reached in and adjusted his *******

Our head dazed each room a new theme
All proclivities observed was this a dream
Ignorant, Lisa karaoke, in women’s Area
Found the guys I tried to calm my hysteria

Men had drinks and they’re going to stay
Looking around. What’s the  deal anyway?
Bartender what type of bar is this?
Alternative lifestyle He blew me a kiss

A Woman bought me a drink, flirting,
Men’s fantasy tickled curiosity, asserting
Lisa sang her love song to the gays
Her husband listened observed and Praised

Silent when men asked our guys to dance
The luster A nuance no longer a romance
The hour grew late it was time to leave
The strange events no one would believe

Driving home reflective thoughts Traces
Why did they name that bar Faces?
An alternative lifestyle accepted us
Exactly who we were without a fuss

We Grappled with the idea, it hit me
People hide many different faces see
A secret freaky face comes out to play
Tomfoolery set free imagine a new way

A new identity exposed to the world
My freak flag revealed unfurled
The stranger within us, who we portray
What do they see? What does my face say?

Inspired song
The Stranger, by Billy Joel, 1977 live
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Silly behavior playful
This was 1985 when there were certain bars or each particular type, but I have never been to a place that all types were welcome.
There was a room for men on men, women on women, cross dressers, Trans, and everything in between. But we were treated so nice the bartender had our back. There were some rather aggressive girls who wanted to date. Lisa and I answered, rather aggressive men who called her husband I candy. After the shock of the bathroom, everything else was laissez-faire.
Jul 2024 · 198
Wind Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Mother nature knows
which way the wind swirls blows flows
waves of heat are seen

Song inspired
She’s like the wind Patrick Swayze
Have you ever noticed when the wind blows everything is topsy-turvy things fall out of your hand your hat blows off your off kilter look at winds as adversity, stay focused, say Centered And nothing will take you off kilter
Jul 2024 · 124
Two Day Turtle
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Sprinklers Watering the garden yard
a turtle slid down a hill landing hard. Walking on a path of cobble stone
is a Precarious way to say hello alone

Super dog noticed him first
Very curious searching for a water burst 
 Big as a football came from good seed.
The first order of business, food weeds,

A box water greenery survival what to eat.
Definitely keep them off of the street.
Identified as A Red Eyed Slider Turtle
common for these parts their fertile  

Yellow and Red stripes on his face and feet.
His shell looks like he took some heat.
Sticking his head out of his Shell
To look at his new space safe and well

Standing on his hind feet tall
Trying to get over the box wall
This turtle’s habitat is in water a float
Filled water in the base of the boat

Was this a pet, asked neighbors to no avail
He needed a forever home too early to tell
Turtle bay will not take a stray
Haven humane had a lot to say

Wild turtles are common in these parts
Will travel miles to water he’s smart
Take him to a lake river or stream
One that doesn’t dry up from heat steam

A water source fountainhead to call home
A place with other turtles, so he’s not alone
Twin pines Mobile home has a large pond
Two streams run in and out far beyond

The pond is home to ducks turtles frogs
Elderly spy deer while they walk dogs
A protected sanctuary Critters of all kinds
Look closely count how many you can find

The turtle was put on the bank of the pond
His examined the water beyond
He slid down the bank a torpedo tank
One smooth swoop, and he was gone

in the middle of the pond an island bar
His head popped up his swim wasn’t far
The Pond leads to rivers streams as far as San Francisco Bay many places to play

I imagine he came for help that fateful day
Escaping heat no water red dirt of clay
Little fertile turtle our two day turtle
We visit. He has a home to roam and play
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
A word usually encountered in literary content that refers to the origin or source of some thing

Little fertile turtle, is that the same pond with Mrs. Fiddle, and Mr. Faddle, and little paddle
While do you sound like a little stories and nursery rhymes they’re based on real events
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Déjà vu moments
Recall A shadow of self
Eroding the mind
Marred by figment quandaries
Blurred dreams without respite
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
7-9-24 respite
Short period of time when someone is able to start doing some thing that is difficult or unpleasant to start
Tanka Haiku 5-7-5-7-7 syllables
Jul 2024 · 79
What is a man?
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
It’s such a strange question
It should be self evident
Anatomy physiology
but apparently it’s not?

My generation
cherished a dapper swole man
Arnold Schwarzenegger
7 time Mr.Olympia took it a tad too far

But you get the picture
A strong man who can provide for his wife
The Bible says a man’s body is not his own.
It belongs to his wife.

A woman’s body is not her own.
It belongs to her husband.
In this way, each person is
Looking out for the other’s needs.

Love, honor, cherish till death us do part
Each other own’s their heart
A novel concept, but who Actually practices The words, Jesus preached

When a man and a woman are
Walking on the sidewalk
The woman walks on the inside.
The reasoning is as follows;

The woman is shielded by her man.
From sewage splashing bedpan dumping
Crashing cars dangers from the street.
This is been the case since medieval times.

The strong virile man protects his lady
first and foremost, even to his own peril.
As there is a left and a right hand, so too A man and a woman a complete pair
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
7-7-24  Swole
A muscular man physical physique
I’m sure they’re going to be some who don’t agree with this and that’s fine. But I’ve been with my husband for over 40 years. And we live this way.
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
We think we are free
Bank moguls control the world
Media obeys
Castigate to submission
One world order forming now
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
mogul 7-6-24
A powerful and influential person
Castigate 7-5-24
A formal word that means to criticize harshly synonym in chastise to punish to censor someone

Living in a bubble.,we think we are free. But in reality we are controlled by everything we hear and everything we see
A type of haiku
Using metaphors similes to convey complex elaborate ideas, and allows for more expanded exploration more then a haiku. a short story
31. Syllables five line 5–7–5 – 7–7.
Jul 2024 · 83
Fourth Of July Renku
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
It’s so much more than
Hotdogs  potato salad

Do people realize
The price cost paid  for freedom
Soldiers died for us

People disrespect
Burn our flag hate our country
Rewrite history

Destroy monuments
Protest hate woke division
Social Marxist change

Rights to opinion
When is your voice a weapon?
Riots escalate

What is their purpose?
To create a Civil War?
Complete take over

Terrorist come in
We watch Civil War begin
Take over who wins?

How can we see clear?
What is next for our country?
Stand or will she fall?
BLT Websters word of the day Challenge
7-4-24 patriotism
A person who loves her country
a series of haiku one person makes a statement or ask a question the next person replies, and that continues until you come to a conclusion,
it’s a collaborative effort of poets
However, I was the poet on consecutive days replying to the question from different points of you. It’s rather hard to do.
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Silence is golden
Don’t air your *****, laundry,
Keep matters private
There are some matters that should be personal private. We’ve become a society who offers too much information. It puts an individual in a precarious situation. Once something becomes public it’s knowledge for ever. Internet, trolls  people trying to steal your identity, the more information you reveal the more you invite calamity
Jul 2024 · 94
The price of Freedom
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
I wanted to Serve
I Volunteered to Serve.
I Knew what I was Doing.
I Would do it Again.
Marine Corp.

Thank God
For people like these
An American Patriot
Though and Though

A call to arms
Field loyalty
The Conditions for
coming to America

Millions of soldiers died
For  the price of freedom
Those who want
to come to America

Must serve in the military
There are many positions ,
Women want equal rights
a mandatory two years  

before they can become a
United States citizen.
They must go through
the nationalization process ;

Learn English
Choose to assimilate
Into the great melting ***
Called America

Criminals, breaking a law
have no place here
They will be returned to their country
Not allowed to return

after learning our laws
The bill of rights, constitution,
the ceremony swearing allegiance
to our country Welcome to America.

There are many ways to serve
I’m tired of people acting
like they deserve to be here
In Battle, war, or  reserve

We all have a price to pay
If they don’t want to comply
No need to ask why,
No Documents no enter

If they ditch their ID,
So they can’t be identified
And we find it on the ground,
Now we have their face in a database
Send them packing.
I’m sure they’ll
come up with an ID.
nothing is FREE
If they’re caught hiding
A Got Away found
They refused our terms
If they came within nefarious intent
An Attempted coup take over

That’s what’s happening now
Illegals are taking over our cities and towns
When you see 100,000 Palestinians protest
We need to learn  who is illegitimately here.
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies, detractors, foreign and domestic. A true patriot.

A family member made a statement today
Many of his friends died for the cause .
This is my response draft written4-11-24
I know this is a horrible mess now, but children and women and boys are sold into Slavery. Our soldiers bite and died for our country. Not for this to happen. We need to start to think about how to restore control before it’s too late and we’re on the brink now. Happy Fourth of July. Read the constitution today and remember what we fought for to be free. Remember, all of those soldiers who died for our great nation. Sure we have problems. Nothing is perfect but we strive to be better.
Jul 2024 · 80
A Walk In The Park
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Poetry in motion,
                Single basketball  player
                        shooting hoops
                               Motor cross
                                    dirt bike
            ­                              doing loop de loops

Bounce bounce
           lay up the ball
                we hope the bike
                      riders do not fall
                              children birthday party
                                         bouncy house
                                                     kids at play
yes it is
      a beautiful day
            The butterflies
                   are teaming
                        Floating on bye
                                 surprised child
                                       screech is a loud cry
Birds are singing
                   Not a worry
                        not to care
                               This story
                                     it’s just a slice
                                           of God’s glory
            this day with
                   photos that say
                           I hope time
                                it’ll always be
                                     a cherished
                                           memory of mine
Walking the park
                A jaybird a lark
                              In the glade
                                  Thick trees shade,
                                            friendly dogs
                                                        walk on by
With pride they
           sniff each backside
                and say hi.
                   His favorite of those
                        lady Daisy
                            rolls over and
                                  kisses his nose.  
                                          they’re in love
                                                as the story goes
BLT Websters word of the day Challenge
7-2-24 glade
A clearing surrounded by trees woods
Written 5-4-24
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
There used to be
a plethora of students
who had to post poems
for school.  

Some felt the teacher’s
assignment was cool,
While others felt
the experience was cruel
The tweens, and the in between
Know what I mean
Trying to awaken creativity
Unlocked awareness activity

Some rose to the challenge,
it was wonderful, great
Others refused
to seriously participate .

The kids quickly learned
There are no wrong way
To share what they
want/need to say

Content first meter and style
Will develop after awhile.
The content quickly grew dark
As they open the recess of their heart.

To speak of wanting to DIE
You can feel their battered cry
Grasping with a world of fear
Afraid to say what is imagined or real

Each day worse the the one before
Shooters coming to the classroom door
Panic hide, under your desk, upon the floor
The shooter the only one keeping score

Friends dead before their eyes
Afraid to make a sound; a muffled cry
We all want to know WHY
Responsibility SCHOOLS denies

A million Questions all the same
This was no a drill nor a game
People going insane
Broken people remain

Time to pick up the pieces and move one
Life empty with loved ones gone
There are so little Outlets for creativity is in school today. Without becoming indoctrinated
School shootings there is no acceptable loss. Why don’t they build better schools to protect the youth. There are blue prints . Other schools have implemented to create a safe space. Yet, many schools are unprotected for the life of me. I can’t understand why. Guns don’t **** people
people **** people using guns. they need to get better about seeing the warning signs before the crimes lockdown bullying intimidation what are they turning the youth into when they graduate?
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Your Subjective truth
Someone else will Not believe
One is right, other wrong
Today’s argument that you believe my way, or hit the highway you’re wrong. So many fallacies in their argument, or lack there of. This is the way it is I don’t have to explain myself do as I say, not as I do.
Jun 2024 · 163
Napoleon complex Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Pug fight flight complex
Two Rottweilers off their leash
Pug shaking, like leaf
I have a small dog ( miniature pincher – poodle mix) A min- pin -poo who was bit by The neighbors Rottweilers a long time ago. Now while walking at the park, if my dog sees a bigger dog either, he will bark ready to 6-6-9-24
fight or he will shake and freeze.
it’s definitely a process of re-socializing and getting him over his fear
Jun 2024 · 97
Exercise The Mind Senryu
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Breathe out negative
First claim your peace from within
Breathe in positive
Each of these lines are interchangeable. Peace comes from within still your mind. Don’t allow the negative to get in only positive rule the day have a good life in God and pray.
Jun 2024 · 190
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Out.          loud
love,                  Deeply
  laugh                   often
       Die    quietly

Where.       is
the                     Soul
of                               life?
What.                                is
Our                               purpose?
Was.                              Life
Really.                          Created
By           Accident?

Big         Bang
Fact             Fiction
We                     have
a                          purpose
The                          G­oal
Is                                to
find.                      ­Reason
The.                    Quest
Search.          for
We are not put on this life for pleasure. Everybody has a purpose we just have to find what it is that’s our goal.
Jun 2024 · 350
Secrets Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Clandestine lovers
Hiding in plain sight days nights
Throughout their lifetime

There are times in life when it’s just not possible to bridge the two worlds together. Always in love from afar
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge clandestine
Something done in private or secret
Jun 2024 · 70
Two sides to every issue
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Hate the other side
Polemic left, right divide
Yet they claim with pride

Hate the other side
Together common causes
Survival tactics

Hate the other side
There is safety in numbers
Evil flow riptide

Hare the other side
Destroy enemy all costs
Unity is lost

Hate the other side
Deception rules the day
Each issue two sides

BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Polemic 6-23-24 strong, written, or spoken attack against somebody else’s opinion, belief or practice.
RENKU A collaborative form by multiple poets, working together to create a single poem with a 5–7–5 syllables Haiku
Each haiku is ment to be in response to the previous haiku
This poem purposely does not take a side. Whatever side you’re on, they’ll be another side.
There are two sides to a coin.
For me to understand the entire problem, I must be able to equally see both sides.
As an instructor of ethnics ;students had to pick a side and defend their opinion. After they perfected that opinion,
I pulled the rug
each student had to  switch sides and defend the other side. Equally with the same enthusiasm. Only then can we see the fallacies in both sides. I don’t believe in all or nothing statements, the far right. The far left;
People live in the shades of gray between the two polar extremes. The only time there is no solution is when people stop talking
I don’t think I’m always right
By the same token . I’m not always wrong.
But i sure learned a lot along the way.
Jun 2024 · 131
Socialism Senryu
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Obey the leader
Benevolent dictator,
Rampage corruption
Is similar in format to a haiku, but the focus on human nature and social situation’s rather than nature, seasons, like haiku SENRYU, consist of three, lines 5 – 7–5 syllable pattern but it’s more concentrated on human complexity of human emotions, and human behaviors
Jun 2024 · 146
Wisdom Modern Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
With age comes wisdom
Supersedes racial hatred
Love peace forgiveness
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
To take the place of someone or some thing that is considered old inferior or no longer useful. Synonymously with replaced or displaced.
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Balance of power
USA vulnerable
Paradigm shift
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
A person, group, or thing that is open to attack harm or damage
Jun 2024 · 55
Cacophony Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Protesters threaten
Tear Gas, Smoke Bomb Vial stench
Smell Wafted through the air
Webster’s Word of the Day
Harsh unharmonious down example
Dishes, crashing on the floor, horn blaring in the street, people yelling in protest
Even though this word was months ago, I wanted to continue to use some of these older words to strengthen my
The Vocabulario of a person
Jun 2024 · 200
News Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
News put on the shelf
Epstein didn’t **** himself
Deaf, blind New York times
We’ve come to a point where the media is another branch of the deep state. We’re not getting the entire truth of the news. In fact, a lot of things aren’t even being reported anymore. But in order to get really what’s going on, you have to go outside do United States. I look at BBC News and avenues, such as that world news a different perspective.
Jun 2024 · 141
Anniversary Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Forty years in love
Celebrate our Jubilee
Praise God Lifetime love
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Jubilee 6-19-24
A special celebration or anniversary
Jun 2024 · 145
Stealing Ideas Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Plagiarism is
A mediocre copy
Brainiac’s Genius
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Brainiac 6-17-23
A very intelligent person
Jun 2024 · 66
Cycle complete Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Butterfly people
Caterpillar chrysalis
Transformation fly
We have a butterfly exhibit that houses, hundreds of different species of butterflies from all over the world. Even though there are double *****, so the butterflies don’t get out they still do. These butterflies have migrated all around the local area. The Arboretum has a list of plants you can get that would benefit the butterflies that I have them all. The butterflies fly by people they’re so used to people go land right on you if you stay still and put your arms out. Or in the wild there, a little bit more skittish with all the noise. But if you ever have a chance to go to a butterfly Arboretum there is nothing better in life than to have 20 butterflies landing on your arm. and had at one single time
Jun 2024 · 100
The Pet Mayor
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
I live in a quaint little town
In a wink or a blink,
you’ll drive right through
There’s not much to see but lots to do

Take a good look around
we have two parks in town
One; the senior center park
Summer Friday night music til dark

Margaret Polk Park Community build
Baseball, diamonds, and a soccer field
A quarter of a mile path around
is where the dogs’s path can be found

Wildflowers as far as the eye can see
The edge of the forest a fallen tree
A river runs through the northern side
Nooks and crannies for Deer to live hide

Motocross bicycle course for all ages
competition in qualifying stages
A wonderful event on Fourth of July
Fireworks, food stations, watching the sky

Watermelon slices Practice your song
Center stage performances all day long
Face painting Dancers singers, bands
Our great experiment by God’s hands

The annual Damboree highlight of the year
Celebrate the Dam completion beers cheer
Mining for Gold, Rush to Northern Cali
  three encampments called Central Valley.

A Tourist Store find trinkets galore to take
Boating, camping playing on Shasta Lake
This tiny town now has a Dollar Store
Five marijuana dispensaries not much more

One and only Shasta Damboree
Cool April nights car show to see
Asphalt, cowboy’s Pancake breakfast
Veteran’s Parade the celebration blast

Saturday night music in the park
Starts at afternoon until dark
Monthly craft displays
Handmade goods amaze

We have a pet Mayer YES, I say smugly
A seven year old pug named Pugly
The pet mayor contest a fundraiser creates
A Children’s Christmas party Fashion plate

300 gifts to families of our community
Our tiny town no change in 30 yrs of unity
A moratorium on growth we cherished
Sadly, that philosophy has parish

Plans demand. Homeless integration
Tare down homes for new segregation
Build skyscrapers box dwelling
New Drug communities are swelling
There will be a sequel to this poem. Change is all around. You can hardly recognize her a little town.
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Brilliant minds have decided
To take the next logical step?
They have gathered for
A five day foist Symposium onAI.

What is artificial intelligence made for?
Unbeknownst to humanity scientist focus
On the areas of most significance;
Killing, spying, and brainwashing

Killing soldiers. Relentlessly Efficient,
Plundering Fortunes, spoils of war
******, death, ****, w/o moral ambiguity
Conscience has everyone keeping score

Spying surveillance twenty four seven
No more privacy, monitoring ALL activities
Political views, ****** orientation, money,
Phone, anything deemed inappropriate

“Know it all’s” will immediately rebuff  
This point of view
Conspiracy theory, right on cue
Their response is likely par for the course

You will own nothing And you must love it
Brainwashing, mind control, a brain chip
Keyboarding your thoughts, can it obtain
Who you are, your soul, what will remain?

Are we setting the proverbial stage
For a new form of human existence  life?
Will humans be hunted, The logical treat
AI self taught survival Evolution machine
BLT ;Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge
Unbeknownst6-15-24 unknown to a person or group.
Rebuff 6-14-24 to rebirth is to reject or criticize sharply
This was sitting in my draft poems and I forgot I had done a word of the day slip by so while I’m using the newer one the others are just bonus
Foist 5-31-24
usually used with on or in forced upon another person
A past words just for fun
Symposium 5-26-24
A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic
Jun 2024 · 91
Excessive Heat Watch
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Tuesday 8:30 AM, 83° high 103°
A hat, sun protection, the new me
Extreme heat wave
Severe warning  lives to save

Wednesday high of 107°
Heat stroke Elderly going to heaven
Heat will bring you to your knees
Stay inside on days like these

Thursday started out with a breeze
Dog has allergies Constant sneeze
A high of 106° air thick
20 mph wind can do the trick

Our daily walks happen earlier now
It’s hard to get up, but I do somehow
A Dogs, excitement, car ride
The Park to socialize dog friends outside

Blue, his best buddy of the pack
His owner carries a little snack
Daisy Super dog’s Lady love
Dog friends are a gift from above

Friday 7:30 AM, 73° high 102°
Park path colors, Green yellow blue
see the sun through the trees
Birds, butterflies, flowers, and bees

Jehovah’s Witness, literature in hand
Silent when Christians take a stand
Their believe only they are the chosen
No Ideology discussed frozen.

Dehydration dangerously real
Onset Suddenly quick, it can ****
Walk with water and care
Late in the day waves of heat in the air

Freshly planted garden in peril
All in black pots and barrels
A rookie error mistake I  made
The roots are baking in the shade

For the next 10 days over 104°.
plant store efficacious remedies and more
Herbal poultice, tincture and salve pure
Lessons to identify and make plant cures

Put up umbrellas, create shade
Pestilence, sneaky critters well played
Homeless encampment a water cry
Rabbits, Lizards, run shamelessly, nearby

The First Mountain fire of the season
There’s never a rhyme nor reason
Fires are named after their location
Fireman, hope for a short duration

The plumes of smoke Billows everywhere
Smoke smell The first notice of a real scare
Color changes White gray yellowish red
The color determines when humans fled

Higher fires, animal’s scurry Little feet
running frightfully down the street
Under porches, safety shelter they seek
Bears, foxes, possums fearfully, meek

Flying high Hawks, vultures, bald eagle
A big bird took on the leash puppy beagle
Owner screaming her puppy carried away
The leash slip through her fingers that day

In my youth , I used to love a sunny day
Wind in my hair, not a care laughing at play
Old age New allergies, pollen in the air
Excessive Heat, exhaustion, BEWARE
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Efficacious 6-12-24
A formal Word that describes something
a treatment, medicine, or remedy that has power to produce a desired result or effect
For some reason when it gets hot, I perspire that loss of water. Sweat makes me dehydrate easier. My doctor has said I have to drink electrolyte water to stay in balance. A little bit of sweat. takes a lot of water out of your body. If you drink water cold with ice that’s actually worse.
Know the warning signs !
Jun 2024 · 80
Self inflicted
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
^ ^
(@) (@)
The         word
is self                 inflicted
Truth.                                       reality
tainted                                                 twisted
Our.                world
in                  a  
corrupt        mist
is                       not
always.                                   bliss
Jun 2024 · 291
Government Corruption
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Shred constitution
corrupt justices run rapid
Judge breaking the law

We are witnesses
Court actions, of what we saw
Feelings both sides, raw

Incognito news
Statements matter of fact truth
Don’t ruffle feathers
BLT webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Incognito 6-8-24
Your true identity is kept a secret, using another name to hide who you really are

Three consecutive haiku
Each answering the previous questions or thoughts
Next page