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CJ Sutherland Nov 2024
In college, I  started golfing
I thought it would help my swing
Course correction I didn’t learn a thing
I gained more bad habits in between

Golf was created within Love, and hate
Many emotions to communicate investigate
Poetic words flow, negate the verse
Continually modifying and rehearse

The most elusive game you’ll ever play
Golf can make or break your day
Transfixed Frustrating, irritating time
Completing a great game is sublime

Learn and grow as you go
You’ll never learn everything to know
My dismay recalling a friend’s worst day
Disaster hit at the first hole sandpit the grid

By hole 5 his game sunk skunk pound sand
On the Golf cart a hotdog in his hand
An Eagle swooped down, taking
The Hotdog and bun from his mouth
The Eagle flew Heading Due south.

Yelling and screaming as if that
Would make the bird give his hotdog back
Lunacy, frustration, humiliation on track
He threw his lunch sack at the Bird
You had to be there The picture was absurd

Washing down a beer tremble in fear
He’d never experienced a big bird so near
The back nine would be better get in gear
Both ***** hit the water in the drink
This is when he should’ve stopped to think

One could see the blood boil in his eyes
What came next was no big surprise
Third ball hit the water in the drink
Throwing his monogram bag,&clubs in a
Blink watched them slowly sink sink sink

That was it. His day was done
Under the Beauty of the setting sun
The golf course Won, took its toll
That Fateful day He lost a bit of his soul

The profanity filled the air
Decorum lost he didn’t care
Golf and stuff Fished out the clubs and bag
Shining with mud The Gold monogram tag
Other golfers ***** filled the leather bag sag

He cut off his nose to spite his face
He never went back there saving grace
Never retrieved his bag it was tainted
The leather colors ran together painted

As to his set up a second gift from Daddy
Son “Next time use a Caddy!”

Inspired song
Bohemian Rhapsody – a golf parity tribute
YouTube By Nigel Tait June 14, 2014
This actually really happened we’re not sure if it was an eagle or a hawk.The wing spans are nearly the same, and they both would be almost equally as large. It happened so quickly it was hard to know for sure. But it was unusual for this to happen in Southern California. In northern California, it’s a common occurrence to see large birds.
  Nov 2024 CJ Sutherland
In  doughnut jam
I licked my lips
And it began

You came up slowly from behind
And moved serenely to the side
I held my breath
And you did say
It’s for your soul
That I do pray  

The devil in
the machine

I heard the crowd roar
And then they clapped
And wanted more

Foolish games
Wicked spells
The youth I own
Had left as well

Now stand I
A foolish fellow
Who wishes
More than ever
That Id stayed mellow

But no I jumped up
Ready for battle
My armour made a mighty rattle

I saw you off
You I will slaughter
Now keep away from my daughter x
CJ Sutherland Oct 2024
What’s the purpose of Halloween
Trick-or-treat costume parties make a scene
Scary Jack-o’-lanterns carved faces
Placing them in their houses open spaces
Something wicked, this Way COMES

The original traditions were generated in Ireland and Scotland they carved grins
Scary faces in turnips and potatoes,
Then put them in the windows
To ward off evil spirits and stringy jack.
Something wicked, this Way COMES

Why is Halloween an evil night
The dead rises from there, tombs
What is the purpose of the costumes?
Getting dressed up to  
Symbolically disguise oneself
As a way to ward off evil spirits
Something wicked, this Way COMES

An ancient tradition, Celtic people
believed there is a thin vail between
The living, and the dead Halloween night
The veil is at its thinnest sight
Something wicked, this Way COMES

Spirits pass-through roaming the world
Wearing costumes was a way to avoid
Being recognized by the spirits
Something wicked, this Way COMES

Today the true meaning is mostly seen as a fun way to express oneself act out, fantasies
Dressing as a favorite character or creature
Satan successfully lulled the sheep to sleep
His greatest sick trick  He doesn’t exist
Something wicked, this Way COMES

While people argue, it doesn’t say anything In the Bible about Halloween, it does say Christians are carefully instructed to
NOT participate in any pagan way
When somebody tells a lie enough
It’s marginalized becoming the truth
Something wicked, this Way COMES

Blinded by an Illusion of Halloween fun
These traditions prove people in the world
Know evil exist. They celebrate the dead
It’s all around us, in the movies we watch
When wrong is right and right is wrong.
It’s in our music it’s in our songs
Something wicked, this Way COMES

And the Satanic natures on TV we are
Mesmerized by death destruction, **** ***
We feed on Fear, hatred for entertainment.
We feel it in the air. We feel it everywhere.
Something wicked, this Way COMES

Hallowed ground is no longer sacred
People don’t believe anything anymore
Satan, is living laughing in delight
On this wicked Halloween night
Trick or treat when all practice to deceive
Is your candy safe to eat do you believe?
Something wicked this Way is Here FEAR

Inspired songs;
1) Thriller By Michael Jackson1982
2) Monster Mash By Bobby (Boris) Pickett &the crypt kickers1962 banned too morbid
3) witchy Woman By The Beatles 1972
4) highway to Hell By AC/DC 1979
5) I Want Candy ByBowWowWowVEDO1965 1982
6) Hotel California by the Eagles 1976
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Hallowed 10-31-24
Describe something such as a memorial considered, Holy, or Blessed, or some thing that is highly respected and revered

String a Jack was a mythical, scary creature that had a scarecrow body and a pumpkin head. Its eyes were lit up by the candle, and he came to life on Halloween.
CJ Sutherland Oct 2024
Our office

what I say,
Can’t be
My way
I’ve lived
The results
So I know
It’s true

It’s what
we knew

monthly cycle
started slowly
at the same
of every

The Syncretism of
Ten women
at work

Don’t be a ****
Do so at
your own risk!
Don’t pawn
off work

is a must

put up a sign

“Tread lightly
on their
Monthly cycle
on your

It was the
I’ve ever

The Place
To Be

Inspired song

I Am Women
By Helen Reddy
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Syncretism 10-30-24
Refers to the combination of different forms of belief or practice coming together

I was one of the 10 women. Emotions would be hot for seven days. We couldn’t figure out why until one by one the staff admitted they were on their monthly cycle. But how the dates seem to change within a year time everybody in the office had their monthly cycle that same week
Hormone correction? I don’t know
If I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have believed it
CJ Sutherland Oct 2024
Was it the 60s maybe not, hard to find
Every decade marked with decline.,
Further still. I recollect, through crime
The ever changing new, tragedies of time
I begin to realize societies realign
Dates back to Genesis, Adam, and Eve, when men first practice to deceive.
Humanity lived in a bubble,
seemingly without much trouble

Slowly society grew steadily worse.   
No moral values, paychecks in the purse.
Society drove God from government,
From schools paradigm shift permanent

Society took away all of God‘s rules.
Government marketplace the schools
God doesn’t stay where he is not wanted
God allowed Satan to begin the haunted

The hedge of protection, God pulled away. Man no longer heard what God had to say
***** and Gomorrah deception grew
  ****** Deviance all day, they knew

2023 marked a year of unveiling.
Starving people depravity wailing
Pulling back the curtain of government lies
God No longer hears the people’s cries

Plan death destruction One World Order
People who own property called hoarders
Elderly disabled are called useless eaters
Deadweight wife beaters ignorant cheaters

They no longer contribute to society
They should consider Dr. Kevorkian suicide
Two million people have to go, **** die
They drain society a sacrifice is necessary
The final count is arbitrary

No longer a contributor worker secondary
Disabled children, and mentally unsound
next on the list. Life support Shut down. Mental hospitals, out of business close
patients tossed on the ground in town

Our cities are turning into one large psychiatric crockpot. Church must go gone
80% of the churches today get it wrong
We’ll know them by their works Rev2,3

Evil will come from the pulpit
The devil appears as an angel of light
Preachers  arrested for keeping their church open. looters and shooters roam

the streets while the rest of society are mandated to their homes the open borders are destroying our country. They want to change the fabric of America. Turn the tides

to create a communist socialist country.
No free speech, you will own nothing and love it. Everything will be taxed and you must rent. Any ownership is against law

Books are banned. They don’t want people to think they want them weak.
We are on the brink of a civil revolution,
the start of the tribulation throughout the
nation around the world.

Keep your eye on Israel the middle east that’s where you will see the rise of the beast. Then tribulation begins against man’s sins Rise of One world order
One world religion many indecision.

The Holy Roman Empire will rise again
They will be the super power of the world. America will be taken down from within, perhaps by Russia or Chinese. Too many enemy Influences to know for sure who

The Bible tells us America. Will be overrun by a country who does not speak our language.know the signs. we will  not know the day or time Tribulation begins

we will know the season. By what happened before, so shall it happen again yet worse. We know what plagues will come. Revelation, chapter 8 through 13

True Christians have a place through all of this we should not be afraid, spiritual bliss. So remember this if you are a Christian or Jew Who’ll be martyred murdered, one day,

pray for intercession, the Holy Spirit will know what to say. Remember, you are blessed. In the end God owns your soul Jesus died for your sins,

The Bible Is our roadmap everything we need to know commandments prophecy.
Two thousand years ago, will happen again it’s for told.From beginning to the end.

The Abrahamic faiths conceived God as an omniscient creator. The angels ready to pour out judgment, were stopped for 30 minutes while the heads of the elect were sealed. God’s, 144,000. The Holy Spirit will speak God’s word through their mouths.
BLT Webster word of the day challenge
Omniscience describes someone or something with unlimited knowledge or understanding

I watched this documentary called God and country on Tubi. it’s about Christian nationalism and the separation between church and state. It’s a very interesting dichotomy to polarization both ways. It’s tearing our nation apart. It’s alarming. it’s eye-opening I will vote the lesser of two evils, separate church and government. Religion for political gain, conservative, talk versus Christian teaching .Christian nationalism. Polarization of our country in the den of iniquity. I’m beginning to really see both sides. We are definitely at a precipice The breaking point of our country i’ve never been a joiner, one group or the other I just blew look to God individually and seek wisdom. this experiences has taught me to evaluate what exactly I believe, and where my values lie. I am an optimist. I don’t believe in secular religion. I used to until I saw the corruption. I am a child of God.. May God have mercy on our souls
CJ Sutherland Oct 2024
A guy down on his luck
Find a 20 dollar bill
On the ground
Buys lunch
Play the

One million dollars
His Options

the fine print
Penalty, Taxes apply

What would you choose?


What is the most money
you’ve ever WON?

What is the most money
you’ve ever LOST?

Inspired song
Money(official video) 1973
By Pink Floyd
Read the lyrics they’re fantastic
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Dispersement 10-28-24
A pay out of money from a Fun that has been created for a special purpose. Money that is paid out.


I was on a cruise. My husband had been in the casino all night  Long playing, I came in to see what was going on. I sat down add a corner machine the maximum quarters. And I won $680. I did not even Play one time after I won the money. Then I left the casino. His friend came along put in 2/4 and one nothing. The rest of the trip I was the biggest winner because I left.
The most money I ever lost was $40. I am not a gambler but I have a strategy. I start with $40. If I win some thing I put half of my winnings in my pocket plus the money I started it then I play the winnings so the biggest amount of money I would lose this $40, but most the time I left a winner because I don’t like to gamble. It’s a waste of time and I can’t afford to gamble.
I won $350 playing craps, took the money and went and bought a leather jacket at the hard rock café so I wouldn’t be tempted to put the money back in the casino. There’s a lot of other things to do in Las Vegas and gamble.!
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