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  Apr 2024 CJ Sutherland
Jon York
"I  like  living.  I have been  wildly,  despairingly,  acutely
miserable,  racked with sorrow; but through  it  all  I  still
know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."  
                                                                          Agatha Christie

As  humans  we  need  regular doses of  unreasonable  beauty,
sublime anomalies, beguiling ephemera, and inexplicable joys.

I  chose  to  be  optimistic,  it  feels  better.  I choose also  to  be
truthful, gentle, and fearless.

Time is really the  only capital that  I or any human being  has,
and it is the only thing we can't afford to lose. Let your choices
reflect your hopes, not your fears.

The past is where we  learn the lesson. The future is where we
apply the lesson.

It is only a short trip. Enjoy it. You are not what you have done,
you are what you have overcome.
                                                       ­                                      Jon York   2024
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
A poets worst fear is
Underwhelming poetry
I failed to impress

You can please
Some of the people
Some of the time
You can’t please
All the people
All of the time
We still try
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
Underwhelm 4-18-24
Someone who fails to impress excite them
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
I heard this term recently, and
it knocked me off kilter
I look at life through a different filter
So I have to say it blew me away

What are Ordinary People ?
Every person I know
I only see Extraordinarily

Webster’s Dictionary defines
Ordinary People as
not special in any way. Normal

What is a Normal Person ?
Webster’s  Dictionary defines
Normal as
Having no serious, physical or mental
health problems

By these definitions being
Normal and Ordinary is an anomaly
I don’t know anyone over the age of 55 that does not have some issue. Autonomy

Everyone over 55 that I know has had Illustrious careers; Astronauts , Doctors,
Soldiers , and even Mothers and Fathers

Those who refer to Ordinary People
As middle class in a cast system,
Of the bourgeoisie society are The problem

It’s note worthy to mention Webster’s has
Changed the definitions of their words to
Appease a nonsensical group of people
As life goes on we try to make sense of it all
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Tares among the wheat
Man, loves darkness, rather than light
Sheep among the wolves

Right wrong and wrong right
Satan’s rules the world today
Wolves devour sheep
This type of Haiku is
done with two separate poets
. The first Haiku poses an idea or question
The second Haiku responds
For this exercise I wrote both Haiku
This type of haiku is called
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Under the aegis of loving grandparents
children raised of the heavenly host
In the father, his son, and the Holy Ghost
grandchildren here tales of their parents
As children generations taught Bible stories they learn of their lessons and glories

Everyone Sang The Jesus loves me song
“Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong  
Yes, Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so” 
 Their four year old Granddaughter
Gets down on her knees each night to pray
This precocious child has a lot to say

The era back in the day when everyone
Dressed their best for Sunday Service
Easter perfect parents were nervous
Moms made matching outfit for her girls.  
They did their hair in ringlet curls

Shiny white Mary Jane shoes with either
Tights or triple layer lace ruffled socks
A frilly dress, and purse that locks
Wore forget me, Nots
Easter bonnet with flowers upon it
The girls made themselves.
White gloves, just like mother top shelves
Coordinated Easter basket to keep them occupied money for the offering plate, tied

The family took an innocent four year old to see a reenactment of passion of Christ
The play opens
The Olive Grove scene at Gethsemane
Jesus comes on stage then his enemies

The little girl Jumped up, stood on the chair
Her mother asks what are you doing there
“I want to show Jesus my new Easter Hat”
She beamed as a matter of fact

The grandmother wrapped her loving
Arms around the child
Whispering softly in her ear
“It’s not real they are actors”

The soldiers started pushing, shoving
Yelling at Jesus grabbing him not loving
The little girl’s eyes opened wide
Her hands over her face to hide
Peeking through her fingers
Her terror lingers

The grandmother wraps, your loving
arms around the child
whispering softly in her ear
“It’s not real they are acting”

But the little girl persisted
Unable to look away she insisted
She shook her head She didn’t understand
She took  her grandmother by her hand
She started to sob “please help Jesus”

The grandmother wraps, your loving
Arms Around the child
Whispering softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they are actors”
But the child can’t be consoled
The child wouldn’t hear what she was told

Final act
Jesus was being nailed to The Cross
His life, Paid the cost Satan’s loss
A large spike in the soldier’s hand
Then there was a loud BANG
The hammer hit The cross of wood
The little girl tried to get to him but no good
The audience jumps and screams
Some laughs nervously at this scene

The grandmother wraps, her loving
Arms around the child
Whispering Softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they’re actors”

The little girl lets out a shout
a blood cuddling Scream
Standing on her chair
For someone to care
She searched strangers, eyes
Her face ask the question why

The grandmother wrapped her loving
Arms around the child
Whispered softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they are actors”

The innocent child shaken to her core
A new raw emotion to explore
By the grace of God, the powers that be
For the first time the grandmother
Can except the Child’s plea
to SEE through the innocent child’s eyes
And Now understand why she cries

The audience becomes transfixed on this innocent little girl and her ringlet curls
For the first time the people in the room
Understood what it meant, An empty tomb
They no longer saw just a play,
they witnessed The totality The reality
through The eyes of a trusting child.

On TV today we watch acts of violence, ****** deviance, gratuitous actions killing Breaking every commandment
All in the name of entertainment.
People tell themselves  
“it’s not real they’re just acting”.

What is our culture feeding us
An evil we don’t see oblivious,
We looked through the eyes of a Child
This was based on actual events
Perhaps it was heaven sent
BLT Websters word of the Day Challenge
Aegis 7-9-24
under the  power to protect
control, or support someone or some thing
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