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CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Roadside DEATH, Flowers
Motorcycle accident
Loved one remembered
Driving I saw some flowers and a cross on the side of the road and it made me think of this
This is a Haibun Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Is there such a thing
As original thought?
Something truly new

Just because you never heard it
Doesn’t make it not true
Or are we just
Another man’s genius
Stroking his ego
Is that a journey we follow, sole
Or does misery love company

Plagiarism I have been on the receiving end
A fellow, poet used lines from my poem
Am I supposed to pretend
That didn’t happen

Clear and simple stolen.
Plagiarism is not a game.
It is not my intention
To mention their name
where do you draw the line?
Is Plagiarism a crime ?
Am I in Jeopardy?

I keep returning to original thought
Was it ever truly mine ?
Did I unwittingly,
Twist the concept overtime?
Or subconsciously did I glam
Originality from elsewhere
How do you justify, compare?
Then to claim it as my own
There are consequences to atone

A movie, song, story, play
Who is to say
If the area is gray

If I use random words in a similar style
Does the Original concept
Remain after a while
We justify by calling it a muse
But is our original thought being used?

Say I move into a different direction
Yet inference Glam’s the same reflection
Does the original remnant show detection
Even in the most, minute detail
Is my original thought derailed
It would be hard to dispel

Is there such a thing as original thought?
Something truly new!
I wonder
If we even have a clue?
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day Jeopardy
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
If you think you’re free,
You’re deluding yourself!

150 years ago   
You didn’t have to

Go fishing
Own property
Build on your property,
Renovate your home

Use a transportation vehicle
Start a business
Get married
Own a weapon ,Hunt

Sell a product, Protest,
Grow your own food
Sell the food you grew
on your own property
Collect rain water

Have a garage sale
Set up a lemonade stand

You virtually
Can’t do anything
Without asking

So if you think you are free
You are, deluding yourself

You are a
Free Range Human
on a tax farm
Author unknown 2-28-24
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
The rain is pounding
Trees sounding, moaning, creeping
Quiet as a mouse, The house still sleeping
It’s dark outside, we’re in for a wild ride

Seven more days of straight rain
Super dog might go insane
Huddled under the covers
Snuggling together like lovers

A space heater is what we can afford
We buy wood by the cord
The fireplace consume bundles of wood
Much faster than it should
Dry wood will have that effect
Curing wood process, by neglect
I try to make it last when I could
Purchasing wood you never know
what you’re going to get,

The days of central heat are gone
There’s no valuables left to pawn
No need to heat the entire house
An elderly couple, spouse
Empty rooms frosty cold looms

Super dog jumped up to go outside.
I opened the door. The gushing water
invaded the floor

He’s not quite up to taking a trip
A  uncontrolled slip
Flash flood, water and mud
raining, rushing, rising
Weatherman advising

Listening for leaks In the roof ,
Will it hold, truth be told
This house may be old
But she’s got a long life left.

Light a fire to keep warm
We can weather this storm.
They say we might lose power
Touch and go by the hour
Lights softly flicker.

Check the circuit breaker
You’ll need a yellow slicker.
Keep a towel by the door
Another tree fell, who’s keeping score?

Several storms yet to appear
This is normal for this time of year
I am prepared ,safe and warm
From the storm, we are still here

A bird glides into the attic
The sound dramatic
Wrestling around amplified static
Through a broken vent, of wood
That noise, can’t be good
I need to close the vent, if I could
Pecking pecking on the floor ( ceiling),

The bird tries to hide inside
It’s sanctuary is denied
With a long broom handle
like a Roman candle
I pound on the Ceiling
I’m don’t have a comfortable feeling

Pecking, pecking louder on the floor
Super dog stands at attention on the bed
We look at each other, Not a word said
We both look up at the ceiling
He is beside himself, barely dealing

Super dog is shaking like a leaf
The bird is an emotional thief
Husband snoring ,super dog, not ignoring
the pecking, pecking on the ceiling

Agitated, distress, exploring
He sits between my legs, his eyes beg
For peace ,An emotional release
Pecking pecking once more
Super dog ,shaken to the core

I pound the ceiling with a roar
To scare the bird out the door
I desperately need the bird to leave
The bird stands still to deceive
This ritual continues until
The sound relieved

No more pecking on the ceiling
What a relief , a positive feeling
My brain still wheeling
I wonder what type of bird
I know that sounds absurd
It seemed rather large,
But I remained in charge
I do care, why did it go there?
A bird has no business
In my attic, house anywhere

Super dog sleeps quietly in peace
No more shaking, emotional release
All is right as rain
Order of tranquility sustained
It seems more frequently there is a bird in the attic I’m not sure if it’s the same bird or different birds. I keep a broom staff by my bed. Strangely my husband never wakes up lol
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Disrespect will close
Doors that apologies can’t
Re-open. Be kind

If a haiku is
an insight into a manner of experience
A Haibun
is that story or a narrative of
how one came to have that experience.
Something to ponder
Food for thought
This is a type of a haiku
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Through the years,
Smiles and tears
I have raised children
With this phrase

“For the last time,”
The Lord hates lying lips
One of eight
Brothers and Sisters
A family of Ten
The parameter to keep
Us all in line
Moments measured by
“For the last time”

With parental responses such as
“Do you want some cheese
With that wine”
For the last time   enough!

For the Last time, Do your chores
For the Last time Don’t slam doors
For the Last time Eat all your dinner
For the Last time Be a Gracias winner

“This is the last time
I’ll reread the same story”
Sharing life lessons
“ Is it right the bad guy
Gets all the glory?”
Mixed messages
What is the meaning
Of the story?

I never gave it much thought
But what IF, This IS?
For the last time ?

If Today is all we have
Would we change the things
We say and do,?
If we only knew.!
For the last time

Life can change instantly
In The moment that
Has just gone by

I have looked into
Children’s trusting eyes
When they ask “WHY
Is Honestly the best policy!”

Live by example
When asked
“Is a white lie
Still a lie”?

Learning life lessons can be fun
You might only have
One chance to get it done

To curb the use of profanity
(I now a grandmother) said,
“I want you to call grandma out
If I use inappropriate language”
The kids loved the idea of
Calling grandma to the mat.

The Rules of the Game
I must apologize, and
Choose a better word!

They listen more discreetly
Catching grandma so sweetly.
I was cut off on the freeway
I had to swerved
So,I gave that driver
Choice words he deserved

“Oh grandma
You said a naughty word”  
The children sounded in rhythm
Hot under the collar
They caught me in the act this time
I realize what I had done.
Correction was not going to be fun

First I needed to calm down
I exited the freeway,  
A safe place , I found,
Then I apologized,
Word, of the wise
This is not an easy task
When you’re angry.
Without the luxury
Of letting time pass
Then I had to
Choose a better word
Some may think this
Game Absurd

The oldest grandchild said
“If mom and dad Played this game
They would never speak”

NEVER disrespect the parents
In front of their child
Let meek and mild
Own the day
You get more with honey
Instead of vinegar
They say

“Hold on young man
We are working on
Grandma right now”.
They caught grandma three
Times in ten years

The Fruits of the game
Remarkably, remain
The children’s transformation
Was definitely not
lost in translation

I walked past a teenage grandson’s
Bedroom with A group of friends over.  
One young man used the F word
Every other word.
Much to my delight
My grandson said
“Dude you cuss allot!,
Choose a better word, I’ll wait”.
The room grew quiet
The bewildered friend
Apologized and
Chose a better word
Without becoming perturbed.
The teens laughed, levity lifted.

Even to this day their use
Of inappropriate language
Is a thing of the past.
Life Lessons, If done right, will last.

The grandkids believe they cured
Grandma’s use of
Inappropriate  language!
Grandma, thanks them graciously.
A secret smile in her eyes
Live, learn, love more wise
A Contentment within her heart.

You never know how something is
Going to turn out at the start

The fruits of the game
We’re ample  
Choose a better word,
A great sample
For the last time
Live by example

Will you remember
When it is?
For The last time?
Will you Savoy 
The moment
Or will it pass in
A fleeting moment of time

The last time you taste See’s Candy
The last time you have every tool handy
The last time the sun sets on your wrath
The last time forgiveness graces your path

For the last time
Will come for each of us  
Will we remember or make a fuss
Or will The last time pass us by
In the blink of an eye
Without us knowing why
The choosing a better word lead to what my father (their Great Grandfather )called 5 cent words. He was a college graduate. Education encouraged . The word game, we played all our lives, trying to stump Dad!
Instead of idiot use ignoramus
Which is the same thing but people take notice
5 cent words were encourage. The new word carried through out the day. Rather the same as
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Word of  the day Raconteur

Mirror mirror on the wall
who’s the fairest of them all
I know the answer
and it’s not me
I’m a realist I can see

When I look in the mirror, today
I quickly turned away
my reflection is not my perception
I see myself younger, prettier too

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
I concede, it is what it is
And I’m OK with that
because that’s where I’m at

When did this come to pass?
It’s been so long ago
I was a sweet young lass
I used to have so much naturally curly hair
I turned heads, men would stare

That was the 1980s  Disco Darling
I entered a legs contest on a dare
And Won, $100 I was up for anything!
Bodacious, audacious, braze, fearless
A dish, A movable Feast, A Fashion plate

I used to get dressed up, for a date
Applying make up, fixing my hair
Always The perfect designer outfit,
Head to toe ,dressed to the 9s
Designer perfume everywhere

Now an old lady stares back at me
It’s hard to contemplate, it’s hard to see
I am not vain, I think I’m rather plain
My inner beauty shines through
That’s what made me attractive, I knew

I’ve been married over 40 years
Lifelines, laugh lines, and many tears
My ****** lines are a badge of honor, courage, my testament of time
Fulfilling the grace in what is mine

To a Life lived full of love and sentiment
Children, grandchildren took their due
You could say my looks are shot
But this is what I’m working with
This is what I’ve got

Haggard through the ages of time
Outer beauty is no longer mine
I’ve developed inner beauty, peace of mind
In old age, that’s what I strive for, find

No need for make up it’s just a façade
I shrug my shoulders, a gentle nod
With menopause, make up mixed with sweat burns my eyes
I have become more wise

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
This is as good as it gets
I don’t worry or fret
This is me
As a poet and an author
I am a bona fide raconteur

(Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge raconteur) A person who tells antidotes
This is the first time I’ve ever taken stock and who I am I read a couple poems and I thought I’d give it a try. I’m not sure if I’ve captured what I want to say, but it works right now.
Webster’s Word of the Day raconteur
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