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I searched for my extra teeth and eyes,
Frantically I looked in my drawers,
I searched under the pillows,
Under the bedcovers,
The teeth cup was empty,
May be I left them in the bathroom,
No, wait a minute,
I had just cleaned my teeth and returned them on the drawer,
Together with my specs.
Where did they go?
That sly old dad has taken them again,
There he was at the table
Happily reading a newspaper and munching breakfast with my props.
Roses are red,
I want you in my bed,
Violets are blue,.
I want you in my arms too.
Marry me,
My dearie,
In you I have found my forever,
Let's live happily together.
My Love say 'yes",
You and me become us.

In the morning,
As I wake up ,
My bones creak,
I grapple for my ears from the drawers,
My teeth from a dainty cup,
My eyes lying beside me,
I  grin and say
I am blessed,
I am still young at heart,
Go baby go.
Is not for sale,
Every moment is precious.
The anger,
You carry in your heart,
By holding onto silence.
Either complain,
And be unhappy,
Or have patience,
And be thankful.
What you believe,
It's all in the mind.
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