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  Oct 2017 soaringllama
I give so much of me that sometimes I am left with nothing. Like a tree that grows precious fruits but is not watered I may wither away.
I will do anything for those I love
soaringllama Oct 2017
Words carry the weight
of their meaning ...

Too often
Words just drag
With the purpose
To hold us down

Too often
Words just float
With no meaning
They take up space...

But silence can't float
It can't drag.
At times
says more than...
soaringllama Oct 2017
On this ride
Up and down
Yet we never
Touch the ground
soaringllama Oct 2017
Me making a mistake
Then trying to make
The best out of my mistake
soaringllama Sep 2017
A man with no eyes
Can see no evil
We wish to be him

A man with no heart
Can feel no pain
We strive to be him

A man with no soul
Feels no remorse
We wish to be him

A man with no pride
Can feel no shame
Well either way
We will feel no shame
Sometimes I get ****** and see a solution and don't realize the consequences of said solution.
soaringllama Sep 2017
Here you stay
And break me down

Hear me crumble
And shatter on the ground

Hear my soul
Be ****** away

And here my body
Will always lay
Feeling failure *****
soaringllama Sep 2017
I try to be there
For my friends
Even with my words
I make it feel like I'm there
Make it like I'm holding them
I try to be that friend they need
Recently one of my friends told me I should be a motivational speaker and I brushed it off. But the more I think about it the more I realize they are right because I love to make words carry weight and meaning like poetry but poetry doesn't work that way for me. So yea if there is a hellomotivationalspeeches website I'd love to go there.
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