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It is fine to hate, hate bad ideas, damaging ideologies, suffering, violence, and greed. However, hating people, diminishes the hater. Any system or person that props itself/themselves up on the basis of hating people damages humanity, and decreases our ability to build a better brighter future.
Am I
the self-styled
selfish child
who was wild,
or have I gone
that person?
The ebony
black bent gate
bends from the weight
of age
separated from
the scraped cement
while scratching
the great brick
supports beside it.
Those stone steps
to the state police
rise to the
base where
the cops stay
to plot and fleece
the population
they are sworn to serve.
Even though,
they may believe
that they are not
the tools of the rich,
I know they serve
the wealthy man’s property
and not the poor people’s
need for security.
Be forewarn
that when I write
my autobiography
I will lie;

Sometimes by exclusion,
omitting the unfitting
bits from my narrative.

Other times
by the blindness
and biasness
of being
so far removed
from the life
I wish you
to view.

As I strive
to write
about my life
in truth,
I will fail me
and you to,
but not for
lack of trying
to do right.
To each writer who wears a world unique
Bleeding on their velvet sleeves
Infinity within their grasp
Heavens lips spread from present to past
Eyes denying all forms of hubris
Only blocked by human ignorance
To you my dear who’ve made it clear
That every day is a grand exploration
That every syllable is a new gestation
And each sentence a phoenix birth
To burn anew and be reborn with every generation
For you I have nothing
Because in your mind is everything
Broccoli green
gum drop
tree tops
lean less than
lightly in
this no breeze
dry heat day.

The old lady houses
are made up of
mud encrusted
rough bricks

Seems to be
purple flowers
before me.

Tree leaves
begin turning
from green to yellow
yearning for
the release of fall
when gravity will
take them all.
If I where known
By my famous poems
Would not the world
Be at my feet?
Sacred halls
Gathering all
Of the words
That I speak
Special days
For my praise
As they repost
My every thought
But instead
I struggle
To make one trend
As my ego
Pays the cost...
The phone store
is closed,
but I can still see
the sharp blue glow
of those
bright screens
blinking out at me
from the window
to the streets
where I am walking slowly.
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