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 Aug 2017 Lucius Furius
Those eyes how they pierce into me and see all that I am. It's almost as though he's toying with me. He knows the way my body works. It's as though he finds pleasure in teasing me.
Those eyes how they pierce into me and see all that I am. He knows he has me and I've become submissive to his touch. So weak to his needs, only wanting to be everything he needs.
Those eyes how they pierce into me and see all that I am. Usually I have such control but he has me under his spell. Once again he has me wrapped around his little finger and he lets me know I am only his and his alone.
 Aug 2017 Lucius Furius
The night wakes me and engulfs me into its darkness leaving me haunted by past lovers. Situations that were never fully settled and leaving me feeling hopeless and unloved. My mind questioning every detail and the unspoken words I should have said or the words spoken and maybe I shouldn't have said. Did I fall for you? Did I love or need too much? Was I too much? Or not enough?
Although Timing is everything.
I think I'll leave it as that and the time spent with you as moments lost in time never moving forward but still in my mind.
The night wakes me and engulfs me into its darkness leaving me haunted by past lovers. Forcing me to face the cold reality that it was never meant to be. While I knew this all to be true in the beginning I couldn't help but want to try and see where everything played out. Knowing I would get hurt and understanding my heart would break. Always the hopeless romantic looking for her happy ending, I assume.
I remember sitting with my legs crossed
at an empty parking lot with you.
Burning our lungs,
sharing our deepest secrets at 3am
while I rest my head
on your shoulder that cold summer night.
I sang along our favorite songs
and you wished that time stopped
so we could still be together.

But alas,

You are still too damaged.
You think too much.
You are too practical.
You are not yet ready for anything.

And I’m left confused
and angry
and frustrated
and a little bit hurt, I guess.

So here we are again,
so here we go again.

Who would have thought
that we would actually
burn even faster
than our cigarettes?

 — apbq

— The End —