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Michael John Feb 26

when you purloin a gold toilet
(that  passes for art)
and break a lump off
for a night on the town-
it is the perfect crime!-
and the absolute pinnacle of
good taste..


lily says she would like
a bit of that-i do not like gold

though once i stood as a child
before the mask of tutenkhamun
and made a wish..
Michael John Feb 25
times are hard when they
nick your toilet, lily..
if you expect people to be kind

then go live on mars..exodus..
where there once was rivers..
they will be happy when

we eat grass-(not smoke it)-
like he walked home..
wipe away transgression..


time for dance
time is dance
too many laws

for instance-
none suffer hunger
in four four..


i said to the councillor
instead of build roudabout
we open a cafe for hungry
(espec. children..)

i may have been speaking
martian..silence pervaded
like red canal..i thought of

i can make a bowl of soup
for a dollar..or less-vegetarian..
do you know what that would cost?
no,no, we like building roundabouts..

you can go round and round
we do have some nice ones
true that..
there is this sweet little one..


food is getting harder
and harder-famine shimmers
on the horizon

and not where it has traditionally
been but closer
year by year..
Michael John Feb 24
when suddenly from out
of the sky comes another
and they proceed to love one

another-alien lovers sweet and
tender hover..touching and
caressing over me and

the water..i would close my eyes but
can´t..cause i can´t..
look away..

he gently licks her swiveling eyes
and there is love and prehistoric

there is the way of the gods
blue and green
there is

time to come
the reeds sway and dance
nidits on their separate way..nidit day..
Michael John Feb 24
a new dance in-it!?
called the nitid
do the..

nitid-the nitid wings of
the dragonfly shimmered
as it hovered over the pond!

(nature is great inspiration!)
look now, i am a fish
looking up-an alien

or a god..o the colours..
what´s with the hands?

look i wave my tail!
very nice-like green
and blues..

early to be smoking
best time
the breeze blows..
Michael John Feb 23
nostalgia ain´t what it
used to be,lily..?!
one of our glorious leaders

suggested we should get on our bycicles
and look for work..(like his father) but did we feel
disenfranchised and cheated..?

yes,we did..did we resort to substance
abuse and was there an epidemic
of depression?..

yes..and yes..and were the prisons full
to overflowing and were prisoners dying
on remand like bet..

were there tent cities and the youth
cutting the grass with scissors as
part of work creation..

did they flaunt their wealth..
champaigne and sports cars
our boom industries..

and did our glorious leader
care more about some sheep farmers
10 thousand miles away..

(they had rights but we did not..)
who were the enemy?
were travellers beaten..

did they close care homes
for care in the community
(to save money)

and they found their way
down into the subways
in their pyjamas..

were the lloyds investors
bailed out by the tax payer
did we turn away at their greed

and love each other..did
they begrudge us 29 pounds a week
were parties illegal..

but great fun..i don´t know
i lived in greece in a tent
far away..
Michael John Feb 23
i have been working on dance
says lil in the present tense
what is this?

in the uk we had a hundred years
of workers struggle for decent wage
and conditions

to be thrown away for
tax breaks
and delivering hamburgers

in the eighties..skilled men
no more-service industries and
door to door

no more steel works or mines
no more ship building
towns decimated by unemploment

never to recover and
one pound an hour..
i would never have guessed lily

yes,it is a waltz
three four
and spaced travel..
Michael John Feb 21
shostakovitch had an itch
a sliver of shrapnel in his brain
left over from world war one

it was his wish
that it should remain
it was his inspiration

we are all exiles of our past
said he and his waltz no.2?!
what a lovely refrain..!
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