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Michael John Feb 20
a bird warning
they settled around his feet
and went tweet-
his eyes rolled
and the saliva dripped-
then he knew-
the messengers from the gods
his eye crept skies
and soon a digit would be ******..
Michael John Feb 20
this morning of les oeuf
i read of epilepsy..oof..
those temperol lobes..!

but moved swiftly on
to a saraband by
sl weiss

in the 13th bar of
le seconde deuxieme
is the f natural or sharp..

how i copy
is a photo and worn with
memory and love..
Michael John Feb 19
wells believed when we
had enough then it was
apparent-the door in the wall..

i mean,death as a reality-
ontology-part of metaphysics,
Michael John Feb 19
yes,spring was always
hard for me
the winter was no picnic
the summer was dull
and autumn ******..

that is a convoluted title
her latest water colour
in three colours
put it on the fridge..
Michael John Feb 19

what i like
is yesterday
or today is a level sea
see,i am as good
as you-in theory..
the white and the black..
unless of course and
i laugh at my fancy
proviso-you are better
then me-hey,i will not
look back but roll like a
calf in clover, that is
this moment..


the door in the wall and
ontology-breakfast reading
with my egg and soldiers..

i prefer the middle road
now i am old
still lost in colour..
Michael John Feb 18
that was more than i had
a clock called sad
i wept and sang

home on the range
tussled with c
dropped lsd

drank and laughed
lost in the flowers
and beautiful holland..
Michael John Feb 18
and of course perfection
is a dodgy conception
you could end up believing

in god..or you might think
i am god..and i will create..!
when i stopped drinking

i felt very good and bad at
the same time,like a tulip
or a devil..

or maybe that was the acid..
which i believe they now
use to treat alcoholism

and depression-i like to
think i was ahead of my time
o but keep a job?
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