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Michael John Feb 17
i used my music to
quit drinking and depression
when substance abuse is
in your soul..

it takes something to replace
it takes time and understanding
it is a re-assesment and embracing
the reach for perfection..
Michael John Feb 17
so, they came at me again as i
knew they would but ready this time with
a fake knife in the pocket they being so
much bigger then i and again they
went on their lonesome way and the police
came and stopped me and i had to turn out
my pockets but of course there was nothing but not
satisfied he searched me and found nothing
feeling sorry for him i made to explain with
some rather homophobic language i will not
repeat here i was only fourteen and i said something
like i was pretending and he said do i want to register
a complaint about this and the marble egg that was nearly
thrown through the television at whose home and amid visible
shock we agreed we would let sleeping dogs lie a rather
nice expression..


do wonder why tics
and tourettes and depression etc
is so popular..

pftb quite common
and quite mild
to some stories..sure..
Michael John Feb 16
silence can be ominous
but a marble egg thrown through
the television
speaks volumes

(blasphemy, says lily)
and the colours by golly
they stood dead
only a threat..

in the counsellers house
i was a boy
and remained so
chicken ****..
Michael John Feb 16
man can not be isolated
(covid was a timely reminder)
and yet we are to live on
another planet..

there are some who already do-
lily says, look at this-what is that?
a pk 42 with the latest do-da
for killing and maiming..

a more re-loading..
lazer where are we
in the dark-wait,wait..
a marble egg thrown through

the television-o no-
ah, these demons are to be
exorcised-get that rainbow
at the ready so..
Michael John Feb 15
poms from the basement:
what happened next?
i had a rather dramatic bowel movement

passing the guard with my
bottle of johnny walker-(black label),
(traded for some fine squidgy, lily..)

i took an old decrepid bus for
the coast to a sweet little bay..
(let me get my paints..)

the palm trees sway..
what is that..?bedouin tents,
and children running with little

billy-goats..the tourists lying
in the sun
****** and covered in flies-

ugh..i thought..yet three weeks
later there lay i
****** and covered in the sun..


what is that?
it is called the donkey
that kicked itself..

is it relevant?
you see it laughs
as the pains diminish

in the basement
things are getting a
little strange..
Michael John Feb 14

poems from the basement:
..and who is to say what or whom
is beautiful..***..
well, moving on-

dead beggars and so on
(mostly, my poetry is an exercise
in memory-use it or..
i am not apologising..)

i was the last to see him alive
and we argued
living with the russians
around the fire and songs

from the gulag..he  was
found on the beach
by a friend who had his guitar
stolen by a hunch back dwarf from albania

i warned him-last time i saw him
he was on the bins..trying to get a stake together
(for a new guitar)so he could again play in the street,
he was pretty good..


i was sat outside my tent
(amid the rubble)
when the police come  around

with his photograph-
you know him-he was purple
they were going to slap me

but laughed-i said i was going on
holiday, so might not be around
they wanted me to drop a dime,

as our american cousins say..
(do i look like a rat..)so i walked
for the border line..


t, who knew everything,
said they got him-
he was the educated one-

(surprised me..)
it was a hairy old walk to
the border..

****** is not funny
anything can happen
no good running

casual like
i will be off then
a black sedan

a few yards behind
i was not laughing..
Michael John Feb 14
poems from the basement:
no day for misogynistic sentiment
if you know a false god
you know it

regardless of ***-(there are divers
way out of the getto..)
i am not a judge..
there is a slow death..

with the silk upon my head
from god..
beautiful women..


well thats a cop-out
lily says ******* a brush-
well what i meant to say

you just can´t trust em..
well is nt that a problem of
your own making-
you mean a bloated ego

a trophy of falsity and
a ****** up society
that judges are skin deep
and money etc..?
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