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cold and icy field
wintry roads and snowy hills
bleak and sorrow mind
festive busyness
smell of cinnamon and warmth
happiness returns
waiting for the boat
stormy waters and grey sky
anxious is her mind
house of memories
I shall not visit again
yellow sun brings hope
white and glistening snow
trees and paths seem not the same
stillness touches me
bright moon on black sky
cold winter night and white snow
longing for your love
red sun, misty sky,
smell of earth and evergreen,
vast uncertainty
angry storm outside
warmth and comfort in the house
waiting for the change
majestic mountains
red boat floating on the lake
happiness for me
dark sky and no moon
fleeting images of clouds
grieving is my soul
waiting for the day
when all the leaves are coloured
expectation of joy
rainy and bleak town
smileless faces rushing past
sadness engulfs me
leaves are turning red
birds are on their journey home
distant sense of joy
happiness at last
dancing in the rain and mist
smiling at the moon
Tiredness and loss
Darkness, wind and heavy rain
Hope is just a dream
celebrating fall
yellow leaves and misty sky
warmth and love at home
barren fields and trees
I have lost my ikigai
empty is my soul
walking on the sand
looking for tomorrow’s goals
shadows haunting me
misty sky and wind
mountains enveloped in clouds
sorrow fills my soul
yellow leaves and morning fog
days are getting short
desire to slow down
skies are grey and dull
sipping coffee on her own
heavy heart and soul
writing to my friend
connecting with pen and joy
happy is my soul
black sky and bright moon
foxes on their nightly hunt
anxious thoughts appear
walking towards you
sunshine warmth and tenderness
there is hope for me
happiness and you
yellow flowers and red sun
summer has arrived
grey sky and red sun
yellow meadows brightly shine
black cats gently stretch
gentle breeze and rain
earthen smells and steaming pond
when will summer end
can you show me the path to happiness
she asks

I respond
happiness and contentment
are two words
she knows very well
but they are also two feelings
she has never experienced
happy new year
she smiles
happy new year
she sings
happy new year
she hopes
It must be hard
to smile
he says
when everybody
wants you to fail.

But your smile
is more beautiful
he adds
because you know
what they expect.
why was he
allowed to do the project
but I was not

why was he
given the job
but I was not

why does he
live in a big house
but I do not

why do I
not want to know
the answers
to these questions
she looks at him
and wonders
if helping him
would also
destroy him
I sit next to you
but you only see her

I am talking to you
but you only hear her voice

I hold your hand
but you long for her touch

I realise
your heart is still occupied
and all I can do is leave…
he looked at her
stop complaining
and make a decision

taken aback
by his lack of kindness
she made the decision
to leave him
You should live
in the here and now
he said.

This will make you
happy and relaxed
as the past can
no longer hurt you
and the future
has yet to happen.

When he gently
kissed my face
I understood
what he meant.
I watch her
carefully disassembling
her life.

Every facet of her life
is looked at and
stripped down
to its essentials.
Nothing is left untouched.
Everything is assessed.

When all the pieces
of her life
are neatly laid out
in front of her
she smiles and begins
to assemble
a new and better life
for herself.
she thinks
she is astonished
she wonders
how could she
have forgotten
that happiness
you do not find
but create

she smiles
she stands up
and begins
to create
I was in love with two men
and decided to choose you

now I know better

I should not have chosen
either of you
I watch him
shaping a mug
on the pottery wheel

fully concentrated on the task
he firmly pushes down the clay
and then gently pulls it up
to create the perfect mug

I wonder if I will feel
his strength and gentleness
when I drink from his mug
will she
be able
to write again
or have
his words
destroyed her
I know
you hate our home town
but I love it

You see only pain and darkness
and death
when we walk through the narrow streets
but I see joy and brightness and life

Why are we so different
she walks through the streets
without knowing
where she will end up

left right and left again
up and down
and straight ahead

she follows her soul
hoping that she will find
what she is looking for
I would like to talk to you
but I do not know how

I would like to say I am sorry
but I cannot find the right words

So I need to be silent and hope
that you can do better than I
she said to me
she ran away

I ask myself
I follow her
how are you
he asks
looking at her
with concern

I am struggling
she answers
trying to find
the right path
I can see
how hard you try
to hurt me

I can also see
that trying to hurt me
hurts you more
than it hurts me

Why don’t you just stop...
We moved with ease in hyper reality  
Laughing and joking with each other
And feeling light and comfortable
When gently pushing out the boundaries
Into a new world previously unknown to us
With every conversation our hopes and desires increased
Until we made the move into reality
I sing
I dance
I smile

I dream
I hope
I try
what does it mean
when a man says
I love you
the little girl asks

it is meaningless
her mother replies
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