I am alone in the big, pulsating city. Walking through the crowded streets I watch the faces of the people rushing past: so many stories, so many questions and no answers.
I do not know you but I like talking to you You are far away and yet so close Your voice which I cannot remember gives me comfort in times of chaos and pain Your eyes which have never caught my gaze tell me that I shall be fine You accidentally crossed my path and yet it seemed so purposeful I think I would like to know you
sometimes I am not sure whether I am coming or going succeeding or failing creating or destroying supporting or opposing agreeing or contradicting loving or hating
Sometimes I am not sure whether I am in the past or in the present I look at you You still seem to be the same and yet I do not recognise the man I am looking at
she is beautiful. long black hair dark skin and a captivating smile. her black dress highlights her slender figure. with her brown eyes demanding his attention she tells him about her work.
he sits opposite her relaxed and attentively listening. he asks one or two questions but most of the time she is talking. he seems disengaged. only when I look at his eyes can I see his burning desire.
Words, words, so many words. Where do I begin? Where do I end? What is my story? Do I have a story? Do I need a story? Is anybody interested in my story? It is only me who writes. Words, words, so many words.
she sits in her comfy chair looking back at the year and sighs what holds me back to do the things I yearn to do what paralyses me when I decide to change well worn habits what sabotages all my plans carefully designed to improve my life she takes a deep breath hoping to find the answer to all her questions
I am sitting in the living room of our family home.
I listen to the stories of happiness and sadness, success and failure, love and hate, hope and despair and the never ending support and suffering of the women who lived in the house.
I am grateful that my mother is selling the house.
looking at the feather on the pavement she remembers that as a little girl it had been her dream to be a poet when growing up however she sadly had to let go of her dream
I have not seen you for a while I have not heard from you since you last wrote I have almost forgotten that you once encouraged me now I am ready to make the move but I cannot tell you as you might have forgotten that we could have been friends