I wish that you could see
The man I truly am,
Rather than the useless failure
I have acted as,
I wish that you could see and feel
The torment in my heart,
It matches that which
In yours I have caused,
I wish that rage which I created
Never came to be,
I wish the pain you feel
Would be hurting only me,
I never loved a woman
Quite how I love you,
Never been a coward for
Fear of losing who I love before,
You are that one who is pure of heart,
That one my soul has sought,
And now my soul reviles me
For what stupidity has brought,
Soon I may hear my life will end
Rather sooner than I aimed,
Yet losing you is far far worse,
That life I lose is maimed,
And even as I write this verse
My heart yearns to make you whole,
So if my passing helps you heal
I gladly take that end,
But please know this my lady love,
The man you loved,
Saw glimpses of,
That man you saw that worshipped you,
That was the real me
This applies to just one woman. I hope and pray that one day she reads it and knows my love is true