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                            Dad takes
                      son ( who is only
                    a head ) to a bar for
                    his first   drink. With
                   all the patrons looking
                      on , the  boy  took
                      his  first    drink   •
                      SHWOOP!   •   A to
                      rso popped out!The
                      bar went silent,  th
                      en burst into a  wh
                      oop of joy!The Dad
                      begged his  son  to
                      take another drink.
                      The  patrons shout
                      ed "Take another d
                      rink! Take another
                      drink!"• SHWOOP!
                      two  arms  popped
                 ­     out.  The  bar  was
                      going wild! TheDad
                      wept  with  joy.  By
                     ­ this   time  the  boy
                      was   getting   tipsy.
                      With his new hands
                      He   took     another
                      drink. • SHWOOP!  •
                      out popped two legs!
            He stood                  up  on
         his legs. He              stumbled to
      the left. He stu       mbled to the right.
   Then he stumbled    out the front door
     and into the street    where a truck
           ran over                        him.
                    ­             C   Bill     C
                              o      Bill        o
            ­                 s        Bill          s
                            b        C  ­ o          b
                            y       s       b        y
                            B       y      B        B
                              i       i       l         i
                               l        l   C        l
                                 l        o        l
                                1. You
                            only get laid
                          once.  2.  You o
                         nly  get  *******
                       ce.  3. You only get
                       eaten once. 4.  The
                        only one who sits
                         on  your face  is
                            your mother.
                              o     o n     o
                            n       d e        n
                           d         rl           d
                           e        a   n         e
                           r       d    w         r
                           l        o     n         l
                            a       d    r        a
                              n      l  w       n
                                d     on     d
                               Ego Ego Ego
                             Ego Ego Ego E
                            Ego Ego Ego Eg
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                              Ego Ego Ego
                   Ego Ego              Ego Ego
              Ego Ego Ego         Ego Ego Ego
           Ego Ego Ego Ego  Ego Ego Ego Ego
              Ego Ego Ego         Ego Ego Ego
                    Ego Ego               Ego Ego
This makes my point(fake ******* pay for shine)
I don't want my work to have to be bought on any list. Please don't buy, sell, trade or use to fundraise for this or any other sight.
                               r      r e        r
                            e        am          e  
 ­                          a         Dr             a
                          m       e      a         m
                          D       m     D          D
                           r        r       e          r
                             e        a   m        e
                                   a     ○      a
                           with the Wind
                          Gone   with  the
                         Wind  Gone  with
                           the Wind Gone
                           with the Wind
                           Gone with the
                           Wind Gone wi
                            th the Wind G
                            one  with  the
                            Wind Gone wi
                            th  the Wind G
                            one  with   the
                            Wind Gone wi
                            th  the Wind G
                            one  with   the
                            Wind Gone wi
                            th  the Wind G
            Gone with the     Wind Gone with
          the Wind Gone with the Wind Gone
          with the Wind Go  ne  with  the Wind
             Gone with the      Wind Gone with
                the Wind                  Gone
I will not be Happy
until I can carry the weight
of the World
and still tread Lightly
                       ­      yellow blue
                         red yellow blue
                        red yellow blue re
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red    
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                 yellow                  blue red
         yellow blue red    yellow blue red
      yellow blue red yel low blue red yello
        blue red yellow        blue red yellow
             blue red                      yellow
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