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Sep 2018 · 199
Tessa Sep 2018
That smile it warms me to my soul
Your laugh you always try to hold
Your hair so long and silky straight
The fear of asking you on a date
Your voice so blissful and so sweet
My heart skips every time we meet
The wait for the school bell to end
The joy to call you my best friend
You not knowing I feel like this
Daily dreaming of our first kiss
I'll be patient and ever so kind
Until our hearts intertwine
Sep 2018 · 186
Friend Zone
Tessa Sep 2018
I gave you my time, my heart and my dreams
You played me like a pyramid scheme
I gave you my passion, my trust and my crown
You said you'd be there and will always be down
You changed my mind over and over again
How dare you introduce me as "just your friend"
When two people don't feel the same.
Sep 2018 · 240
I said Hello
Tessa Sep 2018
You passed me by as I said Hello
You didn't say anything back
I opened the door as I said Hello
But your mouth never cracked
You stepped on my toe as I said Hello
And you never apologized
Why are you so mean to me
I've said Hello at least a hundred times

Sep 2018 · 153
Tessa Sep 2018
My knees crack when I walk
My back constantly aches
I have medication to take daily
or I may not even wake
My eyes don't see clearly
I can't hear all to well
I can no longer care for myself
My body is my own living Hell
Sep 2018 · 199
Get it together
Tessa Sep 2018
No body understands me
I don’t even know myself
I know that I feel sorry for me
Because I don’t even love myself
I sound like I might end it all
But I don’t even have the choice
I brought two kids in this world and
I’d be **** if I chose to leave them by choice
Every day I get up
I push myself into the world
Telling myself I'm a Mother first so " GET IT TOGETHER GIRL"!
Sep 2018 · 150
My reflection
Tessa Sep 2018
I hate the lady in the mirror
The woman looking back at me
Where did she get lost along the way
To becoming me.
I really hate to be like this
I don’t know why I am
I’ve always questioned everything...
Including who I am.
I wish that I was happy, confident and free
I wish that I was intelligent, witty and filled with glee
But I can wish all I want and I can hope for change
But inside my heart I know
I will always be the same.
Sep 2018 · 148
I just can't
Tessa Sep 2018
I can't look at you
I can't say I love you
I can't call you
I can't stop loving you
I can't sleep without you next to me
I can't laugh without you laughing back at me
I can't stop thinking of you, even though you told me to
I can't stop being with you but since you're gone now, I guess I'll have to
Sep 2018 · 364
Girl in a box
Tessa Sep 2018
I am but a girl in a box
I don't skip
I don't smile
I don't pretend to know it all
I'm just simple
I'm just me
I just desire to be free
Sep 2018 · 121
This time
Tessa Sep 2018
We were young when we met
But we fell in love
You told me you loved me all the time
And maybe just maybe you did at the time
But soon we fell apart
After the many times of us breaking each others hearts
But now time has passed
And here we are again
It feels like nothing has changed
Like were still childhood best friends
Maybe this time will be great
This time we wont fall
I'm convinced this will be the last of them all
Sep 2018 · 109
Hello, how are you?
Tessa Sep 2018
Hello, how are you?
Why are you talking to me?
You know I don't cut for you.
If I had to choose between talking to you and tasting glue,
I'd swallow a whole tub of hot glue.
I'm sure you know I don't like you.
You're lucky were in a mutual place called "work".
So I cant tell you how I really feel.
I would say something like, go rot in a corner or go swallow a roll of bills.
But I cant say things like that because, I'm an adult and I have bills
Just leave me the hell alone.
You're just asking about my weekend for thrills.
You know **** well we aren't friends.
So you do you and I'll do me
We don't ever have to speak.
Oh and by the way.
I'm great how are you?
Sep 2018 · 132
It’s time
Tessa Sep 2018
I've laughed
I've smiled
We've cried
We've played
You spoke from your heart
Just for me to lock your words in my cave
A place so deep
A place that shines
A place I dwell in
This place of mine
Now because of you
It’s  no longer sweet
It’s  no longer clean
It’s bitter, it’s black, it hurts and it’s mean
It’s screaming to be free
"******, why won’t you just break up with me"

— The End —