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My love,
Your my heart, my life, my song,
and I can't stand it
The profound beauty of your whole being is such a temptation like a rolling wave trying to sweep me in, I try my best to resist..
My thoughts drive me crazy when I find myself not being able to stop thinking about you,
Imagining us laughing and then falling into eachothers arms and being able to feel the smile in between eachothers lips as we kiss....
The part I hate is, that you don't love me back... You adore the thought of me, but you don't
love me.....
So I hate that I love you.... I can't Stand it, you know exactly how to touch to keep me staying for another hour more,
If only your heart was engraved in mine babe, as mine was in yours,
I hate that I love you......
He poured the coffee
Into the cup
He put the milk
Into the cup of coffee
He put the sugar
Into the coffee with milk
With a small spoon
He churned
He drank the coffee
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He emptied the coffee with milk
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He lighted
One cigarette
He made circles
With the smoke
He shook off the ash
Into the ashtray
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
He got up
He put on
A hat on his head
He put on
A raincoat
Because it was raining
And he left
Into the rain
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
And I buried
My face in my hands
And I cried
Falling back into comfort
Into happiness
Falling back?
But it is fleeting
For, as quickly as it came back
It shall be taken away
And I shall be left cold
In this big, big world
Can we stop the world from spinning
Oh, so fast?
It's your sweet boyish laugh filled with all the glee of the universe
It's your devilish stare revealing the thoughts I want to observe.
It's the way you make me feel, so silly and jolly, my face split in two with delight
It's the comfort and warmth of your body I long for so badly alone in bed at night
It's the serenity of the atmoshpere around us that makes me miss the dreamy world we exist in together.
It's how you allow me to drop the weight from my shoulders and freely float, flying further.

This is what keeps me from walking away.
This is what makes me weak.
Chokes my soul to know you are making another feel this way.
Why do I let you do this to me?

You tell me I don't deserve this pain; that you made a big mistake.
You tell me you regret all that you did.
You tell me it just wasn't the right time or place.
You tell me sorry for the words you never said.
You tell me everything will be okay
And you tell me you miss me everyday.

This is what keeps me from moving on.
This is what makes me weak.
And so I tell myself to be strong.
Why do I let you do this to me?

You have your faults and I have mine.
I am sure as time continues I'll be just fine.
Bill Watson was an average man
Had a wife and just one kid
He always gave top effort
At everything he did
But, one day, Bill was shaken
He was taken by surprise
By a visit from the heavens
And it was right before his eyes
Bill, went out into his backyard
And the sky lit up so bright
It could only be an angel
Come down to him that night
He looked, but couldn't make out
the shape that  came down  from the sky
He thought what was the reason
And he found no reason why
That he should get a visit
From an angel of the lord
His life was not of great importance
He was just one of the hoard
He believed and read his bible
But didn't quite live by the word
He went to church each year at Christmas
Although his sins could not be cured
But, here in his back garden
On his knees before the light
Bill Wilson confessed his sins to god
In the dark, this  Christmas night
He told the angel of his feelings
Of all the sins, of thought and deed
And he knelt there before the angel
waiting for the penance that he'd need
But, nothing broke the silence
Only Bill there in the yard
He couldn't quite make out the angel
though he tried so very hard
Then from behind the illumination
Came the word he waited for
"You've tripped the motion light, you *****"
"Now, come in and close the door!"
An elderly couple,
In a car,
On a highway,
And two old bikes strapped to the rear.
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