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There is one in every corner of this building.
I just want to be alone.
Go find another one.
Dumb *******.
Today I found out that I am alone.
No one to turn to,
and no where to call home.
It's all I feel.
And though my face,
be it smiling,
presents an air of control,
I fear that I have lost it all.

And I brace myself,
for I predict that I will be buried
beneath the rubble,
beneath this teetering construct
that I have haphazardly built in my short,

And I have tried,
I have tried to forget that I built
this homeless house of mine.

And I have thrived,
I have thrived in my ignorance
once upon too many times,

and I shudder at the thought
that the "all" which I am destined to lose,
is really nothing.

Nothing at all.
Should I ever come to the end of my road,
when I  meet the doorman of death,
I shall hope that he care just enough to heed my last request.

I would not pray for hope, nor life, nor freedom.

I should ask him, "Dear Death,
might you listen to me now?

I beg to find my final breath
upon Earth's broken brow;

the crashing waves, day or night,
the pum'ling seaside cloud,

the falling rocks, their endless plight,
and distant ******* growls,

the fading sun, the rising moon;
I even feel their gaze.

Dear Death, I shall not wait the more,
please take me where I lay."
There is a breathing wish,
a wish that lies beneath the ***** of man;
the desire to feel connection.
You see me,
an open man.
Strong and tall,
with massive hands.

I see me,
a brittle soul.
With broken
bones and
rotted whole.

And every day,
when I awake,
my weary bones
begin to shake.

And every night,
I end my fight
to free myself
from endless plight.

But, perhaps,
upon tomorrow,
some'one will cure
this old man's sorrow.
My heart is home to vicious vultures.
They feed on insecurities.  
And when they eat, they grow and grow,
until they're just as big as me.  

The vultures venture from my heart,
and embark upon my soul.
There they wait in circles, high,
for all my dreams - and all my hopes,
to grow a bit too old.  

My vultures are my demons,
a never ending scare.
From the ***** of my feet,
to the backs of my knees,
to the tip of every hair,
they fly and wait and conquer,
until there's nothing there.
I sit in awe,
and watch as your sensual
twists and turns
portray the caricature of freedom,
until I realize
that you're always rising.  

Any mediocre breeze
takes advantage of your weak
and flimsy form.
And your go-with-the-flow-esque
life will be your ironic downfall.

And I no longer want
So, turn your hands
and open your palms,
and life will give you gifts.
Change might come
and spin you 'round,
but your heart will find its lifts.  

Plow your lands
and plant your seeds,
and watch them as they grow.
Water them
and pray for them,
and reap more than you've sown.

And if happiness is what you want,
then listen to me speak.  
There's secret to the sunlight.
'Tis a gift that's always free.
Free love and light and sustenance,
without the old "give me!"
"I shouldn't have done this."
But you did.
"Your hands were so soft... why did you hold on?"
It reminded me of love.
"My girlfriend is already so jealous, what if she finds out.."
Don't tell her.
"But she loves me"
Do you love her?
"I do."
Then tell her.
"But I want to chase you."
"Can I do it in my head? You know, just pretend?"
You can't.
"That's fair."
Let go of my hand.
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