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I see you when it's stormy
cause oh how you loved the rain
I see you when it's sunny
because you brightened up my every day

I see you when it's cloudy
cause you were always in a mood
I see you when it's midnight
Because you were my moon

I see you when it's snowy
because you claimed you would freeze
I see you when it's hot out
because you loved the summer breeze

I see you when I laugh
because you loved to tell me jokes
I see you when I eat
on that poor old plate you broke

I see you when I'm bored
cause you kept me entertained
Because you wished that you could fly
I see you when I hear a plane

I see you in my bedroom
sitting on my floor
I see you each and every time
I hear my creaky door

I see you in the plants you grew
the vines and trees and flowers
I see you when I hear a child
SWEAR that they have powers

I see you in the darkness
because you used to get so scared
I see you when I'm crying
cause you swore that you'd be there

I see you in the waves
just like when we met
I see you in the shadows
when I remember that you're dead
I was about to go to bed, but my brain did... whatever this is
Why did we forget how to live?
Why did we forget how to love?
Why did we lose sight of what's important?

Why do we fear things we don't understand,
instead of learning how to understand them?

Why do we despise anyone "different"
and pretend to be a myth called "normal"?

Why do we mistreat God's beautiful creation,
and scorn and squirm and say it's gross?

Why do we get to decide who deserves respect, and why do we make those decisions on trivial things, like skin and age and money?

Why are we afraid to take risks, to get *****, to fall or fail?
Why do we hide from pain and blood and danger?

What is wrong with us?
What disease of human nature has cursed us so?

We go about the motions of survival without really living,
and wonder why we're depressed,
why we feel that life is meaningless.
We make it meaningless!

We need to shed the restraints of sanity!

We need to ask ourselves
Why are we partaking in this foolishness?
Why don't we seek out something better?
Why do we settle?
Why did we stop believing in magic?

Why did we forget how to live?
the first time her lips met mine
was like a war ending,
like the moment the bomb hits
and the smoke curls up,
and for one second,
the world forgets its weight.

it wasn’t soft.
it wasn’t polite.
it was heat,
and teeth,
and a hunger I didn’t know
I’d been starving for.
her hand brushed my waist
like a secret,
fingers tracing the curve of my body
like she was trying to memorize
the taste of me.

we fell into it—
the kiss,
the touch,
the way our bodies came together
like they’d always known
where they belonged.
I wanted to hold it,
wrap it around me like a blanket,
press my face to her neck
and never let go.
her breath was warm against my skin,
her heart beating louder than mine,
and in that moment,
nothing else mattered.

but then—
the door slammed open,
the world barged in,
with its judgment and its fists.
the voices rose,
too loud,
too angry,
too full of things we never asked for.

“what the hell is this?!”
they screamed.
and I looked at her,
hoping she’d hold me,
hoping she’d fight for us.
but she pulled away,
eyes wide like I was a stranger,
like I was the one who’d made her
forget her place.

“no, no, no,”
she screamed,
shaking her head,
her voice cracking like glass.
“it wasn’t me—
she made me do it!
I didn’t want this.
I didn’t want her.”

and every word she said
ripped me open,
every syllable was a knife
twisting into the space
we’d just built between us.
I stood there,
feeling the weight of her denial
crush everything I’d felt.

her eyes,
her beautiful eyes,
didn’t look at me anymore.
they looked at the floor,
at the people who’d come to take me from her.
and in that moment,
I realized how small I was—
how easy it was for her to forget
the taste of me,
the heat of me,
how easily she could sell us out
for the sake of safety.

I didn’t fight.
I didn’t scream.
I just turned,
and walked away,
my lips still burning from her kiss,
but knowing it was already dead.
Love unspoken
Tends to waver
A few warm moments
A few special favors
Even as the good friend
Or the teacher's pet
Acceptance may be
All you get
So when and if
I decide to show it
Unspoken or not
   Now you know it...
Traveler Tim

It just kind of falls out the bottom..
My best friend died
My boyfriend said he hates me
And I've been thinking lately
That it's not all in my head
I broke my mirror last week
I can't stand my own reflection
It was just some raw emotion
I can't wait for my damnation
Because girls like me
We don't get salvation
I sleep with my rosary
But God still isn't listening
I could tell my mom I’m sorry
But I doubt she would forgive me
And really I can't blame her
Because sinners come from sinners
I can't wait to die
Or maybe I'm just twenty-five.
I wrote this 2 years ago when I was certain the world was going to implode around me. It didn't.
You choose a partner to grow old with,
prepare vows to keep them with you,
battle every day to raise offspring,
all, so you wouldn't have solitude.

And Love???

You love a person to see them happy,
to be understood and cared for,
do the same for them whatsoever,
even if there isn't a promise to stay.
Some are lucky to have both.
Some settle for either one.
Some keep searching and struggling.
And some, they give up on both.
The attacking bear is not evil,
he is merely hungry.
There is no such thing as evil!
Nope, just a lot of hungry demons out there, looking for a meal.
Don’t take it personally
and for god’s sake don’t assume
evil is after you.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
A day of trembling, fevered dread,
Sweat and shivers, the mind half-dead.
In and out of a fractured stream,
Words like bubbles, a haunted dream.

He said, "Get washed, dressed, let's go to town,"
A voice so light while I wore the frown.
Oh, the chaos of his naive plea,
To step from the shadows that swallowed me.

I tried, I dressed, my hands like ice,
The night a storm of inner fights.
Panic surged, the walls closed tight,
A flightless bird in endless night.

Later, calm, his words rang true,
"You must attack what frightens you.
Face your fears, don't waste away,
Let life unfold; don't drift astray."

Oh, if courage were so easily sown,
A seed to sprout in the unknown.
But I’ll try, though brittle and torn,
To find my strength where fears are born.
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