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Shiloh Mar 2016
Shiloh Mar 2016
I miss you like the honeydew
forever staring back at you
dribbling over fingertips
letting just one moment slip
into a smile, quietly kept.
Shiloh Dec 2015
It always seems to be a linear thing
but the way it feels is so no longer
bubbling in discombobulated emotions
I could sit here forever
the truth would still be the same
I grew so timid of the normal
peeking through my fingers
at the thought of being seen
judgments and routine
getting the better of me
I now recognize
not what lay before me
but who I'll be
walking through time.
Shiloh Dec 2015
Your voice is like a waterfall
I envy the way you smile
on things that are never in the forefront
your fingers dancing in the wind
like you can see the soundwaves
or hear the colors of others thoughts
there is loaded silence in so many people
you know the unspoken words in ****** expressions
always finding a reason to be happy
even though not many really pay attention
you've grown used to that
always in the background
riding a wavelength all your own
I have a lot I can learn from you
to grow into myself
I'm grateful for your creation.
Inspired by Cassie from the U.K. Skins.
Shiloh Dec 2015
Things play back in my head a whole lot
whether or not I give them permission to
I try and shut the blinds close my eyes
but they keep on poking through
this time around it's not as scary
just groundbreaking and unsettling
you are alien to me because you are healthy
a change for me I can't see happening
what truth lies before me
is past continually unraveling
I have been ruined by others
emotionally sore rotten to the core
waiting for
something to push me forward
I was always aware of the lessons
that I needed to go through
but slower than I ever handled
because I realized no one else was worth it
but you...
my shell had grown hard
always accustomed to defense
built tiny fences growing tall
protecting myself from it all
enjoying solitude until made to feel small
useless worthless pointless ruthless
I have let my dear fear hold me back from
basically everything
white-knuckled, foam-at-the-mouth
to my bad habits, I cling
but still the universe aligned
with what stirred in the back of my mind
you were right about taking this time
but I can't live this way, not anymore
I have no idea who this is turning me into
but that is not really the point.
Libby is responsible for this, couldn't sleep because she was pulling me towards these words, started to write then I saw she came back on here herself.
I love this woman.
Shiloh Sep 2015
I can't cry like I need to.
Something is begging to be let out,
but I can't identify it.
I can't write about it.
I can't help myself knowing what this will all come to anyway.
Self fulfilling prophecy seeking
not even knowing what that means.
Wishing to startle and scare those
aching for a difference
just to get a reaction
not caring one bit if I come off as mean or
spiteful or
I welcome the beauty of the negative.
The truth has been in the back of my thoughts.
It doesn't want to come out.
It smiles at my pain.
I try to cause more to compete.
I always have to fight
even if it's just with myself.
Wanting those that love me most
to look at me with disgust
asking why I would even bother
that feels like my true self right now.
I have never allowed myself to explode fully.
Kneading at the need for release.
Clawing at the corners of my existence.
Swaying back and forth repeating nonsense.
None of this makes any sense.
What am I?
Scribbles and scratches of what once was.
I mourn with no feeling.
I go through the daily motions like I should.
With fog in my eyes and ice in my heart.
I watch as I know what should be my path.
Recognizing the signs, choosing not to turn.
I keep walking on the wrong side of the tracks.
I don't ever intend to look back.
I have outgrown and grown old.
The me in this outcome has no substance.
But something is rising.
Over it, I have no control.
I will be let known when the time comes.
For that I can actually feel one thing
I crave to be alone if I so choose.
But to be left alone I just can't stand.
Dying to be bound and left under water.
I don't think I can handle my thoughts any longer.
And you as well must die, beloved dust,
And all your beauty stand you in no stead;
This flawless, vital hand, this perfect head,
This body of flame and steel, before the gust
Of Death, or under his autumnal frost,
Shall be as any leaf, be no less dead
Than the first leaf that fell,—this wonder fled.
Altered, estranged, disintegrated, lost.
Nor shall my love avail you in your hour.
In spite of all my love, you will arise
Upon that day and wander down the air
Obscurely as the unattended flower,
It mattering not how beautiful you were,
Or how beloved above all else that dies.
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