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839 · Dec 2016
Love of a Poet
True Passion Dec 2016
Words flowing from the pen
Ink creates a story
Sometimes Vivid vision
Deep from within

The moment your eyes past
The words of a fellow poet
You were stung
Never to recover

Love at first sight is not real
Yet here it happened
Given to search each day
Deciding to read what is laid

Your eyes must see
That you cannot express
No reason to hurt
Passions too strong to resist

Pulling away from desires
Brushing them from your mind
Turbulence cannot be avoided
Commitment to another

Reality expressed so easily
Feelings never available before
Does this answer the question
Where do they fit in your heart
792 · Oct 2016
Looking in The Mirror
True Passion Oct 2016
When you look in the mirror
Do you like what you see?
When you look in the mirror
Are you where you want to be?
When you look in the mirror
Can you say "I love you"?
When you look in the mirror
Do you know that you are true?

The only constant you will ever see
The face in the mirror is who it will be
Every day is not a given
Enjoy the life in which we live in
If this life is not where you should be
Then promise yourself you will find the right key
759 · Aug 2016
Love can be beautiful
True Passion Aug 2016
No love should be that hard
No love could feel such pain
Alone and lonely not words for love
Love is a couple and a couple means two
How is it that one believes it is one
Compassion is required, compromise too
Work is never ending with rewards more than few
He who causes misery should be hard to love
Am I narcissistic to feel deep love?

It all could be so simple and with simplicity peace
Why continue to create misery when the love is pure and deep
Compassion unmatched, where to go from here?
So many years of our lives, so hard to leave
To pick only what makes sense is enough to stay
Commitment has to come from two
No return to old harmful ways

Why can't people stay focused and move forward?
Love can be beautiful
710 · Jan 2017
Fly on the Wall
True Passion Jan 2017
When our eyes connected
The first time we met
It felt like it was special
Our destiny appeared to be set
Our first holiday together
So difficult for you to connect
Your passion was halfway out the door
I struggle to understand it
Seasons may have passed us
The answers begin to arise
Your heart was with another
Words spoke of where was your guise
Emotions became quite Reckless
Forcing you to decide
With so much consideration
I still seemed at that time to be your prize
So many moons have come and gone Still carrying a legal document
Signed and witnessed before our lord Your troubled mind cannot break it
I  am the lady of Latter years
But have to pay the price
Never willing to fully commit
Because of when  you met me  even if I am nice
If I was granted just one wish
You would be that fly on the wall
Seeing this communion from the outside I think many changes would be your call
603 · Jan 2017
My Muse
True Passion Jan 2017
At the beginning
but not at Inception
you have no choice
but to admit I was your Muse.

So ecstatic about your pen
how words flowed across the page inspired to share such words of beauty unable to show others your talent

With the years behind us
like most other couples
your desire to create for me
no longer wanting to entice me

These feelings seem to have left you
your focus has changed
to please all the others
is all that you need

You still are the man
I'm inspired to write for
you may never understand
my dream to be your inspiration

Wanting once again
our own special poems
the ones expressing love and passion special between us and no other

Your actions have separated us
but only for miles
since then is when you were driven to impress
so many people forgetting us

What am I supposed to do
can I bring you back to me
will you have a longing once again
to show me I am special above the rest?

You are my muse
I can't get you out of my head
I write from my heart
my feelings are my guide

It's proof without contempt
you have filled my heart
I am not complaining
except that we are apart
579 · Aug 2016
True Passion Aug 2016
Two eyes on the surface of the glass like pond
Do they see me, are they watching?
Quiet and alone I feel tranquillity
Imagining the four legs wide with long spread toes
Floating as on a cloud
Totally suspended without effort
The sun is bright and warm
The pond being small must be the same
I feel like we are the only 2 living beings left on earth
Not a fly, bird in the sky or animal
Suspended in time neither of us move
What could change this moment?
I hear it now, bussing around me
Swooping over the pond, like lightening lunch delivered
The ripples mesmerising
No longer any eyes to look at
I am alone
Not always great at titles.
572 · Aug 2016
Flowers Grow
True Passion Aug 2016
Petals in a flower
full and upright
tendered with care.
Light, pure water and the air.
Carefully loved the results are pure beauty
Like a relationship
When the care stops in any way
Petals begin to fall
The stem of life begins to bend
Loosing strength to show beauty
If realised early
The flower will return
We must be around to tenderly care
We must be aware.

(Not my best but new and I wanted to try :))
501 · Jan 2017
Love for you (x10)
True Passion Jan 2017
Love for you
Is as simple
As it gets.
My first try at x10 people speak of.
461 · Dec 2016
We are Together
True Passion Dec 2016
When I wake each and every day
It's you on my mind in so many ways
Right from the day we met
Our eyes were locked and paths were set
Without hesitation I offer myself to you
This is only because you are so true

We are together
Together forever
Our love is unmatched
By any other

We knew it would not be in perfect fashion
But all that is done is for love and passion
Our paths met for perfect reason
We will love one another through every season
Why didn't we meet before now?
Because our paths were designed somehow
Our past determines who we are today
Our love grows from this in every way

We are together
Together forever
Our love is unmatched
By any other

From parenting young kids playing in the park
To being old sitting on our porch in the dark
Sharing lives forever
We will always be together
Being best friends has brought many smiles
Having your back through the miles
We are where we are supposed to be
There is a reason for you and me

We are together
Together forever
Our love is unmatched
By any other
This was once reality.  Things have taken such a drastic turn.  Anyway it was only me who thought this were true I was living such a dream I think.  You live with someone and think they feel the same as the days pass.  Then reality hits you.   Do we EVER feel the same about each other at the same time? Through the years you begin to realize this is just a fallacy. Love is never really meant to be unless it is for our children.  Even when your heart says it is real it seems to be the deep feelings you have at the time that makes you think it is real.  It sure plays tricks on your mind. Wishing everybody a special Christmas with loved ones.
395 · Oct 2016
Where are we?
True Passion Oct 2016
Talk of the future
Your words maintain us
Growimg old and grey
On the veranda together its what you say
To enjoy our lives celebrations
Through our entire duration
What does talk mean?
When words are clearly seen
Through writing from your heart
It only makes me feel apart
Mesages sent have been determined
Your decision to end it alone
This does not indicate you want me true
It only show that you will be you
359 · Aug 2016
True Passion Aug 2016
Will he know I am gone?
Well he even care?
Knowing he won't be long
I run like a wild hare
My home should be my haven
But I feel such disrespect
Many times I just gave in
Not sure wheat he expects
This place I have to myself is perfect
Where I can gather my thoughts
Soon I must face the music
And return like we never fought
346 · Nov 2016
Lifted Spirits
True Passion Nov 2016
Sitting in my chair my thoughts are never-ending
Christmas is a time for friend and family blending
An emotional time for many human beings
In their heads are way too many feelings
My passion is to take the mental pain from all that hurt
To replace it with laughter and love without appearing Kurt
Twinkling stars then become brighter
Thoughts floating inside our heads much lighter
Today I ask for you to smile flawlessly
So someone feels your meritocracy
We often need that social interaction
Even if it is only for a fraction
With this message if I can bring love to even one person
I have done my deed without coercion
Happy Season and a true smile sent to all that I can reach.
312 · Oct 2016
Iron Bars-Jail
True Passion Oct 2016
The walls around me tightening with every breath.
The only way to survive is being tough and fearless.
Knowledge while I am in there may be what keeps me alive.
How did this happen?
Why must it be?
The officers that control us have families too.
Why dont they feel the fear that lies deep?
Smells are quite rancid as air is stagnant.
Many within live with regret.
Not all of us wanted this.
Please let me out of here, I need to catch my breath.
Where is my blanket and pillow for my head?
Desire for freedom and safety is true.
Please God help me, I'm not sure what to do.
Thinking inside here is not always healthy.
Dark ideas find their way in to our heads.
Is this the right way to teach us to change?
Please can you help us find our way from this range?
I am just imagening and writing what people must feel. Never been in jail.

— The End —