How long does it last? the roses wilt and leave, lifeless. I dry them, beg them, bottle them. Forever in a heart shaped jar Forever sits on my alter and gathers dust Taunts me
Mouth open shove in the calories As fast as I can chew it wipe my face Guilt Another chomp I have the biggest waist I have seen Fat oozing over my pants too big now to even try to hide Sitting over I feel the rolls I avoid you But I stare again and again I
believe it or not, my silence bleeds a pool of almost purple. it runs down my chin drips onto the carpet. you can follow the trail spelling nothing, nothing nothing.
I stand and see The time go by around me It laughs until it cries Never ending itself it Spirals round and round it blurs Yellow pills go Round and Round someday I will run all the way to the top Of the staircase Fall like Alice did See it all again wonderland ?