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try as you might
fingertips never touch
desires whisked away
puffs of smoke
intermittent, forming clouds
that cry tears of sorrow
running down my spine
for I am kneeling
sobbing for you
The petal's pressed to the floor,
I just passed 105,
Every thing is a blur,
I'm dodging traffic through these tears in my eyes,
I wonder if that was the last time I'll tell my mother bye,
And part of me wishes it is,
There's visions of cars passing by,
I can't see them though,
I wish I had another choice,
Crashing head on into the metal railing on the interstate,
My body goes through the thick glass of the windshield,
I'm lying broken on the concrete,
The sound I'm making is hardly human,
And somehow I found relief.
I was sure I would die today
that my heart finally stopped
collapsing in pain
feeling a pop
I was sure
the worst part
I felt nothing
maybe a little fear
just a little
aside from raw fear though
no thoughts crossed my minds
*this is it
I watched the ashes rise, the wood burn, and the fire play
I stood there in disbelief that something so gorgeous was standing before me
I was taken aback when the flames first burned, I hadn't much to say
The crowd stood stunned, the wait was over and I finally felt free

Packed and bundled closely, fifteen thousand huddling together
Until the fire began to burn strong, keeping us warm in the cold weather

No thoughts danced through my mind like they usually would
Wonder and silence held my mind captive, as in that moment they could

My breath caught a few times and my eyes let one tear run free
For what I was looking at was like nothing I thought I'd ever see

Now my mind keeps prisoner the memories of that night
When the Phoenix kept burning, rising high and so bright
Appearing sane, I lost my mind
at some point...
not due to love
not due to hate
but the pain I have seen
and the beauty I have only dreamed
that I will never touch
so if you care to ask...
the answer is no
driven quite mad
by this insane world
literally trapped within my dreams
I appear to be quite serene
reality stings too harshly
driven mad by sights and sounds
beautiful trees and dreams of dancing with them
lovely music that plays on end
teaching me of harmonious things that hide from me
my passion for love was stolen away
this may have tilted the scales some
for it now I have a vast aversion
trapped within this serenade
not writing a mere poem
this is a confession
that I am in fact mad, I swear
unable to be what is expected
thankfully, I am a **** good actor
or I may see white walls forever
but that is alright
I am still mad, trapped within a dream
so white wall me away friend, white wall me away...
Oh the inspiration
by a simple sound
a song
I would be hollow without music.
Could you ever love me like I love you?
Something as simple as your name being said gave me pleasurable shivers up and down my spine
Your warm breathe on my neck...
I can feel it now
Your arms enclosing me in the warmth of your love
But it's all gone now
You'll never return
I'm hungry for your kiss
Your touch
My tear stained cheeks are camouflaged by cheap cover up
My sorrows are lifted by THC
It's a dangerous thing for me to be left alone with my thoughts
I am at night
The makeup and the marijuana fade
True sorrows come back to haunt me
You're gone...
And you're not coming back...
Made a wrong turn, Once or twice
Dug my way out, Blood and fire
Bad decisions,That's alright Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood Miss "no way, it's all good",
It didn't slow me down Mistaken,
Always second guessing Under estimated,
Look, I'm still around
Pretty, pretty please Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel Like your nothing You're perfect to me.
You're so mean,
When you talk, About yourself,
You are wrong. Change the voices,
In your head Make them like you Instead.
So complicated,
Look happy, You'll make it!
Filled with so much hatred Such a tired game.
It's enough,
I've done all I can think of Chased down all my demons,
I've seen you do the same! :)
Hope you enjoy :)
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