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I do not wish to hear words of love
I do not wish to be bought
I do not wish to be wooed
I wish to feel it
Pure and undeniable
In an embrace
In a kiss
In a voice
I do not wish to hear I love you
Ever again
Hold me
Tell me I'm yours
Tell me you want me to stay
And that you won't let me go

Sing to me
Sing me anything at all
Whether it's out of tune
Or in perfect time

Kiss me
Slowly and sweetly
With a passion you don't let others know
Let our lips collide

I'm yours, my darling
No one will take me away
And I have to admit to you
I can't stop thinking about you

You never leave my mind
You're all I think about
You're all I see
To me, you're perfect

I won't run away
I won't leave you
I won't hurt you
I promise

Don't be afraid of my past
  Or of the shadows
That lurk behind me
They don't matter

You matter
You and only you
I won't leave you
I'm falling for you, darling

Hold me.
Sing to me.
Kiss me.
I'm yours.
You're sitting on a stool,
Nearest to the door,
Slurring words about the past,
Saying how you were so *******,
How you said a lot of things, that you wouldn't take back,
You drink cheap beer and liquor,
It's the only thing that keeps you alive,
I wonder if you ever wish I was there,
I'm just a ghost now,
Haunting every memory,
Somewhere between drunk and sober,
I hang around there,
You stumble out into the parking lot,
Pass out beside the cars,
You hardly know where you are,
But that's how you like to be,
And I just wonder if you ever think of me,
If you ever thought I was good enough of a reason to stop it,
But I'm gone with the wind,
While I was leaving, you were sitting here,
With one hand on the bottle,
One foot in the grave,
At a bar with black walls,
And while a drink was calling your name,
I called "Daddy come back here."
A solitary stone
amidst an abysmal lake
many have crossed to the other side
making use of the single stone
serene, emotionless on the surface
so the anguish does not show
although each footprint aches
stone sits in perceived repose
in actuality basking in sorrow
gradually the stone erodes
yet somehow is still poised
awaiting the next step
begging for the final footfall
the one to cease the suffering
at last to descend to the bottom of the lake
doomed to forever be a stepping stone
She was stunning
in the both senses
beautiful yet confusing
like you didnt know what
to make of her
like she just knocked you in your nose

illusive and cunning
never to be trusted
a sly smile that reflected
a grimace in my eyes

She walked in the room and
all were consumed by her
but all I got was **** and Fragrance
I know....super classy right?
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