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Would it be weird if I said I would be yours forever.
All you need to do is ask.
I would forget all my dreams and hopes,
Change them for yours.

Would it be wrong if I said I would give my life for you.
I would gladly take a knife to the heart,
It if ment saving yours.

Would it be sad if I told you I long for you,
I vision you here with me
But then reality takes over and you dissapear.

Would it be the end of me,
The end of who I am if I gave my all to you,
Would I vanish if I lived to be with you
Melting into your life.

Would it be true
If I said all I do is for you.
I told you to Lend me your lips
and I'll teach you what love is, I said
I'll let my eyes become your moon
if you'll lend me your collarbones
so I can use them to build a bridge
to the mountains inside my heartstrings

Love, I wrote you an anthem
for all the nights you made my knees sing
and I swore on every dying man's last breath
that I would never change the tune of that song
I was a fool for letting you love me
I knew I would break you in
You told me in life we can't always win
but I thought we were
Because winning was found in the mornings
when your skin looked like feathers under lamplight
and nights when your eyes glistened from that red wine
and I swore I would never let you drink it with anyone else

I told you I couldn't catch a break
and you told me life wasn't a baseball game
I don't have to catch anything
but oh did I ever want to catch you like a firefly
in my glass heart
The day you left I whispered that I would never stop writing you poems
you were always giving me inspiration
You still are

Yesterday I breathed a ghost out of my lungs
and I swore the cigarette smoke could fill up the sky
I thought maybe you'd see my signal fire
telling you it's time to come home
Telling you it's time to listen
time to listen for the last night
When you pressed your cheek against mine
and told me not to call
and I thought the words were poison dripping from your mouth
I was screaming but nothing was coming out
and I knew I couldn't live another day the same ever again

Because now that you're gone
my lipstick can't even stick right
and my sonnets are words numbed by hopelessness
and this poem is a poem I never wanted to write
You were right here standing over my shoulder
just a few weeks back
I have no idea where I lost track of the time
but it's gone
just like you
 May 2013 Traci Eklund
Jada Tower
who am i?

i'm tired eyes and bed hair.
i'm coffee stains on the pages of my favorite books.
i'm dry humor in the morning when all i want to do is sleep.
i'm my favorite song lyrics blaring through the speakers on a long road trip.
i'm a stranger sitting on a park bench watching people live their lives
while all i do is sit and observe.
i'm all the places i've been to and explored on sunday mornings
leaving little bits  of me when i go.
i'm the tide splashing at my feet while i make pictures in the sand.
i'm a quote from my favorite movie that i've seen too many times to count.
i'm shorts and a tank top on a warm summer day
then boots and a coat on a cold winter night.
i'm a fishing pole in its stand on the bank of a murky lake.
i'm late nights out with friends
when i should really be at home in bed.
i'm the thrill of sneaking into somewhere you shouldn't be
and the terror of getting caught.
i'm goodnight kisses
and early morning hugs.

so who am i?
i am these fragments
pulled together, making me tick.
 May 2013 Traci Eklund
I fiddle with these words
They lie naked on my tongue.
But like a broken man
They just can't seem to run.

I've learned not to force this.
To push this past my lips,
A tragedy worse than my travesties.
I'm still a little faint of heart.

When rain falls it does not smear.
It sticks, and then it drips.
Well these 3 syllables are certainly glued,
But we both still feel a little bruised.

When my lips do decide to spill
These raindrops it has coaxed inside,
Will you know that they fall gracefully, honestly?
They were meant to be taken gently.

A cool breeze should encourage them.
Will they wet your worn skin
Soak into you like a refreshing swim
Will they moisten your heart and not just your limbs?

Or where I see a downpour do you see a spark.
Awaiting a new host, softly lighting the dark.
Growing ever closer to your extended fuse.
When you ignite, will I be consumed?

Does it help, when I state your name.
When I beckon, do I carry you close to sanity?
Or do I hurl you farther,
Over the edge of calamity.

Tell me, When you fall
Will it be like raindrops, or a cliff.
At least, tell me, when you fall
Could you find it in your drenched heart,
Or scorched lungs,
To let me join you?
I thought about licking the tears from your chin. I thought about kissing the salt water from your veins. I thought about ******* the hurt from your heart. I thought about licking the hate from your eyes. I thought  about kissing the dust from your smile. I thought about ******* the dread from your lungs. "Give me a reason to keep on living" you'd whisper in my ear but i'll give you a thousand and keep your for a million years. It's hard to think of a world free of your grace so i'll do anything you say to save a little face. "it's hurts to be alive so I might as well die" You breathe into my mouth but i'll give you the breath of life just to see one more day by your side. Hurting is easy when you have a hand to hold at night and lips to kiss at daylight, through it all you're not a lost soul you just wandered off into the night.
A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange suns rays
And dares to claim the sky.

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged BIRD stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom.
 Apr 2013 Traci Eklund
Rose Alley
We've both become a living testament
Of how some people can only speak in argument
When Your words quickly change from night to day
You never say what You mean, You rarely mean what You say

Lust before trust has always been a failing policy
Love without devotion is a guaranteed fallacy
You've only been my companion intermittently
It's becoming too much to handle wondering where You could be
With whom

So I want to be able to see as far as the sky can see
Because only then would You always be within eyesight of me
But if I gaze too long my heaven starts to bruise and
Slams down upon me in black and blue

You can't run before You walk
If We start at a crawl
We tried to sprint to race the clock
But in turn We had to stumble and fall
We couldn't chase the embrace that made Us seem reborn
It was a fleeting feeling from failing hearts We'd torn
Your eyes were constantly shifting searching for more and more and
Soon I felt like nothing I could do was right for You, the now is now, no it's not like before
 Apr 2013 Traci Eklund
Rose Alley
Love is ever changing clouds

At times a blanket that shrouds
Completely surrounding
With a gentle warming


Then it grows dark and
Cries out and
Bites down with
Razor rain

Screaming and shouting
Hollowing You out
Filling You with doubt

An overcast obscurity
A vapor veil
A growing gloom
A murky mist in moonlight


Morning comes clear and cloudless
You wish for shade or
An overshadowing fog
But this clarity is loveless

The sun blinks out
Everything extinguished
An enveloping eclipse

All is taken away
An illusion
Blotted out for now
The edges still shine rays

Bringing an amber overhead glow
A burning buttermilk sky
Now I see what they mean by cloud nine

Heaven is mine in peaceful paradise
A blissfulness that burns true and
Shoots me over the moon


Comes from only
Seeing and
Loving and
Being with the
Weather that is
Ms. Hansen sits alone
her dusty pink dress starting to wrinkle
She hungers for someone
to open her up and love her
or use her

He would extend one claw
Rough and scarred
           chewed nails
She’d take it
perfectly manicured
his tongue would taste of spiteful intent  
and smoke  

The air stinks jovial
Alcohol scalds tongues
She kills brain cells
Only an observer  

                     watching others picked
          skirts twirling

an eternal wall flower
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