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Mr Haiku May 2020
I was at the place
You were standing next to me
You smelled a bit weird...
Mr Haiku May 2020
My music is loud.
I don't know why I like it.
Mr Haiku May 2020
I deal your haiku.
You beg and beg for my stuff.
They are just shitposts.
Mr Haiku May 2020
Our deck is quite nice.
It needs to be cleaned off though.
That won't happen soon...
Mr Haiku May 2020
Fishes on my box
My tissue box is quite old.
It's still my best friend.
Mr Haiku May 2020
Who is swimming now?
Could it be the big eyed birds?
They go WHO and swim!
Mr Haiku May 2020
Something has happened.
Split custody has happened.
The account is split.
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