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Mr Haiku May 2020
He is a good boy
I love my dog so dearly
Tax fraud is not bad.
Mr Haiku May 2020
Wall-e finds a plant.
He puts it in his cooler.
Now I have goosebumps.
Mr Haiku May 2020
Here's a fun fact all
My girlfriend just did something
This account remains
Mr Haiku May 2020
Crunchy and so red.
She eats and munches on it.
Hope there's not a worm!
Mr Haiku May 2020
They look at the art.
They are so spiffy and sweet.
We love penguins, smile.
Mr Haiku May 2020
My stomach is loud.
I think I will eat soonish.
Probably waffles.
Mr Haiku May 2020
I want to get this.
My girlfriend's coffee *** broke.
She needs a new one.
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