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 Oct 2012 Tommy K
jeffrey conyers
It's cloudy outside.
Still, it's a good day.
Even with the rain about to come.
It's a good day.

Just to see another day of life is a blessing.
Every minute we're alive.
We should be enjoying it.
Cause, it's a good day.

Those that states they are having a bad day.
Doesn't see the positive in that day.
It's not as bad as they think.
Or as people say.

If it's too hot outside.
It's a good day.
If it's cold outside.
It's a good day.

Things comes at us from many direction.
You simply adjust.
And change your mood in agreat direction.
Just last night
I had a strange dream;
in it; you were an ocean and I was a stream.

My love flowed to you in an endless supply.
It flowed in the stream and could never run dry.

As I flowed into you,
we blended as one,
sparkling and blue under the warm summer sun.

Together we shared our hopes and our dreams,
we loved one another and created new streams.

The cycle went on,
and so it should be,
the new streams flowed down and into the sea.

I will never forget that wonderful dream,
where, in it;  you were the ocean and I was the stream.
For Zsuzsa... by Robert Hamilton 1991 Guelph
Copyright December 06, 2010 Robert Hamilton
 Apr 2012 Tommy K
Craig Mackay
I search for you, I'm scared of you, of what you are, of who you are.
I know you so well that I don't know you at all.
So close that I can't see you, can't feel you.
But still I look for what's inside.

Always elusive, your shadow flickers on every turning.
My sole purpose, to find you (not knowing how or why).
Perilously I edge, pensively along the ledge.
What am I afraid of? What is there to lose?

You're like a beacon, you call to me from within me.
Your every signal is an insight to my instinct.
I don't know why. Will you reward or reprimand me?
Or are these obstacles a vicious sense of humour?

— The End —