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27.5k · May 2014
Tommy May 2014
Your technology gives you away
I didn't ask it to tell me
But when I went on our last conversation
It showed me the last time you'd seen it,
About 20 minutes before I had.
You're doing exactly what I am,
I don't think you want to let go
Not yet
Even though I know we need to.
I just have one question,
That drunk message you sent me,
Does it betray you more than you'd hoped?
You're the one who ended it, why would you still be telling me those things?
3.7k · Jan 2014
Tommy Jan 2014
Oh mother of all that has been
Accept me into your warm embrace
And keep me above the water
For I cannot swim

Drag me from this thick, thick mud
Before it pulls me way down
Like it did all of the rest
I can still hear your voice

Lift me please from this chaos
To the place of everlasting forgiveness
I wish to undo the wrongs
Of a forsaken continent upon my people

**"La historia me absolverá"
"History will absolve me"- the title of Fidel Castro's speech to a courthouse after leading an attack on the Moncada Barracks of Cuba, in 1953.
Reference to Lotus Flower: "keep me above the water"- many of the cultural significance of Lotus flowers derives from their cleanliness sat upon muddy water. Synonyms of the Sanskrit word for Lotus, Padma, include Saroja- the name of my grandmother (Sarojani), so I guess this goes out to her too :)
3.0k · Mar 2013
Tommy Mar 2013
I once got lost,
In the depths of time,
Where the fire was my friend,
And as the light of the flame guided me,
Through the dark alleyways of the maze they call history,
I came upon a watch.
And on the front of this watch
Was inscribed a quote,
Telling of the misfortune of the lands from which it came.
I called it the shadow game,
As it lured me further into the depths of the invisible labyrinth,
It became clear that it was not true.
It had all been a rouse,
One which I had been naive enough to believe,
With all my heart.
And as I cried for help,
In the darkness of the maze,
I realised I was alone,
In a puzzle never to be solved.
And I looked to the front of the watch again.
Only in the darkness can you see the stars
So I looked up,
And sure as sure,
I saw the galaxies of our ever expanding universe,
Floating above my head,
And I realised I was not alone,
And never would be.
the inscription is a quote by Martin Luther King Jr.
the name is a reference to Greek mythology:  In Greek mythology, Zeus places his son born by a mortal woman, the infant Heracles, on Hera's breast while she is asleep so that the baby will drink her divine milk and will thus become immortal. Hera wakes up while breastfeeding and then realizes she is nursing an unknown baby: she pushes the baby away and a jet of her milk sprays the night sky, producing the faint band of light known as the Milky Way. (wikipedia)
2.8k · Oct 2013
Big Brother
Tommy Oct 2013
It's not as if I've never seen you cry before
I have, so many times.
And though each time I felt sad,
This time it hurt.
You were always the strong one,
The one who didn't think, just did.
I guess I just had you up on this pedestal.
But the knowledge that you're scared,
That you're struggling,
It terrifies me to the core.
I needed to see you do it with ease,
As you've done everything else life has thrown
I needed to see you loving it:
This newfound, independent life.
Because then, I at least had a chance.
If it scares you,
What am I going to do?
How will I be able to cope?
And every day it gets a little bit closer
Every day I get a little bit more scared.
It's a part of life,  I know.
I'm going to have to do it someday, I know.
It'll be good for me, I know.
But am I ready?
I'm not so sure.
2.5k · Jul 2015
Lady of the Lake
Tommy Jul 2015
Ophelia I wish you'd come home
I wish you'd stop those wonders through the woods
Ophelia please step back from the river bank
You can't swim

Oh Ophelia they said it was so tragic
They thought you were so beautifully morose
Your hair flowing from under you
Like the pond **** dragged downstream

Oh Ophelia they thought you looked so lovely
Skin as pale and cold as the petals on those lily pads
Glittering like treasure on a bed of rocks in the freezing blue
Pale, still and passive

Oh Ophelia they said it was so poetic
That like the lady of the lake you would be preserved,
Mythical in their minds, decomposing in form
As the river dragged you further from home

Oh Ophelia they called me down at midday
The funeral was planned they said
A mythical theme they said
The colour scheme blue and green

Oh Ophelia they enjoyed the ceremony
There were girls dressed as mermaids singing siren songs
As they drank tea and pink lemonade
A party for Poseidon

Oh Ophelia I wish you'd come home
They turned your voice from truth to sugar
They turned your mind from pure to perfume
They're turning my life from reality to nightmare

Oh Ophelia I wish you'd said goodbye
I miss our talks in the moonlight under the gaze of a million stars
You saw the world so raw, so true
And they forced your mind away

Oh Ophelia I'm so sorry
I let them whisk you away from reality
I let you dance with the fairies
Even though you didn't belong in their dream

Oh Ophelia how I miss you
And wish that you could come home
I kept your books in a box in my closet
When if I'd wanted to help you I'd have buried that corset instead
1.5k · Jan 2014
Let Me Sleep
Tommy Jan 2014
The night time is my forte,
The daylight is my night,
And as the sun sets over the horizon,
My mind begins its flight
Through the vortex of a lifetime,
And what I want to be,
My weirdest dreams, my nightmares,
My thoughts and memories
All fill my brain with reasons,
Not to lay to rest
As I begin my battle,
My epic journey,  my quest
To find the golden treasure
Hidden deep within the maze
Until I'm in a stupor,
An exhaustion brought on craze
All I want is to close my eyes,
Lie back and let the darkness do its work
But my brain just keeps on whirring
All cogs spinning like clockwork
Just let me have my final breath
Let me embrace the moon
In a long sought out reunion
With the bed inside my room.
1.4k · Apr 2013
Tommy Apr 2013
There's a beautiful sense of injustice in what has happened to you, I notice,
As I watch from afar, your eyes cold, your heart beating slowly.
Your voice is barely audible above the clamour of the room,
Your gaze set low, sinking beneath the glare of these 'spectators' to your humiliation.
They bray and holler, as you rock to and fro on your podium,
Your 'pedestal'.
Your mouth is silent as your mind cries out for help,
Lost and falling,
Into the pit.
The dark envelops you,
As you drown in the echoes of your wailing soul,
Bouncing off the walls
Of the trap
In which you find yourself
Still, you remain silent,
In the eye of the storm,
Against all odds,
As they jeer and laugh at you,
You sit still,
Your back straight and you head held high,
Yet I see through your stony exterior,
I notice the missing link in your chain mail suit,
I notice the gap in your shell.
And only I understand what it means,
As you briefly loosen your grasp
On the pendant of the locket hung around your neck
The locket which is keeper to your darkest secret,
The secret you have strived to keep safe,
And only I see the fault
In your near perfect act,
For your 'loyal' audience,
To whom you are a puppet.
Only I will know why this is significant,
As the small gasp you let free,
Flies between ignorant ears,
Until it disappears, like smoke.
I once knew you when you were happy,
Though you're more peaceful now.
And that is unfair,
And it is beautiful,
Because today will be your last.
1.3k · Jan 2014
Tommy Jan 2014
I don't remember who it was, but I remember someone once said
That life is fragile and that that in itself
Has an admirable beauty,
That just as a butterfly lives little more than a few days
Or how a glass smashes when dropped,
So does a human life, in it's own time.
And for a while, I believed that person.

I believed that the idea that we could lose it all at once was romantic
Because I had never experienced it myself.
But she did.
And now I know, it's not a beautiful sorrow
That is passed along,
Like the last song of a dying bird,
But it's painful,
It's blood-red
And it rips you apart from the inside out
Until you can't see ahead anymore,
Your focus left stuck on the scraps of what once was,
What you used to have.

It traps you and reels you in
As you drown,
Not only in your own heartache and grief,
But that of those around you
And it makes you it's slave.

We humans have the strength to pull ourselves from it's cold grip,
Until that moment,
That last breath, groan, cry of pain,
Not a song with a melancholy melody,
And she whispers

I love you

As you tell her

It will be okay,
It will be okay,
It will be okay

And then her eyes grow cold
And her grip loosens,
And you see the life leave her body
As doves do from their cage
And you feel the cold, wiry fingers grasp at you again,
The metallic point of the nails
Clawing at you, digging into your skin
And this time,
You let it consume you
Because what are you without her?
1.1k · Apr 2015
Biodegradable Materials
Tommy Apr 2015
Made of a biodegradable material,
You asked her to put her shoes back on
But she wouldn't,
So you pulled her arm
And she got upset and started shouting
And you couldn't understand.
We are all made of biodegradable materials
Not made to stand the test of time
And it hurts;
You've been dying from the day you were born
Stuck in a plastic world
Where bad things don't die.
And you were pleading with her
As she threw her shoes at you;
You couldn't leave without her,
But she didn't want to go.
You've been counting down the days
Every second is precious,
As you lay in bed, staring
Watching the walls decompose
She didn't come with you
And you think she's lost her mind
When in reality,
She just can't find her shoes.
You're the one with the real problem,
Countdown timer in your pocket
As you watch and wait
For the day this will all end.
*(It's never going to make sense,
You do understand that...
Don't you?)
1.1k · Nov 2014
Tommy Nov 2014
Take me away on a lily pad boat
Push it away from the shore
Let the current catch us and carry us downstream
I can't take this anymore.

We can dance with the frogs
And do the dragonfly waltz
Sing the kingfisher's song
And swim with the ducks
I want to forget all that's gone wrong.

I'll only weep in the shade,
In the company of the willows
Never again will I have to cry alone
And I'll float like a feather
In the cool summer breeze
And leave all the lives I have known.

I can sway with the reeds in a little rockpool
Let the seaweed tangle in my hair
Let the sand become my skin
And replace my eyes with shells
I'll let this water replace my air.

The mud at the bottom of this babbling brook is thick
And it's urging me further, tugging at my feet
I'm too tired for this, I can't fight it anymore...
Whoever said death could be sweet?
Opehelia open your eyes!
1.1k · Apr 2015
Tommy Apr 2015
you're lying
on the floor
your head flat
on the ground
your hair
like a mane
you lie like a queen
crown in your
but you have no dignity
of which to speak
you lost it all some time ago
and you haven't found it again
not very regal,
are you?
986 · Jun 2014
Tommy Jun 2014
I know because I am, just as you are not.
And you can ask me why I did it,
How I could have committed such an act
Of cruelty, of violence and of brutality,
And I will tell you it is in my nature.
I am a carnivore
And I will eat away at you until there is nothing left.

And you can tell whoever you want
Who is responsible for your undoing,
You can shout it on high
But know that they will never listen
You can scream until your throat is raw, enflamed
And red as the blood which stains your hands
But every time you will be met with silence
As you realise you no longer exist
I am winning this battle.

Just as I was not born for that life,
You were not born for yours,
And she was not born to live a life of sorrow and struggle
We are one,
And we will become even stronger
And I will fight for my life to enforce that,
I will fight as she could not
As all the strength was drained from her
And that light flickered in her eyes
Before fading away,
And leaving her a lifeless bag of bones.

You’re frightened now that you’re losing this war,
You see your power slip through your fingers
But it was naïve to think you could have won;
You are but a small mind and we are the rest.
And you should know that we will show you no mercy,
Just as you were taught from your father,
And his father and his father,
The old men who ruled the world.
But our time is coming,
And we will know real freedom.
Whether or not it requires taking your life,
Is irrelevant.
960 · May 2014
stand proud
Tommy May 2014
you say you stand for democracy,
but do you really know the meaning of the word?
you tell me he was a dictator, yes there were 18 elections, but all of them were rigged, he was corrupt,
but  tell me,
is not this system worse?
where a party can only stand if it has the money to launch a campaign, where votes are bought by those with the wealth, only looking to protect their own interests?

you have chosen to directly ignore all of the evidence placed before you
that tell you you're wrong;
he could not have had an agenda when he described the democracy you hate so much as "the most perfect democracy he's ever seen",
you've ignored every piece of legislation he passed, all to give rise to greater democracy to the real people of the country
and you tell me there's political repression when there were 80% turnouts and over 30 other parties in each of those elections.

you are so blinkered by those walls around your mind
you don't want to accept that he could have done it better than you
because you know that once you acknowledge that,
once the world acknowledges that
all you built for you
and that other 1%
will be taken from you,
as it should have been long ago.

i don't know how it's going to happen,
not now, not in this lifetime,
but in lifetimes to come,
people will be taught that the meaning of the word
lies in demos, the people
and that those big conglomerates,
no matter how much money they have,
are not the demos.
that there is more to life than your capital accumulation;
their health, their education; their basic human rights
are, and always will be, more important than how many zeroes
are written in your will,
and that no matter how much they drill it into you,
you are beautiful, you are unique, you are important
so stand tall  and proud, hands on heart
because there is more to life than the money you make.

how this will be taught, i do not know,
but as a starter, maybe we could try teaching the cats themselves
that there is more they can do for the world
than sit on thrones of gold,
and there is more to life
than how many carats they have,
and i think a brilliant way to teach this
would be to **** all of their friends and family
until they realise that money isn't all that important,
and however malicious an act that would be,
i could rest safe in the knowledge that my death toll
would not be a fraction of theirs.
(i'm just angry i promise i will never **** another human being! :P)
949 · Dec 2013
The Clash of Civilisations
Tommy Dec 2013
sometimes i wonder
is this all we could have been?
this mundane little bubble
and all that lies therein?

all there is to do,
all the places we are needed
all the problems we have caused
and the progressions we've impeded

soothed by the exchange of a small piece of paper
for useless items we're told we need
to fit into an image of a generic person
complicit in a culture we immortalize and breed

or others by their own conviction
in a set of rules older than this
to tell them how to make decisions
and promise them eternal bliss

each taught not to question preachings
or face some form of indefinite sanction
to remain obedient to a master
legitimizing the subsequent action

i don't understand.

how can this be the epitome of civilisation
so full of ignorance and hatred
we fail to see the beauty that surrounds?

how can this be the epitome of human intelligence
that we need glass screens for communication
and lenses to record our every movement?

how can this be the epitome of the human existence
that inequality is perpetuated
and poverty ignored?

one day you will realise what it is you have done
in your desperate bid for power.
you doomed the endurance of your kind
for the sake of one, tall tower.
(or two, but is that too political?)
just in the middle of a mini existential crisis after the realisation that all of the ways in which i may form and express my identity make me compliant  in this system (i know that sounds pretentious, particularly coming from a 17 year old)
946 · Mar 2015
mama's little girl
Tommy Mar 2015
i'm going away on an airplane
i'm going to travel the world
one day i'll come back mama
but i won't be the same little girl

i'm going to live by the mountains
and swim in the beautiful lakes
i know you're worried, i'm a little bit too
but i know i can do it, i'm brave

i've packed up my case and my backpack
i have everything and more than i need
i'll bring you back a few postcards
i'll tell you what it's like to feel free

i love you more than this world, mama
we both know this is something i have to do
but don't you get too upset ma,
you know i'll always come back to you

so i'm going away on this airplane
and i won't be home for a while
but let's not have too many tears ma,
i want this goodbye to end on a smile
oooohhh i really want to go back... take me back there please
945 · May 2013
Tommy May 2013
I'm going to go fishing
Down at the rock pools
In the blue and green
Are you fishing for pearls?
No, I'm fishing for diamonds
Amongst the ***** and the fish
I'll stay til I have one
oh sure, you wish

When I find it, I'll show you
And then how you'll laugh
And I'll keep it with me
For no one else to have
And then you'll be sorry
You ever doubted me
You can sit by and stare
At the display you'll see
Of the strength and the beauty
The jewel it does hold
How it sparkles and shines
And glisters more than your gold

I caught a diamond
It's big and it's bright
It shines in the daytime
And brightens the night
I'm sure it won't last
And I'm sure it will
And you won't laugh
Any more
Because I am happy
And I've found what I'm searching for.
915 · Aug 2013
Tommy Aug 2013
You smell old, though you're not yet loved,
Your pages blank and perfect,
Longing for someone to touch you, caress you, want you.
You've been forgotten about,
Thrown in a pile with the rest of the unlovables.

But you're different.
You're not unlovable, not entirely forgotten.
Maybe she's just not used to this.
Has she ever shared her true feelings?
Scribbled down her innermost secrets for you to keep safe?
You dream that one day she will trust you,
But is that ever going to happen?
Is it all in vain, spending your days hung up on an unrequited love?

She picks you up once more,  and you will her not to let you fall.
You feel her stroke your unblemished paper, smooth to the touch.
You feel her write something down, but it's not what you want to hear.  
It's shallow, fake.
It's not a lie, but it's not everything you wish she'd tell you,
It's not everything she has to say.

She'll probably just forget you, you tell yourself, as you begin to resign to the idea.
Or maybe she's struggling too,
Maybe she wants to love you,
Maybe she wants you to be hers.
Maybe she wants you to know what's going on,
Inside the deepest caves inside her head,
Inside her heart.
But she doesn't.  

She puts you down,
And walks away,
Leaving you behind,
This is just a first draft, I would love some constructive criticism :)
907 · Jan 2014
the damned
Tommy Jan 2014
i don't know how to express this poetically
so i'm just going to say it straight up,
i am completely and entirely stuck.
drawn in by the allure of the meaningless beauty,
the simplicity and the dead-end,
i don't know how to get out of the circle,
find the real truth or how to transcend
above the endless ******* hurled my way
to distract me from what really matters
i want to know about the real world's existence,
not the riches, but all of the tatters
ignored by a society completely apathetic
to all that these numbers need
just because they don't fit your aesthetic,
because your eyes they cannot please

it doesn't matter what i say now
i am but merely a child
i don't think you'll listen to what i say,
whether i praise you,
or your views i revile

i want to know what i can do to change,
this all seems too trapped in tradition
of leaving behind you a wake of lifeless bodies,
as you were so ignorant in your blind ambition.

i know you're not there to do what you should,
you only came for the power
you only came to be paid a lot more,
and to live high up in your tower
away from all of the '****'
you pretend to represent,
but whom you secretly chide,
you're only there to fuel a growing ego,
your heart will explode from your pride.

if i was religious, although i am not,
i know that God would scorn you for your greed,
and however forgiving your God may be,
i am sure that your ears would bleed
upon learning He thinks you were a terrible person
not what you were cracked up to be
and soon enough the bleeding would worsen
until there was nothing left to leave

I don't know much,
but i do know this:
i will strive to never be like you
for all the bad you have brought to this world
far outweighs any good you could do
so, someone out there, please teach me how
how to make a change in this life
for although i may have it easier than others
my heart will never relax while such strife
continues in the world
ignored by the masses
all but a couple times of the year
and i will fight for your rights
your right to survive
until my own end is near.
"o my body, make of me a man who always asks questions!" Franz Fanon
905 · Jan 2017
Lego Dramatics
Tommy Jan 2017
You were always a fan of comedy
Right from the day I first met you
We were lost to the giggles
Howling and snorting
We made fools of ourselves, and happily so
I'd never laughed so long in my life
Before you came along.
And you showed me the videos of your favourite comedian:
Eddie Izzard
And the lego dramatics
And we cried and coughed and spluttered
Over cheap red wine
And oven pizza.
Your laughter was contagious
It brightened up my days
But as the nights grew longer
And the light left quicker
You left too.
I think you got lost along the way
And you found yourself at a service station.
You parked yourself at the bar
And ordered yourself a pint

And then another one.

You told any stranger you could
About who it was you used to be
So free
So spirited
As you watched yourself turn mean
And your sweetest of souls fermented in that barley swill
And then you ordered another pint
And another one still.

You know, I haven't seen you since,

And Eddie Izzard's lego figures
Lie lifeless in a box somewhere
Collecting dust in a dark corner.
You've brushed them to one side
Like those little voices which speak to you
Directly from the cavity in your chest
Just near your left lung.

You order one more pint.

Only while Izzard's personality and charm
Are what overtook those little blocks of plastic
And had us howling
Your own ego threw those small voices aside
Locking them in a jewellery box
And hiding the keys
You never knew I'd find them.

So you draw back
You closed your eyes to the world around you
Where the people sing and dance
While you nurse a fast leaking bottle
The drink doesn't drown out the whispers that follow you
It just drowns your mind enough
To numb you from the pain.

And it's only when you've ****** away your last three quid
Shat and drank and then some
That you finally open your eyes again
Only to realise
That you don't belong here
That you weren't made for this life
In this grim, empty service station bar
Stuck alone in the middle of nowhere
Where years spin by like days
And minutes last for centuries
Where your only escape
From the impending sense of doom
you can't seem to shake
Is down the eye of a glass needle
Or reflected in the brown swill
Left in the bottom of a glass.

And Eddie Izzard is still up on stage
Velvet dress and rouged lips
And the roar of the audience
Mimics the waves that crash down in your brain
After the floodgates broke down
Only this time,
No one's sending any rescue teams.
come back to me?
897 · Jan 2014
Tommy Jan 2014
From your door to the gate,
He followed you.
From the gate to the road,
He followed you.
From the road to the park,
He followed you.
From the park to the school,
He followed you.
From the school to the town hall,
He followed you.
From the town hall to the post office,
He followed you.
From the post office to the river,
He followed you.
Down the river to the bridge,
He followed you.
Across the bridge and into the woods,
He followed you.
Through the woods and into the meadow,
He followed you.
And then it was just you and him,
And he thought you were still unaware of his presence.
And as you slowly turned to face him,
You drew in a deep breath.
"It's not funny."  You told him. "Go away"
"Oh." Was his reply. "Sorry."
And he turned and walked back home.
897 · May 2013
Tommy May 2013
I looked at you and I saw my world
My hopes, my dreams
The life I wanted to lead
And yet you seemed
So ungrateful, so ignorant
To your beauty, your glow
Everything I want,
So I want you to know
That you are perfect
In my objective eyes
You’re all that I love
And all I despise.
874 · Feb 2014
Show Me A Doll
Tommy Feb 2014
Hand me a razor and I will hack away at myself,
Until it's not me that's left,
But another faceless, vulnerable canvas
And I will leave the skins I have shed lying in my wake,
All for the sake of acceptance.

I give you my autonomy,  and in return you bombard me with images,
All of the same, dull, blank piece of moulding clay.

"Muscle is weight and weight is fat, lose it" and I try,
Holding desperately to the pieces me I have left.
And she tries harder still,  and her health drains from her blood, until you tell her she has gone too far: "this is not beautiful"
And with that, you shatter her world: you taught her that's all there is to care about.

Show me a picture I ask of you,
and you show me a porcelain statue
"Bone is heavy and hard to touch. Where have the curves gone?"
And so she looks down at her body,  shrinking in to herself,  ashamed of who she was born.

Play me a song, I ask again,
But you show me yet more bodies.
More faceless aspirations you know I can't reach.
"Conform, conform, conform" you order,  and I do.
You pull from my tight clasp the last few parts I have of myself,
Remove all with which I was brought into your world,  and you show me a doll.

You cut, stick, sew and glue until she is no longer real. You cover her imperfections with paint until she is no longer recognisable.
You dress her in clothes too tight to be comfortable, in shoes too impractical to walk,
and then you throw her into the lion's den,
As she has to fight her way out much harder than any of you were made to.
You make her fight until her soul has left, and she will never be the person her mother made.
You tell me that this is adulthood, that she is a woman,
But you have taken the human out of her, and you have kept her corpse as a trophy.

This is a man's world, but I will not back down.
There seems to be a theme developing here. I think that was a lot darker than intended also, but I hope you like it anyway!
869 · Mar 2014
Salty Water
Tommy Mar 2014
If I threw you a line,
Would you catch it
So I could reel you back to safety
From the mucky waters
In which you are currently drowning

The salt in the water
Has chafed your once flawless skin,
Which is now
Red, peeling, sore.
Let me tend it for you,
So when I cradle you in my open arms
You won't hurt.

I know it's colder outside the lagoon,
I know it's hard to leave,
But if I lit a fire, we could
Sit around it together,
Singing sweet lullabies,
A blanket draped over your shoulders
As I rock you to sleep.

We don't have to speak,
I just need to know you're safe.
cliched metaphor, i know!
851 · Jun 2014
Dead or Alive
Tommy Jun 2014
You're running away from them
And they've put a price on your head
Dead or alive
They're shouting
Dead or alive.

I don't know what you did
To make them want you dead
Dead or alive
They're shouting
Dead or alive.

Their knives are at the ready
And their guns loaded with lead
Dead or alive
They're shouting
Dead or alive.

The noose is swinging slowly
"Do you accept the charge?" They said
Dead or alive
They're shouting
Dead or alive.
now all it needs is a tune :)
821 · Apr 2013
Evening Routines
Tommy Apr 2013
As the other kids traipsed off to bed,
You held me on your knee,
I watched the cricket, next to him,
As they made history

The crack of the bat against the ball,
The cheering of the crowd,
I didn't understand it then,
And neither do I now

But his room would always smell the same,
Of mothballs, damp and sweets,
The three of us would all sit around,
In pyjamas with bare feet

The taste of garlic lingering,
The best food in the world,
And I knew what it meant to him,
To be next to his favourite little girl.
Tommy Jul 2015
There's a man outside doing karate
While squawking children hang from rails in the bus
He looks as though he's dancing
Somewhat graceful in the fresh cold of the morning air
While we remain inside
Recycling stale breath
Trying to block out the loud shouts of
Small people
Who don't understand what it is to be human yet
Who haven't experienced enough life
To know what we do

There's a sense of certainty that hangs in this old air
We will leave at 9.15
The kids will be alright
The bus ride for them will be exciting
We will arrive at the train station
We will say thanks to the driver
Who made them pay three times the price
Because they paid in the wrong currency
And they don't know how else to get home
A man hums at the back of the bus
Waiting to get off
Dreaming of the other end of this island

The passport control said no photos
The armed police stood behind made it sure
The ferry on the horizon disappeared from view
Taking with it bad memories
Fourteen hours of bad sleep, card games and anger
Screaming into pillows
Kicking the walls
Throwing the coat hangers
Before slumping to the ground
And reading ourselves to sleep
Voices hanging in the still air
Reminding us that we are still alive

We don't talk about what's happened;
That would be against the rules
We never talk about what we've done
Though it's hard to forget
Instead we quote others
Who've expressed better our sentiments
Talking in tongues we communicate more clearly than ever
Our laughs masking the pain inside
Our shouts covering the quiet voices inside
Who remind us of the bad in this world,
Who remind us of the choices we've made in this life.

Still, we remain undefeated.
799 · Mar 2014
Tommy Mar 2014
You lay beside me
And I felt safe,
Everything forgotten,
Just the beating
Of two young hearts
And the heavy
Up and down
Of your chest
As you breathed,
Soft as the sea
Upon the sand.
i miss you
788 · Jun 2015
Tommy Jun 2015
We spent three months of our lives
Together almost everyday
In some formation
We formed our own family
Dysfunctional in all the usual ways
We're all young
And still in love with the world
But terrified of our own lives
It was a perfect mix

We spent car rides together
Squealing and singing, dancing and shouting
Watching flamingoes sleep on lake shores
And llamas grazing by the roadside
We saw condors swooping overhead
As we climbed what felt like mountains
Compared to us
Sleeping underneath more stars
Than we had imagined were in the sky

We got lost and found our ways back
We got happy, waiting on lay-bys
We got up
At 4am, awoken by the sound of
Out of tune harmonicas
And your shouting
We fell asleep
To the sound of each other's heavy breathing
Exhausted but satisfied

Now we're apart
But from our own bonds
Woven like siblings,
Like friends,
Some of us like lovers
And all we have left
Are the photos we took together
And the memories
That I hope will last my lifetime
oh how i miss you all
774 · May 2013
Thanks, Babe
Tommy May 2013
I don't remember the first time I saw you,
Your sunshine eyes and golden hair
Were hidden from my view
As I looked past you, and to the rest,
All of the people, plainly dressed,
To the front and to the teacher,
Rabbi, Priest, Guru, Preacher
Of a faith I didn't want
And a lesson I didn't need.

They say it's true love at first sight,
But try as hard as I might,
I can't remember loving you,
At that moment, right on cue,
Or even when we first went out
My heart didn't flutter, scream or shout
With pure emotion, love or lust
Instead a slight murmur, just
A flutter in my stomach.

Maybe this wasn't meant to last,
But it shouldn't have ended quite so fast,
Or I don't think so anyway,
Because I just can't keep my heart at bay,
The love came slowly,
You can believe me,
I fell for you,
Head over heels,
And you let me down.

Thanks, babe.
771 · Jun 2013
Tommy Jun 2013
You once told me
That life was beautiful
That progression was beautiful,
That I was beautiful

But that wasn't true,
I know it now,
You couldn't have done,
Though I still don't know how,
Or why
You chose to hide it from me,
But what's done is done
Even if it ran deep
Though the rip in my heart
That was already there,
Just one quiet sentence
And one loud tear
Of muscle

I thought I was strong,
I could hold it out,
And there's no use in crying,
Or a scream and a shout
Because you don't want to see me
It's all about her,
You thought it would be easy,
And it wasn't.
For either of us.

Was it beautiful for you?
That simple progression?
Is life as beautiful as you once mentioned?
Or is it different now,
Not better nor worse,
Is it what you wanted, what you rehearsed?
Or did you just not think at all?
759 · Dec 2013
Tommy Dec 2013
'Tis but another day I have not slept,
As I traipse aimlessly through these baron halls,
The shadows enveloping me, luring me further and further.

I remember in the days of the living,
When the moonlight was my friend,
And in her rays of light she would cradle me,
As she sent a sweet lullaby through the night sky,
Sung softly by the light of the stars.

It took me three years to remember how;
How to close my eyes and let the dark carry me away,
Lifting me up on a cloud of dreams
As I breathed in and out, in and out.

For those three years I wandered,
Writhing in the breath-taking agony
I would not have thought those like us were capable of feeling
Enduring as I wished and prayed
I could once more
Feel the dark close around myself and carry me off
On an adventure I wouldn't remember.

But when I finally managed it,
The wisps of the shadows did not encircle me,
Lifting me lightly in my slumber,
But they wrapped themselves around and around,
Suffocating and trapping me,

And the light of the moon did not reach out,
As she watched on from above
And the stars screamed and howled,
Possessed by an evil I had never seen before.

When I finally awoke,
I was lost, confused, and dazed by the piercing light
From the endless source.
And so, I will never again know
The warm grasp of the moon's rays as I am carried away;
The soft singing voice of the stars that I no longer see above my head.
I will never again know
What it is to dream
Other than the nightmare I am currently trapped within.
753 · Feb 2014
Last Light
Tommy Feb 2014
He screamed 'have at you!'
And he ran towards the light
As you crouched,
Trembling in the corner

We all knew that he was wrong
But only you
Could have given us voice.

Only your thoughts were those that mattered
In the uncharted territory
He called a mind.

And so he wasn't stopped
And as you watched,
Your vision blurred by your tears.

You saw his soul tear in half
And his body crumble
As he was engulfed.

Your screams came too late.

There was no one there to tell him
That it wasn't what it seemed,
We were all blocked out
Of the intricate inner-workings of the puzzle,
Only you had the key.

I don't blame you for what happened to him,
It was his choice to begin with,
But I do so wish you could have spoken up,
Told him what he needed to hear.

He thought the light was this beautiful purity
Not the raging fire we knew it was.

It wasn't the burns that killed him,
Oh no,
It was the realisation
That it wasn't all perfect,

It was knowing
That the inherent evil he had always denied
Was real.

It was knowing
That we were right.

I don't blame you.
But he was our last light.
And we turned him into darkness.
750 · Nov 2015
Broken Bodies
Tommy Nov 2015
That child isn't real
It's just a doll in the corner
The porcelain catching dust
While its eyes roll back inside its head
The curls of plastic hair lie limp
And the bow in her hair has come untied

The child can't hear me
Or the shouting in the next room
It won't feel the shudder of doors
Slamming in my face
Reverberating through this cave of a house
It won't hear me wail in the night

The child can't see me
Or the mascara running down my cheeks
It can't see you turn your back
And leave me to my sorrows
Wallowing in the empty rooms of this dark shell

The child can't speak
She can't tell me what she's seen
She can't tell me what to do
Now that I'm abandoned in this wasteland
She can't tell me who she is
But I know she'll keep my secrets

The child can't move
From that spot she found in the corner
The cobwebs bind her limbs
And she is lifeless, stuck
The mirrors in this house are all shattered
And every window has been boarded up
All but those staring glass eyes of hers

That child isn't real
It's just a doll in the corner
Its porcelain is catching dust
While its eyes roll back inside its head
The curls of plastic hair lie limp
But I've retied the bow in her hair
730 · Feb 2015
Red Velvet
Tommy Feb 2015
Red velvet in a sea of dust,
Dirtied and ruined but filled with lust
For what's to come,
The eye of the storm,
The hour in which you get to perform
For the first time loved
By miraculous strangers
Forgetting about the pain, the hurt and the danger
Letting yourself go
And opening up
Like taking a ride on the wings of a dove
You're finally free
From the cage in your head
You've grown a new skin,
An armour of lead.

Indestructible and happy.
not finished yet, but i like it!
730 · Mar 2014
Tommy Mar 2014
I want you to remember
That to write
Is to express yourself,
The flicks on your n's
And the loops on your f's
Show me the inner workings of your mind.
When she sent that letter,
There should have been tears on the page,
You should have been able to see
The corners had been folded and torn,
And the paper was *****, crumpled,
And covered in coffee stains.
You couldn't see any of that, though,
Because she chose to send it to you
In the form of a small series of lights,
Accumulated on a screen
To mimic a cold,
Soulless version of herself.
Maybe it's because she didn't want you to know
What was actually going on.
Oh the irony :P to be fair this is a copy up of a handwritten poem!
727 · Sep 2013
Tommy Sep 2013
I hate it when you lie to me,
I know that none of it's true.
I hate it when you cry with me,
And let your heart pour out of you.
I hate it how my soul feels free
Whenever you're around,
I hate that when we're together,
My heart is finally found.

And still you go on hurting me
As I beg you, please, just stop
You lie, complain, you twist me up,
While your beautiful brain just rots.
You let it stop you thinking,
Your heart takes full control.
Your body slowly falls away
Leaving vulnerable your soul.

I hate that you still need me
To protect you in the night.
I hate that I'm your angel,
Your harbinger of the light.
And I wish that it was me,
You had to look forward to,
But every time you look my way,
Your sight passes me right through.

So please, just let me escape from this,
Let me take my flight,
I don't want to be your strength anymore,
To be the dawn before the light,
I want you to do this on your own,
To let the darkness fade away,
I want you to leave me, happy again,
To leave me to the fray.

And there I'll burn, I'll turn to dust,
My life will be forgot,
No one will ever know my name,
Of my plight, you will know not.
From here I'll leave you,
On your own,
I know you'll struggle through.
You'll find the light soon now, my love,
And I will never come back to you.
720 · Dec 2012
Shadow Song
Tommy Dec 2012
A cold winter’s night with the moon in full,
The trees rustle, but the wind lulls,
A Lullaby so sweet and melancholic,
Howling through the woods, a song so chronically
Painful to the ears, beauty at its purest,
Encapsulates your fears that everything’s not perfect,

And there you stand,
Shadow of a man,
A creature never to be seen,
Singing along
With the melancholy song,
A poor soul never to be found

The rain it falls and drips through the leaves
As the it storm rages all around your feet,
You run for cover from the lightning bolts,
As they slice their way through the dark and halt
The movement of life in your adopted home,
As you cry for the life you’ve never known

And there you stand,
Shadow of a man,
A creature never to be seen,
Singing along
With the melancholy song,
A poor soul never to be found

And now there’s silence, little old man,
As you stand as still as well you can,
There’s no more rain and crashes of thunder,
Just the branches of trees that were once under
The sky, the mighty big blue,
But now they’re under, under you.

And there you stand,
Shadow of a man,
A creature never to be seen,
Singing along
With the melancholy song,
A poor soul never to be found
719 · May 2013
Tommy May 2013
You talk about this stuff as if you read it in a book, yet you know not how it truly works.
You know not of the havoc it could wreak, or of the consequences which would occur.
Your innocent mind, so high in the sky, could bring our world to the ground
All down to this new information you suddenly seem to have found.

So please my darling, heed my advice.
I don’t want our world to fall apart
I want you to stay just as you are
Just as you were at the start

I do worry dear child, how you understand it not, yet how you seem so completely unafraid
Of the power you hold in your small, childish mind, a power which may never fade
Which will remove all I've known from your beautiful soul, take the life right out of your eyes
I worry, my love, that your deep infatuation will lead to your untimely demise.

So please my darling, heed my advice.
I don’t want our world to fall apart
I want you to stay just as you are
Just as you were at the start

I have told you once, child, I will not tell you again that you should stay away from all of this
You have not paid attention to any of us, yet it’s not something you can carelessly dismiss
As you have done throughout all of your life, as you charged on entirely unaware
Of the dangers you have passed, so effortlessly, without even a hint of care.

So please my darling, heed my advice.
I don’t want our world to fall apart
I want you to stay just as you are
Just as you were at the start

My dearest love how I wish you were still here, here to stay forever more.
If I could I would bring you straight home, come back to me, I implore
But you didn't listen, as you never had done, and now you are gone from my life
And all I once loved has turned to dust, the happiness turned to strife.

So please my darling, heed my warning signs.
I don’t want our world to fall apart
I want you to stay just as you are
Just as you were at the start
709 · Jan 2017
Tommy Jan 2017
Long beaks point skyward
Gleaming red and orange in the cold winter sun
Each of us in the midst of the harsh metal spikes
The beaks pick mercilessly at the sandstone walls
they built in glory
They built in blood
They constructed the veins which run through these fingers
A tight fist enveloping us in vice grip
While we cling tight,
Each too scared we might fall off
i need to learn how to say no
is it okay not to like it here?
701 · Mar 2014
Don't Go
Tommy Mar 2014
Please believe me dear
When I tell you
That it was never a lie.
What I did was awful
I don't need you to tell me that
But I'm naive,
We're naive
And I'm still learning how to be.

I didn't set out to hurt you
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Please don't turn your back
As I plead with you
On my knees
Tears streaming down my cheeks.

I know it doesn't mean much now,
But if I utter that awful word,
Would you believe me that I am?
I wasn't ready for this
I should have known it from the start
But that doesn't mean it wasn't real
I was, and still am, just a scared little child
And I think that can be said about you too.

Baby I don't want to leave it like this,
And I don't want you to go,
Not now, do you really have to?
Please listen to me,
Just look me in the eye and let me persuade you,
I am sorry.
I think I need to stop listening to such sad music!
698 · Sep 2015
Welcome to the Party
Tommy Sep 2015
Welcome to the party
In this strange, mixed up world
We're bursting with anxiety and ecstasy
Leading lives of curiosity and boredom
The everyday alongside the exceptional
Eating pasta straight from the pan
Next to your friend
Who's having heart palpitations
While googling rare medical conditions.

The kitchen is full of chatter
I can hear their giggles and shouts
As I watch the bystanders
On the outside
I don't think they want to come in
Just carefully watching
And the girl with anorexia
Her only *** is collecting dust
In her open cupboard.

Now in the halls come the swathes of people
Phones out, books in hands
Not all of them are laughing;
Their coffees clutched close
But the mindless chatter floats above
My heart fluttering
As the day of judgement approaches
Wearing heavy shoes for heavy footsteps
And opens the door.

The wind rustles through the park
As leaves, orange; brown, fall from their branches
Businessmen sit amongst the nature
Eating their packed lunches
While dogs play in the leaves
Their owners weaving in and out of bushes
And everybody pretends
They're not staring at the man
Doing meditation in the middle of the green.

Welcome to the party,
I bet you never thought it would be like this
Take the clutter from your brain
And throw it up there:
Can you see the tangled net above your head?
They came here to have fun
And it's turning sour now
There's no air left in here
And no one knows how to open that door.
I don't know how we're going to get out
687 · Apr 2013
Tommy Apr 2013
You are terrifying and beautiful all at once
A solemn look on your face
The face of the most perfect sculpture
An angel of the highest grace

And as you open your mouth to speak to me,
You pause, you hesitate,
You catch your breath before it leaves,
On a great escape

Instead you carry on staring,
Your eyes exploring mine,
As we stood there in silence
Wondering what you’d find

And you looked deep into my soul
And heard my cries of sorrow
You ripped the pulse out from my heart
You took away my tomorrow

You brushed off all the specks of dirt,
You fixed the imperfections,
Then you put my pulse right back,
You were my resurrection

But I am not as perfect as Him,
Nor you or anyone else,
Yet you helped me find my way back home,
To discover my own true self

And then you left me,
Graceful angel,
And you didn't say goodbye
Instead you walked into the distance
Singing a mournful lullaby.
683 · Mar 2013
Tommy Mar 2013
in the dark of the night i heard the thunder
i saw an empty alley filled with smoke
i felt the rough bricks of an un-built wall
as i searched for a leader to call king
the one who would rule with his golden soul
the kingdom from the castle to the stream

as i looked into the babbling stream
once again i heard the rolling thunder
shaking the foundations of my own soul
as i watched my world fill up with the smoke
the desolate legacy of my king
i built my self a protector; a wall

from the new found safety behind my wall
i listened to the warble of the stream
drowning out the voice of my once hailed king
a boom resonating like the thunder
i once had heard, dispersing the smoke
to reveal the treasure held in his soul

i saw the glistering gold of his soul
Through the gaps in the bricks which built my wall
down the alley i could see no more smoke
but i could see no more fish in the stream
and i could no longer hear the thunder
as i saw my world, taken, by the king

with a menacing smile the ruthless king
laughed as he stood, without his golden soul
ruler of my world, king of the thunder
his armies approached, to take down my wall
The bricks falling, flying into the stream
as once more, my world darkened with the smoke

now thicker, halting my breath i saw smoke
through it i saw the shadow of the king
roaring, laughing as the dust filled the stream
i reached out before me to take the soul
the glistering gold from the ruined wall
and i felt myself fall to the thunder
679 · May 2014
3 Things
Tommy May 2014
When you grow up, i am going to teach you three things:

1. If someone does something for you, and you say thank you, there is nothing more that you owe, in any situation. Anyone who thinks otherwise, and believes they need a reward for being a decent human being is dangerous and you stay as far away from them as you can.
2. Always put your needs first, nothing is more important than your happiness and they should understand that. You are not doing anything wrong by saying "no", and not all physical contact is wanted, even if it seems as innocent as a hug. You keep your ground.
3. In addition to that, always stay true to your own beliefs and dreams. Don't let another person compromise them, however much you may think you care about that person. If you want to be a lawyer, you work as hard as you can, you hold your head high and if anyone tells you that your assertiveness is "being bossy" and isn't becoming to a woman, you stick ******* up and tell them to *******. You will be who you want to be.

Because, unfortunately, my darling, the world is set against you, and we are fighting to change that.
661 · Apr 2017
Silver Lining
Tommy Apr 2017
You make me want to cling to you
Tight fingers wrapping round and pulling closer
One more drink till baby's doom
And it couldn't feel any better
Soft whispers elevate
And your voice pulls me back to the ground.

I looked at you and it felt peaceful
To open my eyes for the first time
I want to be a part of whatever this is
I want to stay awake until my eyes close themselves
And I can rest back in your arms
My mind racing
But these thoughts don't hurt me,
Those dreams taste sweet

Then the smoke covered my eyes
Enveloped by your hands I gave myself
And I wanted to, it felt good
Edging ever closer to tipping point
You pulled me right back
This feels like the first time
And it feels real
You pulled my head out of the clouds
And now I live in that silver lining
660 · Oct 2015
Tommy Oct 2015
Snow baked fun,
I found you in a storm
You'd already had all your adventures
But you showed me the pictures

The fun has long since ended
But I found your journal
You'd written down everything you'd ever seen
You were telling me how you wanted the world to be

You don't have blue eyes
And neither do I
But you still asked me about the world under my skies
And my answers were just as poetic as your photo album

I have a lot more to see in this life
And while the storm still rages
And the fog lays low
I know I'll see that rainbow about which you wrote

And I know the beauty will one day shine through
Past the evil and all the sorrow
And as the snow melts and the clouds part
The sun'll come out...
the bit about the blue eyes is a reference to Bob Dylan's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
658 · Jan 2014
Tommy Jan 2014
One day, I will know them,
The words I have been looking for,
For all my life.
It will happen to me,
That great unknown,
And I will understand.
But I will not speak those words,
I will cry them,
I will wail them
And scream them
Until no breath remains.
And I will not cry for my own sake,
I will cry for things bigger than me,
Bigger than this little life I lead.
I will cry those words for
That continent,
Bled dry by centuries of greed and violence,
For those people,
Who have no tears left to speak of,
Let alone to weep
I will wail them
For the centuries of suffering
Imposed unwillingly upon so many,
Trapped in a man-made maze of pain.
I will scream them
For those who remain in that labyrinth,
For those with no faith left in a 'Great Perhaps'
After too long of being told
They weren't worth it
And when I have finally finished,
And I too am devoid of tears,
I will look to the stars,
As he did,
And I too will laugh.
Not for my pain,
Not to restore my own faith in the 'Great Perhaps'
And never to leave this labyrinth,
But to show that it cannot
And I will not
Be defeated,
And I will call the people,
And we will fight
Until we have no cause left to fight for,
And we will make it known,
That they will not succeed.
feeling angry about a lot of things, and my brain patterns aren't flowing in a straight line, but hope it means even a little bit to someone!
references, if you can find them, to Eduardo Galeano's Open Veins of Latin America,
John Green's Looking for Alaska, and Franz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks, strange mix, I know!
647 · Feb 2016
Sleeping Beauty
Tommy Feb 2016
I don't know why you wrote it down
But you made it concrete
What you said was
You love me more when I'm asleep
Because in my peaceful slumber
I am beautiful
Yet I remain unaware of the fact.
But I would like to clarify for you
The true meaning behind your words
And the only sentiment I can understand
From what you wrote that night
And what you told the world.
You said you love me more when I'm asleep
But you only love me more
In my rest
So peaceful and pure
Because I cease to exist.
In my quiet unconsciousness
I am an empty shell
You are blind to the workings of my brain
Reminded only of the doll that exists outside of me.
You mould me into all of your fantasies
Assigning characteristics to a lifeless body
You create new people in my image
New women
New lovers
A new me
A perfect me
A version of myself I could never truly be
Because my brain is my own
And I cannot read yours
I will not shape my person to your needs.
So please don't ever say it again
That you love me more when I'm asleep
That I look more beautiful lifeless
Than when my brain is running
Than when my life shines through my eyes
And my heart sings from my lungs
Don't ever say again
That my only beauty rests
In my nescience
Because all I hear
Is that you don't love me at all
And I don't want this to end

646 · Jan 2014
Imperfect Dreamboat
Tommy Jan 2014
I didn't mean to shout at you,
I'm sorry,
It wasn't meant to be this way.
I didn't want to hurt you,
And I still want you to stay.
I need you here,
I swear it,
To keep me out of my head,
You're the only thing I can think of,
To get me out of bed.
Each morning when I see you,
Only then can my heart relax,
Cos I'm scared I'm going to lose you,
And that's when the panic attacks.
I shouted because I'm scared,
I don't love you any less,
But when you're not here I'm petrified,
I can't sleep,
I cannot rest.
It's because I don't deserve you,
You're too perfect to be true,
Even your imperfections
Endear me to you.
So please, my love,
Please listen,
When I apologize,
Because losing you,
I'm positive,
Will lead
To my
643 · Mar 2015
lakeside dreaming
Tommy Mar 2015
sometimes my heart was so happy it hurt
it pained and ached
under its own warm glow,
flickering like candle light.

and the earthworms,
tucked into their cubby holes
they sang songs of home,
and family,

and they drank sweet wine,
laughing and singing,
until the sun rose above the clouds
and sent them all to bed.

In the days of the moon king,
the night was a sacred place,
dangerous, mysterious and inviting
a veil of stars to light up the living

and he called upon his subjects
he called for that bitter wine and sad song
as we waltzed, danced and sang
making love under that gentle veil

the moon king was a winter prince
the short days getting shorter as he laughed
and we'd waltz with him,
all the night long

we danced through thunder so loud
it reverberated through my rib cage
playing me like percussion, 3, 4, 3, 4
playing the tune on the strings of my heart.

and the lightning struck so brightly
that it blew up the sky
our own firework display
to celebrate the reign of the dark.

his reign it comes and goes
a constant battle with the sun
whose glare burns holes through the darkest nights
and whose heat warms even the coldest of hearts.

the earthworms remained underground in the summers
while we danced along the beaches
feet entrenched in the soft, white sand
and sang songs of the future, of beauty, of the sea.

my heart was  once so happy it hurt, it ached,
and melted under its own warm glow
but now it longs, it yearns for the freedom it once had
aching only for sweet release.
take me back there
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